>Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!
How do orcs know what a menu is?
What are orc restaurants like?
Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!
>it's a /tv/ crossposter shits up the board like a bad case of diarrhea episode
He actually said "Me 'tis back on the men, you boys". He was announcing his desire for a real man with a big dick
> implying Orcs aren't renowned for their legendary long pork barbeque.
How do people in Star Wars know what ducks are
Midichlorians? Duh.
I hate to admit that the shitposter has a point.
>mid 19th century: from French, ‘detailed list’ (noun use of menu ‘small, detailed’), from Latin minutus ‘very small.’
This word would not have existed during the third age
Presumably he used an Orcish expression and Peter Jackson chose to translate it colloquially.
It fits Tolkien's original vision - in the books, everyone spoke this archaic, poetic language... Except for orcs, whose way of speaking is very modern. Seriously, look it up.
Actually is Dugs, and is pic related race
The orc doesn't refer to menues in restaurants, but to those in the military mess halls (or just the places where they ate back in Isengard).
Saruman employed human fighters who probably knew what a menu is. It is not unlikely that the expression spread from men to the ranks of the orcs.
There are horses on Endor. No reason why there shouldn't be ducks anywhere else in the Galaxy.
Good explanation.
The Lotor orcs are actually sophisticated and more industrial than the other races.
The thing is in Lotor industry and technology is synonymous with devolved dirty psychopaths.
Requesting the cap of the Orc gourmet/restaurant critic
>>Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!
>How do orcs know what a menu is?
>What are orc restaurants like?
I think you misunderstood his statement.
He said ''Me is back on the menu, boys!'' after getting shot in the knee by Wood Elven stealth archers.
Wood elves have a favourite dish called ''Roast P'Orc.''
The classy orc restaurant -
Soup - live gold fish in clean clear water.
Main dish - Hobbit tied up with elf hair
After dinner sweet - Elf fingers and toes in dwarf blood
Orcs don't speak English. Tollkien always thought that what we read in the books is translated to our languages from orcish/elvish or whatever
That's why they call the days "Friday" or "Thursday" even though there haven't been any germanic peoples around naming these days after their gods.
The same probably applies to other fantasy stories, like star wars
>isengard is highly militarized
>technologically advanced
>has mass production
Of course they have a fucking Mess Hall with a menu, it's a modern army. Not a pack of feudal horse shagging peasants.
It's no coincidence that Tolkien notes that the Black Speech had a French "r".
Maggoty Bread
Main Dishes:
Space ducks.
So majestic.
This. OP has apparently never heard of localization.
>This word would not have existed during the third age
I don't think any of the words spoken in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings would have existed during the third age.
Maggoty bread is good, gots proteins
That scene was totally butchered in the movie. In the book, the regular orcs accuse the uruk hai for eating orc-flesh, which is a point of contention. Orcs are not cannibals, at least publicly.
>That scene was totally butchered in the movie.
It wasn't the only thing
I think OP just wanted us to brainstorm about orcish cuisine
Shhh, you're going to attract that guy that spams the "This is what [RACE] rations look like" series of pictures
Depends on who and what you're basing them on, but I'd suggest curry be in there somewhere - if nothing else, spices are good for disguising gone-off meat
I've often wondered what human meat tastes like when properly prepared.
Ok, so Orcs in my setting. They live in a highly religious LE culture ruled over by the church with the permission of the chieftains. The most powerful chieftains throw around their wealth in order to get things done, and the church issues the laws in what is called "The Father's Teachings". Most of the population lives in rather destitute strafes at the mercy of the chiefs. Due to polygamy being a cultural normality there is an enormous population of single young males.
The religion holds meat that bleeds (everything except shellfish), brain, heart, and bones sacred. This shaped orcish cuisine. Most of their food is vegetarian, as not many raise livestock since you can't sell their meat. However organ meat/eggs/milks/etc are allowed. The more wealthy among orcs will either keep livestock for themselves on private farms, or purchase it from the few farms there are. There is also one caveat, the reason they don't eat those four things is because they're full of sin (or general bad juju), but new born flesh is not. Some more radical among the church condone the consumption of new born creatures, this means suckling pig/partially developed chicks/calf/lamb are sometimes allowed in moderation.
Treat the players to an orcish banquet and this was the menu:
Organ Meat Sausage & Potato Sausages in trenchers
Roasted Partially Developed Mountain Fowl Eggs Cooked in a REALLY Spicy Sauce
Spiced Orcish Calf Liver & Peppers
Blood Porridge (blood sausage insides roasted inside a suckling pig)
Cheese Platter (featuring orcish cheeses, who favor dry briny cheese)
Blood Cocktail (specially bred "sugar hogs" have their blood mixed with honey and fermented, it is enjoyed hot with spices)
Orcish tastes tend towards spicy/salty/pungent, they don't have a taste for sweets and they have a strong sense of smell so they aromatic foods that stimulate that.
As for their culture, consider it a restrictive culture predicated on a oligarchy condoned by a strong church.
r8 pls
I imagine orc menus would look a lot like a carribean restaurant. Curries, fried foods, blood puddings, a lot of disgusting animal parts somehow presented as if men were ever meant to eat such slop, etc
Jackson's Hobbit is even more "modern", so perhaps it's for the best he didn't get to do anything even earlier in the timeline.
Oh hey, Krillin!
Supposedly it tastes like a more bitter, more stronger pork, while others ascribe it as something akin to fully-developed veal.
Of course, this was described by a European dude visiting cannibal tribes in Africa around the 1920s, so flavor may vary in the modern age.
This is the best thing I've read on Veeky Forums in over a year.
Too extravagant.
I would imagine highly preserved stuff like salted meat and maybe honey drenched stuff
Common consensus is pork due to our meats being very similar
/tv/ is far more interesting than this shithole. Go back to discussing how badMagnus fucked everything up.
This. LotR just is like that. You have to remember Tolkien's interests to philology, epics, sagas, myths and legends, and history. That's why the trilogy and everything supplemental have parts that read like some historian's account.
What is that from?
Thor: Ragnarok
High explosives and kilometer-tall towers didn't exist in the middle ages either, but that didn't keep them out of LoTR
how low do you have to get to steal a joke from tumblr of all places?
y-you too
It's actually canon that ducks exist on multiple worlds in their galaxy, with the reason for their spread being as ambiguous as there being banthas on multiple worlds as well.
>Kilometer tall towers
>High explosives
John Talbot died due to French artillery, but also an axe
What, orcish cunning can't apply to their food as well?
>rich guy on planet with ducks decides to move to another planet
>sweet new pad has a lake on the grounds and he thinks it could do with some ducks, just like home!
>so he takes some ducks with him to his new place
>ducks go forth and multiply
>planet now has a population of wild ducks
Pretty much the same as real life.