Is Gundam Senki the greatest RPG/wargame ever made?
Is Gundam Senki the greatest RPG/wargame ever made?
Well, pretty much everything broken about Mekton is also broken in Gundam Senki, so...
Maybe if you've got a bad GM
>if a game is shit it's okay because a GM can fix it!
I love Gundam and wish I had an decent RPG for playing it but come on now
It's not a shit game. It's just rough around the edges. If your GM is too shitty to be able to work with that then maybe something like 4E or 5E is more up his alley.
Senki uses 2D6 which fixes a lot of the issues with the 1D10 in Zeta
>Bad GM
No such thing
feel like posting a pdf of the rules so maybe some of us can make that judgement?
This! Let us help you.
It's in moonspeak only isn't it?
>4e is for shitty GMs
Eat a dick
Did that cut too deep, bud?
Nah, I'm used to morons talking about what they don't understand by now
Where do you even get the book online?
Google is how I found it
>t. Shitty GM
Quite possibly the best RPG ever
Can an RPG be kino?
One of my players went so far as to message me post-game and tell me I was doing good and not to sweat it so much. Try again nigger.
Imagine pitying your GM this much. Literally the same as your mother saying you're a handsome young boy. Bet you're ugly too
Sure, go on believing that. My players' reactions postgame say otherwise. Good luck finding players for your dogshit
When are you going to stop shitposting about the same diarrhoea smear of a system, this is the third time in a row
It's a good system. Maybe you should stay in your 4E containment threads for the good of the board.
Maybe you should stop regurgitating the same shitty bait thread in a different package, faggot. You've had your fun, you'll get no more from me. If this is the highlight of your day you need to rethink your life.
If you really thought it was bait, you wouldn't be replying over and over. Face it: you know I'm right. Fuck off, shitty 4E GM.
That Zaku is glorious.
No Zaku, user. No Zaku.
Okay I'm done
Did that one user ever finish translating this? I hear it's a basically an updated version of Zeta, so I'm pretty curious to read it over.
I was gonna say that Zeta would do anything that a Gundam system could do. Plus, I love the flexible system of creation.