Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Anniversary Edition

Previous Thread: >FAQ:

>FW FAQ (Part 1 and Part 2)


>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:

>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>other MEGAs

>WIP Math-hammer doc (chart user doing god's work)


*Blacks your path*

What do you do?

ayo hol up hol up hol uuuuuup

Fuck off, OP.

What is your next purchase /40kg/ ?

Mine is 1 or 2 Redemptor dreadnought

Dark Imperium, gon get my Primaris on

Hug im. "Im glad you are back, fellow loyalist brother"

Either some Razorbacks, Assault Terminators, a Dark Talon, or a Land Raider variant.

Ghostkeel and more primaris.

Kill with massed lasguns.

What are the tiny skulls in the casket supposed to represent?

Not army viable? Mechanics with wall of dreadnoughts and kastelans and onagers


Moar stormtroopers for Guard army.

A Land Raider Crusader, a Whirlwind and a Predator. Possibly the new Dreadnought, and with no doubt a pot of dark reaper and russ grey.

How many balls he's lost from being shot in the dick.

GeeDubs just mail me they didn't produce the Death Company Strike Force set anymore.
Fuck me famalam.


Are Landspeeder Vengeances any good? I'm building a Darkshroud and I'm wondering if I should build the Icon so that it's easily removable

FW QA is up
IG and Xenos

Batrep time Anons!
My Thousand Sons versus a corrupted Imperial Guard Catachan list with 4 basilisks and two baneblades. Apologies for unpainted models, the humidity has been rough.

I miss them.

I put it in the OP :)

is buying paints from GW ever a good idea?

link it famalamdingdong

Only if you have no alternatives

>They're literally every single non-new model

Fucking wew. That's basically confirmed they're all going to die. Draigo as a Primaris would be sweet.

Wanna make a Bike Techie, but on an Attack bike with a Servitor driving.
It's alright.
I could see a place for one, but I feel like a Razorback with an AssCan may have more utility.

It's still available (shipping to burgerland).

I've already got a unit of Kataphron Destroyers, and an unbuilt box of Kataphrons. Should I build them as Breachers or Destroyers?

What the hell are you rambling about.

>playing games with unpainted minis
I would never EVER degrade myself like that.

Worth taking the time out to make my Darkshroud switchable with it or no?

Gonna be ULTRAMARINES chapter.
++ Brigade Detachment +9CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [132 PL, 2499pts] ++

+ HQ [21 PL, 392pts] +

Captain in Gravis Armor [7 PL, 137pts]: Boltstorm gauntlet [25pts], Master-crafted power sword [10pts]

Librarian [6 PL, 107pts]: 1) Veil of Time, Force sword [12pts], Storm bolter [2pts]

Primaris Lieutenants [8 PL, 148pts]
. Primaris Lieutenant [4 PL, 74pts]: Master-crafted auto bolt rifle [4pts]
. Primaris Lieutenant [4 PL, 74pts]: Power sword [4pts]

+ Troops [36 PL, 600pts] +

6 x Intercessor Squad [6 PL, 100pts]

+ Elites [15 PL, 262pts] +

Dreadnought [7 PL, 124pts]: Assault cannon [21pts], Twin autocannon [33pts]

Primaris Ancient [4 PL, 69pts]

Primaris Ancient [4 PL, 69pts]

+ Fast Attack [24 PL, 675pts] +

3 x Inceptor Squad [8 PL, 225pts]

+ Heavy Support [36 PL, 570pts] +

3 x Hellblaster Squad [12 PL, 190pts]

++ Total: [132 PL, 2499pts] ++
How fucked am I?

A Nephilim Jet fighter to fill the third compulsory slot in an Airwing Detachment.

FW hammerhead tanks got a price drop by like 40-50 points
FW Shielded Missile drones got FNP
Tigershark can now fire and has no caveats

I don't think so, but it's always nice to have the option for some variety.
I'd personally suggest a Dark Talon or Nephilim for a gunboat either way.

Turn one, my Daemon Prince, Thraku Mamanga warptimes forward and chews through a squad of Guardsmen as the Thousand Sons follow in his wake. My predator took 10 wounds off one of the Baneblades, but was obliterated by return fire.

Do Librarians HAVE to be blue?

>What do you do?


Maybe a Sydonian Dragoon or "Big Guy for (You)" Cawl

Play Grey Knights.

Not sure if I have the points to field 3 of either for the Airwing detachment but I'll think about it. Of the two which do you think is superior?

Play Space Wolves.

Pretty sure there's official art of a dude with three skulls in his crotch casket.

>tau actually got buffed
The madmen.

Are landspeeders viable? I got a huge boner for light support

Personally a big fan of the Dark Talon this edition.
The bomb, the hurricane dakka, and the rift cannon are all really nice.
It's not quite the gunboat the Stormraven is, but it's cheaper and looks cool.

I just prefer the cleaner look of the Nephilim, but the weapons are easy to swap.

As Thraku Mamanga was blasted into nonexistence by the combined firepower of a Baneblade, the Tzaangors and Spawn reached the Guardsmen's lines and tore through the mortals, shredding Forge World searchlights. My warlord exalted sorcerer periled, as did my Scarab Occult Sorcerer and both died soon after to Scions dropping in. (Three perils in a row, Tzneetch was not kind)

Someone tell me how to Genestealer Cult!

>Space Wolves


Heh, I'm already black.

I'd like to know if double-flamers is a viable options.

I need that Shield Drone FNP in my GW dex, please. I guess when I get my Tau codex in September it'll be fixed.



Reposting question from the previous thread: can psychic powers be cast onto units in CC and can a psyker in CC cast psychic powers?

>unsheathe fork
>go for the throat

If this thing is good, than that. Otherwise, some more CSM terminators.

>Fully painted Guard force
>Half painted chaos rabble

>Tau codex in September
What, who said that?

>2k5 no LoW

You know you can face a WARHOUND at that point level ?
And with 1000 points left he cam actually swarm you easily (not that he would need to anyway)

While the Tzaangors continued to slaughter Guardsmen, the Baneblades unleashed eleven barrels of hell into the Spawn and Rubric marines, wiping them out. Vowing to fight on, Sorcerer Parmani of the Seven Suns launched himself forward in rage towards the enemy, only to meet his end at the Baneblade's guns. Thus was I tabled, at the bottom of Turn Four.

Terrible deployments

Have an opportunity to pick up an unpainted Cerastus Knight Acheron and a regular GW Knight for £140 from the local club. Is it worth it? How are knights in 8th?

Greater Knarlocs, knarloc riders, megadreads and battlefortress will get rules later

Its worth it but it sounds like a recast.
Especially if its just primed so you cant know

GW are selling off all the old minis and shit like this.

You need a Trojan Support Vehicle to kill 10 MEQ on average a turn with that thing. 5+ fucks it.

Gonna have issue against the more mobile armies.

Current Primarch Kill Count

Vulcan: 0 Primarchs
Dorn: 1 Alpharius
Horus: 1 Sanguinius
Fulgrim: 1 Ferrus
Leman: 2 Nobodies
Curze: 80 Vulcans
Robout: 100 Alpharius's

I ain't scared


Has anyone played against titans with the new rules? I have an Apoc game soon and my friend is bring his two warhounds and reaver. Want to know how balanced they are going to be.

Burned 80 pts on plasma weaponry for my vets, boltguns for IG sergs, grenade launchers for the command squad and two extra ratlings.

Lacking anything? More anti- blob, -armour or -flying?

its 4+ tho

>Daemon horde army


My half-painted Thousand Sons are cursed by high humidity in Florida, home of shitty people and shitty painting weather. I at least have the Rubrics and Sorcerers painted.

What should I do next time user?

Fulgrim is more like 1.9 primarch kills

Titans can basically one shot themselves and others

Why would you take a picture before setting up the rest of the terrain?

Tzaangors actually, but they were worth their points. Here are other lists I hope I don't have to play.

for my eldar i'm thinking some dark reapers and another vyper

I wish I knew that pain
I can basically do no painting in the summer because its 100+ DEGREES

Yeah if you're not moving it (and granted, you shouldn't be) but 4+ still isn't great. Sicarian Punisher is 3+.

I was going to say, if you won I'd be so fucking impressed. Your AT was very lacking.

Christ all fucking mighty.

>M-most fun yet!
>N-o bad units!


Just ordered a second malanthrope, next is a pair of harpies.

rangers, or something dark eldar.
A little tempted by the Ynnari characters, but I don't have the time and energy for a good character paint job for a while.

still its 350 points. Against the list I amswered to I could field 2 without problems amd still having a huge 2k5 army.
It was to highlight his utter lack of serious antitank.

You can face a warhound at 1500.

Building scions, how do I equip my sergeant? Why can't I just give him a fucking rifle instead of a pistol + melee weapon combo, what is this, the 18th century?

Black miniature gamers don't exist.

Where in Florida ya at chap? Any nice venues around? Only been to the winter park warhams store and sci-fi city.

yeah but then you take 13 squads and you autowin.
he can only kill 2 a turn

Reapers are really good but very vulnerable and there isn't much you can do to protect them aside from dropping them in a transport turn 1. Use falcons or extra space on Wave Serpents for this.

Are you new to 40k?

Anyone played with or against the Ork Kill Tank this edition?

You need to fork out 98 points on a Trojan Support Vehicle though to get the Re-roll all failed hits to one vehicle buff. It's needed to help you drop his MEQ.

Your opponents models look great.

They're your models, do what you want with them.

Betrayal at Calth, getting back into it, going to build a new imperial fists army,