How accurate is this chart Veeky Forums?
How accurate is this chart Veeky Forums?
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Can confirm, am super boring.
Black/Red master race reporting in.
what about 5 color?
Why is green/white 'woman'? Never seen a girl with one of those.
Megamorph master race, fuck your burn decks
It's true, OP. Fuck my shit up, since I don't have a robot waifu. Also I'm Chinese.
rakdos and boros are very one dimensional.
i have met exactly one simicplayer who was a total bro, rest were fuck-awful to play with.
i dont understand the general hate the person has for B/U combinations, but hey, im a faggot and enjoy nothing more then Dimir or grixis control.
Trying way too hard.
Have you ever tried having actual thoughts and using real words and not regurgitating garbage meme jargon?
seems accurate
Blue should be described with something more derogatory
Who said anything about playing competitively user? The question is what your favourite color or combination is
What about 4 colors? I basically like all colors except green.
Partially true. I'm the only one running B/W in the local area and I'm half-Asian. City is like 143% Mexicans so I just tell them I'm Chinese.
I'm red/green but it's not that I'm poor.....I'm cheap. I but specific cards. Not that I play competitively.
I just like destroy target land
>tfw I play mostly w/b and g/b
>tfw this is accurate about me
Also why does a g/w deck mean women specifically?
Main deck: U/W control
frustration fuels me
>Checks bank account
I like to play with all colors in any kind of combination: what does that make me?
Can confirm I'm super boring.
I just got back into the game and play pauper so I'm also playing mono-white and UB so I'm pure cancer.
Fucking stupid. I wish people would stop posting this. White is boring standalone and red is for morons. Combined, they are a "master race" combo. That doesn't even make fucking sense. Tri-colored descriptions aren't funny and half of them don't make any sense.
Fuuuuuuuuck you
Destroy target land is the worst mechanic in Magic
>Not Chinese
I don't play but if I did I would totally make a precious special princess snowflake deck.
>merfolk players
>not "enjoy ruining all you try to do"
Shitty memechart
When you play way too many decks, this thing falls apart.
That said Rakdos master race.
Yep, also play u/b
Then make your own meme charts. It can't be hard to do.
>They're okay
Me too, comrade. It feels good to burn out the $1000 combo decks with Omnath as my commander, though
Then don't play with me bud. My favorite deck is my Jund land destruction deck that does nothing but destroy lands and acting like a dick. Second favorite is a blue/green draw/ramp/big fatties.
I feel like this needs 4-color.
That said, Abzan is life... and death.... and BIG. MEATY. CREATURES.
A dirty fun-haver
It's true. I am, indeed, okay.
GU snek tribal is still best.
Great, now I'm a FedoraLord.
Also GF is apparently MasterRace? I'll go kill myself.
This tends to be pretty accurate in terms of mono-colors
Can I have your gf when you're gone?
White Red Humans Reporting in.
"Oh look my tokens are all 5/5 now!"
So I am a turbo cuck? I guess when my twins fuck you over that would make me a cuck.
Acts of War II
>tfw you like Mardu best
Actually, Mardu is pretty respectable when you realize the most deep and complex villain to come out of Disney was Mardu personified.
ha ha fuck you
>I'm a boring moron
can't really argue with that.
but then those two together make master race? how does that work
>BW exclusively chinks for some reason
b-but i'm a spic
fuck you, i like my zombies and lovecraftian cultists
Green/Red reporting in.
Poor as fuck.
Mardu is a good color/s to be.
There's a similar stereotype in D&D the idea is that a guy's first character is either a Fighter or Rogue. While women start as a NG Ranger or Druid whatever has the pet.
Simic player here. Just happy to be here.
>tfw W/G
>tfw W/G/U
If you don't think Bant is the comfiest shit then get out my face.
boring belongs to mono blue.
white/blue is spot on though.
mono-Green should be new/masochist veteran and elf fuckers.
Honestly though, it loses any value, humor and accuracy when you use meme words straight from redditbook/pol/.
but I'm not chinese...
lol no
And the best version of Megatron.
Pride, Hierarchy, and lots and lots of rage.
Apparently, I am a woman.... That explains the populate obsession
My favourite color combos in order are
>Oppressive flavoured White
My exploits as an inconsolable faggot often proceed me.
Where do artifacts fall?
When I play blue/red, it's because I like to draw lots of burn spells. I don't think that makes me smug, or a fedora lord.
When I play mono-blue, it's because all the best Phasing cards are blue, and I like phasing. I don't like Merfolk decks.
When I play mono-red, it's because I'm looking for a game that, one way or another, is going to be fast. Plus I like my goblin EDH deck.
When I play mono-black it's because I just want to play vampires, and plus my friends complain that I'm always playing either blue or red.
When I play Green-White it's because my friends complained that I only ever make blue, red, blue-red, or black decks and said I should change things up. So I made an EDH deck with Selvala, Explorer Returned as the general just to show 'em.
Everything else I run only incidentally.
>not a fedora Lord
>uses "just to show them" unironically
It was meant in a "all the other Kings said I was daft t' build castle inna swamp" kind of way.
>All my friends said I was boring, never playing green or white. But I built one, just to show 'em! And I lost. So I built a second green-white deck! That one lost too. So I built a third green/white deck, digging out all my best Selesnya cards! That one mana screwed me seven ways to Sunday. But the fourth deck! The fourth deck is still in one piece! And that's the deck I run today.
>>Okay, want to play a game?
>Fuck no! I'm a blue/red/black player, I don't have any good green or white cards. The deck sucks.
Not an edgelord, not Chinese, and I’m not okay.
Woo, but for real though all the Chinese friends I know play blue.
>waifu robots when?
We already got Breya, we're good
She has Red in her but we love her anyway
>watch my pronouns
What does this even mean?
Pretty true. Black and green truly is master race, but I'm still a massive faggot and love my black/blue deck
I second this question.
>Exclusively chinese
Or gay. Met lots of gays who played Orzhov.
I believe they're saying BUG players are transsexuals or SJW's. I don't actually know where they got that though.
They're calling you a cuck because they're mad you're beating their ass in with your cock.
You can look at this post and actually say you're not a smug faggot or a fedora lord?
Your head just might be too far up your ass
Bant may be super comfy, but Temur is the most fun