>You find a garden of petrified humans
>You attempt to unpetrify the most beautiful of the bunch
>Your unpetrification powder was "cut" with various other substances
Wat happen?
>You find a garden of petrified humans
>You attempt to unpetrify the most beautiful of the bunch
>Your unpetrification powder was "cut" with various other substances
Wat happen?
Other urls found in this thread:
But seriously, they're probably just dead. There's a million ways it could go wrong if the unpetrification wasn't perfect. Perhaps part of them is still petrified, and they have only a few excruciating moments of life, or perhaps they're returned to flesh entirely, but lack the force of life. If these "other substances" are different spell components, discern what effects those substances are typically used for, and corrupt the unpetrification spell appropriately. If they are unpetrified and alive, there's a twist. Maybe their flesh still resembles stone, and they move exceptionally slowly, essentially a living and animated statue now. Maybe their features have been sullied, bits of stone cracked away before they were returned to normal.
The powder works like it normally does, and the impurities do whatever they do when poured on statues, which is probably nothing.
I think the bigger issue would just be that the powder wouldn't go as far in healing people as you may have thought (assuming you didn't know it was cut with something)
>Wat happen?
We get signal.
What?! Main screen turn on!
>passive aggressive faggotry, the post
If you're just going to throw a non-answer at a question, you might as well just ignore the thread and stop projecting how upset you are.
It's like I'm really back in AD 2101
Sounds like a magical realm getting Count Duckula'd.
I twist off the head of the mother fucker who sold it to me.
"You know how you properly impale a man on a stake? You need a special stake, straight and smooth, at least eight feet long, with a steel cap if possible, greased up just so. Then you tie your man down, legs spread. You widen the anus by cutting the sphincter with a knife, you put the tip of the stake in, and slowly, gently, ever so carefully drive it through abdomen and the chest doing as little damage as possible, until the tip emerges somewhere between the shoulder and the spine. Then you prop the man up. If done properly, dying can take days. The Mages' Guild doesn't appreciate being sold cut components, see? We don't appreciate it at all."
It was cut with baby powder. They're now a baby.
They retain all mental attributes and class features.
This is the most boring answer possible, followed by the second most boring answer possible.
Why are you this mad? What makes you think I was upset about anything and projecting? I gave OP several examples of things that could happen in his premise. What is your issue? How autistic are you? I'm just full of questions at this point.
You slowly petrify as your target returns to normal.
Big rock cock.
"Nyah, see? He's gonna sleep with the bulettes."
I admit it's not out-of-the-box thinking, but OP's premise is "what happens when unpetrifying a beautiful statue goes wrong?" Assuming this is something happening in a game and not just random wankery, I provided OP with some guidelines to start with. But go ahead, peanut gallery.
It works normally, but the person is suddenly a negro
A non answer for a non question
At least pose something more interesting
They turn out to be a coldhearted bitch. Has nothing to do with the powder though.
If the spell is cast by a strong spellcaster, the powder doesn't work.
If the spellcaster was weak to begin with or the effect has lasted only for a short amount of time, the statue is un-petrified.
If I am undecided, I will throw a d4.
>1- no effect
>2 and 3 - the creature is turned into an oread (half-earth elemental, for those unfamiliar)
>4- the creature is turned back to before it was petrified
You get a gibbering mouther, or vampiric Gibbering Mouther, read Heart of Nightfang Spire.
Not all of them reverts to flesh, and a once beautiful person now has to deal with the fact that they're at least partially stone now.
I guess how it pans out depends on the kind of person they were before they got petrified.
>Is it curable with more magic and/or the power of love?
>Do they lament their lost beauty, or are they just glad they're not petrified anymore?
>Are they thankful for you saving them, or vain enough that they would rather have been a beautiful statue instead of a living half-golem?
>Are they "living" rock? Does their rock parts heal or are they completely fucked if the rock parts get damaged?
Not to mention all the regular questions of waking someone who's been cursed like how long have they been cursed and is there anything left of their old life to go back to? What do they do now that the world has moved on in their absence? Could make an interesting plot if done right.
>pic mildly related. Greyscale is basically petrification.