Does your character have something you would call a special attack?
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He has a Helm of Brilliance that he considers his ultimate weapon.
A few I got had those, including one that was known for a "World Shatter Hit", which did exactly what says on the tin. It managed once to send a gigantic creature into space, and one-shot the Tarrasque.
Current one, if we can call it such, has pixie dust in her pockets. Which isn't actually pixie dust. And not even normal pocket sand: she's using red peppers spice dust.
He has the "God Shattering Fist"
It's a kick to the nuts.
He rips his arm off then wields it in the other as a club.
Yes. Expeditious retreat (though it's been replaced with Dimension Door now).
Magdumping an M1 via the bootlace trick counts, right?
Does a rugby tackle followed by shoving a bag of devouring over the enemies head count?
Come and Get It
That sounds pretty rad user. Question is, is this an M1 Carbine, Garand or an M1A?
Drowning the enemy in roughly forty thousand level 0 homunculi.
Fukken Creation Wizards, man.
Due to some insane horseshit natural weapon feats I found in Pathfinder's mess of a system, his special attack is called "Chomp"
Memorable occasions include biting the arm off of a treant, decapitating a vampire, and biting onto a superheated gold golem (which knocked his int 7 ass unconsious from the fire damage)
He has a spear that pierces any shield and a shield that's stops any spear.
He's referring to the m1 garand. Here is a picture and the ATF's stance on it.
tldr pulling the ring causes the gun to constantly fire until it's released
I'm aware, but it works on anything using a garand style action to my knowledge. So I was wondering if he's using a proper garand, an M1 carbine or an M1A, hell he could probably also use a Mini 14
What happens when you strike the shield with the spear?
The spear lodges itself in the shield, penetrating into but not though the shield. They then both become completely stationary in all reference frames and physics ceases to function, destroying all of creation until a greater deity loads a backup from an earlier universal state.
Using a Garand, since .30-06 works reliably on Deep Ones
wfrp - dwarven rune bracelet that allows extra die when casting spells once per session at a mere cost of k3 hp so archmage level spells suddenly are becoming a viable if extermely risky option
>8 rounds of fuddy aught six magdump
Despite being a Sorceress, she's pretty handy with a hand crossbow.
I guess summoning a kanabo and infusing it with Force and blasting shit away like someone swinging for a home run.
Just asking... but is there an RPG with a setting like this Anime? Cause I am all for the abyss exploring, relic digging adventures
Do combines count? I thought up one I've taken to calling the orbital dunk, where you grab your opponent before teleporting them, and yourself, as high as you can before throwing them towards the ground with telekinesis and teleporting back. No idea if it'd actually work, but I like the idea. (Since I was planning on doing this in Stars Without Number, you could probably drop someone about 2000 kilometres with max teleport ranks.
Either that or the gun halo.
I'm playing Anima currently, so yes, several of increasing escalation
Pumping my strength to 27 and then throwing my opponent into space is only halfway up the scale.
>high school [stand]-user
Even without his stand, he has a specialization in the unarmed dazing maneuver, allowing him to penalize his target in addition to damaging them, without taking a penalty himself. I call it his Stunner Special, and lore-wise he punches (or kicks, elbows, etc) with a rhythm or subtle movement that causes disorienting vibrations in his opponent's body.
Also his stand (which has a pattern like a marching band uniform) can use an intense cymbal or gong crash to disorient and damage enemies within 10 meters.
One has a relatively power sonic magic AOE attack- nothing too special, but he's one of the few mages who can pull it off on the party's side of the war, so it fills a niche in the party.
Another had an extradimensional space he could place the entrance/exit to anywhere in his line of sight. He originally just used it for easy smuggling, but eventually he figured out if you store a Magical Support Vehicle (think a tank, but with a magic generator instead of a main cannon), an IFV, and several explosives with remote detonators in there, and had an AI around to remote pilot the first two to fire on command, it made for quite an effective weapon.
I have a few other characters but none that I would say have any particularly special attacks.
Throw Grappling Hook
Throw Acid Flask
Throw Oil Flask
Throw Net
Pocket Salt!
Shield Bash!
Shield cut. With Chainshield. That's your regular Combat Shield with Chainswords teeth on the rim. Yes, they can spin.
My very first character invented the "dwarven cannonball" strategy.
>Activate bracers of haste
>Sprint at target
>Leap with assistance from boots of jumping
>Become heavily armored missile
His most common maneuver was feinting to then attack the neck of the victim
Created an NPC that was nothing more than some upper manager trying to earn a promotion by any means necessary. I've never watched Star Trek but a friend showed me Captain Kirk's retarded attacks in a video and that influenced her a fair bit.
>Manager-bitch is cornered by PCs for her intrusive fuckery
>No escape, she starts seething and caterwauling
>Charges the meanest-looking PC
>Double slap to the ears that hits PC's cheeks instead
>Hops back and hops forward with a screech
>Double hammer fist that missed by a mile
>Manager-bitch gets KO'd and promptly has a seizure
It was... awkward.
Bumping in hopes of amusing stories
>has a Garand
In our campaign, I had to stick to a M1903. Then again, I don't think the Garand would like semi-smokeless handloads.
For a group of clever players, I'm still surprised I'm the only one who took a full-powered rifle.
also interested.
But the basic premise (delve into a giant cave to find mysterious relics, really bad shit happens) seems like it could work in, like, 98% of all fantasy RPG settings.
My players once developed their own version of the fastball special, where the throwee would spray bolt rounds as soon as he started flying.
My last PC literally had the Dourinken from Might Gaine as her special attack.
She was a MASSIVE mecha anime nerd in a mecha campaign, and ended up meeting the same fate as Gai Daigouji from Nadesico (that is to say, unglamourously fucking dead).
German Suplex.
Thunderwave. She starts bullshitting and moving closer to her opponent(s), and then bam: quickened Thunderwave.
She unloads like half of her magic missile wand at one enemy.
>walking down street with party
>beggar walks out of alley
>beggar starts talking to us
>hand beggar some money and pat his shoulder
>party member gets real close to beggar, suspecting mischief
>beggar bites party member's neck
>get behind him and grab him by the waist
>german suplex him into a wall
>he turns to mist and runs away like a bitch
And that's how I beat a vampire with a german suplex.
>I have idea, "sword in head", is working well on wizards.
In super hero campaign my tiny mexican girl with metal bones and acid blood just tears her fists open and punches people. It works.
In our Nen campaign my big huge guy just hits people with a rock in a chain, or picks them up bodily and beats them against the wall. Once he gets his Nen he'll punch things so hard they become a dust cloud he can control.
He has several. each one of them completely emptying his "mana" resources.
These abilities include: Dropping every enemy in a large radius prone as well as really hurting things in the air.
Sending an uber-powerful astral crystal laser battleaxe at something with infinite range and its impossible to miss.
Becoming a nigh-unstoppable avatar of his deceased ancestors and race as a whole.
Through a bit of trickery I've created a single arrow with 50 castings of pathfinder's Node of blasting on it's tip. So 300d6 of damage, its yet to be needed but when the time comes they will witness my special attack:
The arrow of brainsplosion
It's actually a magic item, and slashing people with it tells her what their weaknesses are.