What's the Number One Rule of Crypto?
What's the Number One Rule of Crypto?
Buy high sell low
Pot coin
Buy high sell high
Never underestimate the market's stupidity.
Unironically this.
Stick with your decision, don't change course
that there are no rules
Tell everyone you ever meet that you are a big shot crypto trader.
>cashless society 2020
fucking boomers in power will come begging satoshi from us in few years
Jack off at least two times a day
this this this this this this
if i stuck to my original ideas i would have made so much more by now
Jack off at least twice a day. It's important.
don't listen to anyone
don't talk about crypto
Looks like I'm going all in on doge after all
This. And have fun with it, too.
Um m-m-m..
Sell before going to bed.
I was just considering throwing 500 yellenbucks into doge, but think I missed the boat already. What do you think it'll do?
This %100 this
Stop daytrading you fucking retard you only lose at the end.
t. Retard that daytraded.
this kek
IOTA is worth billions without a functioning wallet.
Buy hype sell reality.
Absolutely this.
Leave your emotions at the door or GTFO
Same as rule number two.
Everything has been true forever until it it no longer is