A way to attack bitcoin cash would be to drown them in mining power. Their difficulty is calculated every 6 blocks...

A way to attack bitcoin cash would be to drown them in mining power. Their difficulty is calculated every 6 blocks, so if the network is filled THashes of power which dissapears after 6 blocks, there is a 6 block congestion that jihan can't mine by himself. Repeat, and they will go down to never come back. Fake transactions would help too, but I'm not sure how much that would cost. Not a miner BTW, don't have that kind of equipment

Cost to much

Anyone with enough money to do that wouldn't give a fuck about bcash

I'm mad at them for attacking the bitcoin network >:(


Opportunity cost. During the time they mine BCH they could have been mining BTC. Also during that time they are adding to BCH's total chainwork to bring it closer to BTC's total

why would you want to "attack" the bitcoin that actually works?

bitcoin cash is the future tho they made the right choice. bitcoin core can go fuck itself with the $50 transaction fees.

What stage of grief is this?

>also fails to understand miners and what incentives them

also this! at least transactions get confirmed there.

Due to BTC and BCH having diffferent difficulty algorithms, BCH gets to re-target ever block, effectively offering a more realistic difficulty comparative to its price (since hashing power follows price)

BTC gets to retarget to a more realistic difficulty only every once per 2 weeks.

>wanting to attack BCH

enjoy more crypto crashes with BTC being the #1

>Their difficulty is calculated every 6 blocks

doesn't it adjust every block?

How is competition an attack?
If Target opens a store is it an attack on Walmart?

Bitcoin Cash will destroy Bitcoin.

It's still not too late, user.

Communist hate free markets because they know they can't compete.

I've been hearing that it was bch who flooded the bitcoin network with transactions, and who have been manipulating prices for btc and bcc in the last few weeks. I don't like them. When the lightning network comes up, it will be a bit pro for BTC, but it's not 100% clear to me how that network will work in the real world, if there will be cross chain transactions with bcc in there from the start, and if it is vulnurable for the same kind of attacks we have seen in the past. This was the best I could come up with to give BCC a blow back. It's a shame the network is so much more centralized around miners, instead of users. I will never stand behind bcc for that reason.

welcome, fuckers, to the real world of forex, where countries and large banks conspire to fuck the stuffing out of various currencies. Its all a Jew conspiracy until it's an user's crypto currency at stake... then it's perfectly fine to manipulate, FUD, and attack. I relish the irony.

this wouldn't work

>it's not 100% clear to me how that network will work in the real world

You can the white paper yourself (only several pages long). It explains it very clearly how it works, and the way it works doesn't solve BTC's congestion problems at all. It would work well for people with long-term business relationships doing BTC transactions (only open a channel once) but not for users doing one-time transactions with another user.

BTC is actually more centralized. Look at who's funding Blockstream (founded by Bitcoin Core developers) and the Lightning Network. You can literally read it on Blockstream's own web site. It's bankers. It's not a conspiracy theory.

I would rather give power to the miners than to the bankers.

You know Jihan's empire controls half world's mining rate right? They have a whole mining alliance.