I could have walked with 98k

all I wanted was to break 6 figures. An esoteric milestone for a basement dwelling NEET. I made a thread here promising to give away 100 bucks when I broke 100k. I went to bed hoping to wake up on the other side.

Opened my blockfolio that morning and it was 80k. It's been downhill every day from there. I knew this was coming but I wanted that round number. Currently 60k and fading fast. With a potential long-term bear market approaching. God fucking dammit this will haunt me.

user lets see your profoilo

sell now and kys

25% tether 40% ICX 25% WTC and 10% BRD

when I was at 98k my portfolio was all REQ and NEO

I think youre fine. Bear market wont happe anytime soon, btc is being discussed everywhere, normie money being injected everyday, normies talking about xvg on facebook, i think youre fine, you should break 100k soon.
Btw were u holding a lot of neo by any chance?

Sorry OP but thats how it goes. Bear markets are everywhere, crypto is just a big bear market with a short relief where everything goes 1000x before returning bearish. Crypto has always been about bears not bulls. These Bull markets don't exist, its just a big PnD in an everlasting bear market. Better sell off now OP.

Just sell now, 60k is like 2 years of stress free living if your single, just cut losses and take the money and use it for something other than mindless consumption. if you start off with nothing the difference between 60k and 100k is just in scale not realy in impact. Both will give you an amazing opportunity

thinking about it. I'm a complete minimalist and perfectly content with a one bedroom apartment, 01 honda accord, My only real expenditure is low budget traveling occasionally. 60k will go a long ways, but yeah that 40k I lost is like 2 years of living expenses. Hard to swallow

its even harder when it turns into 30k... 70k gone.

Set your emotions aside and do what you think is best. Crypto can go bear, you might aswell cash if it doesn't you can get reinvested with 10-20k and still reach that fenomonal 100k you dream of right?

hodl man. Or do GOOD trades. Just don't get threaten. You're feeling too emotional. You're money is not going to disappear there is just too much demand in this.

Literally wait a month doofus

yolo it on a betting site
100% all of it in one go at 70% chance

Where is the demand? Only deluded normies buy into this and institutions are still on the sideline or only partner with broken shit like IOTA.

>Where is the demand?
>500 billion market cap

starting next year, my country wants to raise taxes
get fucked

Why did you sell your NEO?
It's one of the best choices right now.

u asked for it
garanted millionaires list for 2018:
zec 3-4x at least
xzc easy 10x
xel easy 10x
doge(its already started but going for 200sat at least)

Every fucking time crypto is red you morons justeding like fucking normies. And then when it's 2x green you do poker face, like it's normal. Fuck off to reddit twitter or whatever place you come from.

Weak handed cuck, did you think it would just be green candles all the way up? Hold or sell high and buy low but stop panicking like some normalfag.

Good, coining one side of the spectrum will give opposing answers. Atleast I know more now.


you had 98k for an hour...

what did you start w/ when you entered crypto?

surely you are fucking way UP!

I had the same issue with approaching 250k, was at 244. Thank god, I‘ve already been around for the 2013 crash where I bought in almost at ATH, learning my lesson the hard way. I thus did the smart thing this time and cashed out 200k. I‘m incredibly happy that I was strong enough to withstand the blind greed.

My advice: Cash out 50k and stay in with 10k. You‘ll feel much less stressed about the remaining 10k, knowing you‘ve already made big profit. Also, you‘ll realize that 50k is a shitload of money to have on your bank account in the real world.