Half-Orc Master Race Edition
>Unearthed Arcana: Greyhawk Initiative
>/5eg/ Mega Trove:
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Why are Half-Orcs legitimately the coolest race?
>Previous thread:
Half-Orc Master Race Edition
>Unearthed Arcana: Greyhawk Initiative
>/5eg/ Mega Trove:
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Why are Half-Orcs legitimately the coolest race?
>Previous thread:
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>Half orcs
>Not rat people
They're not.
Rats are dandy and all, but I don't think most people would care to play as one.
>Why are Half-Orcs legitimately the coolest race?
Probably because you idolize niggers.
>Not playing as Rat people
I just really wanted to use this gif.
before we get on the topic of rats, can the r9k clan shove their minipets to another thread before we have another spergout?
>Why are Half-Orcs legitimately the coolest race?
Brainlet detected. You need to have an INT score of 13 or higher to post here
Not even remotely close to accurate. Idk why you associate half-orcs with niggers. Orcs are badass mongol-viking dudes and half-orcs are like Conan the Barbarian.
Why are druids always depicted as these animal attuned nature lovers?
Why can't my druid be a weird shamanistic thing that isn't obsessed with nature and how nature is the greatest thing ever?
I see. I was between Beast Bond and Hunters Mark, but thought that the latter was better. I'm taking a black bear as my pet for some extra tankiness since the OP ones knock down (and give me disadvantage), and an ape isn't super thematically appropriate despite me enjoying ape antics.
Because they get their powers from Nature and nature spirits.
>When Bugbears exist
He can. In fact, he probably should be. Druids are one of the worst classes to have in your party, because at least when people don't agree with a paladin, they understand where he's coming from - truth, justice, goodness. When a druid starts ranting about muh nature and muh animals, nobody ever fucking cares, and everyone starts groaning.
If you want to make a druid, you better take a page from Bran Stark.
How powerful would you rate an Auto-Grapple on hit?
Just looking at the Planeshift Naga racials because one of my players wants to play one as a Monk. They get a 1d6 Auto Grapple Auto Restrain Unarmed Attack. The restrain seems a tad too much, but how good is auto grapple?
Would it break anything if I told my players in session 0 or prior to session 0 that Warlocks are going to be INT based instead of CHA?
Yes, it's an unnecessary nerf to warlocks
It's a grapple, nowhere near as powerful as a trip
Where can I get more info on FR gods?
I get why warlocks are CHA based, you gotta be great with words to not just get killed by one of those entities and have your soul devoured
But why are sorcerers CHA based instead of INT?
The same, except with more AO
Because their magic is an innate part of their being, so casting spells can be thought of as reifying their will
CHA is spontaneity, that's why both warlocks and sorcerers use CHA, they need no intellect or faith to cast spells
Intelligence is learning ability and knowledge, Wisdom is decision making and conviction, Charisma is force of personality and confidence.
Sorcery comes from within. It's about having the rock solid belief that you can do that crazy shit.
Why you gotta be like that, man?
Is it this autist again, or is it a different guy this time?
Charisma is your force of will.
like what?
Then why are you posting here?
Tell me about your current character /5eg/
>High elf fighter with dueling
>Monster hunter UA subclass dipping a bit in warlock (which I regret)
>Literally a witcher, small forest village had a growing lycantrophy problem which slowly grew too big to handle, monster hunters came and torched the place along with the bodies
>Traveled along with them for a while learning the ways of the monhunt
>Now playing curse of Stradh
INT warlock would be interesting in that it would allow Warlock/Wizard multiclasses to actually be good. A lot of mythological wizard type dudes made deals with devils for greater power in addition to their own arcane knowledge.
>Why can't my druid be a weird shamanistic thing that isn't obsessed with nature and how nature is the greatest thing ever?
what's stopping you?
The Sword Corast Adventurer's Guide is the most recently published book with information on the FR gods. I also highly recommend Elminster's Forgotten Realms, a rules-free fluffbook published between editions. That book is comfy as fuck.
Curse of Strahd starts that way.
Different guy. I'm not trying to start a debate. I'm just wondering if switching it in my own game would unbalance things
I have a character (LVL 7 Enchantment Wizard) who I hyper specialized in Deception without really thinking about why. I even took the Silver Tongued feat on top of already being proficient. Yes, I am a fool.
What are some creative uses of the skill or the feat I can use to salvage my situation?
>Dragonborn Paladin/Sorcerer
>4 levels Devotion Paladin, 8 Dragon Sorcerer
>My dad is a no good deadbeat Dragon who knocked up my mom and left
>My childhood sucked because he was always pillaging the countryside and everyone could see I was a Red half dragon
>Become a Monster Hunter to get strong enough to take him down
He never even came to my nameday parties! Not even a card!
>The only cleric of a newly born god
>Has to create a religion from scratch, convert a shitload of people to it and do many more impossible things
>While there are other gods, and much more powerful clerics
>The only way to really succeed is to play politics, a lot, something she has to rapidly learn to do
>Literally never asked for any of this shit
because nature classes attract the worst kind of characters, because they involve animal interaction.
for breakdown of why
How do I make overland travel interesting and not just a series of rests and random encounters?
I mean, you CAN run them as Garruk Wildspeaker, freaky shamans, or amoral natural order restorers.
But that's not the kind of player attracted to "I can talk to/turn into animals"
Hex map, with many interesting things scattered on it. That's the only way to do it right.
>Dwarf Artificer
>Centuries ago the leader of the clan decided FUCK IT and turned traitor against the rest of the dwarven kingdoms
>Didn't go so well and he ded
>Hundreds of years later the clan is still treated like shit
>Born as indentured servants to pay for the sins of the father WOOOAAAAHOOOO
>Get bought by another dwarf to work as his apprentice
>Now I'm off to earn some money to buy the rest of my family back
A Dwarven hobo, part of a long line of warrior-philosophers trying to solve the question of what makes rocks rocks (or anything anything). He got roped into beating up a bunch of giants to save one of his Dwarven acquaintances, because beardbros gotta stick together. Spends a lot of time talking to a rock.
He's a Monk in full plate with a warhammer and *TELEPORTS BEHIND U* powers courtesy of Way of the Totallynotshadow. The party thought he was a Ranger/Fighter/Druid-thing for like six or seven levels. He spends most of his time running really fast up walls or trees or anything else nearby and powerbombing assholes with his hammer.
they can just do knowledges and investigate instead of talky bits. seems fine.
they don't stufy and manipulate magic. they COMMAND magic and it does ther bidding.
Which is why they can also give it more specific commands, i.e. metamagic.
It's like speaking the language of an elemental you summoned instead of just being your ally. You have finer control.
if it don't take faith explain paladins
>they don't stufy and manipulate magic
Incorrect. Warlocks study. Their Patrons gift them traditional arcane magic in exchange for their services. Shit, it's even in the fucking 5E class description. How do people keep getting this wrong?
Diplomancy is where it's at.
that said
Nice trips
Nice try, Rich, but no.
The best ways to play a Warlock involve multiclassing Sorcerer or Paladin. If you are an INT class what are you going to do? Water down your Wizard build with two shit levels of warlock?
I've recently gotten the idea of having an old man as the leader of a farming community actually being a Druid.
Lots of animals farm in some way or another. Ants grow fungus, bees make honey, and beavers build dams.
A city is no different than an anthill or a beehive. Civilization is natural.
Would the GOO warlock's awakened mind work within the drow prison in OotA?
Is 12 con 'enough' for a fighter?
I'm not sure my GM will let that fly. As it is I noticed ever since I beefed up my deception that they've been trying to make it more difficult for ne to use just as a "lie out of trouble" measure.
describe things. have minor encounters that don't actually require action, just neat little things you see or hear.
he asked about Sorcerors, not warlocks. Warlocks don't even have metamagic. how about YOU read.
well there's your problem.
Single class warlock is really weak and boring.
Ranged? Yeah
Hit and run? Could work
Someone that sticks to an enemy? Probably not the best idea
Is the difference in 1-2 hit points per level really that significant? You have a d10 hit dice, you'll do fine.
if ranged, maybe.
if he's going out of his way to prevent the one gimmick you built into from working, I think you're just screwed period. Give up and accept your new role as torchbearer commoner or roll a new character.
That's the problem with gimmick builds. Do one ting too well and your DM will prevent it from being effective, at which point because you haven't speced into anything else you have nothing. Favored Enemy. Diplomancy. Fear infliction. Ultra high damage. It doesn't matter. It is the life cycle of gimmick builds.
No, its a caster that functions like a martial.
Treat it like one and it works fine.
The only good Martial is Battlemaster, which is a Martial that functions like a caster.
>paladins have to be connected to a god
Good meme user, but it's not necessary for paladins to have a religious bent in 5e. With the advent of oaths, a paladin's power comes from their attachment to said oath.
they don't have to be connected to a god, but they do require faith. specifically, in "the spirit of justice, to which they have sworn an oath"
So I don't really see what stuffing a strawman into my mouth taling about dieties really accomplishes for you.
>>/5eg/ Mega Trove:
Link is broken?
Well yeah its the difference between life and death
So yeah. Friend wants to run a 5E one-shot that goes straight to the end of the Tiamat thing.
I need to make a 15th Level magic type.
Now I'm not expressly going for a dragon-killer type deal, but I've never broached like 9th level in the older editions, let alone with a mage.
Any tips, ideas? LULZworthycombos?
I think the DM is allowing us an epic item as well.
I was heavily considering being a Wild Mage because why not?
>Wild Mage because why not
I can give you several reasons why not
Suggestions/advice for a Lore Bard? I've never played one before and all the options seem a little overwhelming.
I asked this in the last thread but it got buried in the shitposting
no, it's the difference between life and being unconscious one or two rounds before your party gets you back up.
Unless you're talking about Massive Damage rules, which I did have come into play on one player, though he had built his character below pointbuy because he was trying to convince me 5e was an awful hyperlethal system and I should just go back to Pathfinder and 3.5OGL like he still uses for his games.
He charged a phalanx of hobgoblins headlong rather than waiting in ambush like the rest of the party, then got hit max damage martial advantage.
Half-Orcs are cute!
>using magic on Tiamat
>Limited Magic Immunity.
>Unless she wishes to be affected, Tiamat is immune to spells of 6th level or lower. She has advantage on saving throws against all other spells and magical effects.
Is the half elf even mechanically superior than the v.human?
Which magic item should I pick a cloak of protection or adamantine armor, I have 20 AC now with a +1 shield and I have a Stone of Good Luck already boosting my saves.
Yeah, I'm pretty much wedged into the useless category on this one, but for a one shot, I don't care.
That was the joke.
A noose.
Deck of many things
If you are making a CHA class maybe, but feats are super valuable.
Forever DM here, so just drop an NPC.
>be part of an organization of magic butlers with the objective of storing the history of the world
>Has one sister but parents died long ago, they were part of the organization too, that's why when they died we became students
>tfw got send to work for the worst duke ever, he have slaves and such, organization has code to not intervein, I must resist
>sister got send to the rival house after discovering that organization killed parents, time to convience his brother to break the codes, time to make he forget the brainwash things they told him, told us. Time to get vengance and time to do something to change history.
Make a Divination wizard and just buff your allies instead of attacking Tiamat. Full Support mode.
>Path of the Ancestral Guardians Barbarian based on Frankenstein's monster
>created by a dwarven scientist in pursuit of scientific necromancy
>life's mission is to find and confront his creator, feels like he wants to kill him but is unsure if he actually could or should
>when he rages, the Ancestral Guardians are the ghosts of those who comprise his stitched body, which the DM has invented and is gradually revealing
>Magic item piling fest
>Can stack cloak of protection, +1 armour, +1 shield and probably other AC boosting items
Stop playing and an hero before it becomes a circlejerk
sounds like definitely sorceror then. gotta get that heightened spell in there to cancel that out.
It's an additional +2 in CHA, 1 additional skill, but your feat is "basic elf stuff." Which is nice if you wanted those, but does lock you in to that one thing.
Seems like an equal trade.
feats are +2 to stats. Half-elf has +2 to charisma in addition to the human 2 +1s.
If you were ever going to put 2 points into charisma it's automatically better.
Looking at creating a warlock, the DM is also agreeing to feats as an in-game rule.
The half elf gets a net gain of +4 to ability scores as well as a slew of cool stuff.
>created by a dwarven scientist in pursuit of scientific necromancy
That seems more gnome-y to me. Elf if it was a matter of pride to "do the impossible."
In the context of the world, there's a massive dwarven university where the "bodybuilding" occurred. It's a big desert world, not very gnomish and elves are rare.
Consider a V.Human and Half Elf who both start with 16 in Cha.
At level 4, the human can bump his Cha to 18. The half-elf has to stay at 16 Cha while he gets the feat the human started with.
Admit it, humans are the master race.
Does no one play in a campaign where v. human isn't allowed? I mean, it's called variant for a fucking reason.
Sure but without V. Human literally nobody would play human
Players whine when you take options away from you. And the way V.Human is worded, it comes bundled with feats. So RAW you either have feats and V.Human or neither of them.
Even though individual DMs can houserule these things away, both feats and V.Human are Adventurer's League legal, so it's still going to come up in discussion.
Default human seems good for MAD multiclasses at the very least
It's probably only variant because feats themselves are variant when you consider just how mediocre the other human option is. I don't get why they didn't throw in some skill or tool proficiencies or something.
Mad usually means 3 ability scores that don't include con, so unless you picked an outrageously bad multiclass combo you could have just picked a feat that helped an important score for you and you would still be overall better off. If non-variant human just really needed something of value like expertise in a starting skill or really anything that isn't 3-4 ability score points that you will never need
Yes it's banned on my table
How's that?
One of my friends is playing a regular human.
I'm saying if you're planning to take at least 1 feat then V.Human is always the best race, since you don't have to use your level 4 ASI getting the feat and can instead use it to bump your main stat to 18.
This was meant as a counterpoint to your assumption that Half-Elf was always better than Human if you need Cha.
>Trove down again