Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

Aggressor Edition


>FW FAQ (Part 1 and Part 2)


>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:

>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>other MEGAs

>WIP Math-hammer doc (chart user doing god's work)

Source on pic?

Multi-pose Reivers sub edition.

I was just wondering when they would release primaris terminators.

That one on the left trying to be batman

Seriously though, that model must be impossible to transport.

something looks off about those fists

>Half of your army (by number of units) HAS to start deployed on the board

Well fuck genestealer cult and terminator armies i guess

muh dick

>not only is calgar not spiritual liege
>primaris have an entire unit that takes his place.

At an odd angle picture wise. Still, we knew they were coming. They're described in the Dark Imperium novel.

The guns are coming out at an angle for some reason, rather than flat against the side or back of the hand. It makes the fists look wide.

I think those are supposed to be the Centurion equivalent.

Do games workshop still sell the black reach bundle?

I think these are devastators actually

I AM THE NIGHT EDIT WHEN? If nobody converts a Not!Batman model with that chain gun guy...

>None of them have full helmets


3+ T5 W3
2x Heavy Bolter
1x Missiles
2x Fist

Gonna be default wargear either 120 ppm or 50

Either way high or way low

Nope.jpg. Thats the new terminator armour.

Dark Imperium has them as vanguard units to soak fire. They're not Devestators. They're closer to Terminators since there is a Captain in the armour they're wearing.

>An Aggressor Squad is a Primaris Space Marine unit, that is equipped with shoulder mounted missle racks, that are reloaded from internal armour stores located within the Agressors’ Gravis power armour. They also wield Flame Gauntlets, that billow forth burning promethium.

Seem like Centurion replacements, to me.

put two goliaths or chimeras with 2 five-man genestealer squads each in them. Bam, you can have six units in reserve and your deployment takes all of 2 seconds, meaning you get to go first and deploy your entire infantry horde at once.

Why did FW see it necessary to prevent master of machinations from healing hellforged models

kind of, search around for battle for vedros, it is the black reach box split into different boxes to get younger audiences into the game.

it's not so much the heads that annoy me it's those goofy fucking face masks. I'll be getting some resin heads separately I think

Theyre literally mobile infantry suits from starship troopers

It's not, it's Gravis armour.
Primaris Termis aren't a thing yet.

...Flame Gauntlets? Damn, my SOB would kill for that.

I wonder if they are Flamers or Heavy Flamers. Twin Flamers seems more likely on infantry.

Gravis armour IS the terminator equivalent. It even has design features of teriminator armour such as waist guards and the positioning of the head in an enclosure.

Ok that grappling hook is the only thing I like about the entire primaris line so far.

What about something like Deathwing terminator armies?

My guess is there'll be helmeted options in the box as well, apply head protection as you wish

Maybe they're shorter ranged Heavy Flamers? Like what the inceptors have? Maybe d3 shots each.

So I heard some doom and gloom about the upcoming SM codex apparently breaking some shit. Do you guys know something about it?

Also I know some people complaining that Ultramarines already are breaking the core rule with both fallback and +1ld.

How many additional attacks does a cadre fire blade add to a normal strike team with pulse rifle.

My mate says he shoots 4 times per model since he was granted an additional shot, meaning he fires his rapid fire 1 weapon twice.

why is the skitarii start collecting in the new releases on the gw site

Primaris grew on me. Bar the jetpack fat fucks.

These seem like a goofy in-between from Centurion and Terminator.
Dual-wielding ranged weapons in hand, while still having assault weapons in hand (assuming those are Power Fists), while also sporting a back-mounted weapon feels Centurion-y, but they don't look as huge and tanky, which feels more Terminator-y.
Unless there's ever been a time where Terminators had two guns, then it's pretty close to that, but I can't think of any time.

That would also work. 2d3 would get across the idea that each one isn't a match for a heavy flamer while also making them a very nice paired weapon.

... Do the same thing with Rhinos and Assault Marines? Idunno man, don't play them.

I don't think so, they'd have shown more head variety if it was there.

Centurion were a mistake. Shittiest neo marine design next to potato copters.
Thanks the Emperor for,Primaris to wash away the fail.

Should be enough spares in other boxes to fix it.

For my npcrace snakebiteorkbros in the other thread.

I still hold this concept art close.

Ultramarine chapter tactics are OK but hardly game breaking. Plus one leadership on small units that can re-roll morale tests already, what a game breaker lol.
Falling back and being able to shoot is nice, but they do suffer a -1 to hit. Anything with the Fly keyword (and like all Harlequins for example) already do that better.

>Gravis armour IS the terminator equivalent.

Do you really believe that? Do you actually think they're not going to make Primaris Terminators?

Eh, Centurions are ok. The front armor is too clean, but it's basically Hulkbuster and long as you treat it as such, it's fine.

want to start a BA army but all the successors are so cool so I was thinking of doing a mix BA with Flesh Tearers, Knights of Blood and Lamenters and maybe some Ultramarines primaris guys to be a defence of Ba'al force. Is it even worth doing any marines at this point or should I wait for primaris ba models?

these niggas could work well for flesh tearers desu

One of my mates had an autistic screech over the Gravis armour. But he likes Centurion armour. So he's kinda not worth listening to, desu.

Marneus Calgar had twin powerfist/bolter terminator amour right?

Neck yourself

>then the chadmarine totally penetrated my bunker!
>would you say he was... the aggressor?

With beergutted marines ROFLMAO

GW really is trying to be more PC, they already made obese marines to appeal to the pro-fat crowd. Fem marines are basically guaranteed now.

You can just paint the Primaris as BA. The only changes from BA/SW/DA will be special bling and shit. I'm waiting on BA Primaris kits. I'm in no rush.

But none of them will have the skull masks which is a noted feature of Reivers.

>Unless there's ever been a time where Terminators had two guns, then it's pretty close to that, but I can't think of any time.
CML+Storm Bolter or CML+TH/SS

Marines were always gorilla mode.

If you're hardcore, cut the skull off the heads and stick them onto another half of a full helmeted one.

>this post

Remember your CQC training

>tfw first strike is actually good
>read rules
>you choose the warlord trait now, you choose the psychic powers now
What the fuck I love 8th now.
I love how they describe the tau empire as a place where everyone foregoes pleasures to better the tau, when by joining the tau your ability to engage in said frivolities increases greatly.

Stop pretending that falling back and shooting isn't a hige buff. No, it's not ultra game breaking, but it's also EXTREMELY powerful. No one cares about the leadership thing.

There's just something about this that I don't like and I can't put my finger on it.

Could be that they are. Could also be that hunch-backed terminators are getting redesigned into this.

Finished up painting with the leader of my Nob mob, Boss Facesmasha.

>pro-fat crowd

you mean your average 40k player?


Centurions are waddling babystroller marines its just shit marines don't need to ear armour in their armour just give them a new MK of armour.
It was the period of flying shoeboxes and potatoes that lost me because they were just tarnishing the marine brand to milk it.

Primaris are the right way forward.

Link on the reiver and agressor boxes?

I want to shoot whoever at FW thought it was a good idea to make Hellforged vehicles unrepairable.

I wonder why the missile launchers are so tiny. Even a terminator mounted Cyclone missile launcher looks more impressive.

What is it with chad marines and their vehicles having tiny missile pods ? Is it because they are tiny in another place and Cawl didn't want them to feel intimidated by huge ass missiles ?

I didn't think I'd like the inceptors until I got my mitts on them, I'll probably like these.

Have we even seen an Intercessor box yet? I thought they would have surely come first.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

What do you guys do for terrain? How much do you like playing with? Built any lately?
Pic related, some scatter terrain I've been working on.

Azkaellon is The Sanguinor

Prove me wrong.

They're marines for a new, more egalitarian age. Now everybody gets missiles instead of one guy hoarding them all like a greedy jew.

No, because Sanguinius is the Sanguinor. When Sanguinius died, his hate and darkside was killed, not his goodness. Goodness survived to protect his sons due to psychic link. So it's obviously him. It's all irrelevant anyway, Sigmisund is SUPER AWESOME UNBEATABLE DUELLIST.

I need some heavy support/anti-vehicle for my Thousand Sons army that are at least somewhat fluffy. Anybody have some suggestions?

>his hate and darkside was killed
He didn't have this.

Pretty sure after he got fugged by Ka'bandtha his personality changed and everybody noticed it but didn't notice their change, which Sanguinius did, which made him sad.

Just found out about the roster builder, damn shame.
Anyone else know a good list builder?

You do realize that having a convex shape to one's abdominal armor is a way of strengthening it with minimal addition of weight? The armor would deflect incoming fire and absorb hits more reliably. They did this shit when platemail was big. The Marine underneath isnt any fatter, just better protected. Personally, I dig it. As said, gorilla-mode works for marines. Sit down, shut up, drink your fucking milk

When are we going to get Primaris Sisters with athletic Kingdom Death style bodies.
By the Emperor we need this!

Dreads and preds.

SoB taller than manlet marines would be in-fucking-credible

at home, I've got a bunch of packaging foam and cardboard from work make up terrain from.
It's enough to give me multiple levels, LoS blocking, etc.
Doesn't look good, but it works.

wtf i love communism now

Unlike yuropoors us Americans actually have enough money to get more models and offset shooting casualties.

You get three shots, its an extra shot not shoot twice.

So a friend of mine recently just gave me 2 Vendetta Gunships for free, and since I got a bunch of scions I was fucking around in battlescribe and came up with this 1850 list.

Any thoughts?

New TS player here. How do I run rubrics?

5 man unit? 10 man unit in rhino? 20 man unit foot stompers?

Post non-worst girl and maybe we'll answer you.

Working on volcanic ash tree bases, going to be my table's primary LOS blocking terrain.

It's called Advancing now.

10 dudes in a Rhino, less if you want an Exalted wizard to ride alongside them.

I want to like gravis armor.

I really do.



10 man so you can use a heavy weapon. Rhino is not a bad way to get them into rapid-fire/warp flamer range.

breddy gud

I love vendettas but they almost doubled in price this edition, but we do get double the shots so its a pretty good trade.
Looks better than my list lmao, at least you have infantry that can actually kill stuff, I just went for like as many fliers as I could fit in and I've picked it up again after stopping work on it back in 5th ed