How do you cope with knowing that your fantasy character has ugly teeth due to no modern dentistry?
How do you cope with knowing that your fantasy character has ugly teeth due to no modern dentistry?
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get around it because it's fantasy so they're teeth can be however I fucking want.
I'm can shoot fireballs with my mind, historical reality can suck it's own cock.
At the same time there wasn't sugar in everything you ate so teeth health wasn't as bad as you might think.
>He can't cast Prestidigitation as a 0-level spell
The wizards in the group have the magic for it and the captain has had hygiene drilled into him from years of mercenary work. Not perfect but a Godsend compared to most people.
And sun vitamins made everyone a superhuman Adonis.
Would cure light wounds heal a cavity?
Only Regeneration can heal a cavity or replace a missing tooth.
And tooth pastes and powders have been old news even in Roman times, so as long as he can avoid bread made from coarse flour there's no reason he wouldn't be buried with all his teeth still in his mouth.
Also he's an elf secretly adhering to the ultimate trap mode guide, and that doesn't contain anything that's hard to chew on.
Sort of. Not just the sun mind you, but also the food, hard work, and survival of the fittest. "That which does not kill you makes you stronger". People were stronger, tougher, and had far better immune systems.
How do you cope with knowing that your fantasy character smells like freshly-steamed ass-death due to spending weeks stomping around the wilderness, murdering things, wearing his armor 24/7, and shitting in the nearest bushes with no TP? Bonus points if you don't clean your armor after your busy day of murdering things, so you reek of blood and death on top of BO and shit.
Lots of spare clothes, daily sponge baths, proper bath at least once a week. Unless you're one of those morons who cut across country in a straight line with only what they can carry on their backs, and then bitch when you can't find water.
He's literal hellspawn, so he has bigger problems.
Side effect of never smelling like BO due to always smelling like sulfur.
>he doesn't spend coin on a few pounds of soap.
>he doesn't spend his shift of the watch cleaning and maintaining his gear.
>his group doesn't bathe in shifts when they camp relatively close to a body of water.
>He doesn't have spare change of clothes or three, plus an outfit for meeting with people of import.
>He doesn't have a spare waterskin or two for when you don't have immediate access to a source of water to do a quick wipe down.
It's like your adventuring group doesn't have a regular routine or something?
My fantasy character has nice teeth due to magical dentistry.
>his band doesn't practice the most rigorous hygiene imaginable
I mean sure enjoy dying within the fourth session of dysentery
I was never under the impression the two were mutually exclusive
Less sugar=less teeth problems.
It's actually explained in the books Tarnsman of Gor (or one of the other 27) that Goreans don't have cavities because they live happier lives and don't eat as much sugar.
That's true. Before refined sugar, cavities were extraordinarily rare. And depending on diet their wisdom teeth may be more likely to grow in smoothly.
Noncasters BTFO yet again.
Dude, I play WHFRPG
If someone has good teeth, he's a mutant or a vampire.
Yeah, sugar is what makes most people in developed countries lose teeth. On the other hand, an infection in one of your teeth could also kill you and there wouldn't be things like braces if you had a crooked teeth.
Telekinetic dentistry.
Dentists move, clean, and rearrange teeth with their minds; scrapping of plaque and filling cavities with mere thought. Pulling the teeth right out of the gums with invisible force.
Beats the priest by a long shot, I can tell you that.
>How do you cope with knowing that your fantasy character has ugly teeth due to no modern dentistry?
That's fucking wrong though, you nincompoop.
Ye olde people's teeth were in pretty good condition if only because they didn't eat sugar and people actually cared for their teeth: powders, salt, tars, pastes, etc.. Even the smelliest of peasants would generally take care of their teeth in some way or another- mouth wash with a vinegar dip before or after rubbing their teeth down with a linen cloth and some ash.
Pic related is a medieval man's teeth. Look at how fucking clean they are.
You would however have: CROOKED ASS TEETH since no braces and your teeth would be grinded down to flat nubs due to all the grainy particulates in flour- like, they could never get ALL the gravel out, even KINGS had worn down teeth.
Body odor would actually be hit and miss.
Middle ages people were pretty fucking filthy because Christianity taught them (for some reason?!???) to never ever bathe and they actually believed it. If you were Jewish, Muslim, or a Pagan you would actually be quite clean: everyone literally had better hygiene it was only Christianity were their culture/period of history was the big outlier in terms of arbitrarily being the absolutely stinkiest pieces of shit ever.
Egyptians, Greeks, Vikings, Romans, everybody had approachable hygiene, but something went wrong somewhere.
>Actually reading Gor
user, "read Gor, it's great" was a meme.
No one actually reads it because it's stupid and terribly written.
Actually people would have yellow teeth and shitty breath, but cavities were extremely rare before there was sugar in everything.
> because Christianity taught them (for some reason?!???)
Clergy were concerned about public baths inciting carnal sin, and for most of Europe's history there simply was no infrastructure for everyone to take daily baths in their homes. Increasing urbanization and resulting squalor did not help matters.
The prevailing medical theories at the time also held that excessive contact with hot water weakened the body and opened skin pores to diseases, which were believed to be air- and water-borne.
>Clergy were concerned about public baths inciting carnal sin
Well they weren't wrong
People just fuckin all the time in them baths
> Christianity taught them (for some reason?!???) to never ever bathe and they actually believed it.
This isn't really true, for the most part medieval peoples would all wash in the river on Saturday before church. It wasn't until later on that people started believing that seeing another naked was unpure.
>implying I take my armor off to shit
Self-cleaning armor?
My fantasy settings include toothbrushes and toothpaste, along with other modern amenities because I dig silly anachronisms.
for what purpose
Public baths often doubled as brothels. Aside from godbotherers being concerned about what other people do with their genitals, spread of venereal diseases and diseases in general was a major concern. After the XV century syphilis epidemic the public actually started to listen, and this is why everyone stopped bathing for the next 400 years. It's better to peel paint off walls with your stench than catch a disease and die.
Well, in Western Europe at least.
Bad writing.
He's a character who literally cannot take his armor off. He was caught in a magical hurricane and managed to somehow survive, but was bashed by so many pieces of rusty metal that his armor merged shut. He needed help to cut off parts of the armor at the joints so he could move, and he can only eat and drink by having people pour it down his helmet. The game also mentions when you first meet him that he reeks of piss and shit because he can't take his armor off so she just sharts in the mart.
Does any of this make a difference in gameplay? Like when sneaking past enemies? Were the game developers good enough to do that? Nah.
Shitty teeth are a caused by vitamin K2 deficiency, they aren't the norm.
Reninder that ancient Romans didn't bathe with soap.
They cleaned themselves with scratchy sticks.
Hanging out nude with friends in hot water was purely leisure.
But people can use salt to brush their teeth?
Your right. It was like someone was trying to write in "old timey"
But I went through and read every fucking book.
It's a good exercise in worldbuilding. It's just shitty from narrative, macgufin and subject matter standpoints.
>People were stronger, tougher, and had far better immune systems.
The millions of peasants dead from malnutrition disagree with you.
There's no sugar.
Oy, chap, the modern day what?
Do all the people ITT really need their fantasy PCs to be clean and pretty and have nice teeth? That is pretty rarely my motivation when I roll a new character NGL. I play a lot of ugly folks and fuck-ups and shit like that, it's really weird to me this would be extremely important to you.
He's a ghost so his teeth are fine, if a bit immaterial.
Does your female characters shave their armpits and dirty bits?
My last character was literally a walking corpse with breath so bad it nauseates people, I think his nasty teeth were the last thing I was worried about.
Couldn't they make a hole for these parts?
The same way I cope knowing they don't have toilet paper or Claritin, I take a shot or two and ignore it.
>It's actually explained in the books Tarnsman of Gor
>reading Gor
So, the info in the post about sugar and whatever is actually not too far off, but why in the hell would you actually read Gor?
I thought actually reading it was just a meme BDSM enthusiasts came up with to freak out vanilla suburbanites.
>Like when sneaking past enemies?
Tiersmen already smell like piss and shit so Barrick just melts into the ambient stench.
They just kind of scoot past that actually point in game, it's mostly a one off joke like when you ask him how he masturbates and he politely tells you to fuck off.
Prestidigitation, motherfucker. Also soap is totally a thing.
You can fix existing cavities with diet.
>casters offering instantly clean teeth to those who can't cast spells for a small price
>instead of shoe-shine boys there's teeth clean boys
You can't have bad teeth when you don't have teeth!
Oh, the Church surely condemned public baths and sometime bathing as a whole. It's just that as often with such a large organisation under such a long time, you got a lot of different and sometime contradicting opinions. Beside the church didn't exist outside of societies and would have went with the flow of most tendencies those societies would have.
It's hard to come up with definitive statement about something that vast.
What in the hell are "sun vitamins"? You mean like vitamin D?
>Middle ages people were pretty fucking filthy because Christianity taught them (for some reason?!???) to never ever bathe and they actually believed it.
user. user have you heard of a little thing called the black plague? Imagine bathing during that timeframe. You might see why people developed an aversion to it.
>because Christianity taught them (for some reason?!???) to never ever bathe and they actually believed it
Actually, a lot of the rules in the Old Testament basically boil down to "go take a bath before you go to the temple, you filthy animal!"
Touch a dead person? You're unclean. Go wash yourself.
Jizz? You're unclean. Go wash yourself.
Have your period? You're unclean. Go wash yourself.
Someone dies in your tent? Great, now your whole tent has to go wash themselves.
The Hebrews must have been fucking neat freaks with all the things you're considered "unclean" for until you wash.
Granted, these rules were more or less really meant for the Hebrews rather than the Gentiles, and Medieval peoples (hell, basically all people) were pretty selective about which parts they followed, and didn't feel the need to be clean freaks, but it still stands that the Old Testament had quite a few rules about hygiene.
Fantasy water, and fantasy anying isn't full of GMO, Flouride and other contaminents sent to weaken the mind, and development of the young.
It's pure.
I drank from well water once. I'll never forget that taste.
There is literally nothing wrong with GMOs.
There's essentially no difference between GMOs and selectively breeding for certain traits, which has been done since antiquity.
>He needed help to cut off parts of the armor at the joints so he could move
I never understood why if that was possible, why it was impossible to cut parts of the armour so that he could TAKE IT OFF.
If I remember right his armor actually would regenerate at a certain point. If you drilled too deep at some point the metal will start growing back.
He's a practicing surgeon in a comparatively high tech(they have electricity, actual plumbing, and magitech) province and also has the Cleanliness Free Access Spell. His teeth are fine.
My character is played by Tom Cruise in the movie adaption, so he's okay.
The teeth health wasn't that bad before because there was less sugar on food. And also, MAGIC like Prestidigitation.
Depending on the fantasy setting, even if you lose a limb, you can still get it back by Magic if you have the skills and/or cash. Much less issues with teeth appearence.
I don't do anything to my teeth, and they're fine, healthy as can be. Just don't eat sugary crap and keep hydrated.
Also, survival of the fittest was paramount, so your immune system would've been great, and while they didn't have modern dentistry, they did have various powders, pastes and liquids to aid in oral cleaning (charcoal, vinegar, etc).