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>How to Jumpchain
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Reposting this from last thread cause I want feedback and last time worked.
>The Girl who Stole the Stars, Diend! What adventures will she have today?
Jump D108: Captain SNES
Origin: Drop-In
Schroedinger's Jumper
Can't Catch Me
Niht Repap [900]
Clever Girl [700]
That Damn Diend! [400]
Competitive Spirit [0]
A Small Bell
Halycon Days
Psst. Read this first, then the last bit.
I'm not cut out for things like 'wrong or right', but what would you folks do in this situation? Would you try and help the hopeless, tragic couple to the bitter end, or would you cut and run in hopes of finding a better solution in the distant stars?
Or, hell, would you just ditch them altogether?
Where would be a good place to get a bunch of NPCs for looking after my properties?
And skullgirls has 100 in a slot. I'm not quite looking for companions, but things like the homunculus maid from Overlord who don't take up a slot at all and just look after my shit.
Just make your own then.
Either DC Occult, Marvel Magic, or Justice League Dark has a demonic butler.
I can't remember which.
I dunno, Diend...why don't you have a little faith in Decade? He's got a plan, right? I mean, they haven't always worked, but he's pulled through somehow regardless.
Ditch 'em. Shit's gone south, time to look after one's own skin.
Stick it out.
Personal preference, I'm a sucker for a love story, I suppose
Save them.
Jumpers! How do all of you feel about Monologues?
Do you hate them or do you love to indulge in them?
Do you still practice basic fitness or otherwise train your body when many perks make it unnecessary?
Depends on how important the words are. If someone wouldn't "get" the moment without it, I monologue away. If they would, I can keep quiet.
Alright I'm done making my first Jump. Its based on a quest. I'll post it either tomorrow or Tuesday. Probably Tuesday since I'll be done with other stuff by then so I'll have the rest of the week to respond to feedback.
You'll all be nice even though its complete shit right?
Yes because why the fuck not.
I have gone out of my way to make all of that instinctual and/or subconscious. I hate having to slog through prereqs to get to the fun part.
I wouldn't bet on continuing and then trying to come back.
If you can't figure it out here, how the heck are you going to figure out an End Jump?
There's no promise anyone's going to make it all the way to the spark, so if they fail shit's whacked yo.
If Decade's the only one holding the group together, then chances are it'll break the second you leave them behind.
I'll be gentle, but I can't speak for the rest.
When I don't need to train I don't. I have better things to do. Like nothing.
>or would you cut and run in hopes of finding a better solution in the distant stars?
>Or, hell, would you just ditch them altogether?
Are you really a Solar, Diend?
People being nice won't help you improve.
Going outside for a walk or a jog, or even just some exercise is a pretty good way to put your mind together
Jumpers, have you ever made deals, bargains, or pacts with gods, demons, or other spirits? What did you gain from it? What did it cost you?
Yes. It can even be relaxing when you pace yourself and do it correctly. Especially when you can teleport into whatever interesting environs you please.
>implying I do it now
Lol nice one mate.
Of course. You think becoming a Jumper isn't a dark bargain?
>what did it cost you?
>I'll get back to you after my husband stops trying to breach sodden universe boundaries to come help.
>Oh balls he's broken out the Train EVERYBODY MOVE-
No, because that's stupid. Though it could be considered a twilight bargain.
>have you ever made deals...?
I'm a Jumper.
>what did it cost you?
I'm more than twenty thousand years older than when I left. The "me" that would return to earth on death or choosing to return home would not even bear much resemblance to the one that left.
I'm not human in thought or even most of my forms.
Odds are I'd also become rather antsy 10 years after my return - old habits die hard.
Asking again:
Can one acquire more affinities in World Seed? If so, what exactly are the advantages of starting with/ buying one instead of just learning them?
Sure. Making deals with spirits is just part of the job, when you're doing magic. Usually I purchase either exotic ingredients or aid in accomplishing tasks. I don't go for blessings, all the good blessings require long-term commitments that I just can't keep to as a jumper. I'm fairly careful to only deal with reputable spirits, too, so I've never had any terrible price for it like sacrificing a baby or anything like that. But I do often wind up having to go through some difficult task for them, in order to secure their aid. Slay a monster, spread the influence of their cult, acquire a rare object, stuff like that.
Stop! What are you doing right now?
>Pic related
Reading about satellites.
Considering whether going mad would make things better in the end, or if it would just seem equally pointless.
Cooking breakfast. Just got done jogging.
Responding to your post.
How do you deal with acquiring items or powers that are available canonically in setting and on the actual jump page? I'm thinking non-unique items (weapons specifically) are available as normal, but aren't insured. Powers and unique items off the table.
Thoughts? I'm writing for VtR, so I want opinions on whether or not diablerie would be worth doing to get more disciplines and skills of if that's something most people think I shouldn't be allowed to do. Obviously I can do whatever I want, but I'm curious.
Finally writing up a couple jumps that I've been postponing.
Trying to decide what to work on now. And procrastinating on everything else.
Drilling farts quietly into my chair.
>Okay now that I've seen the error of my ways-
>>Ya mean after you crashed so badly you wound up leaving the Dragon-Train in a different timeline where velociraptors became a sapient species.
>>Do you?
>Y-y- Okay I saw it in the Year 2012 but I'm not sure where it went from there.
>As I was saying, however.
>... Any other solution's not going to work, given the dynamic your motley group has. The most I can honestly say is have faith. Faith and hope.
>I know, I know. Generic answer - one you're prolly used to hearing. Stick with him however. Right now your lynchpin needs support more than anything else.
>>You... are aware their group might not survive even that, right?
Val, I was reading something and was wondering which of these interpretations of a line from Because I Admired You from Oreimo is closer to the truth (or if they're both wrong):
>Spending a full day practicing five different sports will have you see results as if you spent a full day practicing with each individual sport, letting you master a great many things at once.
>Without Perk: Spend one day practicing five sports: Acquire 1/5th day training in all five.
>With Perk: Spend one day practicing five sports: Acquire one full day training in all five.
>All you are doing is being able to split your attention without the natural negative effects that would come from splitting your attention. More to the point the last sentence states that you DO still need to practice all those different things. You can't just practice one thing and then say that you got the same amount of skill in 9 other things at the same time, you have to actually practice all 10 different things, at the same time, if you want to benefit from learning 10 different things at the same time.
Thoughts? I can see either one, honestly.
Crying because I had to put my dog down
Fucked up the second quote. It should also say
>It literally says you aren't learning faster.
Sorry to hear user, losing a pet always sucks. Hope things start looking up for you soon.
Baking piecrust cookies.
I do find the SB arguments cute.
It's option one. It's why it says so several times.
Indeed, because you're not. It's just that you're counting as having spent more time then you really did on the subject, not that your learning rate is faster.
Reaaally, you'd need to be just a total idiot to think otherwise.
I'm reading fate/stay night. Again.
Yeah yeah I know Nika's fateposting again
I just want to say, kissing while flying is awesome. Though I nearly fell the first few times I did it.
>It's just that you're counting as having spent more time then you really did on the subject, not that your learning rate is faster.
Isn't that pretty much just a semantic difference? Whether you're reducing the time needed to spend learning or multiplying the rate at which you learn, the end result is "you learn things faster".
>need to be a total idiot to think otherwise
That doesn't really seem fair, honestly. There are dozens of arguments like that over here, as well, and misinterpreting such a statement is not really indicative of much else.
[Spoiler]Shit, man. That's rough. For whatever it's worth, my heart goes out to you.[/spoiler]
To stay in shape, no
To get stronger, yes
To perfect my Heavens Slaughtering Fist style, also yes
The Heavens Slaughtering Fist is a style of my own creation that builds upon the various martial arts I have acquired over the course of my chain
Worm_user, a few days ago some discussion came up about Jumper ages vs main character ages in Worm - specifically how Jumper could not roll an age to match certain main, important or recurring characters. (Notably Skitter, Vista and Dinah.)
The idea was kicked around to possibly offer two different age rolls, one to cover the teenagers and another to cover the rest.
Semantics can have importance. If you were learning things faster, then you'd do so even if you were only learning one subject faster. Or it might interact with similar abilities in a different way. And then there's how 'learning faster' doesn't fit what it's based on, since the character it was based on is not notable for learning things really fast but for how she balanced learning multiple things at once to a high level despite each normally requiring lots of time on their own. It's quite explicit that said character did not have any talent, hence the reason the semantics make a difference.
I'm just teasing user.
Playing WoW.
Paladin is my favorite class to play, but Demon Hunter is hella OP.
Now this is a Jumper question.
Jumpers. What was your first time flying?
Alright, fair enough. Though a lot of people like to err on the side of caution, especially when something seems too good to be true. And there /a/ plenty instances when someone adheres to a description as written and gets a lot of shit for "not being more reasonable".
And no big deal.
Just ask if you're unsure. Always happy to clarify.
First time I ever flew was in Redwall. I was a bird there, and let me tell you, flying for the first time was both amazing and terrifying. To be perfectly honest, I have a fear of heights, so flying scared the shit out of me at first. But I thought to myself, the best way to overcome your fear is face it. And I'm glad I did. It was so worth it.
*/are/ plenty of instances
I promised Fables perks today, so here they are.
Pedigree (100 CP, Royalty)- You’ve got that royal look. You know what I mean. You’re not just fine; you’re fair. Boy or girl, there’s a pretty good chance that you’ll be the most beautiful person in any room you care to enter.
Duelist (100 CP, Royalty)- Pistols or swords at dawn? Either way, there’s a pretty good chance that you’ll come out on top. Not only are you extremely skilled in the art of dueling, you also possess skill with a variety of gentlemanly weapons, such as the lance, dagger, or rifle. You’re also confident enough in your skills to keep your head in an actual fight, at least metaphorically.
A Romance With The Whole Community (200 CP, Royalty)- Not like that! (Although…) No, instead you have a great skill for examining a community; getting a feel for what the people dislike, their grievances for others and how things are, as well as their wants and needs. You’re also pretty good at baiting out similar answers from others on a more personal level.
Lovable Scamp (200 CP, Royalty)- You’re no common rogue, but on occasion one must act in a manner not entirely befitting one of your status. Fortunately, others seem more willing to forgive or even ignore your more ignoble pursuits so long as you occasionally engage in an act of genuine altruism or heroism. Don’t expect those you’ve outright exploited to be happy with you, though; you can only wrong someone so many times before they start to despise you.
Which is why I did. Thanks for the quick response. Though I've noticed it's mainly an issue when the jumpmakers aren't here to clarify, whether because they're asleep or literally no longer part of this community, or hell even when they're slow to respond to criticism.
Not a bad idea since it'll let people pick whether they want to be Wards/Undersider age or be an actual adult.
I do want to say to keep in mind that Vista and Dinah are by NO means typical though, they're at the far end of the young range and they see far more action than any other parahuman their age would entirely due to the fucked up circumstances in Brockton Bay.
The age range as it stands currently also at it's minimum is only a year older than Taylor at the beginning, which is hardly a big difference.
I'll split them up so people have some more freedom in the fluff of their background, though I don't know if I'll let it dip into Dinah/Vista age ranges. Feels like it clashes with the sort of assumed level of involvement a lot of the perks assume, but that's something for me to ponder as time goes on.
Charming (400 CP, Royalty)- Being as rich, charismatic, and beautiful as you doubtlessly are, it’s no surprise that you’re no stranger to carnality. Some may think you have supernatural powers of seduction, but the truth is you’re just too damn irresistible. You could seduce someone quite easily over the course of a few hours, and your gentle touch is ecstatic. Naturally, you are skilled in the art of making love.
Warmaster (400 CP, Royalty)- The Art of War might not be as interesting as the Kama Sutra, but it is, arguably, more important. And in any case, a true blue-blood should be skilled at both love and war. You’ve got a great knack for organizing others before and in battle; setting up defenses, devising strategies, teaching the untrained masses how to shoot a gun or swing a weapon, as well as when to use the time honored stratagem of when to retreat.
Just something that's part of the way the concept works really. Good usually has some bad, y'know?
Hey Val, I have a question about being a Servant. So, if I remember right, don't the Servants rely on the Grail in order to continue existing? Athuria destroying the Grail caused her to fade, so I was wondering if the same thing would happen if I destroyed the Grail myself. That thing is just bad news with Angira Mainyu latched on to it.
Silver Tongue (600 CP, Royalty)- There’s charisma, and then there’s you. Talking for you is as natural as breathing; your conversation skills and mastery of dialogue and speechcraft lets you talk circles around others. There’s very little you couldn’t convince someone of, given enough time. Your wit is as sharp as the Vorpal Sword, if not sharper, and your acting skills are nothing short of legendary.
Ruling Class (600 CP, Royalty)- Down to brass tacks, then? In spite of any apparent blustering or buffoonery on your part, you’re actually very good at running the show, be it in a village, kingdom, or an empire spanning multiple worlds. Making sure that your territory is taken care of is a simple matter for you, either through taking a direct hand in things or by delegating to underlings. So long as you’re willing to care for your lands and your people, you will be able to do so, no matter how large or bloated your influence might become.
It's possible for a Master to continue to support their Servants' existence even without the Grail, it just takes a lot more energy. Rin was able to manage it without too huge a strain, so it's certainly possible even if you only have the freebie circuits, albeit that'd probably leave you with no magical energy for yourself to use, at least through/via those 20 circuits.
Sometimes I dream that I die disowned, alone, and broken. My mind fallen to pieces, a smoking gun in my hand, blood streaming down my face. My awards revoked, my certificates burned, my accounts deleted, my hard drives wiped.
Every record of my existence destroyed by the very people who would have mourned me otherwise.
How often do you take "everyone hates you" Drawbacks, /jc/?
Oh, okay, thanks Val.
>dip into Dinah/Vista age ranges
To be honest, I paid the 50cp to drop to Dinah's age range, so that my Jumper wouldn't seem out of place to derail a certain snake's plans.
In fact, it was my remark about how the age roll didn't allow that on its own, or even to match the main protagonist of the series, that started the discussion.
Fair enough, nothing wrong with people choosing to do so if they drop the 50cp.
I just kinda prefer that it avoid going that low completely at random, feels a bit off to me personally.
It's also possible to summon, and support, a Servant before the grail system switches into war mode - Illyasviel did so with Berserker. How much of that was from her status in the ritual, I don't know.
Most arguments over there come from people arguing over which perk is the best even though no one asked for a competition. They're idiots just for that alone
Only when my intention was to go to war with the entire world anyway. At that point I figure I might as well let them all know what's coming right out of the gate.
Eh, I mainly just tune them out, but I can't recall that happening too often. And at least in this case, it was someone critiquing a combo interaction brought up by someone else. What's really annoying is when someone brings up a drawback and screams something like, "WHAT. THE FUCK. IS THIS?! What a waste of bits!" Or something something trap option.
Every time I read the words "drawback" and "trap" in relation to each other... I think "No shit, it's a drawback."
I always found the premade builds thing to be the funniest. Why even bother with a chain at that point. Not only are people making jumps for you, they're even making builds for you.
But user, if you can't take max drawbacks for no real inconvenience, isn't that an intrinsic flaw in the jump?
I'm not serious, just in case that didn't come through.
True, though it is possible for drawbacks to be imbalanced. There's some more leeway there, but it's possible.
To be fair, we have builds too. The difference is, no one prescribes that their build is some kind of "strategy guide" for "cheesing" the jump the hardest. That's all private, here.
Because they have people arguing that anything besides an optimal build is unrealistic. SB hates large jumps for that reason because finding an optimal build for a large jump takes even more time.
The weirdest thing is that, given the jumpmakers are rarely on SB where they do those 'critiques', it results in them just whinging into thin air over and over.
I know there's no Stand Supplement, so can get someone to see if this is a valid/decent Stand set-up. I'm not too familiar with Jojo, but it came up on random roll for me.
Destructive Power: C
Speed: A
Range: B
Durability: C
Precision: D
Developmental Potential: A
Basic Ability: Crash The Gate - Creates a rectangular area, up to 8 by 4 by 2 meters, which causes objects within it to accelerate towards one narrow end. Can include the user.
Awakened Ability: Put The Hammer Down - Convoy manifests a massive sledgehammer. Anything struck by the hammer can have its weight cut in four or quadrupled with each blow.
Requiem Ability: Crash The Gate can create half a dozen fields, which can overlap, each putting pressure on whatever is in them. If two are directed in overlapping but opposite directions, they will crush the object caught flat.
Quick question. Writing up Legendary item purchases for shit like Thunderfury, Shadowmourne, Frostmourne, that kinda shit. You want in-depth / history + capability write-ups, or just simple summaries?
I'm fine with simple summaries, personally.
Actually, most of them are morality argument/how you're playing wrong. Or arguments on how to beat a certain character/accomplish a specific goal in-setting.
t. SBer.
Also totally in depth stuff
I don't think there's really a need for in depth stuff, especially since you're already kind of bloated with the huge number of artefacts. A summary of the history and it's abilities would be better then entire pages on each one. Enough to explain it but otherwise people can research themselves.
Obviously. What they should do is just give you the 1k + drawback limit without bothering with the actual drawbacks. It'd be more immersive!
I agree, but the solution isn't to shout to the heavens about how it's a trap. It's to say "Hey, Worm_user (or other jumpmaker), I think drawback X is too harsh/doesn't give enough cp/etc.. and here's why."
Alternatively, just don't take it.
And, of course, some of them really are just there for shits and giggles.
>ou want in-depth / history + capability write-ups
Please. I like this kind of shit.
It's not that weird. Dirge actually proved it when he went over there. Before he went over there SB loved to shit on his jumps just like they do with other jumpmakers. Now they just pretend the jumps don't exist and try to ignore when he puts up a new jump. SB follows the invalid jump meme even harder than the shitposters here do.