Bring back El Goyfo loco edition
Playing, Hating etc
>Current Modern Metagame
Bring back El Goyfo loco edition
Playing, Hating etc
>Current Modern Metagame
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first for vapor snag best blue spell in modern
im never sure if these are bait but i unironically believe both
I honestly want UTron to become a T1/T2 deck somehow.
Tron will be unplayable very soon :^)
Someone remind me when the next banlist update is. I need a window of time for me to flip my Chalices in case EldraziTron gets messed with.
i honestly believe vapor snag is the best reason to be in blue right now. stubborn denial is a kind of close obvious second. they're both lapping the field.
collonnade is also half-decent
Unban stoneforge mystic, batterskull comes in even on turn 3 making even a backup plan damn good and in deck synergy Just a shot in the dark
handrape meta makes SFM unreliable at best
Don't know how I ever became a saheeli rai guy but I cant get enough of her
I play both Jeskai and 4colour versions, both have pretty fun bounce/copy interactions throughout the deck
Thats an excuse you could make about any sub 3 cmc card atm though. As I said it'd be a viable plan B when tron or tutors aren't up yet
>Still thinking a Tron ban is likely
They'll unban Storm before banning Tron
>Not realising that Chameleon Colossus is ACTUALLY impossible for GDS to deal with, literally their only option is blocking with Snapcaster Mage
Liliana's Edict after they kill all your other creatures.
Imagine I want to use Tezzeret in a deck
Should I go for U (artifact control), UB (critical mass + ult), a mix of the two or just drop the idea since every deck is going to have artifact hate in the sideboard
I'll sacrifice my Wurmcoil Engine ;^)
>not just playing mono-white problack weenies
Is there a limit to how much control you have over your losses playing Burn?
Drop the idea. Stony Silence is miserable to play against.
Not really.
I dont know I love the deck but lately ive been getting frustrated by just topdecking multiple lands. Ill just keep at it though.
Play Ironwork Eggs and use Tezzy as your wincon
The best scenario for burn is to just say fuck it and play 18 lands, hoping there's only 4 lands max in your top 15 of the deck.
I like her too, wanna make a deck with her for funsies but just pure value
Yeah but then you just end up with a ton of no land hands and have to mulligan. The best plan is to just keep solid hands, play well, and when you sideboard occasionally take out a land. Like against UW Control or Abzan I know they have Path so I think if you are on the draw its ok to take out a Stomping Ground if you didnt side in Revelry or a Mountain. Maybe not always but its something to consider
I belive it's right after PT Hour of Retardation
Print Swords to Plowshares in Modern, I hate using the inferior Path.
Dude theres Push , Dismember and Bolt too, no ones making you use Path
>Wizards ever printing Swords or even Path in Standard
I want to run this in Mono Green stompy with primal bellow in my pump spell package. I'm going to rework the creatures to make it a little more aggressive first couple turns. Turn two this thing is a monster, I'm running four with sundering growth sideboarded
What's your list? Sounds odd
IN text with whir has been working very well for me.check out the mtgs forum if you're interested.mostly good players in that one with a few idiots
Fuckin auto correct. UB tezz
Oh, now there's an interesting idea, putting this into a Selesnya-style Populate deck. Instead of going wide with a lot of small tokens, like B/W Tokens do, go tall by copying big tokens.
At work rn. But essentially it's the normal 1 and 2 drops for mono green stompy, four of those, and some dungrove elders. I definitely lose some power early on as leatherback on t3 is way better than dungrove, so I'm trying to craft it a bit smoother than the previous version.
I would say this and voice of resurgence would be really strong. Possibly in a shell with muranda petroglyphs if you're looking for some jank
>el goyfo
>not played anywhere except jund (t3) and abzan
>still $80 a pop
No me gusta. Why oisthis happening? Price memory?
Alright boys, this is what I have so far, anything else I should definitely have?
4 Oketra's Monument
4 Spell Queller
4 Reflector Mage
4 Wall of Oments
4 Squadron Hawk
4 Sky Hussar
4 Serum Visions
4 Path to Exile
Yes. Also if/when Death's Shadow eats a ban (as the """pros""" are clamoring for) suddenly Goyf becomes the best creature again and the investment is saved.
24 lands and 2 disallow. Unless I'm autistic and missed something
The blue white manland.
UB if you're gonna play an artifact deck. Agent of bolas is a great card.
Well, lands obviously, I mostly meant what other spells to add
Saw an "against the odds" Solemnity deck that operated similarly to my Alesha EDH deck so I switched up the list from Esper to Mardu
Anyone else playing a Solemnity deck?
Hows this looking? I'm planning on bringing something like this to my local FNM night.
Is sun Titan too expensive to consider? You could safely run martyr of the sands sided vs burn and it seems pretty solid.
He probably costs too much
I figured with oketras monument it was a 6/6 for five and nets some value
I want to get into modern but given the price of a tier deck, I will be able to afford only one deck and I fear that I might grow bored of it too fast.
What's a tier deck (1-2-3, I don't care, I only play at FNMs) that provides non linear fun for ages ?
So far I like
>any variation of Valakut
>RW prison
>Any combo deck involving CoCo
Ponza, friend.
Ponza is even more linear than Burn tho. While I like the idea of killing lands I think it would get old very quickly.
Most of those are pretty linear.
Modern in general is pretty linear, with disruption consisting of creature removal and discard mostly.
Honestly, a deck with lots of that is probably your best bet for varied play.
Speaking of UB artifacts, im brewing one of my own using Noxious gearhulk (maybe torrential gearhulk for the discount Snapcaster effect), Ironclad revolutionary, seeker and AoB tezzeret as the big bits of the deck. im conflicted on weather to use two seekers and to AoB tezzies or just go whole hog and use 4 AoBs.
not the same guy btw
you could use some everflowing chalices to help cast it.
This deck I threw together did good against other control decks.
What do I need to change to make it modern playable?
Instant (18)
1x Cryptic Command
2x Cyclonic Rift
4x Mana Leak
4x Rune Snag
3x Think Twice
4x Vapor Snag
Creature (18)
4x Delver of Secrets Flip
4x Judge's Familiar
2x Niblis of Frost
1x Snapcaster Mage
4x Tandem Lookout
3x Voidmage Prodigy
Land (20)
2x Blighted Cataract
16x Island
2x Skyline Cascade
Sorcery (4)
4x Serum Visions
Considering everything, thanks. I'll check salvation
You just made a worse Abzan Coco.
It's shite.
this is a pile of unplayable shit
run cards that are modern playable
ie not tandem lookout or voidmage prodigy or snapcaster mage
you know what must be done.
What deck could profit the most from Hostile Desert?
Standard decks
This is weapons-grade autism.
Legacy stax. Maybe in lands as a one-of.
Dredge could make good use of it I guess, or anything else that throws a bunch of lands in their grave.
-1 Monument
-1 Path
-2 Sky Hussar
+4 Whitemane Lion
and 2 dusk/dawn
what turn does collected company usually win on?
Depends against what deck. With a little luck it has a turn 3 infinite, but usually it goes for a value beatdown strategy and sometimes accidentally wins by hitting combo pieces of coco.
Never built a ramp deck, or seen one played for that matter except for Elves.
How vulnerable are they to having the mana dorks targeted? They seem like the weak line, and I'd hate to have a deck fall apart due to a dead Arbor Elf instead of just using a Sakura-Tribe Elder.
I should mention, I may be biased because I'm looking at a BG shell that opens up sacrifice outlets to make Viridian Emissary a super reliable land + sac benefit.
People will usually Bolt/Push turn one mana dorks if they have the chance, but that shouldn't totally wreck your gameplan. If you have 3-4 dorks out and only 2-3 lands a board wipe can really set you back though.
It's highly dependant on your opener. You want hands that function without the dork. Ramp decks win with their alpha strike, if you get delayed too hard you're fighting a real uphill battle.
I've been playing a control-heavy list, having a fetchable breeding pool and abrupt decay in the sb makes the matchups where silence comes in a lot more bearable.
Is Mono R Tron a meme?
It looks fun as fuck and fits right into my budget.
Ban announcement tomorrow right?
no WotC cut back on ban announcements again
Yes, they're unbanning cloupost.
Fuck this format is such cancer right now though and now we have to suffer through it longer because of standard cucks
Who shat in your cereals user?
I run 19 and it works wonders. Won matches with only one land in all games. Lose very few games like that but rarely the match. Like so far I count 3 matches lost because of lack of mana but countless loses because mana floor.
This meta is just god awful. Shadow is stupidly good, rips your hand to shreds, big as fuck threats for one mana, and Stubborn Denial to stop all removal or interaction with them and you die in two combat phases. Eldrazi Tron is fucking absurd as well, Thought Knot Seer on turn 2, into turn 3 Reality Smasher is almost always game over and when that doesnt happen you get turn 3 Karn shitting on you or turn 2 Chalice if you are on aggro. Its so consistent. Thats my problem with the format, these decks leave you no breathing room are fast as hell and the sideboard cards that you can bring against them are super low impact
Affinity, Burn, Scapeshift and Abzan Company are the other tier 1 decks and they all feel more fair, your sideboard cards actually work, interacting with them slows them down and your removal isnt just Thoughtseized, Stubborn Denialed, or Chaliced away.
As a person who plays non-burn decks with 4x Bolt frequently I will bolt your turn one dork every time.
I dunno but i have no problems vs e-tron or Grixis shadow.
t. storm fag
How? Chalice on 1 makes it so every cantrip you have is countered, and Thought Knot can exile relevant combo cards. Shadow rips your hand apart and has removal for Baral/Goblin.
Etron and DS decks aren't even a problem for me and I agree with everything you said. They are stifling the meta a bit
Ceremonious rejectionx x4 in SB, play first 3-4 rounds like totall controll fag that revs for 15.
>4 cards in my sideboard
>always have one in my opening hands game 2 and 3
>opponent never has an answer
Have you actually played a game of Magic the Gathering?
I just hope something is banned from both of them as both are a problem. I really hope Wizards doesnt listen to the faggots who bought into the decks who whine and scream about them being fair when they are way too good in relation to everything else.
Deaths Shadow should and im thinking will be banned but Eldrazi Tron might escape unscathed which will suck
I guess one is better then nothing though since im pretty positive Shadow will be banned
>they draw cavern or chalice
>they play it
>you lose
DS wouldn't even be a problem if Eldrazi Tron didn't keep it's natural predators out of the format. The reason this meta is so fucked is because those two decks compliment each other in a meta/matchup sense.
>play chalice
>counter it with ceremonious rejection
wow user, you sure are stupid
Go back to standard, nobody likes your shit card jew
I dont think Wizards looks that far into it. Im just expecting Deaths Shadow himself to get hit personally.
It's in 16% of decks user, DSJ plays 3 in the side, it's a great card against affinity and Eldrazitron. Why is it that every time one of you retards comes to ask for bannings you show you have next to no experience with the format at all. I'm not even against the idea but you're clearly asking because your tier 3 shitbrew got beaten and not because you care about competitive modern.
Oy vey buy my standard shecklebait goyim!, unless you dont want to be a competitive schlomo
Unbookmark mtgtop8 and go outside, this vietnamese pho cooking forum is not for the likes of you
that's ok user, one day mono green super budget stompy will be tier 1 and you'll finally win a game of modern
Hope you folks picked up your playset.
>competitive modern
Its like saying special-ist retard, play your mashed potato format while actual men play a real format like edh
Even in decks that want this you don't want a playset
is it actually good and not overhyped?
>while actual men play a real format like edh
this is the weakest bait i've ever seen