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user, i`m very interesting in pirate/mercenaries organisation in Rise of Empire Era, and their ships/vehicles. Who know some good sources?

Ok, so apparently Twi'leks aren't Veeky Forums related according to the mod. At least it was just a warning and not a full ban.

Should have posted a Nautolan instead then

Lot of the rise of the empire dovetails off the Clone Wars, so their vehicles and equipment remain that way for a couple of years, they start phasing in stuff like Stormtrooper infantry roughly around the first year or two. Which are basically 'budget' versions of Clone troopers, who by and large are gone by about the 3-4yr mark. In terms of a bigger picture, the old D6 Imperial Handbook is worth a look- its not '100%' consistent and its no longer canon material, but IMO its well worth using for seeing how large the army's, navy and other assorted quasi-military units (Intelligence, Compnor etc) fit into the Empire.

Where does that fit into Pirates and Mercenaries?
Well for quite a period that's what was hunting them as the Empire came down hard on the outer rim to suppress the various survivors of the Clone wars, rebellious shitholes and Hutts. Out of them, only really the hutts managed to keep their shit together (via bribes and other nefarious activity) during the rise of the Empire and as a result where prime backers of anything more organised like large mercenary units, smugglers. That lasted until the New Republic, who basically wiped them out.
Pirates got hit really hard, the Imperial navy for all its retardation and having the appearance later of two monkeys trying to fuck a football, did actually wipe out anything pirate related very quickly.
Black Sun managed to hang onto things better than most, they made good money early on by not exactly 'pirate' activity, but they'd hijack a lot of people in the outer rim, hold them for ransom and other sorts of stuff- they also have the capability at least to make decent ships, fighters and enough money to hire effective soldiers, thugs and leg breakers
Neither are exactly 'great' employees

Privateers are a thing (see D6 book Pirates and Privateers) as going solo with the Imperial navy hunting you is short lived, having patrons helps a lot

Mods are terrible, twileks are great

Check these old WEG d6 books
>Privates and Privateers
>Wretched Hives of Scum and Villainy
>Galaxy Guide 10 - Bounty Hunters
>Galaxy Guide 11 - Criminal Organizations

Those should give you a good pick of scummy pirates and credit-hungry mercs

Rebel-sanctioned privateers was a thing during the entire Rise of the Empire era.

Anyone else want to spring inter-force rivalry and strange slang on their party? I plan on having my AoR crew having to work alongside a rebel SpecOps team going full pdf related.

>We've got a Easy Op here. Intel Hitched a Ride on a Chicken holding one Very Dumb Orphan and some Sweet and Cuddly Don'ts in a Won't overrun by Boys in White, at least two Chorus Girls and one Can't. There's a high chance things will get Interesting, with TAMs and at least one GS in the area so gather all Livestock and Toys you can carry.

Is the promo veteran instincts card allowed to be used in tournaments (new player so excuse the possibly dumb question)?

...then have their fighter escort talk like this

I'm pretty sure they're tournament legal

If you're worried then just bring along a normal copy as well. Although you might be asking since you don't have a normal one in which case, try to arrange to borrow one from somebody?

Then their CO assigns them some bureaucratic work and stuff like this happens.

No one leaves until they go down to command and sign their self abuse papers

FFG is making a new splat for this era set to come out later this year. I'm sure they'll have some information about relevant scum groups.

But that was already the case with RO because of K-2SO.

Right, I don't have the normal copy. I was looking on eBay to buy a copy of VI and the promo art is somehow cheaper

It's produced by FFG so it is legal.


Yes, this is true. And notice how everyone says that he is the only "good" and "likeable" character and the only one they cared about when he died. Literally because he was funny. K-2SO is easier to accept for me because he follows the Star Wars tradition of droid comic relief. It's not a role that I'm a fan of but I do find his banter funnier than R2/3PO and as the comic relief I don't expect anything more from him than that. But of course the fan reaction was pretty typical in a bad way as I mentioned before.

What sorts of goofy mall ninja-grade weapons and weapon accessories might show up in a tourist-heavy flea market on Mandalore?

here. I ended up winning my first two games and barely losing the third and last game of the tournament by one hull. I ended up coming 3rd out of 9 and while it kind of stinks that I was so close to coming in 1st overall, I still had a blast

Basically anything normal but with a flamethrower and/or a jetpack tacked on.

That's awesome, great job! Did you have fun?

>cheap low-grade steel knock-offs of beskar sabers.
>overly-bladed fake crushgaunts
>misspelled brand name blasters

>Fake Opzip with jetpack
>Fake Loxer with build in missile launcher
>Fake Naamri backpacks that don't do anything special whatsoever despite looking like something Boba Fett might model, the missile launcher is just a beer holder.

>reverse-blade reverse-grip beskar sabers
>nunchucks covered in tacky mando'a print
>musical instruments that doubles as offensive weapons

I did, it was awesome! I was running late so I wasn't able to eat anything or bring any water so I was exhausted afterwards but it was a ton of fun

Is this like an inquisicopter but vibroblade? Fund it.

Yep. Think pic related but vibroblades instead of lightsaber.

That would be the height of mallninja shit.

>>musical instruments that doubles as offensive weapons
>Geonosis showed that sonic weapons exist in-universe and were perfectly usable
Definitely rolling a Mandalorian Noise Marine in my group's next campaign.

Woostar-45, by finest Nemodian craftsman made to being Mandalorian design plans!

I was thinking more like this

There's a sonic rifle in FaHo, but it's not very good. Crits on 6, slow firing 1. The geonosian blasters are breddy gud, but restricted.

Depends on the area.
It will probably go from upscale (usable and expensive but slightly tacky) to shitty (chinese mystery pistol tier).

pic related maybe? some poor sod is going to buy it just to prove he has the biggest piece around

At what price range do the space Hi-Points start showing up?

Are /k/ommanods IRL Mando's?

probably a step or two above the Chinese/Kyber Pass Mystery Pistol tier

>reverse-blade reverse-grip beskar sabers

Isn't that just a regular sword?

If it's a straight sword yes, but a curved, single-edged blade would be like pic related.

A regular sabre, for example, has the edge on the convex side and be held with the blade pointing "up" from your hand
A reverse blade, reverse grip saber would have the blade be on the concave side and be held away from you, along the forearm (like ahsoka holds her lightsabers)

What loots did you get?

Yup, Rebels recruited a lot of pirates and privateers during the early years of the GCW. A lot of former Separatists also turned into privateers and pirates independently after they lost the Clone Wars.

>the Imperial navy for all its retardation and having the appearance later of two monkeys trying to fuck a football


>That lasted until the New Republic, who basically wiped them out.

The Hutts continued to be a powerful thing until at least the Vong times. The New Republic actually gave the Hutts more leeway and/or bribes than the Empire did as war repayment, almost akin to the USA and France in the American Revolution.

Hutts lent out a lot of aid to the Rebels and Imperials alike, depending on the individual Hutt's political stance (or more often and more important who offered the most money), and the NR had to repay quite a few promises they made to the Hutts in exchange for aiding the Rebellion, though they did go after Imperial-sided Hutts or neutral Hutts with varying degrees of ineffectivity.

I had a group help out an Imperial intelligence team and because the group weren't official Empiredudes the intelligence team was required to speak to each other in probe droid code to keep everything secretive. Drove them crazy.

Hey all,

My group is thinking about running a game using one of the various FFG systems. I'm not familiar with the mechanics and how they're utilized.

Would anyone be able to give me an example of play as far as starship combat goes? Seems hard to make it interesting with pure ToTM.

It's not really that complex, lad. Just skip to that section in any of the core books.

Where is the Space Kyber Pass located?

Ilium, with the rest of the Kyber shit

its geonosis

>Ilum is frozen
>Geonosis is sand

I got two alternate art Crack Shots as a participation prize. I was 24 points away from getting 2nd which would have gotten me an alternate art Omega Leader.

>Store Tournement Prizes are actually still useful and heavily used pilots and upgrades.


I'm pretty excited about it. I had a ton of fun but next time I wanna try replacing Vessery with someone else

I heard you were talking shit like I wouldn't hear it.

Didn't think the dead could hear.

What are the best nucanon books besides Thrawn. I need to build a respectable collection.

Tarkin is reasonably solid, and IIRC was mostly written before the split, so it's basically legends as well

I want to give my weird alien race a completely different type of FTL drive, one not at all like the Star Wars hyperdrive, but not in any way as good or better. Any suggestions?

They fire a "pulse" and ride it like a wave.

>nuclear-tier wake when entering that anyone can detect, but anything behind you is fugged

>If you don't get your speed just right to catch the wave, you get vaporized by it.

A friend of mine bought the starter kit and wants to give me the TIEs - will people nerd-rage if I but Empire stuff to use in conjunction with First Order stuff or should I just wait until they release some more First Order craft?

Nope, you can run First Order end Empire to your heart's content - I've never heard of anyone sperging out about that.

Imperial Assault players, what are some of your favorite figures as far as sculpts/theme go?

I feel like so many of my favorite sculpts are unplayable in skirmish:
>Royal Guard Champion
>Biv Bodhrik
>Han Solo
At least Jet Troopers (the elite version) are quality.

have they said anything about more First Order releases? I feel like they'd have to wait until the next movie came out

Vinto, Boba, Loku, Sorin, AT-ST/Weiss, Obi-Wan, Dewbacks

So, rate this for me on a scale of 1 (nitpicky) to 10 (glorious golden autist)

My group is starting a game of Force and Destiny soon, and the GM was asking about our builds so he knew what to plan for. I told him my character was one of those "I have to be the best" types that want to learn multiple saber styles, so I made Brawn by main stat. It makes sense to me, if I'm going to use multiple styles then I I can't just use the ability associated with one style alone, and if I have to focus, to me it's not a bad idea to pick the stat that deals with both damage and defense. I also decided to with SHien for his first style, for blaster defense. The GM hears this and says that's wrong, because he has high Brawn he has to start with Shii-Cho. He's been complaining about it ever since.

There's just one thing I want, from here on out.

I want to fly a list that takes a big steaming dump on big steaming turrets.

What do I need to never, ever finish a match with a big base still on the table ever again?

Steal from Sword of the Stars.

1. Dolphin-drive. Gets exponentially faster the further it is from a gravity well, but gets exponentially slower the closer it gets to a gravity well.

2. Gate network. Instantaneous travel between gates, but you have to ship the gates from place to place at sublight.

3. Spacetime Tunneling. You have to "bore" through spacetime - takes longer and is more resource-intensive than normal FTL, but once you've established the path it is faster and more efficient. Routes gradually degrade and need to be maintained.

I mean, yeah, you could pick up Shii-Cho despite having Brawn as your highest stat.

But Brawn doesn't increase your lightsaber damage at all. Not for real lightsabers, anyway.

Come on, we've seen them crash line ships into one another and there's a reason Vader makes a point of choking a few of them, they're terrible

>The Hutts continued to be a powerful thing until at least the Vong times.
Reading through Bloodline, their demise is actually kind of interesting
(genuine spoilers)
Lot of their subjugated species got support from former imperial forces and pro-imp forces in the New Republic, who essentially helped topple the major Hutt families and the Nikto put in place of those new cartels to run them- with nearly all the funds raised being channelled back to the New Order to fund military armaments and training. By around 30BBY they are just a tiny shadow of what they once where.
Hilariously though the NR basically have no functional intelligence services and they're remarkably incompetent cunts all over!

>the NR basically have no functional intelligence services and they're remarkably incompetent
I miss Legends' New Republic so much.

Anything with autothrusters.

Sort of the case of doing the same thing again and expecting a different result.
Its not, just a continuing shit fight with politicians just trying to get elected again and doing the bare minimum to stay in office. Which is sort of like most of them now, but its a bit of a grind to read through sometimes and Leia is fairly much the only bright spot along with some interesting personalities as her aides.

Isn't all of that NuCanon?

I mean cool if that's your thing, your opinion man, but I'm talking more of Legends.

It sucks that we'll never really get a more grounded version of the NR.

In NuCanon it's stupidly incompetent and can barely function and sustain itself.

In a few Legends works it's fine, but in most it's hypercompetent and backed by a whole cavalcade of over-overpowered Mary Sues and Gary Stus, then it becomes stupidly incompetent when the Bothan dickery happens and even more incompetent when the Vong show up.

I never liked either interpretation of the New Republic but at least Legends had a few good stories about them.

This pic sums up /swg/ pretty well when impfags or rebfags start pissing in the punchbowl.

>mean cool if that's your thing, your opinion man, but I'm talking more of Legends.
No, its just "a thing"
Look at it from my perspective, I've been running star wars games on and off since about 1993-94, (along with other games) with the vast majority of campaigns being roughly in the Rebellion era. Some being clone wars into rebel era, others being end of rebel era into (legends) New Rep and even faffed around in Old Republic a tiny bit. So when there's new material coming out, I'll chew through some of it for ideas on the setting and see if its workable for having players run around in and if they'd enjoy it.

Fairly much all of them are an alternative universe treatment, because lets face it no one wants to play for 6 months in game just to line up Luke Skywalker to stick a hot potato in an exhaust port- if anyone's doing that, it'll be a player.
At the moment, kind of a bit lost for ideas to run anything in the NR-NO era as there's just not enough material there for me to make something that's cohesive and interesting enough, I think given enough time and more material I'd be confident on being able to explore that aspect of the franchise's environment.

But I do have a 'Plan B' for my next campaign....
>evil laughter

Yeah I don't get it, I like the Empire because they're unapologetically arseholes all of the time. If the PC's are having a good time, there needs to be a stormtrooper pissing in their breakfast cereal every morning and then going out to their space truck to find the imperial navy has slashed the hydraulics to their landing gear because they didn't pay a bribe. Rebels are sort of the result of just being poked with the poo stick for too long
I don't run 'real world' politics alongside star wars because there's spaceships and mad cunts running around with laser swords that can electrocute you with their brain.

I meant more in regards to /swg/ and respective sidefags going at each other because of their real world politics.

In games though I think it's best to show both sides as assholes with redeeming qualities. Both suck but they have good sides in different ways and have different goals the players may or may not want to side with. Making one side or the other the good guys of your campaign is boring as shit unless your campaign is an explicitly Imperial/Rebel campaign where you're there less for exploring the world and more for the tactical leet combat scenarios anyway.

Otherwise giving all political affiliations the greyshading and letting the players make up their minds or go independent is way better in open-er Edge of the Empire campaigns, fitting the narrative and setting better than the "My factionfu is the right choice and you're gonna like it" approach some take in their games, be it a game where Yoda is an evil psychopath on one extreme or the Empire kicks one of the players' puppies on the other extreme of demonizing one side to heroicize your factionfu.

I've been reading up on autothrusters and I'm trying to figure out what the latest update means, can anyone help?
>Autothrusters now reference the specific range of the attack, and therefore never trigger against The Inquisitor’s primary weapon. (X-Wing FAQ, Version 4.1.1, Updated 03/16/2016)

I know that there's a website that you can play x wing on but I can't remember the name, anyone know what I'm talking about?

it means if the inqusitor shoots at you it counts as a range one attack and autothrusters doesn't trigger.

its weird, but honestly I just go with it

So I ended up going to the tournament today, and like expected, got stomped by the Worlds-level players.
Did win one game against Fenn/Dengar/Inaldra, so that's already better than I expected.

Yeah real world politics can go take a flying fuck at a wall for all I care
Generally though I stick to things being black and white at first and then getting grey and murky over time as the PC's develop and explore their characters, NPC's and the galaxy as a whole. Plus I'll throw in the odd side-swipe out of nowhere like the series of game sessions of the Star Wars "Schindler's List" and just sit there laughing my arse off as they spent 2/3rds of the game looking at me going:
>He's going to fuck us
>The longer we go along with this, the harder the fucking!
>Oh we are so fucked now
Course the actual crisis of conscience Imperial they contacted, was actually legit and smuggled prisoners off to the rebel characters to look after- which then opened a whole can of worms in of itself as PC's find themselves with dozens of former prisoners they've got to bodge up some ID's for and get offworld. They where some tough missions.

Also done the flipside of them being Empire characters and that was an interesting series of conundrums based on military interactions with civilians and inter-org fucking lunacy- the army working with the stormtroopers working with the navy, who is being hassled by the ISB and then there's these arseholes from Compnor running around wondering if they're being loyal enough.
They literally prayed for some rebels to blow something up and save them from the relentless dickbags they worked for, which split the party down the centre-
>Half of them are going full murderhobo and getting kudos from superiors
>Half are spending most of their time contemplating if they're really the good guys
Then everyone being happy when they find out they can get 'promoted' by essentially murdering their superiors in 'rebel terrorist attacks'... course, that led to the ISB wondering if they where still an effective unit and even deeper levels self dug shit

Oh gotcha, thanks user

Awesome! Great job!

Moral ambiguity to me makes the best games.

Had a one-one when I started out where the guy was a monk from an enclave of neutral Force users who didn't care about Jedi/Sith or Rebel/Imperial and wanted to be left alone.

His journey to find a crystal to build a saber led him to run across some Imperials. Not knowing who these men in white were he tried to sneak up on one and subdue him but he punched him the face a few times and knocked him out. Rebels attacked and the dude got away but managed to get the details of a crystal location.

Went there, now the Imperials and Rebels are on to his Force sensitivity, he helps out a local group whose two main members are a Specforce and ISB agent unbeknownst to him and he ends up helping the Specforce agent, gets his crystal, fun shit happens including a jungle rancor fight.

Gets back and builds his saber then receives an offer from both sides to join the Empire or Rebellion. He chooses Empire but it was a very tough decision either way.

The moral ambiguity played nicely and he thought it was genuinely tough balancing who was the better side, and while both the Specforce and ISB agent were nice to him their superiors had the same threat held over him.

With the Empire it was "Man, you know that Force enclave? It'd be a real shame if someone came along and blew it up, huh?" and the Rebellion it was "Man, you know what Force enclave that's neutral? It'd be a real shame if someone came along and forced them to join us/sold them out to an Inquisitor, huh?"

He had to choose between threatening his neutral-fuck-off-to-all-sides monastery with an Imperial bombardment or Rebel conscription/blackmail culminating in him having to assassinate one or the other agent.

It was dramatic and tough and enjoyable as shit.

I've heard great things about Lost Stars and Bloodline in particular.

Are there any AoR modules that have been converted into Imperial campaigns?

No, because none of them make even an ounce of sense as imperial stuff





What strange labels does your party find when looking at a used starship's control panels, /swg/?

>Wings Stay On/Wings Fall Off

is to be found on the seat controls of every passenger seat.


Vassal or Tabletop Simulator

Vassal was it, thanks user

I'm Star Wars-retarded (never seen the movies, only played the old flight sims and the Jedi Knight games) - will there be some more First Order ships? Just two flavors of Tie fighters seem a little dull.

They've been in one film so far, and we saw only those two ships, a new Star Destroyer, and a troop carrier.

Wait till next year, Episode 8 will presumably add a whole bunch more.

You forgot the Upsilon Shuttle. But yea there will be at least one more TIE variant (Kylo Ren's TIE). There might be a FO Bomber coming but that is just rumors at this point

>Do Not Press This Button Under Any Circumstances
>I Don't Know What This Button Does
>Disengage Auto-Turret Safeties
>Drop The Bass
>Music System (Currently Only Plays Dubstep)
>Drink Machine

A big red label that has the text eroded off, but the button has clearly been pressed far less than the other buttons visible

I mean, all you have to do is swap the names and status of locations.

Whisper Base you can turn into a Rebel outpost and have the party be Imperial infiltrators.

Arda I can be Imperial defending against a massive Rebel assault.

Dead in the Water has Imperial privateers and an old Sep facility Rebels captured to make killbot droids, or something.

It's pretty easy to rig up anything from AoR for an Imperial campaign, or any kind of military campaign for that matter. Modifying Duty is about your biggest challenge.