First they came for WHFB, and I did not speak out—
Because I did not play fantasy...
First they came for WHFB, and I did not speak out—
redshirts have been in GW stores for ages newfag
He's not talking about redshirts, idiot.
He's talking about 40k 8e aka. SIGMMAAAHR IN SPEEEEHHS
>LotR still on shelves
Tme travelling scum
Eh. GW died when they closed the mail-order service and went finecast.
Fantasy was worth saving. 40k isn't . Actually, I think 8e is an improvement.
So they died when they quit the 90s? Are you retarded?
AoS was the right decision.
I'm totally serious, btw.
>GW does things 10 years later than everyone else
Horrible execution, though.
>killing its bread and butter with a solid fanbase for something entirely new and untested
>the right decision
>well, 40k was WHF in space, so it's obvious we need to make AoS 40k in fatasy
Seriously, AoS lore is like 40k and Planescape had a child with down syndrome.
fantasy hadn't been it's bread and butter for at least a decade, maybe more. 40k had been king of gw long before aos
>bread and butter
No one has ever played fantasy.
You're right
The end times wasn't, tho
>AoS lore is like 40k and WoW had a child with down syndrome.
This shit have nothing common with Planes philosophy
What really pissed me off was that I hadn't played in ages and the the end times happened. The end times got me so pumped for WHFB only for them to dash my hopes quite expertly. we were buying codexes and rule books and getting real pumped picking out armys and falling into the worlds biggest trap
Miniature gameswise, your probably right.
But I enjoy the Old World as a setting too much. It lends itself well to RPGs. Fortunately, Cubicle 9 is coming out with a proper WHFRP edition.
And faggots with no taste can get the AoS RPG and never play it because of how stupid the setting is.
I already have the 2nd Ed whfrp book, so I could care less about cubicle7's edition. I am really interested however in the AoS one. The setting needs more definition and exploration, and the RPG is a great way to get that.
>he didn't start with Fantasy and never touched 40kids
>I am really interested however in the AoS one.
Try Planescape or Spelljammer
>The setting needs more definition and exploration
Yes like FFG did with 40k right? Oh wait, they focused on their own sector.
The point: GW will never allow them to touch any importnat piece of fluff.
Not interested in planescape or spelljammer.
Even if the whole book concentrates on one mortal realm, that still provides a lot of definition for lore fans to chew on. Even the ffg 40k RPGs provided a lot of development on some worlds and the way life is for individuals of the setting, even though they stayed in a sector. We are expecting the same.
AoS has a lot of potential, and this RPG is something we fans have been asking for.
They died when they went public in 2004. That's when they sold out. Follow the people, not the brand, bro.
I agree absolutely. It's just the fluff which pissed off the grognards.
Fortunately there were hardly any players left anyway.
Unfortunately they still won't shut the fuck up about it as if there's anything they can change by inventing their own wonderful headcanon
Killing Tomb Kings wasn't.
Robert? Is that you?
What are you doing away from the Kinoplex?
40k doesn't need saving dipshit
>Not interested in planescape or spelljammer.
>AoS has a lot of potential,
GW hasn't made anything worth anyone's time on the tabletop since Necromunda. Their games are flaming dogshit and I haven't seen a setting stagnate this bad since Dr. Who....Sorry guys, too soon?
I don't know what everyone if crying about, 40K did just get saved?
Pic related.
All praise Rick Priestly.
By the time the home brews get done working this over we might even have a playable tabletop role playing game.
>Pic related.
Kill Team 2.0 without Kill Team variety
Yes, I am still mad. Everyone with any creativity or taste left GW a long time ago.
alternatively - Necromunda 3.0 with less variety but even more Spees Muhreens
I would have enjoyed fantasy retooled to 40k style of games, but they gutted the setting and introduced those god awful signarines, so I'm not touching that shit with a 10 foot pole.
The Slav's going back and forth between liking AoS and not is quite jarring, don't you think guys?
The slav is a warmachine player that hates the main competitor of fantasy games and doesn't particularly care which edition or version.
Pity that warmachine decided to commit suicide
I already lost Fantasy, so I don't care about any of you.
Ah, so approaching the situation the exact same way you approached fantasy I see
Nah, GW killed Fantasy themselves by being Jewish and writing the rules to favor hordes, reducing model count per box, and increasing price. It became basically impossible to talk new blood into the game even if you got them pumped about the setting, because they'd look at that clusterfuck of a price tag and then think about all the assembly, trimming, and painting and just opt for something else or the RPG.
Which is fine, the RPG is good and getting a new RPG that is based on 2e. And with titles like Vermintide, TWW, Mordheim, and MoW:Corsair, we might get a decent foothold in the vidya, too.
Looks like something an 8 year old would draw
People often cherrypick that as the standard for AoS art because it is the literal worst piece that they've put out. Literally everything else I've seen is better
Not really.
All the maps look like that
No, even that one manages to be better, due to a lack of awkward scale, blatantly copy/pasted things, and fucked perspective
Yeah, it's just cherrypicking. It's not like GW's design team is creatively bankrupt at all.
They don't it's just that no one bothers to ever post them since they don't actually want anything other than to have their opinions proven right
The only visually impressive art they have released is the Aether dwarf stuff.
what are the Jagtooth forts protecting exactly? Is there an army across the Vitriolus reach waiting to cross and invade the Brimstone Peninsula?
Why invade the Brimstone peninsula when said army only has to travel in any other direction and find virgin land in this infinite realm? wtf, why do I have such a hard time making sense of the Age of Sigmar Universe?
It's more like interns in this case. It's the surest path for a cheap cashgrab. Even an amateur could make a better map than this for a RPG or whatnot. They just didn't care because their fans will buy anything they make.
Its making a comeback man. get hyped!
Going to get a new rulebook later this year / early next year. slight tweeks and the name is re-branding to Battle games of Middle Earth or something like that.
forge wrold making sexy as fuck iron hills dwarves and trolls n shit.
Strong rumor that GW will be bringing back most of the OOP units to the webstore. Meaning people can afford them rather then pay $10 a pop for OOP metals.
My wallet is on standby to be mailed to the UK. working overtime when its offered to beef up funds as well.
Now is the time to start running demo games for game groups.
You're invading the place to remove chaos. This place has chaos.
Space marines are the bread and butter man.
Space marines outsold the entire fantasy line. JUST space marines.
Granted they account for several factions within 40k. but still. like 1/3 of 40k outsold the entire fantasy line.
Which just so happens to be the last thing they released before the new edition of 40k
>Hey guys, why don't we fortify the delta so we can stop anyone from using the waterways?
>Nah fuck that, let's put out forts here for Khorne.
Chaos isn't often the thinking sort, so it is lore friendly I suppose.
Its Necromunda without the gangs and enforcers... so not Necromunda at all.
And that is a giant skull pyramid. Albeit missing it's capstone
haha, I'll buy that. but where does this region get its food? How do you feed the garrisons at the Jagtooth forts with their is no farming or serfs? surely chaos warriors need to eat.
Magic dude
Khorne bloodbound are all cannibals
worshippers of khorne hate magic
this makes the most sense, but once again no serfs. they cant eat themselves otherwise their army would disappear like in a month
Jesus, I was gonna say that this is WoW-tier, but even WoW isn't THIS bad!
IIRC, even in fantasy the actual chaos warriors (Not marauders) could subsist solely on fuckall due to chaos mutations or whatever. So the higher ranking bloodbound wouldn't need to eat and the rest would just eat literally anything that wasn't them nearby. Despite looking like a barren wasteland, this IS a fantasy realm, so it's probably teeming with all sorts of fiery monsters
Chaos is literally magic including khorne checkmate atheists
I would've gotten into a "redone, simplified" WHFB if they hadn't killed the fluff. That made no sense to me.
>so it's probably teeming with all sorts of fiery monsters
yea, i thought that too. Like maybe they fish and eat the giant sea creatures but then I checked the map and there are no ports
my man not all chaos is magic
Its soooo bad fuck. Not even early warhammer was this bad
God damn the new digital art looks bad. It's present in 40K as well. If only these guys embraced Blanche instead of making everything super clean.
>not all Chaos is magic
Get a load of this mortal
Digital art is the new standard unfortunately. It's fucking everywhere now
Well they clearly can get food from somewhere seeing as they're not nomadic. Or at least these ones aren't.
Vanilla outsold fantasy.
Apparently near the end paints outsold fantasy
>yfw WHFB players bought paints to finish their backlogs and thereby directly caused their own squatting
Fucking kek
8th Edition is great and basically everything I wanted from 40k.
Shutup bananaman!
>tfw my custodes are like the real custodes and have barely seen a single battle.
Yeah. But a box of nilla tac marines could be used for any faction of SM.
Nilla, BA, DA with ease. and any self respecting wolf players has a heaping bag full of wolf bits to slap on them so even they could use them. its the same for any nilla marine unit and tank.
So am i the only one who runs a hobby knife over the downside edges of bases? There is a nasty little lip there that i have found makes the painton the base flake off much easier.
Its nothing crasy. just enough to put a bevel on the edge of the base and round it over.
>dat single hair of static grass sticking to the base
It's cheap is why they did it.
Yeah, prior to 8th edition and even going in to 8th the playerbases seemed decently solid with just the typical "why has it been 6 years since my codex was updated?" type gripes. Then the end times/supplement spam happened, tournaments became nothing but hordes of expensive infantry, and model releases started to be kind of weird.
I think the biggest error GW ever did was take Grimdark seriously. It's like the guys that do something ironically but then end up embracing that thing - GW is that guy.
AoS had some good ideas game wise, though with weak execution. The setting will hopefully be revived through video games and maybe new books that take place prior to end times garbage.
>dat single hair of static grass sticking to the base
It's gone now nigga that shit was taken like immediately after I finished putting them together.
Also I scraped that little bit off plasic off the base later on. DW I noticed it too. I ain't no quadruplenigger.
Sure, the 10% of playerbase left after the end times and AoS messes.
That's bad. A fractional number of people and they still outsell your game
>waaah grimdark hurts my fee fees
Enough. Not every setting has to be a wow le epic reddit memes setting.
>Giant Robo Donkey Kong Primaris Titan
Fund it.
I don't paint my base rims I just leave them black and spray matte on them.
Those maps weren't released in the current period of solid sales. 8th was a revival attempt after the company largely neglected a bulk of the line for about a decade.
It's not my game at any rate, it's GWs. They tanked the revenue on that game. But sure, them having codexes one to two editions out of date before trying to make any real use of the IP was my fault.
Well, you can blame the former CEO for that. Even though AoS came out at around the same time Kirby stepped down, it didn't happen in a day and had likely been something that he okayed years ago.
I was commenting on how obviously not every 'fan will buy whatever they make' because in 8th and beginning of AoS there was a mass drop off.
I don't know why there's all this blame shifting. Fans buying anything wasn't incentive for them putting out shitty maps, cost cutting measures were. WHFB playerbase didn't die because fans weren't hardcore enough, it died because of shitty management. AoS is doing well now because the fields were fallow and the Generals Handbook gave us actual rules to play rather than 'lol gentlemens agreement', and that was the major reason for AoS not doing well initially(a lot of players tried to come back at the beginning of AoS in my state but there wasn't a reasonable way to do tournaments or progression leagues...long running GTs had to adopt 9th age or Kings of War, but most players just switched).
>Solid fanbase
>didn't buy anything
>used the models they bought 15 years ago
>didn't play in stores
It's worth reiterating, confirmed by multiple LGS owners and even a few GW stores that paint and paintbrushes sold more than WFB
>waah, why they killed my game??????
Grimdark is absolutely solid in 40k, the problem was letting that focus bleed in to the other setting as much as it did. It was apparent that it wasn't what the fanbase wanted in the storms of chaos campaign when orc players didn't want to help chaos - because orcs aren't chaos, they're goofy savages that just want to WAAAAGH! - and GW had to skip chaos a bunch to get them to their prewritten endgame. This is clear proof GW had largely lost touch with their WHFB fanbase.
This isn't about what I like personally. I've always just pushed squigs and fanatics out to create a mess and see how things turned out, and GW hasn't let me down. The largest fan forums in WHFBs heyday though were the O&G, Empire, Ulthuan, Druchii, and then probably a tie between skaven and wood elves. Not the stuff they were pushing in 7th ed.
The thing is that with the old world they had a slew of settings within settings, they could have pushed books and games of several parts and it wouldn't have interrupted nor needed to interact with the grim dark stuff happening in the north. They largely neglected that though. They didn't provide products(that wouldn't have ruined artistic vision) to customers that wanted it. That's a business foul in any reasonable book.
I don't play GW period.