I'm bored, not tired enough to fall asleep yet and need to get more practice with this Tablet. Lets make a Space Marine Chapter!
Lets create a Spess MaREEEEEEEEEn Chapta!
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Okay, how do we start?
Make them a word bearers loyalist off shoot
The Word Documentors?
The funny thing is if a group of Word Bearers from the right point in time got lost due to warp shinanigans and then got shitted out in 40k they'd get along perfectly with the imperium since lorgar's the one who wrote the ecclesiarchies scripture.
Just tell me what to add in terms of gear, also if you want anything specific, I'd post a reference. As much as I love 40k I'm not the most... knowledgeable about everything as I'd like, my dad loved it when I was growing up and I sort of ended up loving it by proxy despite never getting into it as much as I wanted.
Interesting! How should I go about that? Make their insignia based on the original?
I actually like that, but how would they get passed the whole, not getting shot at on sight issue?
Chapter mascot: clippy
Pop out on the edge of imperial space, out where the long arm of the imperium ain't all that strong. Get sanctioned by a radical inqisitor who's pretty much running things out there and then sent on a penitent crusade. Show that they are loyal to the emperor during course of penitent crusade. Finish Penitent crusade and stay around doing loyal marine things out on the edge of the imperium.
I like it!
Throw in an impending threat like an Ork WAAUUGH a Tyranid splinter fleet or a Necron Dynasty waking up that they can smash to prove they are loyal while taking casualties heroically then tie them down to a planet (shrine world maybe) to replace their loses. Like the inquisitor sitting there wondering how in the hell they're going to deal with X, and then these guys show up, and he figures hey maybe emps threw him a hail mary and runs with it, and then it works.
How about Word Redeemers?
Well since were using the WB as a base, here are the legs and a change to the belt area, might change that up later but for now here we go.
Have to say I'm loving the idea so far.
Alright. So basically at this point what we know is that they are loyalist WB successors who exist on the edge of the imperium due to warp fuckery and are probably really tight with the local branch of the Imperial cult. Seeing as they are all religious and shit they need some iconogrophy to reflect that. Some books and skulls and shit.
Primaris? Regardless this marine needs a cherub.
The Emperor's Word for their name maybe? Or perhaps the Redeemed Ones, something that hints at their loyalist status.
Have the chapter have a high amount of chaplains and potentially some sort of penitent unit like the sisters repentia. A unit that believes they need to atone for the sins of their damned brothers.
they should be the fuck up marines
literally everything happens to them to fuck them up like how the Astro lions were fucked up on amagadon 2 electric boogaloo but every single battle.
So the lamentors?
eh we can do without this particular detail.
Preferred weapon, power mace. So they can smite in the emperors name.
>swords and axes for gays and faggits
Basically taking more inspiration from chaplains and wb
They are all chaplains. ALL of them. Their preferred tactic is to go in, convert a shit ton of the local populace, and then whip them up into a crusade. They come bearing greater weapons than Bolter and Power Mace, Righteous hatred and Zeal.
>Primaris? Regardless this marine needs a cherub.
Fuck no! And maybe!
>Emperor's Word
Sounds neat! Maybe!
No sir, I don't like it.
I actually like the idea of them just using blunt weapons, maybe war picks too.
OooooOOooooooh! This. This!
I can see it now, by some logistical error and/or maybe some warp fuckery, caused the most faithful to the emperor to be on the time displaced ship.
If it's warp fuckery, then maybe they would have been the obstacle that could/would have prevented Lorgar from causing everything to go wrong. Maybe they would/could have kept the faith in the rest of the chapter, so they were done away with during a warp jump but their faith carried them safely across the immaterium but through time itself.
Where's the sumarry post?
How's about we fucking roll for it like civilized human beings
How about Faith Bearers or Faith Keepers? Because their stalwart faith kept them safe through the warp and they will undoubtedly spread that faith!
Or maybe Word Upholders because they upheld the Word when the rest of their brothers did not?
I'd be up for rolling, but so far I'm liking everything that's been said so far.
>The Abandoned Despoilers
Not every chapter made here need be rolled on the chart. Why can't the anons have fun just throwing out ideas and building off what others have said with op picking out what he likes and slowly creating that drawing( which needs to be updated and chaplainified by the way)?
I really like Faith Bearers!
And I'm working on it, I just got back from a quick errand.
Because this is some legit Mary sue shit thus far.
The Word Bearers are significant because they all went traitor. Why take that away from them
Why don't you leave so it doesn't bother you man? You don't need to stay and make yourself mad. Honestly, this is all just for fun and probably won't be used at all.
Eh, I've seen worse. Had a guy at my shop tell me that his marines we're made specially and separately from all other space marines by the emperor to be the ultimate warrior tacticians for the express purpose of guarding his biological son, who later they raised to be their leader and whom they are working to seat on his father's throne. His chapter also had close alliances with the Tau and the Eldar, whom they were able to convince to join them in their cause because his marines are reasonable and enlightened unlike the filthy backwards savages inhabiting the rest of the galaxy. He regularly complained that the rules did not allow him to properly represent his dudes on the field because the allies rules wouldn't let him field his chapter and their allies/subordinates together without any problems.
That is Mary Sue bullshit. This is some anons having a giggle. Take the stick out of your ass.
Luke if you are reading this fuck you you fat pathetic excuse for a human being.
That is some genuine donut steel tier cringe right there. How can people actually convince themselves this is good?
We've done this before
Eh, fair enough.
Well if we're going to have fun with this, I wouldn't make them penitent at all, just super smug while hiding their parentage.
>"Ya know those Word Bearers fellas sure knew what they were talking about, eh?"
>"Who the fuck are the Word Bearers, Lord Astartes?"
They would also have some pretty baller equipment, being fresh from 30k. I would say their throneworld is a oceanic shrine world. Like greece