>Unearthed Arcana: Greyhawk Initiative
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>Unearthed Arcana: Greyhawk Initiative
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Reposting... So a couple of threads ago an user talked about their campaign's gem/weapon enhancement system. I liked it, but I felt it could use some work in some places. What do you all think and what would you change?
Enchanted Gem
>An enchanted gem can be inserted into a slotted weapon or armor for various effects depending on the gem. This process takes 1 minute and you must make a successful Jeweler's Tool check (DM Discretion) to add or remove the gem from the slotted weapon or armor. While a gem is not inside of a weapon or armor you can use an action and throw it onto a hard surface breaking the gem for various effects.
Slotted Weapons
>100 GP per slot (Maximum of 3)
>Using a bonus action you can activate all gems embedded into this weapon.
>This can be done with magic weapons
Slotted Armors
>100 GP Per Slot (Maximum of 3)
>This can be done with magic weapons
Magic Gem Prices:
Tier 4: 1,000 GP
Tier 3: 7,000 GP
Tier 2: 15,000 GP
Tier 1: 500,000 GP
Ruby Tier 4
>Weapon: Upon activation, while this gem is inside of this weapon, your weapon's damage type changes to fire until the start of your next turn.
>Armor: While this gem is inside of this armor, when you take fire damage you may use your reaction to gain resistance to fire damage until the start of your next turn.
>Break: If this gem is ever broken, it explodes, each creature within a 20-foot radius centered on the explosion must make a DC: ?? Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 3d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The fire spreads around corners. It ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.
you dont have the spell slots to cast mirror image often
stick with armor of aggie for situations you dont wanna die in, it scales with spell level too.
Dwarf of Half-Orc. Nothing beats tsundere and snu snu.
Ruby Tier 3
>Weapon: Upon activation, while this gem is inside of this weapon, your weapon deals an extra 1d8 fire damage until the start of your next turn.
>Armor: While this gem is inside of this armor, you gain resistance to fire damage.
>Break: If this gem is ever broken, it explodes, each creature within a 20-foot radius centered on the explosion must make a DC: ?? Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 4d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The fire spreads around corners. It ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.
Ruby Tier 2
>Weapon: Upon activation, while this gem is inside of this weapon, ???? until the start of your next turn.
>Armor: While this gem is inside of this armor, ????.
>Break: If this gem is ever broken, it explodes, each creature within a 20-foot radius centered on the explosion must make a DC: ?? Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 5d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The fire spreads around corners. It ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.
Ruby Tier 1
>Weapon: Using a bonus action, while this gem is inside of this weapon, ???? until the start of your next turn.
>Armor: While this gem is inside of this armor,????.
>Break: If this gem is ever broken, it explodes, each creature within a 20-foot radius centered on the explosion must make a DC: ?? Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 6d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The fire spreads around corners. It ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.
As you can see I'm still not sure what would be a suitable and balanced ability for the final 2 tiers of these gems. Any ideas will be appreciated.
Currently, these gems do not require attunement as well if you think they should let me know.
Fair enough
I want to FUCK that Halfling
Gnome, Elf, Human
But Warlocks only have one kind of spell slot, AoA and MI take up the same amount of "ammo". Also should've mentioned I'm a multiclass and going to stop at level 5 or so with Warlock.
>armor of aggie
Is Rogue 1/Barbarian X the proper way to Barbarogue?
Wings and attitude.
nigga i ant spellin out that dumbass cold devil place
fuck is ice doin in hell anyway its supposed to be hot
No. Barb 5/Rogue X
The whole thing is just too Vidya Gaem for me, honestly.
Barb 3 (bear totem), rest rogue. Use Strength, reckless attack with short sword for high accuracy sneak attacks, and pick up Shield Master plus expertise in athletics for shove potential.
Just make the gem a round peg going into a round hole, the tool check is silly and doesn't add anything. I'd say plenty of jeweler's tools checks have been made by the time this 500k GP gem has been completed.
My Druid forms
So bigger sneak attacks are worth more than whatever Barb has to offer past 5?
Barb has very little to offer past level 5 in general.
I was thinking about that, it was a carry over from the previous user's post. Should I keep the 1 minute shift/removal? Or make it an action?
Up until you hit 20 and become the fucking terminator.
Barb drops off at 5 in terms of damage. Going rogue means you consistently gain it every 2 levels
Anything coldblooded that always wants to cuddle with you.
>Barbarian/Rogue meme builds.
Builds is why there is no multiclassing at my table.
Pretty obviously, Ruby t2 in armor should give Immunity to Fire, while Ruby t1 should have you take no damage from Fire but instead heal an equal amount.
Dunno about Weapons. Maybe t2 lets you make a ranged attack, shooting out a directed gout of fire. t1 just giving you Burning Hands or an equivalent.
Am I the only one who thinks it's odd that Radiant Beam is a DEX save? I mean it'd make sense normally, but it's repeated each turn.
Am I to assume then that my Mystic is shining a laser pointer in their eye until they manage to wiggle out of it's reach, then I go "oh well, might as well turn it off".
Seems like it should be a CON save.
Do item enhancements always feel that way? Or is it just that it's gems are a common trope in video games?
It's not a meme build, it's a "I want to play the Predator" build. Granted, it's a poor franchise.
As much as I don't like how often it's brought up in 5eg, what's wrong with barbrogue?
>Wanted to make a barbarian because I enjoy Conan
>He sneaks around a lot as well so wanted to multiclass rogue
>DM calls me a powergamer
No go with what you said, that's way better.
"Slottable" magic items are always going to feel like this.
I have a system in my game using various rare metals and materials to make "magic" weapons and armor that uses increasingly high DC crafting checks to achieve certain bonuses.
But they are static items, not interchangeable at all.
You could do that with either a stealthy Barbarian or a combat focused Rogue.
You are building a meme because it's "optimal" under multiclassing. Which is a shitty optional rule I have no part of.
>being a little gurl
Shame on you
Stealth is a skill, not a class.
Quick question, for gunsmith artificer, does one need to reload after special shots too or only for the "standard" ones?
Also, would it be reasonable to use a bag of holding to store your mechanical servant if you can make your DM agree that it folds up into a ball?
>Ruby T2
Immunity to fire as a reaction? Or always? This tier is about the rarity of a very rare item.
>Ruby T1
I was thinking about something like this, but I fear it might be too much? Do any creatures heal from taking a certain type of damage?
Stealthy, from a really shitty UA
You know how best to hide. You gain the following benefits:
> Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
> You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill. If you are already proficient in the skill, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.
> If you are hidden, you can move up to 10 feet in the open without revealing yourself if you end the move in a position where you’re not clearly visible.
And ya done. Plus, you just fucked over any rogues in your party by creating a rule in regards to moving while hiding that otherwise doesn't exist in the game.
>Wah, I can't push my flimsy excuse for power-gaming past my GM! Conan totally WAS a ninja, guy!
Glad your GM isn't a chump.
>thinks constant advantage against PC and lower non-burst damage is an upgrade rather than sidegrade
What did he mean by this
>I am no fun allowed DM
Sweet mother of mercy
Try building a character for once, and not an Arena Bot.
Fuck, people might start enjoying having you at the table.
>delaying progression in your main class in order to become a bit more versatile is power gaming
I'm glad you're not my DM.
There's really nothing wrong with it. It's the best non-magical grappler in the game, and sneak attack synergizes with reckless attack pretty well. It's not bad, but it's certainly not op either.
My barbarogue is named Stormwind
t. That Guy who never gets in games past single digit levels anyway, "fuck high level abilities, I wanna be optimal at 8th!"
You aren't fooling anyone, and the feeling is mutual.
>Quick question, for gunsmith artificer, does one need to reload after special shots too or only for the "standard" ones?
>Also, would it be reasonable to use a bag of holding to store your mechanical servant if you can make your DM agree that it folds up into a ball?
As long as that ball isn't bigger than 2 feet across in any dimension, I don't see what would stop you from putting it in there.
I agree that there are worse "builds", but Grappler characters are meme builds.
How often do you let your Wild Magic Sorcerers roll for Wild Magic? After every spell? Why is the rule formulated like a possibility?
Witnessed a guy grapple a werewolf and save the party. Was pretty worth it.
Assuming you are actually following all of the rules correctly, there is not one situation in which multiclassing offers you a direct upgrade, rather than simply an alternative choice with its own strengths and weaknesses. Prove me wrong.
A. It's annoying and distracting except for when the DM feels like it
B. It can be time consuming to deal with if the DM doesn't feel like dealing with it.
Tiefling, see pic.
I mean, I'm in two games right now.
One with a rogue/sorcerer level 11.
The other an abj wizard level 14.
I also DM for a group where everyone just hit level 13.
But hey man, whatever helps you sleep.
As has already been mentioned, some classes have "dead spots" in their progression where they don't see meaningful power upgrades for several levels. Martials particularly.
>ITT we pretend multi-classing isn't about strong builds
>ignores criticism because he's wrong
>will commit Stormwind fallacy even if right
What did he mean by this, Veeky Forums?
Conan was statted as a fighter/thief
The only real exception to this is when we're looking at frontloaded classes (such as warlock) or we're dealing with classes that have really shitty capstones/mid-high level abilities.
In general, though. You're completely right, and multiclassing is fine. If you want to multiclass in order to do one thing really well, go for it, you'll probably be disappointed when you don't get to do that one thing all the time. Now, if you multiclass to gain versatility as intended, you will get a nice side-grade and likely be happy with your choice.
Cool examples you gave friend, I'm convinced.
In what edition?
Fafhrd was a Fighter/Thief/Bard at one point, but that's also silly.
It's fun and made sense for the character.
I know you don't like fun, though. You'd rather be paranoid and unable to trust your players.
>I'm obligated to convince anonymous of an OPINION.
No, I'm really not.
Thats a different guy, guy.
You are making a specious claim and not even making an attempt to back it up with any examples or evidence. If you make a claim, you are obligated to support it or fuck off.
So guys.
My roommate wants to make a Fiend-Patron Warlock, but you know, wants it to be an accident. Go figure. I tossed him the idea that an Erinyes could have told him that she was an Angel and manipulated him into service.
He seemed to like the idea, but I was curious as to how you guys feel about it.
I am not the same user you were having the autistic argument with.
>You allow Multiclassing;
>You are having wrong fun
>You don't allow optional Multiclassing;
>You are having fun wrong
Hey, back at ya. That's the thing about anonymity.
If he likes it what more do you need to know? Are you worried he doesn't like it *enough*?
Thanks, senpai.
I always thought it was kind of weird that you had to choose a large beast. Seems to turn it into much more of a liability and hard to take it certain places.
If I can have him turn into a little samus-ball when he's not active and stow him away, I feel like it would be easier for everyone, DM included. And the big drawback being that if we get surprised while he's in the bag, I'd have to fish him out.
What's the specious claim? That Martials have dead zones where they aren't progressing in strength?
Because I'm not the guy who made the "Barbarians don't get much stronger after 5th for a long while" statement.
>Being so paranoid about powergaming you feel the need to ban fucking Barbrogue of all things
lmaoing at your life
Well, they used to be angels, so it's not entirely made-up...
No, no, haha. I just wanted to be sure it didn't come across edgy and/or stupid when he uses it. I'd feel bad for giving him the idea.
oh fuck dude, how silly I must look
you can disallow optional multiclassing, but I just find DMs that do often have this distrust in their players that's completely unfounded.
>admitting it
Grappling is itself niche. Few creatures have effective defenses against it, but on the other hand, there are few situations where grappling is the best call.
Barbarogue merely has it as a solid option on top of being a good build.
Who the hell is arguing with who anymore?
I disallow a number of optional rules.
And I use a few others, plus a house rule or two.
I've never had complaints or objections.
>As has already been mentioned, some classes have "dead spots" in their progression where they don't see meaningful power upgrades for several levels. Martials particularly.
>>ITT we pretend multi-classing isn't about strong builds
You have made two claims of alleged fact. One, that multiclassing offers a direct upgrade over singleclassing in vaguely-defined builds involving martials that you won't elaborate one. Two, that people do not multiclass for any other reason besides being "optimal".
While the second one is just you being a cock, the first one you could at least make an attempt to back up with a relevant example.
>if your character doesn't fit exactly into this class archetype REEEEEEEEEEEEE get out of my table
Really videogamey, I don't like it.
Things no one has said.
Well, so long as everyone is happy. Keep having fun.
Alright since multiclass characters trigger everyone's autism, does anyone know of a way to make pure-class melee rogues actually useful?
Short of homebrewing some rules for flanking I can't think of anything.
Is it this user? What would make it less gamey feeling?
Define "useful".
If you mean "effective when not hidden and without allies" then Swashbuckler for one.
I know, right? Honestly, this can be solved if all boards dispensed IDs.
no its not the same person.
I find thief is the most underrated. Especially nice if your DM gives out magic items.
Being able to use mundane items as a bonus action is pretty sweet.
AT with Booming Blade and Mobile
Swashbuckler with Magic Initiate for Booming Blade
High Elf Swashbuckler with Booming Blade
I feel bad not posting the original user's idea.
booming blade and disengaging is a pretty fun meme, user
Play an assassin and become friends with a ranger or that one genasi that has pass without trace?