What's Veeky Forums's view on him ?
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I like him. I pretty much agree with most almost all of what he says, but he doesn't really tell me what I don't already know. I'd like to shake his hand sometime at a con.
I also like Vince vinturella.
I dunno, we'll just have to see how it goes.
It would be interesting to see.
He makes for a nice voice of reason to contrast all the bile and retardation on this board.
ASMR tier voice and talks a lot of sense imo except most of what he says is already known
All the other anons said it.
He's a very calming, pragmatic and mature person, which is always welcomed after the shitfest Veeky Forums has become. Most of what he says is already cimmin knowledge but we always need people like that, just in case.
He is a welcome level head in a sess pit filled with autistic screeching.
His voice relaxes me so I put his videos on while hobbying. I like that he discusses the industry as a whole. He doesn't bitch about stuff a lot, which is a welcome change.
Great guy, great voice, useful and informative videos.
Literally who?
Great for beginners like me. Introduced me to wet pallets.
I listen to his videos while I paint.
pretty based
I don't watch the long 'live' videos, those are quite boring. But getting back into the hobby his videos did help pull me in fully.
Do any other worthwhile Veeky Forums yubtub channels exist?
What does Louis C.K. have to do with Veeky Forums
I don't agree with him on a lot of subjects (IE AOS) but I like his vids and I'm literally watching his stream about the Heldrake he painted right now.
The way he speaks about AoS is the reason I subbed his channel. In the year since it came out, there was so much sgitflinging over the game, rage, armies burning, etc. Those few channels that had a level head over there whole situation were really refreshing. They helped me weed out the spazzes and find the quality players. Same story for Vince vinturella.
Almost 50-year old manchild who's got no wife or children. He's ridiculous and hate-worthy imo.
gr8 b8 m8
>falling for the having kids meme
Lol, yeah no I'd rather spend my money on something worthwhile, like hobbying.
Ha made u respond
I feel weird about him. He doesn't inform me anything new, but he's so level headed that I can't disagree with him either.
He's like personification of common sense or something.
He tries to be a voice of reason for veteran gamers and a level headed intro for new gamers.
I'd do him.
I'd never hear of him before, seems like a decent guy
I think you've just earnt him a sub.
MFW I have no children
In one of his recent videos I remember he mentioned his wife.
That's a stupidly long neck.
I've met him a few times. Always refreshing to sit have a few words with him about different games and the changes occurring in each. Likable guy.
Yeah I'm quite certain he is married.
Having children is great though.
>>falling for the having kids meme
Your mother sadly did.
Can only repeat what the other anons already said. Calm, nice guy, great voice. Allways got his stuff on when i'm painting or building.
Also introduced me to wet pallets, which saved my interest in painting.
Idk Louis CK isnt that funny
Well he isn't Wil Wheaton so he has that going for him
I like him despite but I think he sometimes struggles to come up with stuff to show off in his weekly videos and end up making extremely obvious and poorly researched stuff. His early stuff is solid. He's really not a good painter, I learned more from Duncan.
I was going to make this joke, but with Slavoj Zizek
Super boring with nothing of value to say. He puts out information that is intuitively obvious to anyone with the level of intelligence of a normal adult and seems to struggle comprehending other people's complaints about things that happen within the hobby. His videos are also longer than the actual content demands that they be because he talks very slowly, approaches subjects round about way and often spends time prattling on about his personal/professional life for parts of the video. I don't know if he understands that the content of his videos is so dull and simple and is doing it on purpose (which is fine if he wants to make introductory content) or if he thinks what he has to say is actually informative or interesting.
Overall he's inoffensive, but miniatures wargaming has been my primary hobby for over half my life, so nothing he says is new and his opinions are so bland that I don't get anything out of watching his videos. It's so dull that I actually get more entertainment out of watching really terrible videos by retards like Commissar Gamza in which is autistically screeches about grav weapons or whatever.
Wargamer Fritz has a similar issue except much worse, where he just rambles for most of the video before getting to the point and then the point is some obvious thing not worth making a video about. That guy literally made a 10 minute long video because a month after the game came out and after playing dozens of games he had the revelation that in 8th edition 40k a 3+ armor save is much less powerful vs poor AP values than it was previously, as if anybody didn't know that already.
haven't asked one. the other has no idea who he is.
he isn't even a real uncle
this guy and vince venturella make up the bulk of my painting playlist
>vince venturella
ventruella is a real nigga whose hobby cheating vids are fucking amazing
painting buddha (RIP in piece), ventruella, tabletop minion, buy painted and striking scorpion82 are the only reasons I watch youtube
But painted is rip too he only makes paywall non YouTube videos now
What Veeky Forums content do you like? I'm unironically asking because all I really enjoy in that realm is this board, and we all know how hit and miss things are here.
He's relaxing to listen to and keeps me interesting in painting all my overpriced plastic army men. So I'm pretty glad he's around, as I have a lot of shit to paint.
I don't know him, but he is probably a faggot just like OP
why is everything good paywalled
I'll watch basically any battle report so long as the format is decent. Tabletop Tactics, Long War and Miniwargaming are all fine, though MWG have a bunch of staff and some of them (like fucking Luka) are complete retards who need to be fired.
I just don't watch news or opinion videos, because news videos are always days behind current events and you can read all the information they contain elsewhere in 2 minutes anyway. For things like reviews, whoever I also have seen batreps from is a pretty good bet, because you also get some insight into what experiences have affected their reviews, otherwise it's also fun to watch people who reliably autistically sperg about everything for no reason, like Arch warhammer whose video content is just a bunch of retarded bullshit rambling presenting his personal headcanon as fact and constant and inappropriate use of the phrase "shall we say?", but who can be counted on to flip out and be inexplicably mad about every new model or piece of lore GW releases.
I pretty much only watch this guy and duncan