>Squatting your army? You silly user, why do you think this?
>Oh those? Those are just Primaris™ Marines user, you don't have to worry :^)
>Old marines will never get squatted, we are just offering new possibilities to modellers and players alike!
>What? New releases for old Marines? Eh user, it may take a while, you know, we are very busy with this new edition... maybe in the future! :^) why don't you buy this new Primaris™ Non-tactical squad since you're here? I heard there are new releases for them coming soon
Squatting your army? You silly user, why do you think this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Did you bitch about no more beakie squads at the time?
>Abloo-bloo-bloo, all these new models...
>Sisters players don't know how lucky they are.
I did because i love beakies
Good for you that you can still build one out of every old marine box. Maybe every primaris box will have enough pieces to put together an old marine acting as squad mascotte?
Actually I have confession to make as a sisters player. I honestly hope they never come out with plastic sisters. I'm putting a shit ton of work into converting myself an army, and it makes me kinda happy to be one of only two guys in my area who play them. If they came out with plastic 1.they might look better than my conversions which would just make me feel like shit about my girls and 2. Half a dozen other sisters players would pop up and I'd get lumped in wit them.
that would be both funny and embarrassing
I like that idea
I actually don't even play marines, and I love the Chads. I'm just amused by the butthurt manlet players
Somehow, I'm not heartbroken about marine players not being happy with their monthly releases. Maybe... be glad you get more realeases than everyone else? And with the fact that you get a brand new army that's fully compatible with your old army and filled with even MORE new releases?
... so you're saying you don't want plastoc sisters because they might be good and popular? What's wrong with you?
Anyone want to roll up a space marine chapter?
d10 for founding purpose.
he doesnt want to be jealous and he is honest about it
If SoB come back i'll order a display painted 3k point army asap.
So your point is correct, but I'd point out that there is an awful lot of overlap in those categories.
Rolled 5 (1d10)
Get a life
you're the reason we can't have nice things. primaris just look fucking superior, i'd buy them on aesthetic alone
Cheapens the IP, tho.
>So many people have cucked themselves to chadmarines
This is truly the end times
Rolled 2 (1d6)
I have never rolled before lets see if I can manage
A thread died for this.
GW is not a charity. Fucking stupid thread.
The models are aesthetically bad in every right, they look like generic space men with generic space mechs
They're a hallow shell of what made space marines
you mean generic space men in generic armour? sounds exactly the same too me.
No I mean this thing, it feels off and out of place. I don't care if "That's how it should have looked" The design is not that great
sure, that's a nice opinion to have. but being an opinion, it's utterly meaningless.
You're still not giving me a reason to like this guys, you're making it worse
i'm not trying too. like or don't like what you want. just don't pretend your opinion matters.
I just hate the retarded lore behind them, why can't they just be the regular marines? People can suspend their disbelief.
no they fucking can't. fanboys are utterly fucking retarded to the smallest detail. look at the rules debates that came out. neeing faq's for common sense questions. they need to be handheld through every aspect of the hobby.
>Don't call the new models stupid!
>Not Like I'm buying them anyways...
You better get yourself used to criticism because this is not how you go about it.
It's clear that GW is trying to go for a new "Shiny and high tech look" to the space marines and eventually everything else, completely ignoring the world style they've had set up for decades now.
They're doing this to attract the newer generation who have been used to the clean and smooth sci-fi settings we've been getting lately
How about stop buying Space Marines so other factions will also got some new units
that's some sideways thinking you've got going there broseph. i couldn't care about 40k one way or the other. don't play have no interest in starting. but these are still space marines and recognisable as such. you pretending that your precious models have changed a bit, isn't going to change that.
>Rievers use stripped down MkX armor for mobility
>3+ save
well actually, the army doesn't get squatted, it's just a few units (and even than, it needs time until they are fully gone)
that's why I love Orks
>Play Orkz
>Literally any model looks good if painted and/ or converted decently
>Can use shit from the 90s, or modern-day sculpts in one force easily enough
>Any Ork release can be used and kitbashed
>Massive difference in scale between Orkz, Orcs, or Orrukz is welcomed, such as the Ironjawz or any of the old WHFB stuff, all can be made 40k with minimal effort
And that's why Orkz is da best
>but being an opinion, it's utterly meaningless.
opinions are just context relative truths.
what's utterly meaningless is your attitude.
so you agree with me then. thanks for that.
>i couldn't care about 40k one way or the other. don't play have no interest in starting
They may look like space marines, but nothing about them even feels like a space marine. I've said this in every post which you continually ignore.
I can look back at the older drawings and models and tell they are space marines and fit the setting they are in.
When I look at the newer drawings and models, nothing about them yells "Space marine". They look overly high tech compared with everyone else, they're lore and creation feels forced without much thought put into it.
The argument that the Space marines are the best The Emperor could do still counts since the primarchs don't count. They were the The Emperor's finest and almost impossible to recreate without messing with the geneseed; which is HERESY if I might remind you, and are to be considered mutants.
>Cause they were
So the fact they were even made without anyone bating an eye is just poor writing and proof GW just wants to send these new models out the door because they look cool, and more approachable to a wider audience of young kids and teens
What is with this newish trend of calling out people merely having fucking opinions, somebody was calling an user a special snowflake in the general because he said 7ed had a bit of rules bloat. We're at the level of:
>I don't like X
>Okay but why
Like holy fuck, we're on Veeky Forums to discuss our opinions on Veeky Forums, if we're not allowed to have opinions without anons calling out their mere existence then what the fuck are we supposed to do here? Call people a faggot because they do/don't like the primaris marines, but calling people faggots for having opinions at all on primaris marines is retarded.
>They look overly high tech compared with everyone else
well, at least we can say that the empire of man isn't that much stagnant in technology anymore
>monthly releases
The only new models before Primaris for vanilla was the storm hawk and before that the 2013 6th edition shit. I guess stupid niggers like you forgot the 4 years of non vanilla marine releases that happened in between
>Fucking. This.
It would be a lot better if this was just a different armour mark.
No, your opinion on opinions being meaningless is straight up wrong.
t. manlet
I'm daft enough to have built an army that's essentiallynot supported from the company basically from scratch because I liked them and I enjoyed the challenge. And now that I've been doing it for a bit I'm really proud of them, and others think they are really unique and cool, but if plastic sisters come out I'll loose that and my prise may turn to shame when I see my goofy cut n paste jobs next to smooth sculpts. It isn't rocket science man.
So because your feefees will get hurt, they shouldn't release plastic sisters? Fuck off, you shouldn't punish the rest of us just because your self admitted shitty conversions won't look good next to them.
It's true. Although ruthlessly ridiculed, the older dreadnaught patterns were "the" iconic 40k mechs, i think secondly only in brand importance to the marines themselves. It shocks me that they're trying to replace them wholesale rather than making minor changes while preserving the look.
This, god damn it.
I think there must be too many "moooom i dont caaaAAAaare" teens on here.
They're trying to attract a different playerbase
I played Squats
I had 2,500 points of fuckin useless Guard-by-any-other-name with gimpy stumpy little legs
I had Rhinos, I had Trikes, I had Hearthguard with and without Exo-Armour, on and off Trikes, I had Living Ancestors with some of the most broken psychic powers of RT or 2E
You know why nobody really likes them in 40k? It's because Space Wolves came along and did Norsish garbage better
You know why they never really caught on before that? No dreadnoughts, no heavy infantry worth having, no heavy artillery that wasn't also available to Guard and Marines with better assault options
Squats were shit, nobody played them, and if anybody tells you different they're a fucking liar and here's the proof for you: wait until everyone starts bitching about how they brought back Move as a characteristic and suddenly their units aren't competitive, because that was a problem every non-vehicle - and remember bikes and trikes were vehicles - unit had back in RT/2E
You want to know why they said jokingly that a Hive Fleet ate the Squats? because they'd played fuck knows how many test games trying out their lists against each other, and that's what Tyranids always did to Squats
fucking Genestealer Cults could take them out without tanks or artillery, just by sending a distraction squad of Cultists to harass while the Purestrains crossed the board in ONE TURN and raped to death anything that survived being shot to shit by the Hybrids hanging back with autocannons
Now Nigward do you see anything in this that even RESEMBLES any Space Marine army of 7E? Because that is the comparison you are making
Fucking garbage that everyone could smell the stench of death on years before 2E rolled up with the most-played faction of the last 30 years
I hope you choke to death on your daddy's dick tonight you lazy sonofabitch
Don't really give a shit about you m8.
Not even in second ed were stealers fast enough to first turn charge without amazing infiltration or psychic shenanigans.
I don't actually believe that GW will try to phase out the old marines, as why would they get rid of them for primaris when they can sell both? A big thing about pushing the primaris marines is because they're new and shiny and you don't have them... yet.
On top of that, old space marines have more aesthetic appeal because of all the bits from years upon years of development. For a long time, the primaris marines aren't going to be anywhere as cool as the old marines are. On top of that the old marines are compatible with all the heresy era marines they're also trying to sell you and want to keep selling to you.
Right now the fluff points towards Guilliman wanting to phase out the old marines and run the Imperium his way, like it was all Ultramar. But the Imperium is not all like Ultramar, and we don't know yet how the other primarchs are going to react when they come back, loyalist and traitor. There is a good chance, he or someone else is going to fuck it all up for him.
Are you.. Okay?
They will just stop producing manlet marine models and only feature chadmarines in fluff and art.
Everything changes as time passes, and things will be phased out and forgotten. It is an inevitability.
Christ, I hadn't seen the new dreads. That is just a BattleTech rip-off. WTF?
>preserving the look.
Personally I think they did a pretty good job making a updated Dread that's clearly based on the original boxnaught.
>people whinging about truscale new lore marines
They need to do the redo treatment to orks next
This looks great.
>Ugh, you guys have no idea how tough it is to have way too many cool models to choose from, including an entire new lineup just for us
>Meanwhile, every other army is lucky to receive more than a handful of new kits every decade
Space Marine privilege, everyone.
Kys. Seriously. You are an impediment to discourse. You know, that thing we're all here for?
>GW going to squat tiny marines
>when you can sell both tiny marines and huge marines
It's like you don't even business.
But the whole point is to transition to truscale
>This many shills
I'm not gonna make another version of my posts for shit like this
RT list (Compendium, no Chaos Attributes)
6" move becomes 12" charge move
>opponent has -1 hit mod when Genestealer chargers
>Genestealer claws have -1 save mod (ie RT-era power armor has a 5+ against them; RT-era Space Marines, Orks, Squats, (T4) are Wounded on a 2+; Orks, Squats, anything in Flak receives no save against Genestealer claws), 4 attacks per Purestrain
assuming you had nothing worth taking in the middle field, you could sit back on your styrofoam hill and wait for them to murder you on turn 2, but other than that the only way to avoid them would be playing lengthwise on a full-size 8'x4' board, normal deployment zones would only leave 24" between you and most games would have some reason to leave deployment zones
playing on a board less than 4' wide meant having Purestrains in your deployment zone on turn 1; if they had a tank to hide out in, you were dead
2E list (Tyranids or Cults)
6" move becomes 12" charge move; -3 save mod on the claws, wounds on a 2+ (Marines now get a 6+ save, everybody else is still fucked), 4 attacks per Purestrain blah blah nothing really change that much
oh except now they can get 2D6 saves and Frenzy from Catalyst which their Level 4 psykers always have, Hypnotic Gaze to absolutely fuck a unit 6" in front of them (better hope you weren't going to try and take any objectives or you'll be on your front line when they hit), and so on
Squats had Force Dome and Domination as their only worthwhile upgrades in 2E; we kept waiting for them to get some of those sweet sweet guns or whatever from Epic but they never came
fucking Elves man they did this to us
Its the fucking snowflake double think. Its infecting every subculture. Next we'll be calling for the punching of furries or decrying the humanity of mods apropos of nothing.
Strangely enough, that's exactly the same as me
t. hipster
Thing is some opinions are wrong and can only be interpreted as the buttonmashing of a retard.
I really don't understand people like you. Either you are a troll or a sociopath... In either case, don't you have anything better to do?
Hes right though. You are also projecting pretty hard.
oh wait I forgot
>Genestealers just set up to hide behind a wall if they don't get first turn, game becomes an exchange of fire that will end when they can sneak into charge range
>can't be discovered by Squats unless within 2" of them
>Squats don't have sufficient pie plates to empty the cover effectively
>no real reason just kind of shitty troops
>Hybrids can field 5 man squads with 3 heavy weapons each
>halp my rear line is being ripped apart by heavy plasma guns and lascannons and my front line Hearthguard are being incinerated by multimeltas wat can I PURESTRAINS NO
>guess I'll hide out in my Force Dome and drag this shit out for a turn longer
But this can't work like the squats, they just can't drop oldmarines in the lore like the squats. They have 10,000 years of history, and we're the key players in some of the greatest victories of the Imperium. They can and will write new stories, but they won't match up to the years of development.
I think that these years between the horus heresy and the 42nd millennium might be the future of the old marines. Historical battles and campaigns and such so that you can keep playing your old marines, they can sell you them, and you can buy any new characters or things they come up with along the way.
even the 1st and 2nd edition orks look quite nice so long as you give them arms from more modern sprues (otherwise they look a little too weedy).
Yes they can because legacy marines are being phased out in the lore. Its not like they are being replaced the primaris marine procedure is becoming the new standard for new marines.
>I don't actually believe that GW will try to phase out the old marines, as why would they get rid of them for primaris when they can sell both?
Because people don't have infinite money, stores don't have infinite shelf space and manufacturing doesn't have infinite materials and infinite man hours.
Man, are you for real?
Stop samefagging
Chad marines are unironically cooler than space marines
Learning to accept change and move on is a part of life. We all have to go through it at some point. Sooner is better than later.
No, they should punish you because you're a SoBfag and the worst sort of subhuman scum. The fact that some autist's shitty garbage can-looking Eisenkern trooper with Statuesque heads ass conversions would also be invalidated is just a coincidence.
>mfw I like Eisenkern Troopers
Someone who is only passingly familiar with 40k would be unlikely to see a dreadnaught and immediately think 40k, I reckon.
A lot less likely than seeing a marine and making the connection, and probably even less so than a chad marine.
It looks like a crappy 3rd party model. In fact it looks worse than some of the 3rd party ones I've seen.
Yeah, they just look at it and go 'huh, a shitty mech design'.
Should have just replaced it with the Contemptor pattern. New Chadnought looks derpy as fuck.
That's an honoured Veeky Forums tradition, though.
>yiff in hell furfags
Agreed they should have just said "here's the new mk x armour and new mk x units, have fun. Love the models (except for the reivers bald ass fucking heads, but that's okay we can just slap mk iv or intercessor heads on them) but the lore rape was silly.
It's funny because all bipedal mech designs are shitty.
>all bipedal mech designs are shitty
>Contemptor pattern
not even best pattern
Didn't Gulliman say he didn't like the Primaris?
They're shitty as in "bipedal robots are inferior to wheeled/tracked/hover ones or ones with more legs".