>believing swords are better than maces
Believing swords are better than maces
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw you learn a secret technique to reverse your sword so that it strikes with the force of a mace
what now macefags? gonna cry?
watch you don't break your cheekbones in when you try to dry those tears with your precious mace
While I am completely in favor of maces, I'll grant the sword has some decent qualities.
-Doesn't require much strength.
-Has a large damage dealing area which can make it easy to hit things with.
-Easy to wear.
-Fast and light defensive weapon.
-More reach than a mace.
-Small two handed ones like the longsword have the flexibility of stabbing, cutting, and bashing.
Still, I like the mace more. Takes no training to use (just physical strength), effective against almost any type of armor, you can hit with any side of it, easy to produce, easy to maintain, hard to break.
Swords are objectively cooler like Excalibur and Japanese katana nobody cares about a metal ball on a stick you caveman
>Easy to wear
Maybe civilian, dress, or sidearm swords, but war swords are big enough that it's more convenient to strap them to your horse, because fuck wearing something that's almost as tall as you.
>Maces and Swords fight for the second place while Spear is king
Seems about right
The best way to use a sword is like a mace
>your move
You wanna arm a rabble or mob ? Grab a spear.
You wanna hunt some beasties ? Grab a spear
You want something user friendly ? Grab a spear
fuck you
fuck you very much
You can use a sword like a mace, but you can't use a mace like a sword.
can i butcher my family with a mace?
>Spear is king
Only if Halberd is Emperor.
my brother
post your Halberd-fu
Hey, macefag, can you use your mighty club to cut this rope for me?
Hey, swordfag, can you use your penis compensator to kill this dude in full plate armour?
Excuse me, would you happen to know what weapon has killed the most humans throughout history? Oh the spear? Thanks.
This is now a spear thread. All others get out.
>glorified clubs are better than a longer, faster weapon that can kill you literally by touch
>Nigga doesn't know about half-swording
Versatility means you're armed for all occasions at a fraction of the weight
As a matter of fact, I can do it with merely half a sword.
>Knowing that Spears and other Polearms are superior to both
I'm partial to this type of shape, personally.
The one image between the two posts is using it like a spear.
Spears are for heavy infantry and heavy cavalry. Spearmen and lancers are designed from birth to be the cheap fodder fed to strong armies and stronger heroes, respectively. I can't see any narrative significance in the spear, aside from cowards using it to barely prolong their lives or finish off people much more powerful than them.
it's almost as if different situations call for different weapons....
>Heavy "The dominant weapon of the Medieval European battlefield" Calvary
>Cheap Fodder
Narrative is a shit, try realism.
Also, beating enemy to a pulp with a blunt weapon is just somehow way more satisfying for me than slicing them.
>believing maces are better than spears
You stab with halfswording you fool
That's a really weird image
Really makes you think
If spears are so good then why doesn't any big name game developers feature them
like say
any JRPG
or TES
or Witcher
really boils my eggs
used to before Oblivion
Because Witchers use only swords, there aren't any other effective melee weapons either
Dark souls have them, and who cares about most of the other Jap shit anyway
Also get the fuck back to /v/
>any JRPG
>hurr who are Dragoons of FF
Nigger what.
>believing plate armor is better than charging into battle naked
>Takes no training to use (just physical strength)
That's what plebs believe, huh
More voulge!
So what's the opinion on the axe?
>any JRPG
Remember the Dragoon class?
>or TES
Because its western trash, also Morrowind had them. The only good TES game.
>or Witcher
Against, shit setting developed by westerncucks
That's a tool axe, it does its job well under trained hands.
Not so dedicated for combat.
Why use an axe, when you can use a halberd?
Pretty shit to be honest, almost all alternatives are better
i like gun chan
she is very cute but doesnt know her own strength sometimes?! sorry black males
You can have mine.
Tool axes are great
As are fighting axes
That looks like a shitty axe though, but secondary bevel on it
Great as a tool or on the end of a long stick with a pointy end, doesn't have a good enough niche to be superior to a mace or sword in the case of one and two handed war variants.
>spears/most polearms (Other then halberds, those r gai lol(: 2nd place
>swords: 3rd
>maces and axes: Tied for 4th
>Halberd: 5th, I mean it isn't bad, but its still gai lol
However the real king is hammers. Have the strength and utility of a mace, can have a piercing end on the back (and top), can be put on big fuckin sticks for stabbing with, and if you really wanted you could probably rush into battle swinging a big one and take someone down with you in a death spin.
>(Other then halberds, those r gai lol(:
>Believing any weapon is better than my magical arcs of lightning
Why would anyone animate that?
I was thinking the same shit when I clicked that .gif
Who in their right minds would animate that and put it in a children's show?
>Western trask
Literal weeaboo.
>he is a weeaboo if I say so
Fuck your mouth, peasant
>Comes from early 4chins censoring "Wapanese" with "Weeaboo"
>Meaning is someone who is convinced Asia, and Japan in particular, is completely superior to the Western world, particularly in terms of Culture, and Entertainment.
Yeah, he's a textbook case of Weeb.
I'd say he makes a pretty strong case.
They simply are. The balance of a sword makes it easier to maneuver, the only advantages a mace really has are that they can break peoples' bones through armor and that you don't need to hit with them with any particular form to cause damage.
Swords are generally longer, handier, and you can do more with them. It's pretty obvious why so many people used them. The mace's actual applications have always been fairly minimal, they were incorporated into the scepters of kings because they represented the ability to crush armored nobles--but armored nobles didn't fight with maces so often as lances.
wtf I'm a weeaboo now
The use of the term "westernfags" suggests he has disdain for Americans and Europeans, so one can guess he prefers non-western forms of media. The only other source of media (tv, movies, video games, ect.) to rival the west comes from Japan and S. Korea.
He is a weeb because that is a logical conclusion to make.
[Hysterical Roman Laughter]
Because everyone thinks medieval times people used swords and only swords.
Realism turns the casual fan off most games. Ask for honor.
maces don't require great strength -- they generally weight about the same as an arming sword. They also require training and experience to be effectively used just like swords.
They're also generally less lethal than swords against lightly or unarmored targets because blood loss has pretty much always been the fastest and most effective way to kill people battle
what happened in for honor?
>Believing there's any point in discussing weapons without context.
Unless you state who's using the weapon, who he's fighting, how many people are involved and where they are, it's retarded to state that weapon A is better than Weapon B.
The guy with the mace feels really fucking smug next to the guy with a knife, until they face the rope-golem.
>Unless you state who's using the weapon,
King Arthur
>who he's fighting
>how many people are involved and where they are
No one else, the rest are civilians
For honor wasn't more realistic than other generic fantasy games. It's a fighting game dressed up to look gritty and medieval, but it still has absolutely retarded gear and weapon combinations, silly anachronistic factions and characters that can take a poleaxe to the head and just lose some hp.
It wasn't realism that turned people off anyway, it was shit meta and no dedicated servers.
Spears are pleb weapons though.
And are they at all armoured?
Are they fighting to the death?
Are they on a golf green or locked in a closet?
Realism turns people off of most games. Unless you consider simulations to be games. Most people just want games to be fun.
>silly anachronistic factions and characters that can take a poleaxe to the head and just lose some hp.
just like my D&D games!
>And are they at all armoured?
They are as armored as they are in their daily lifes.
>Are they fighting to the death?
Until one surrenders or death
>Are they on a golf green or locked in a closet?
Out in the street, in an intersection between roads.
>For honor wasn't more realistic than other generic fantasy games.
i think you're underestimating how unrealistic generic fantasy games are. if you compare it to something like Skyrim or WoW then yeah, it was more realistic. not realistic but more realistic for sure.
Simulations are literally games, if a random girl asks you "what are you doing, user-san?" and you tell her "Oh, I'm running a simulation of a city"
She will literally believe you are playing a game and walk away in disgust from you.
Same if you told her you are running a simulation of a colony, or a football simulation, or a race simulation, or a truck driving simulation.
The girl will never, EVER, have sex with you.
Only western things are good though. Literally nothing good comes from anywhere else.
>implying WoW isn't 100% completely accurate in all things
i bet this jackass can't even see his own health bar
It was so unrealistic that degrees of unrealistic doesn't really matter.
No, there were no elves or neon colours, but the characters were stupidly outfitted, gear was designed by people who mashed up fantasyshit and some museum pictures, and the fights were no closer to realistic than any other fighting game is.
Saying that it's realistic because it's not as cartoony as wow is like saying that getting stabbed in the eye is nice because it hurts less than getting stabbed in the balls.
Then Lancelot wins. He was the incomparable knight. They fight until Arthur surrenders, it doesn't go to the death.
>Arthur vs Lancelot
Lancelot wins because frogs made a mary sue
>Arthur wouldn't fight to the death against the faggot that fucked his wife
what a pussy lmao
Galahad was the real Mary Sue. Lancelot was just the Sue orbiter designed to make him look even better.
That said, the legend of the holy grail inadvertently paints Bors as a far better knight and person than galahad
Good b8 i r8 8/8 no h8
>creating bait threads about a certain topic in the hope Veeky Forums will steer it into a good discussion
>I can't see any narrative significance in the spear
>He doesn't know about Cu Chulainn and Gae Bulg
>post your Halberd-fu
Not with that attitude you can't!
Sword is the better one handed weapon you can carry all day because its more lethal against unarmoured/lightly armoured opponents and has better reach.
The odds of you needing to kill a guy in full plate without expecting it out of battle are stupidly low. Much more likely you will be jumped by thugs or something.
>Sword is the better one handed weapon
But that's no mine
>not dual wielding a sword AND a mace
>getting stabbed in the eye is nice because it hurts less than getting stabbed in the balls.
I'm pretty sure eyes hurt more than balls
These sound like opinions you are regurgitating from Veeky Forums posts. I don't care about the historical fact of why Lancelot was introduced, but please read the myths. They are good and rewarding to read, and too many people spout misconceptions without ever having read them.
Based halberd bro
exactly this (except the secret part)
>Still, I like the mace more. Takes no training to use (just physical strength),
No one there seriously believes this, right?