Has a character in your campaigns or a campaign you played ever committed suicide?
Has a character in your campaigns or a campaign you played ever committed suicide?
Kind of. It was more of an assisted suicide or a mercy killing.
My character was bitten by a vampire and started turning. Rather than see himself become a monster he asked the party to behead him.
In a Call of Cthulhu oneshot, attempted suicide. Didn't work because of bike helmet.
All the time. I Allah akbur quite frequently to everyone's dismay
>you only have 2hp why are you jumping in?
>I got less to lose then
When I get a faggot like you in my group I tell him that he'll have to wait until the end of the campaign to roll up a new character.
Keeps players from treating their PCs like rental cars.
Sci-fi campaign, a sandman type psychic alien had us on the ropes, with no easy way out. Separating everyone, bringing up worst fears, and in general fucking with everyone to eat their negative emotions.
My diplo-douche convinced the alien to let everyone else go and keep him, to give the rest of the party a chance to escape and rally.
How did he convince the alien to do that?
I'm going to assume that a lot of L5R players will say "yes" to this.
A combination of really high diplomacy skill, nearly the max you can get out of the system, as well as having a lot of repressed negativity, including killing his own father, letting his lover live and die on a horrible death world, and letting his son go on a suicide mission. He let the party go, he could feast on a lifetime worth of mental anguish.
>first time playing shadowrun
>team has a decker, mage, rigger and samurai
>decide to go shaman for support and summons
>it's supposed to be 5e but dm fudges in other edition shit at random btw
>he helps me build a character
>looking through totems decide i want to make a scorpion shaman, aka a paranoid asshole but dedicated to hunting and killing bugs and toxic spirits
that mistake was my fault
>dm helps me build a character
what we made i blame him for
>character isnt bad but sub-optimal
>everyone elses character is min-maxed as shit
>im conviced all the other players had some form of mental disfunction because they could not tell the difference between irl and in character
>everyone hates my character and is convinced i will betray them at some point
>dont even have fun at the games anymore it's just a stressful chore to watch these bumbleing retards bl;under through the missions relying on the op as shit samurai to one shot everything
>during one run dm crits my character in the face with an smg
>of course my character isnt built to survive a medium level mobster
>during escape i get shot a couple of times as they carry my unconscious body out
>say that i died
it was a fucking horrible experience and now i never want to play shadowrun again
i can post more of the outrageously stupid shit they did if anyone is interested
this why should I give a fuck about meme characters?
Do it
In one game I played the GM dropped the ball and ended up stranding us on a completely desert island. Like, no flotsam, nothing. Everything was glassed. After an hour of trying to figure out a way off (and several in game years) my character just flew as high as he could and dive bombed into the sea, killing himself.
And no, he couldn't have flown away, the island was months away from anything else and we couldn't even build a raft.
In my games a few PCs have killed themselves, but only twice was it intentional.
If you don't have at least a player or two in CoC campaigns, then you're not doing your job properly.
Better if they suicide multiple times but the Outer Gods JUST. WON'T. LET. THEM. DIE.
How the hell do you drop the ball that far and something as insanely unfun as that?
At one point I was running a long campaign with horror elements.
In a body horror one (mostly The Thing, but with armies and magic and mechanical) the PCs suspected they might be infected and committed suicide.
In another, they were trapped in a castle that fucked with their perception of space and one PC, who was claustrophobic as fuck couldn't handle it and shot himself in the head.
Lastly, same campaign, a PC Allahu Ackbar'd the border patrol when they were discovered trying to flee the !Nazis.
He wasn't very experienced and had some rigid ideas on how an adventurer was supposed to act. We essentially failed to live up to his imagination.
He's still pretty bad at it, but these days he expresses how the world works much better.
where to start
>rigger has some for of mental disability irl
>not retarded just a little slow
>doesnt roleplay
>only answer to anything is blowing things up
>not in a funny way
>like surrounded by 5 enemies in melee, i throw a grenade
he was the most tolerable
>samurai played by a splerge lord
>roleplayed a drunken retard very well
>super op, borderline unkillable and could one shot anything the dm threw at us
>any enemy balanced for him would turn the rest of the party into red mist
>mage is decker's girlfriend
>on phone 90% of time
>character made by dm is super powerful
>comes with a free spirit minion and can blast a tank to pieces with magic
>has no useful spells
>never uses them anyway
>i do more with levitate and invisibility than she does with a whole fucking list of spells
>bragged that her magic score was higher than mine (dm built me a character with 4 in magic instead of 6)
>never used it for anything
now for the leader of our merry band of fuckups
I had a heroic sacrifice kind of suicide in shadowrun.
We were fighting the main villain, some cybered up monstrosity of a human. My character was near death and in an effort to save my friends I threw everything into a spell that killed him but I died to the drain afterwards. Was a fun game.
Yep. She was the villain of the campaign. The party wound up talking her out of it. Big mistake.
Yes, two different campaigns.
The first had his best friend, played by a seperate player, die in front of him in the final fight. They killed themselves in grief after the fight was won. Good player, has been busy so he hasnt been able to join up on my next one.
Second one had a baby they adopted end up getting abducted and killed, I was a player in this one rather than a DM and I tried to stop them. They jumped into a pit of lava, whole thing was kind of just jarring and not very fun, the player was sort of just protesting the DM being way too mean or unnecarrily cruel to the player for having a piece of flavor. The kid always was being unreasonably abducted or targeted by the world. DM of this campaign is pretty goddamn bad, but I don't mind since I'm foreverdm and I never get to play. Good players sort of carry it for me.
I got a player in my group doing that. DM just told them that they have to create a character at a low level if they want to keep treating their characters as disposable.
My wizard hung himself to see if he had succeeded at becoming immortal. He did, but he had trouble getting down.
the decker
>irl friends with samurai and mage is his gf
>so everyone does what he says by majority vote
>problem is he is a fucking moron
>spend 4 hours in prep for a mission to attack a vampire because he has to argue with everyone, do a shit ton of unnecessary prep and reconnaissance
>he gets an email from the vampire inviting us over
>"we have to go because he challenged my honor!"
>niggawut? we criminals
>we go to his house
>sit at the vampires table
>he offers us wine
>everyone but me drinks it
>it was poisoned because of fucking course it was
>everyone acts like this was some crazy plot twist
other time
>doing a job for a corperate vice president or some shit
>have to kill his son who is now a cultist
>we do it
>decker decideds to clear out the sons bank account and steal his car
>acts surprised when a corp puts out massive bounties on us and blows up our house
and that was all forgivable,the real reason i hated him was for how he treated everyone else
>on the mission for V.P.
>new player bounty hunter helps us out
>gets us some legit SIN's, connections and money from saving kids
>at end of mission he tells him strait to his face that he wasnt hired for the mission so he wouldnt be getting any money for helping us
>i negotiate with the V.P. and vouch for the new player and the V.P. throws him some cash for helping us
>tried to deck into riggers drones because he thought he'd be a better rigger than the rigger
>used his stupidly high social skills to force my character to act against his personal interest
>like 8 dice vs 20 to get me to do some stupid hostage rescue rather than prep to fight the powerful toxic spirit we were about to release
(killing toxic spirits and bugs is my characters #1 motivation)
>hacked into everyone's phones so he could monitor all their conversations and often shut off peoples comms to control the role play
>insisted he make all the decisions because he was the party face and didnt let anyone else role play
I've used suicide with a few NPCs.
Had a minor mage fuck up a summoning spell (without realizing) and the demon prowled the streets at night, murdering people. The mage is genuinely helping the PCs try and solve the mystery, but his wife gets killed. He's distraught and kind of losing it, but they end up figuring it out. Shell shocked, he hangs himself later that evening.
I had a minor recurring NPC throw himself off a cliff. He was acting weird so everyone assumed a curse or evil spirits, but it was just depression.
One of my primary villains did some horrible shit for the greater good (important research that helped stave off demonic invasion) but couldn't live with himself and drank poison once he wasn't needed.
A retired hero received a nasty wound that left them mentally crippled most of the time and the PCs helped euthanise him.
My male ranger got impregnated by an Illithid some how. He was injected in the gut and when we got back to town days later the cleric confirmed a second life force. I decided temporary suicide was the only solution, since apparently "pregnancy" is not a status condition a cleric can remove.
After the (online) sessions we would sometimes end the call and do text RP. That night I typed out my character's last moments while everyone else roleplayed the welcome home party. The contrast was incredible and everyone enjoyed it.
A week later I got a res and my character suddenly (and secretly) had short range telepathy.
Actually the lower level would encourage it more. As you get lower and lower the only way to beat things stronger than you is to get more and more reckless as any margin of failure is instant death for you
Another question, more dark: did any of your players/gm commit suicide?
I jumped in front of a metro, but the driver spotted me on cameras they specifically have for jumpers. I wasn't even the first one for that day.
I really hate metro jumpers. Blocking commute is a dick move.
As far as I can tell I'm the most likely out of everyone I know to commit suicide.
Yeah, I felt like a twat. Plus the driver yelled at me. On the plus side, I was too embarrassed to think about suicide. Like, even now, years later the sense of shame is overwhelming.
>Actually the lower level would encourage it more. As you get lower and lower the only way to beat things stronger than you is to get more and more reckless as any margin of failure is instant death for you
Yeah, but then the player eliminates himself from the game and has the rest of the campaign to grow up.
Unless suicide by stupidly charging unprepared counts, no... oh well, another form of suicide by stupidity. Or rather, forgetfulness.
>Two players on a side mission in the woods, since the other two players couldn't make it that day.
>Stumble upon a werewolf, kill it but both got bitten.
>Found a hut deep in the woods. Turns out the guy who lived there was an alchemist who was trying to find a cure for his alchemist daughter.
>She had accidentally killed him, and they found her, terrified gnome-werewolf. They figured it out pretty quickly.
>The alchemist's daughter brews them some belladonna potions to cure the curse.
>As a side effect, the cure has a generic poison effect since it's still a toxic plant.
>The girl drinks hers, gets very sick and weak but survives.
>One player drinks his potion, survives too, but weakened like her.
>The third one is a bit wary and decides he'll wait until they're out of the woods.
>Starts to transform.
>Drinks poisonous potion in a half-tranformed panic.
>Dies slowly to poison over the course of a few minutes, while the other two characters are helpless to save him.
>Get ressurected a bit later.
>Re-reads his character sheet.
>Realizes he had antidote all that time.
Nothing successful yet, but my current Uresia campaign has seen two separate attempts.
All of them.
Love that shame, it's probably keeping you alive.
In a campaign character of one of the players found out that she is basically a demigod. Or close enough. Though immediately after that her demigod relatives showed up and things got really ugly. They treated her pretty well but everyone else who was not a demigod was treated like shit. And everything started going downhill from there.
At the end of the game the choice was pretty much - go along with what these assholes want or deny them in some way. Going to war with them would have resulted in death for everyone she cared about so she cut out her own power and threw it away. And that killed her.
No, he just won't play during the down time. If the goal is to defeat the enemy, desperate measures are in order some times.
If you want to be a player down, might as well have a player that does something once rather than nothing at all.
massive insulin o.d
>Playing All Flesh Must Be Eaten
>Zombified miners in a mine, players are playing selves, got in via potholing mishap
>Last pair are boyfriend-girlfriend
>Stuck in bathroom, one revolver, no melee weapons, zombies are ferocious
>Door slowly giving way
>Table morale low
>Boyfriend "I guess we should... I mean... I don't want to be one of those things.
>Girlfriend "If you're sure... I have the gun. I'll do you and then myself."
>Boyfriend [IRL tearful] "I'll... I'll wait for you."
>Girlfriend kisses boyfriend
>Girlfriend "I turn him round, and shoot him in the head."
>Long pause
>GM "And then you... kill yourself?"
>Girlfriend "I shot five times last combat. There's no spare ammo left. I just wait for the door to give way."
>The table becomes a flurry of argument as people double check the ammo, go back over their memories.
>She's right
>GM closes books
>Session over
>Girlfriend just holds boyfriend
I called my fiancee on the way home that night.
Sounds pretty bad-ass. Good character deaths, esp if on purpose (like a last stand or heroic suicide) are my favorite part of games.
Oh for fuck's sake, this was posted in a thread like a year ago. The mineshaft and everything. And the ignorance of the fact that you could line up your heads and shoot both with one bullet. They did that en masse in world war 2 to save ammo in executions.
>I called my fiancee on the way home that night.
So?? How on earth is that relevant at all.
>Oh for fuck's sake, this was posted in a thread like a year ago. The mineshaft and everything.
By me.
>shoot both with one bullet
Wasn't me playing. I was dead a long time before.
>Called my fiancee
Because I was sad, and reflected on my own relationship and how shitty it would be to be in that situation.
>Because I was sad
You're a huge pussy.
>reflected on my own relationship and how shitty it would be to be in that situation.
You will never be in that situation because zombies don't exist. If you think someone committing suicide to spare their partner pain is "omg so sad" that is actually effects you emotionally, in a FICTIONAL setting, then you need to grow the fuck up.
Your friends are stupid fucks for not just laying together and blowing brains with one bullet. It would have worked too. LOL that character died in agony for no reason. If anything your story is fucking hilarious. It's like that one story of the user who blew up the bus full of children when he could have just collapsed the tunnel the BBEG was driving toward and blocked his path and probably saved most of the kids.
>Boyfriend [IRL tearful] "I'll... I'll wait for you."
Holy shit this is way too cringeworthy to be real. Thanks for making me ashamed of my favorite hobby.
Wait, are you confusing campaign and session? because the idea of having your character killed and not being able to play for months until the other players do something arbitrary to end a campaign seems really dickish compared to being out for the night.
Only War - had a player call in a Lance Strike on his position to take out a Genestealer Magus and Patriarch.
Had another guy try a pic related from the back of his (Lascannon armed) Sentinel onto the back of a tank. Pity about the transport full of enemy troopers who watched him do it, then proceeded to swiss cheese him off the back of said tank. I think that counts as suicide... right?
Not an argument.
You don't like me, you aren't impressed by the anecdote, and you take issue with the decisions made by someone else at my table years back.
I didn't even realise I was supposed to rebut any of that. You just be you.
Correct, he wasn't making an argument
Dude, don't cut yourself on that one
>playing in a post-apocalyptic setting
>my character is the leader of a small village
>bandit group controls the clean water
>starts bleeding us dry for it until we have to stand up to him
>characters go to fuck shit up
>end up captured by warlord and his men
>he rips one character's eyes out with a corkscrew (she had shot him in the arm during the battle)
>she was also my character's girlfriend in the game so he begged him to stop
>now that he knows my character loves her, he forces him to slit her throat and drink her blood, or else he'll slaughter the rest of the party
>I refuse
>he shoots her in the leg and says he's going to keep shooting her in non-vital places so I might as well kill her and make it less painful and save my friends as well
>so he does
>also forced to drink her blood
>he laughs then has all the other characters shot anyway
>after their bullet riddled bodies hit the floor, he tortures me until I tell him (false) info about our village's defenses
>he sends his men in on motorcycles with Uzis and they gun down most of the population
>brings their heads back and shows them to me while laughing
>beats my character nearly to death and leaves him in the desert to die with a makarov and one bullet (for suicide)
>he sneaks back, sunburnt to death, a week later and shoots one of the guards with the mak and takes his AK
>take out eight or nine guards, make my way into oil refinery building
>find warlord, shoot two of his assistants then shoot him in the chest like four times
>he is tough as fuck and I've run out of ammo but I manage to finish him off with knife
>end up rescued by another village who had been planning to attack and were waiting nearby
>reload the mak I was given and shoot self in head since I have nothing to live for anymore
>if you don't cry at a shitty story with a gaping plot hole, you're an edgelord
Okay cool.
Once. I'm phoneposting so I can't greentext the whole story, but the player was playing a dwarven fighter and didn't like playing her. She went to 0 in a bossfight and because of a critfail and some shit rolls on the followup her character basically lost her legs.
When it was revealed the boss-troll-wizard-eldritch thing summoned a horde the player decides to leave her dwarf behind and start over. While we were outside having a smoke our GM came up with a fun little set of charts to decide how many dice and of what type she would roll to find out how many... I think they were mutated Goblins? How many mutated Goblins she took down with her before she died. GM took her inside alone for the rolls and we resumed play.
Come back a few sessions later, just long enough that we could explain in character not taking her to a priest for a revival and we found the room she dies in covered in bones and her own dagger in her neck, she had killed 3d100 goblins before she became too exhausted and took her own life to deby the mutants the privilage of taking hers.
She was hardcore man, we buried her with honors and got tattoo's of her name on our characters.
This. I had a player in my Delta Green game who would have their character suicide the moment they started losing SAN. So I had his character get cursed.
>Disciple of the King In Yellow points at the character and announces "may you live forever!"
>Next session, character loses some sanity due to arcane horror.
>"He goes and finds a quiet corner and blows his brains out."
>I describe the character doing just that. Then I describe the blinding pain, followed by floating without a body in an endless void and beholding Ancient Unknowable Beings From Beyond Time.
>More San loss happens.
>Then the character wakes up, slumped over on the floor with a spitting headache, the taste of blood in their mouth and a gun on their knees but no wound.
>"Want to try that again?"
I've put that character through hell and it's great. He cannot die but he can still suffer and feel death. The player is paranoid about the character dying now.
I rolled poorly on a madness table and was to become comatose during the boss fight of a oneshot
I discussed with the GM and opted for death by Revolver in my mouth.
You know, for dramatic effect
I find anther GM if he force me into wanted to kill off character and then did that
were you sick of the character?
/r/ing the story where most of the party commits IC suicide after being robbed of a trivial amount of money.
>Playing a ward to the main PC family in an ASOIAF campaign.
>Diplomatic foster child, grown up with PC family since he was eight. Basically sees the rest of the house as family.
>Is set up for marrying foster "sister", the eldest daughter to the lord I've been serving.
>Is gay, ends up feeling useless and guilty over not being able to give a loved "sister" the husbandly love she deserves. Ends up with a lot of self-loathing over his "unnatural" sexuality
>Lord loses leg in a battle against a rival house while I was around, which I tried to prevent but failed. The lord ends up feeling inadequate since a lot of his identity was tied to his status as a great knight. It gets worse and worse over time.
>My character can't stand seeing his foster father in this state. Hands him sweetsleep for assisted suicide, which comes with another slew of guilt. Has at this point entered a love affair with another knight in the castle.
>Foster-brother, the younger brother of my character's wife, inherits.
>A younger foster-sister may or may not have been magically gifted or something, as she "can't keep living in a castle of ghosts". Leaves to become the Westerosi equivalent of a nun.
>This, in combination with a lot of other bullshit and drama from before, tips him over the edge. He tries to hang himself, but is found in time and cut down before he chokes out.
>People find out about that him and the other knight are fucking.
>New lord has the other knight executed and my character sent to the Wall for betraying his sister like this.
>MC throws himself off the wall after a few months of the watch.
All in all a great campaign. A shame how that char ended though.
No, user, you've lost the thread. What you meant to say is,
>if you get irrationally angry at someone else's story simply because it involved a significant other, you're an edgelord
I hope this helped.
ow the edge
Yes, twice.
In one campaign a bard cast fireball at his own feat, killing him along with the treants that had been walloping the party.
In a modern campaign Yevgeney Lagonuv the monster hunter ritually disemboweled himself to finish a spell that banished the giant wendigo the party was fighting. I would have let him just make a check of some kind but he wanted to suicide so I ruled it an auto-success.
what a fuckass
Lol, isnt your stepdad user, so you don't have to take it out on him.
Only cool thing posted thus far
This user is retarded.
She was a priest of Sigmar, and had become corrupted enough to mutate after defeating the BBEG.
She threw herself from the top of the ziggurat and died on impact.
ow the edge
In the final battle of the last campaign I ran our wizard set in motion a plot against a warlock and rogue in the party, who previously teamed up and killed him for murdering a big bunch of civilians. That time he got resurrected by the paladin, but held a grudge nevertheless.
Basically, wizard got his Simulacrum to trick Warlock into leaving the room for a while, while the rest of the party was battling an upscaled Death Knight and his cohorts. When shit went south, Warlock DimDoored back in and got Disintegrated by Wizard himself, while his Simulacrum put Wizard under a Force Cage, blocking the exit from the room at the same time. Rogue and Paladin on the outside, shouting 'What the fuck are you doing you fucker', got Incendiary Cloud'ed - however, Wizard did his best to avoid killing their Pally and only target the Rogue. Rogue survived for a few rounds but eventually realized she'll just burn down anyway - so she looks straight into the Wizard's eye and slits her own throat as a final 'fuck you'.
I planned for them to kill each other nevertheless - in the next room, while fighting over an artifact sword. Oh well, what's bound to happen will.
No, but I often have involve themes of suicide into my campaigns with NPC characters and lore for my setting. It's kinda how I cope with my rl suicidal tendencies, by actualizing it and making it something that can be discussed between me and my friends. I try not to shoe-horn it in there, but I throw things like that in maybe a bit more than necessary.
A local baptist church distributed Chick tracts on public transport, I was super excited to get a physical copy of Dark Dungeons. One day somebody will look through my collection of RPG books and see it nestled amongst there, and we'll all get a good chuckle out of it.
>Playing with a group of friends who are mostly new to RPGs
>Character creation is usually deciding which cool anime character can be best emulated in the system
>Decide to shake things up and prevent some cringe
>"Hey guys, I want to play one half of a married couple, who wants in?"
>After initial 'you fag' and casual laughter, someone actually volunteers
>We talk about backstory and classes
>I end up with a Paladin, he really wants to play a Spy/Rogue
>We decide we're Romeo and Juliette-ing this, since everyone else is cliche as fuck
>Our characters were in love in the same city, religious politics prevented a paladin from marrying a suspected criminal
>We elope, but I make him promise to give up thievery and skullduggery
>In order to keep away from anyone looking for us, we do a lot of caravan escorting, which is how we end up as adventurers
>Go adventuring, rest of the party is Barbarian, Wizard, Ranger
>Campaign leads us into a cave dedicated to an unholy 'sorta-dead' god
>Lots of situations where my paladin has to say no and be Lawful Stupid because otherwise I fall and become a fighter without class features.
>Party decides to empower an artifact weapon blessed to the dead god by murdering a guy we found living in the cave
>Husband strikes up a deal to slowly become the avatar of the dead god, slowly becoming more reptilian in appearance
>Whole time my paladin is forced to make Wis and Cha saves from the horror of being wed to someone who's rejecting the 'proper' gods
>Arrive half-dead towards the boss encounter, which we stumbled into on accident
>Boss is a cleric trying to take the power of the dead god for himself
>Barbarian manages to kill him with rage
>System we play in, Rage doesn't end at will. Rage ends when the turn timer for 2d20 turns has passed
>4 turns left on Rage, barb HAS to attack the party now.
>barb HAS to attack the party
That's stupid, you can stop the story there
>Rogue's turn
>has been hearing whispers of the dead god, telling him to take the MacGuffin, finish what the BBEG started
>turns to my character and simply says, "I'm sorry."
>takes the MacGuffin and stabs himself in the heart
>Whole group doesn't know what to do for about a minute
>On the other hand, no time to mourn, Barbarian's turn
>Attacks me, brings me to near-death.
>Wizard and Ranger pump debuffs onto Barbarian while getting out of range in case I go down
>My turn. I have to tank the Barbarian so we don't TPK, even though I'm not likely to survive. Also can't kill him though
>Throw down my sword, crying in hysterics about how the party was responsible for his death, start screaming, "BRING HIM BACK, BRING HIM BACK!"
>Manage to knock Barbarian prone
>3 turns left on Rage
>Barbarian gets up, tries to hit me, misses
>Ranger heals Wizard, Wizard heals Ranger
>I'm still crying and blubbering, try to knock down the Barbarian, fail to
>2 turns
>Barbarian knocks me down to 0 with a shitty damage roll
>Ranger and Wizard don't want to/can't intervene
>Successful death save, mumbling husband's name, and how I'll join him soon.
>Last turn; if Barbarian doesn't kill me, I can be stabilized and carried unconscious out of here.
>Most apprehensive dice roll ever at any table I've played at
>Barbarian crits; DM describes how my poor Paladin gets her skull smashed in and brutalized, and how the Barbarian comes out from the fog of rage with his fists covered in the blood of his companion
>Wizard, Rogue, and Barbarian are all shocked to the core as they escape the collapsing dungeon
>Game comes to a close, no one's saying anything from the sheer emotional shock of the situation
On a slightly related note;
>Be me, be at RP-Husband's party, chat with his parents
>His mom asks how our roleplaying games have been going
>Tell the story
>"Oh, of course *you* were the wife"
Does it still count if it was because their original self was still alive, he was proven to be the copy, and he firmly believed there can only be one?
Not yet. I have a feeling that it might happen sooner rather than later.
A player pulled a card that boosted him up to lvl 10 in my 5e dnd game, I told him that sort of magic jump would attract unwanted attention from various unsavoury types, (Made him roll a d20 every time he cast a level 4 spell, and a d100 on a level 5, if he ruled 1 on a d20 demons would pop out, and a d20 would be rolled again to determine how many, d100 >20 the demon thing if he rolled a 1 I would've let the spell go off but multiplied by 10, due to the fact he has no idea how to actually harness the power.)
Player used a levle 4 spell, (I warned him about the rolling), some demons came and asked him to come with them to the abyss, for some "gentle" persuasion by their boss.
The madman fucking agrees.
Fastforward to them throwing him in a room with orcus and them fucking legging it, orcus asks him to do his bidding or get fucked, he tells orcus to fuck off, slits his wrist, orcus brings him back and throws him his wand and says it's his final chance, he takes it and casts power word kill on orcus.
Orcus just fucking murders him there and thne and raises him as a lich.
Now my paladin's keep he got from the deck has the wizard's tower which the player who turned into a lich also got, providing me with a BBEG and a chance for them to actually earn the keep.
>d20 would be rolled again to determine how many, d100 >20 the demon thing if he rolled a 1 I would've let the spell go off but multiplied by 10
What are you even saying this sounds like Dr. Seuss math
We had a hereditary glitter boy pilot with a mental endurance stat of 3 (story was something like he was the last in the line with nobody else to take up the mantle) lose his irreplaceable mech to a coalition missile salvo, then feed himself a laser blast while he was being carried away by the party's dragon.
Still make jokes about that guy once in a while. Poor Cody.
Yes, a lucifuge I played in a nWoD Hunter game did not plan on surviving the campaign. He had managed to wrangle a somewhat open ended bargain with a demon, and planned to die to dodge the consequences due to technicalities arising from who actually owned his soul.
Almost the entire party ended up sacrificing themselves in that game, in one form or another. As I recall, one of the only pcs to survive had gone full supernatural slasher by that point, and ended up stuck in the umbra to beat werewolves to death with a shovel for eternity.
>elope because he "loves" her
>still follows along with a god his "lover" doesn't approve of
>kills himself even though that would fill his "lover" with grief
That rogue was a Prick, holy shit
>Playing L5R
>be me, angry as fuck Matsu 'zerk
>mostly mad because my whore sister thinks she is better than me even if she is getting married to a sissyboy Doji
>I fucking hate her so much
>Lord asks me to keep an eye on said sissyboy when he comes to visit.
>Sissyboy is an Emerald Magistrate, who would've thought
>hit it off great with the Kuni that accompanies him though
>there's also a Mantis with us for some reason. Stupid merchant playing samurai dress-up
>make fun of sissyboy with Kuni-bro whenever we can
>otherwise, staying close to the Doji to keep him safe: he falls ill after drinking some wine, but the Kuni saves him in the nick of time
>Mantis hits up his merchant ilk and finds out who the fuck messed with our charge
>find the would-be assassins in a seedy geisha house and do some spring cleaning
>confession time: turns out my Lord has had his fingers in this onigiri
>back in the palace, play caretaker for the Doji
>conspire to cuck my sister and get some action with the sissyboy
>after he gets better, confront my Liege about the attempted assassination
>he challenges the Doji to a duel
>Cranes be Cranes
>my lord dies
>commit sudoku for allowing this conspiracy to go about undetected, to protect my family
>write letter to bitch sister to let her know she got cucked
>worth it
>he takes it and casts power word kill on orcus
Absolute fucking madman, indeed.
More context, since it helps explain some of this.
The bargain struck was made while almost all the rest of the party was being Hold Person-ed. Rogue was in front of the marching order, and triggered a magical trap that froze the party so the 'not-quite-dead' god could start tempting any of the players (except for my paladin, since that would have made me fall). Rogue (having no magical knowledge), made the pact in order to not have to go on alone.
We actually spoke at length after the game was done because the DM and I were both curious as to why he did that.
His claim was that seeing the looks of worry and stress on his wife's face were too much to bear; and if getting out of the cave meant that he had to lose her since he would (to his knowledge) become the avatar for this heretical god, he just decided to end it all.
>His claim was that seeing the looks of worry and stress on his wife's face were too much to bear; and if getting out of the cave meant that he had to lose her since he would (to his knowledge) become the avatar for this heretical god, he just decided to end it all.
>I can't bear her worrying about me
>I feel so bad about it
>I should just die
>*kills himself*
>wife turns mad with grief
>now-ghost-rogue: "this is not what I wanted"
I guess he might just have suffered of a pretty bad case of stupid...
Does magical suicide bombing count?
Yeah it's edgy but the entire campaign was, for some reason we can't have a post-apoc game without some kind of edgy shit happening. It's one of those games you DEFINITELY don't invite your girlfriend to.
No, I'm rationally angry at it because it's (1) a repost and (2) a bad story because they could have easily shot themselves with a single bullet, and (3) makes the poster look like an enormous pathetic pussy. I don't care that he has a fiance, I care that he called his fiance to cry about something that happened in a fucking game. That's like crying at a movie. As a grown man.
I don't see any way that this game could be fun for anyone but a sadistic guro-fetishistic GM.
You are either very patient or very stupid for sticking with this game for as long as you did. Or maybe a mix of both, who knows?
>suicide bomb the boss encounter
>kill nearly every enemy
>I don't see any way that this game could be fun for anyone but a sadistic guro-fetishistic GM.
I don't see how D&D could be fun for anyone but a greedy materialist loser with mass murder fantasies. Your point?
Kind of. I once ran a horror game with heavy time-space fuckery going on and one of the players unknowingly shot himself from a near(about 15 minutes) future. I didn't even planned it or something, I honestly didn't expect him to shoot then, but I was still quite proud that I pulled something like that off, especially that most of them were supposed to die in one way or another anyway.
Yeah. Crashed a hijacked military transport into the big bad's secret base to buy the rest of the party time to actually stop his plan.
The transport in question was a 600ft long cruiser loaded up with volatile fuels and ordinance, so I knew it was a suicide mission, but blaze of glory and all that.
I mean I never said it was a good idea. Personally I'd just kick them out if they refuse to change how often they suicide the character.
That just means you get to do it again next round.
I've attempted to, but the attempt failed.
The same is also true of one of my characters.