What if dragons were more like whales?
What if dragons were more like whales?
>A pod of colossal filter feeding dragons descends on an area, sucking entire swathes of land clean of anything living as structures, people, animals, and trees are ripped from the ground and swept into the bristling mouths of the blubbery dragons.
So huge creatures that live by expending relatively little energy and constantly consuming abundant creatures with no defenses. You'd need your settings krill equivalent and I guess what their feeding method is. The main question though is why, it's a comparison which paints dragons being immpressive but largely passive enteties, which is fine but doesn't tend to make for interesting stories, hence why dragons tend to be greedy and destructive, that breeds inherent problems. I feel like this would make dragons into window-dressing as oppossed to things the players interact with.
What if you make dragons have something everyone wants. Special blood or somesuch.
The dragon whales could be largely passive until attacked?
>implying that players being dragon-whalers (dragoners?) whose dragoning dirigible gets essex'd couldn't work
Why make dragons more like whales when you could make whales more like dragons?
He said "more" like whales, not "exactly" like whales. And more specifically, there's no need to make them like baleen whales in particular. Just going from OP's picture, the Draco-whale could be the prime natural predator of the mighty Kraken, and woe betide the unlucky mariner who finds himself among the leviathan clash.
So, like sauropods?
>it's raining
>wait, this rain tastes salty...
>look up
>Salty rain
>It's that season again
>It's that season again
The one that gets bloated by managerial indecision until the lead artist pulls the plug by leaving? That season?
>Whales attack merchant ships and horde their sunken gold.
>Eat the fish stocks of coastal villages that fail to offer a virgin periodically.
>Their bodies are a source of rare and valuable resources.
Might have potential.
I like this idea a lot. Throw in a mad dwarf who seeks revenge on the white dragon that took his leg and we're in business!
they'd have badass great-grandparents
Spermwhales are still badass. They battle giant squids and have organic sonic blasters built into their faces.
You mean like Ancient Greece?
Isn't this basically what Dishonored did?
Maybe? I've never played it.
I was basically imagining the stereotypical intelligent treasure hording, village terrorizing kind of dragon but in whale shape.
I was under the impression that Dishonored's whales were more on the spooky mysterious side of things.
They are, yes. They're a kind of being that exists in several dimensions at the same time.
They're also described as fearsome predators so I'm not sure of where they stand
>caravan gets stopped by a dragon
>it doesn't want anything, it was just curious because it hadn't seen one before
>wyvern rape caves
Thanks for summoning all the furfag yiffers out of the woordwork.
No. There was a theory that the Outsider was a godlike whale akin to a leviathan, but that was debunked in Dishonored 2.
There's an interesting parallel; often dragons are depicted as being on the brink of being wiped out. Dragons are this magical creature that man's influence is taking away from the world.
ie whaling. The heroes aren't out to kill the dragons, they're trying to preserve the world's magic if anything.
And there's still the odd Moby Dick, which you could crank up to 11 because it's still a fucking DRAGON. A legendary one with so much fight in it that hunters who don't let that one be just get totally fucked.
God that would be fucking terrifying.
You're out snrokeling, then all of a sudden a bunch of fucking sperm whales just come out of nowhere all around you
It's not out of nowhere. That's the only creepy thing about it, they're totally still and upright. Like a giant meat room.
Dragonborn are banned from all competitive deep diving.
Terrifying. I like it.
They're sleeping.
Fun fact! Ancient Herbrew had a word, Tannyin, that could be translated as dragon or whale (or snake)
That is indeed a fun fact.