What is the annual salary for a Custodian?

What is the annual salary for a Custodian?

One ton of body oil and a pack of kleenex to wipe their tears.

What is their income tax policy? Are they unionized?

How does one tax one who does it for free? Also

Fuck off with that commie union shit

>they have no tax policy
>they have no union drama

Shit universe, shit setting

Nothing besides the sweet satisfaction of serving and protecting the Emperor.

Though they do also get free room and board, full health and dental services, and access to the best office gym in the galaxy.

Three daily services of hot pockets and a $50 coupon to buy japanese dolls.

What he finds, he keeps.

I will take any excuse to post this image.

The leather gloves look weird and so does the bolter spear. For some reason I used to think that the Custodes had super lasguns attached to their spears which honestly I think would make more sense than bolters.

about five drachmas.

Does the Imperium even have anything resembling a monetary and banking system?

They have Thrones for money. I assume the Administratum has a subdivision that deals with banking

>They're thieving Middle Earth
My sides

Moloch of Minotaurs

A few minutes to sit in the Emperor's lap once a year and tell him what you want for Empresmas.

That got me harder than it should.



What about the bonus situation?

Weren't thrones only in the Calixis sector? I thought they were just a Dark Heresy thing, but that's not to say there couldn't just be different named currency elsewhere

They can have disintegrators and meltas instead of bolters.

Loyalty is its own reward

There probably is a currency for the Imperium, mainly for organizations to deal in local economies.

That sounds like something a closet traitor would say


Imperial Treasury does not run on something so vulgar as "coins".
It runs on hands rubbing hands, favors, blood debts and the biggest space fleet that ever existed.

>you mean, the Blood Ravens?

It's just too good

They do it for free.

If we accept Rocks Are Not Free as canon, it suggests the Administratum uses a currency called an "Imperial" as a unit-of-account.

I'm not convinced there is a central Imperial currency, but if it is, "Imperials" is a good a name for it as any.

Thrones, credits and eagles are all definitely sector/planet scale currencies. There may be no currency on a higher scale; it may all run on favours and raw power. But "Imperials" isn't a bad guess.

That mostly depends on if they know how to do the Giga Attack.

Is their armour insured when the Ravens inevitably steal it?


>Wayne tries a different approach

About 8 hugs a mouth.

Service is it's own reward.

The thing is that there has to be a meta-currency for things to work in the Imperium. Favors alone would end up undermining local economies which is why the only institutions that use that are ones deal with person to person, like governor to captain or inquisitor to lord general. You cant use favors to buy the local workforce without making them poorer.

The Imperial currency would allow for things like mega-corporations, munitorum offices or rogue traders to have a meaningful and productive role in local economies and ease converting their capitals into something meaningful in more than one currency or economic system.

Gold is most likely useless as a standard in 40k due to it losing its traditional value over time, over cultures or perhaps due to scientific advancement of certain colonies whose history started in giant hive cities. Imperial currency would need to become the new standard to support system spanning economies.

No, you thrice accursed Lictor, I shall never give you my three-fifty thrones!

I suspect there is not single unified Imperial currency, but there are Broadly accepted currencies.

>Necromunda uses 'Creds'. Likely a local thing.

No, my suspicion is that the various major departments all have their own scrips and the values of these fluctuate against each other and various local currencies. This would seem like a natural evolution of the 'tithe' in manpower and materiel system commonly noted.

A world where they breed like vermin could levy a surplus of guardsmen to count some toward the levy of a highly productive, but not so fecund agriworld which could in exchange levy additional foodstuffs to make up for the fecund world's shortfall in that tithe department. At first this would start as a more local thing, a formal treaty between govenors to so stamp the surplus with a mutual understanding with their shared local administatum tithe house that as long as the Emperor gets his due it's okay. Over time they start issuing record slips and negotiating a balance between the lives of the fecund planet to the grain of the agriworld. In this way the Imperial Revenue Service winds up with a scrip currency known as 'lives'. A high level currency where the base unit is literally the war-fighting ability of one 'standard' guardsman.

>Ties neatly into the flavour line: Your life is the Emperor's currency, Spend it well

>sit in the BLUE chair

But I only have red clearance

>But I only have red clearance

Then what, pray tell, are you doing here on this BLUE board?

These guys get to see their god daily.

In a universe full of doubts and treason inside the religion, being reassured that your god is still there and having some peace of mind is probably payment enough

If the Imperium has a single currency, how the fuck do they deal with inflation, speculation, or other similar issues? I mean, not only is communication far from instantaneous, and the distance between sectors vast, but in 40k time literally doesn't operate how it should. By the time a planet sends its Adamantium to the other side of the galaxy, currency fluctuation has probably made the contract they signed either the worst or best deal ever made (with no clear indication beforehand which it will be).

Then, add to that the fact that the Imperium is essentially a giant, dysfunctional feudal arrangement, and things get even more confusing. If everyone is bound by 10,000-year-old blood oaths to produce X amount of grain, not only is the grain market going to be vastly distorted, but why would any planet that's receiving free grain by force even pay for it? If your entire planet is consumed trying to tithe 1,000,000 men per year or whatever, who gives a shit about securities arrangements, interplanetary banking, or debt ratings (and who can predict any of those)?

So I am left thinking that currencies must be, at most, sector-wide things. Whatever the Imperium needs it just takes by force and barter solves most other problems. The Imperium is literally too much of a clusterfuck to have a real economy.

>The Imperium is literally too much of a clusterfuck to have a real economy.

This fits with the fact that the largest commercial ventures in the Imperium, outside of the Navigator Houses, are things like multi-planetary manufacturing concerns owned by members of sector-level noble houses. There's no real examples of multi-sector commercial ventures that I can think of.

I love you guys.

Paranoia's the absolute shit.

It doesn't have a single currency. Bartering and political favoring is big.
