What does Veeky Forums think of Risus?
Any optional rules that make it better that I need to know about?
What does Veeky Forums think of Risus?
Any optional rules that make it better that I need to know about?
It's a fantastic little game. I've used it to get several people who were unsure about being a Game Master into actually trying their hand at being a GM for a few sessions because of its simple rules. My favorite optional rule is using the Evens Up mechanic: It lessens the gap between cliche ranks without changing the core mechanics too much.
It's good, but nothing for me personally.
A better game than Fate by miles.
It's basically a rules-lite HeroQuest 2, or an even more narrative Over the Edge.
Avoid ever having to fight to the death, because the way damage works can cause death spirals.
That is the best rule ever, wow
Absolute shit. It's basically the "ultra-lite freeform generic RPG system that works for everything but is good for nothing and also it fits on one page because that's a good reason to play it" trash that most fa/tg/uys make at one point. The numbers are unbalanced because 2d6 is literally twice as good as 1d6 but the point costs don't reflect that, the TNs are somewhat retarded, the combat system is just the same cliche wankshit as anything else. I remember when I wanted to play RPGs with someone and just made up some 2d6+ability vs 10 for a mechanic and hit points for damage and it was just as good as RISUS because there is nothing particularly good about the game. Also Cliches are basically code for "whoever is good at arguing that his cliche is good in every situation, gets the most from the game." At least Everyone is John has an interesting premise, so that makes up for it having shitty stupid rules.
Anyone who plays RISUS for a one-shot is retarded. Anyone who plays it for more than a one-shot deserves to put in a gas chamber.
Did someone hurt you user?
>contrarian being an idiot just for shits-n-giggles
None of what you said is true and you're just trying to cause a fight. The only one retarded in this thread is (you).
Risus is a great rules-light game and I've used to successfully for all kinds of games, from pickup D&D to Rifts to Call of Cthulhu to quick espionage.
No? Please highlight the parts of my post where I implied that someone hurt me. Then explain how it is a counterargument to anything I just said.
>None of what you said is true
Prove it.
>you're just trying to cause a fight.
No. Disagreeing with a circlejerk != trying to start a fight. Grow up.
>Risus is a great rules-light game
It's a lame piece of shit and is no better than Freeform Universal or some one-page FATE distillation. One-page games (I am calling RISUS one page because the rules could easily fit on one page if the author didn't blabble on forever about irrelevant bullshit) are garbage in general, they lack the mechanical depth to provide any sort of satisfaction for anyone who isn't a 10 year old. The cliches system is abusable as fuck especially if a player picks an incredibly broad cliche, which requires GM control to keep in check, which means it is NOT good for new GMs. It's just "4d6/3d6/2d6/1d6, put them in some abilities and roll them against these TNs." And the combat is the same dumb-ass "lol roll opposed checks and subtract from your abilities" shit that every single rules light homebrew uses.
If RISUS is so good, then why is pic related just as good with fewer rules, it's rules-"lighter" so why bother with RISUS?
>It's another autist can't stand discussion of a game so he has to shit all over the thread and derail it thread
As a gurps fan I can honestly say
Risus is very satisfying, there are some things that I can't make in gurps, that I can in Risus.
It lets you make characters that are fun and can vary their powers
I'm going to use it for a monster girl setting and their is nothing you can do to stop me
>Risus is very satisfying, there are some things that I can't make in gurps, that I can in Risus.
There are things you can make in freeform that you can't make in GURPS. By that logic you should never play GURPS again.
>It lets you make characters that are fun and can vary their powers
GURPS can do that. FATE can do that. Savage Worlds can do that.
>I'm going to use it for a monster girl setting and their is nothing you can do to stop me
I wouldn't want to, that premise sounds terrifyingly autistic and bad, not to mention magical realm shit. Get a girlfriend, goddamn man. But if you are going to run that kind of degenerate shit, might as well use RISUS since it's garbage and would complement your setting like shit in pig slop.
So what's a specific game I should play instead of Risus?
You see I'm a huge gurps fan, and like any gurps fan I love crunch. I have read so many games that suck(savage worlds, fate, hero system, etc) and the only rules light game that doesn't make me want to scream is risus.
It's good, really good especially with
And if you don't like monster girls, why are you even here? You are the kind of no fun allowed weirdos that this board needs less of
>And if you don't like monster girls, why are you even here?
Because this is Veeky Forums not /d/?
>So what's a specific game I should play instead of Risus?
There are tons. But you shouldn't play RISUS because the type of game RISUS tries to be, is a bad game. This is an example of the "design goals" fallacy, where someone claims that a game is good because it "accomplishes its design goals." Except that logic falls apart because if your game's goals are fucktarded, your game is fucktarded, regardless of whether it "succeeds" at your arbitrary goals that are only accountable to subjective taste.
>on Veeky Forums doesn't like monster girls, look at this normie
No game is perfect, but risus is a fun game that accomplishes its goal of being the best game for a stupid night of dungeon crawling with friends
It's the only roleplaying game that I have never gotten turned down, I have played with quarterbacks, convicts you name it.
It's good for stupid fun games and can work for serious ones too in a pinch, although I use gurps for them.
No game is perfect, but risus is pretty close, especially with the evens up thing.
It's like you haven't even played it
You have serious mental issues. Please seek help.
>You have serious mental issues
Are you a psychologist? Nope. Either you post your TIMESTAMPED diploma, or else you shut the fuck up about mental disorders. What you are doing is practicing medicine without a license and it is highly illegal, you do not get to diagnose mental disorders or even suggest someone is mentally ill so please fuck off. Also how the fuck do I have mental issues just for not liking RISUS? This is a new level of circlejerk if you think anyone who doesn't like your retarded game, has a mental illness. Get fucked.
>No game is perfect, but risus is a fun game that accomplishes its goal of being the best game for a stupid night of dungeon crawling with friends
RISUS is terrible for dungeon crawling. Dungeon crawling is boring as holy all fuck, the only reason D&D makes it entertaining is by virtue of having actual combat / exploration rules. RISUS has nothing and is good for nothing but a narrativist circlejerk.
>It's the only roleplaying game that I have never gotten turned down, I have played with quarterbacks, convicts you name it.
So you've played with degenerate subhumans? Why does that mean that I, a non-degenerate, non-sub-human, should play it? Seeing as there are plenty of games with good rules that demand more intellect than that of a 4 year old.
>No game is perfect, but risus is pretty close, especially with the evens up thing.
How the fuck is it perfect? Define "perfect" for an RPG.
>It's good for stupid fun games and can work for serious ones too in a pinch, although I use gurps for them.
It's good for stupid fun games. Full stop. Just because you use it for """serious""" games doesn't mean it's good for them.
>It's like you haven't even played it
I haven't. Have you played FATAL? I doubt it. But you still know it's a terrible game.
God damn masterclass bating here, well done
Ha jokes on you I have played fatal
I'm not proud of it but yea
Perfect, the best at doing what it uis made to do
Or according to oxford,
1Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.
The best thing about risus, is that it works for everything, I have played it for serious campaigns and for funny ones.
I love the fact that I am argueing about the quality of a game with someone that probably hasn't ever played a ttrpg
And watch your mouth m8, it's my cousin that you're calling subhuman
He's just calling you a retard, dude. Don't get so uppity about it.
It's too obvious to be masterclass, but I do give it 4/5 stars for the level of commitment.
Man, that "psychologist" rant was too much. Before that it was still believable.
>It's too obvious to be masterclass
This. He blew his cover too early. Lack of discipline, and underestimated his targets.
>Savage Worlds and Fate suck
I want to agree with the rest of your post user, but this level of stupid is insurmountable
Okay, ignoring the giant sperg... I was big on Risus a few years back, and I have a ton of stuff for it.
This one's pretty cool.
Pretending to be retarded has never been master class anything.
One page Risus dungeon.
RIFTS but in Risus..
Robotech/Macross in Risus.
And that's pretty much everything that's in a convenient PDF format for posting.
If I have time later I'll give you my house rule for fantasy-style races, where your racial background influences your other skills. (I think I've posted about it on Veeky Forums before, but it's probably been a couple of years.)
It's fine for what it's made for, and players looking for a light experience, but I think even a narrative game wouldn't find it mechanically chewy enough over a campaign. Even a 1-die advantage is huge. Risus tries to compensate with pumps and inappropriate cliches and such, but the whole thing felt kludgy to me.
I think it would work better with half-dice advancement of some sort, and just straight up acknowledge the need for a effort/luck/heroism pool.
Not good enough for anything more than a one shot. I used it to introduce a few players, and it was interesting at first. Pretty quickly, after a few sessions, we hit the bottom of the rules and it started feeling like we were just dicking around. The game doesn't help create challenge. Sure, a clever GM can establish situations that force the players to think, use resources etc. But that's independent of the system, which is too light in my opinion. Items and gear have little mechanical meaning - i'm not asking for mega crunch but at least for something that forces people to engage by modifying different and interesting parts of their character in more nuanced ways, in interacting with other items, in forcing some level of strategy in. Passive roll-a-die skill checks are never interesting on their own, and since these make up 100% of game mechanics, the numbers are never interesting.
For new players it's an attractive one shot option. For experienced GMs it can go very well, but you have to be skilled enough to know how to create suspense and set up important choices without relying on gane mechanics to do it for you. In otherwords, you have to be able to run an interesting freeform, and Risus, kind of like markdown language, provides some basic shape and mechanical dressing. It's like an otherwise freeform campaign that someone took ten minutes for and created a basic numbers system just for skill tests and basic combat (i think we've all done this before) except this time they decided to standardize it and publish it online as Risus. Fits a very specific niche and I certainly wouldn't recommend it to a new GM.
One thing I forgot to mention is it makes a nice base for homebrewing, just because of how much it lacks. Every time you see something that needs rules, help them houserule a solution and add it to your binder. You can end up with a personal 80% home done systen this way, it's a nice feeling. Of course it won't be Risus anymore.
>Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.
But it doesn't have anything I desire, therefore it isn't perfect. Nor is it "good as can possibly be" because if it were, everyone would be playing it.
>And watch your mouth m8, it's my cousin that you're calling subhuman
Yeah I can see you getting defensive about people you've fucked.
>but I think even a narrative game wouldn't find it mechanically chewy enough over a campaign.
uhh excuse me shitlord, but risus is PERFECT.
My cousin and me are both straight and happily married to you know girls. That might seem a bit strange for a total fag like you but we have actually passed on our genes to the next generation
Thanks, I will be using some of these. Already used the RIFTS NEXUS one.
The issue here is that you have never played the game.
All the others rate risus as average to outstanding, well you rate it as crap whilst never having played it.
The game can cover anything, most of the issues are ironed out by the evens counting optional rule, progress is fun, and you can build whatever character you want.
This is a role playing game at its best and everyone with half a mind will agree, people who have to have a bunch of rules to have fun shouldn't be playing ttrpgs in the first place
I've got no time to retype it tonight, so here's the previous posts I wrote up on my old Risus houserules:
And a followup: