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>Make that old woman an Archmage instead.
>Have her display that the True Fae are definitely not insurmountable.
Arguably Archmages are bound by such treaties, that Master would be more useful.
>my current game has a ghost, a ghost hunter, a demonic soul-broker, a werewolf, and a mad scientist
>tfw feeling smug because trying to run this in CofD would literally break the system in half but i play better games now
An individual True Fae might be too much of a mouthful for any single Archmage as well.
I know Archmages are powerful but the Gentry are kind of like gods.
You must be new here
Welcome to the Chronicles of Fagness, friend!
The grass is green and the people greener yet.
Enjoy your stay, newbie.
Anyone have pdf of Cyberpunk/VTM crossover?
>seriously thinking it isn't a bait poster
We're running a long term mixed game with my group and nothing seems broken. I even play a mage and it hasn't resulted in violent conflicts or complete lack of mysteries
Holy fuck, learn to google.
If the mage player isn't jerk, it's ok. But too often he is.
Thanks. I didn't know about this database, it's great.
The real asshole is the werewolf who hates us all but is hated by the local Uratha more so we're his only friends. He is a social leper amongst his people and I feel like we should try to revitalize his image sometime.
Atma are you jacking off urban Shadows again.
There's also a few other things (like a Scribd link). Google "world of future darkness" PDF and you get a lot of stuff.
There was a SEPARATE WoFD which combined NWoD and OWoD and cyberpunk stuff into a Vampire Hunter D-style mashup, but I cant find it.
Then why are you in a different games general. Hmmmmmmm.
to cause a ruckus
Which fictional characters first come to your mind when you think of the splats in CoD in? Not necessarily the the most powerful or well known.
For example, I think of Harry Dresden and John Constantine when I think of Mage, as they represent opposite ends of the Wisdom spectrum.
>There was a SEPARATE WoFD which combined NWoD and OWoD and cyberpunk stuff into a Vampire Hunter D-style mashup,
Nigga wot. I need this shit in my life.
When I find it again, I'll post it.
So, when is VtM 4th Edition coming out? What do you expect from it? Do you think it's just an opportunity for money grabbing, or we really need a new edition?
5th Edition, you mean? NuWW considers V20 a proper 4th Edition. It's expected in mid-2018, and we shall see. They are updating everything in expectation of having the backstory there for their true goal with the WoD, a AAA video game and potential Netflix series.
i hate that it's sullied Ken Hite's illustrious name by associating him with Martin "Blood And Souls" Dracula
also the playtest doc had a playable pedophile and a "triggered" joke
i'd complain about it being shit but VtM was already garbage
>VtM was already garbage
Just like your taste by the sounds of it, user.
>AAA video game
I hope not. I don't think AAA game would do justice or could even be as good as cheapo bug-ridden Bloodlines.
>Netflix series
Even worse. They couldn't even get an audience for it, and if they do, it'll be just another mind numbing "dark and deep" modern TV show filled with violence, intrigue and sex (another rendition of Game of Thrones).
Wraith, Demon, and the Dark Ages line are the only good parts of WoD
Aha, found it.
Maybe a little less Cyberpunk than I expected.
Share some of your unusual or even silly character concepts with us.
I, for one, wanted to write a Beast that is like Judge Dredd + Hellboy, and a Changeling who is like the Little Prince + Mr Rogers.
Rather, less cyberpunk than I remembered.
Yeah, but that's WHY THE BOUGHT THE FUCKING IP FROM CCP. That was the MAIN GOAL of the $2 million purchase.
>Wraith, Edge: The Angsting and Dark Ages.
>Not Vampire or Mage.
Is there any system similar to the Storyteller? Since I started playing VtM I can't go back to D&D, with it's number crunching, "roll to take a dump", "Oh, look, yet another fight!" system.
Unisystem works well, particularly the version in the Angel RPG (Unisystem Cinematic).
Witchcraft RPG (runs Unisystem Classic)
People will suggest all of the Powered by the Apocalypse games, but I kinda hate them.
PbtA is 4 gems in a mountain of shit. I wouldn't recommend that either
I don't think there is any single "most overpowered" Path or Arcana.
All have immense strengths.
Atamajakki just get a Twitter, the social media never ceases there.
I think Harry and John would actually be pretty similar levels of Wisdom, all things considered. Harry hasn't done terribly much that would lose him Wisdom in the CofD, but in his setting he's used tons of magic that would come close to their equivalent of left-handed, like necromancy and demon summoning, breaking oaths, things like that. He's also destroyed a fuckton of shit with vulgar magic. He means well, but high Wisdom he is not. Unless you mean to say that John is high Wisdom. Which I'm fairly sure he isn't.
Aside from the other suggestions, One Roll Engine might be the best system for someone who doesn't want to stray too far from Storyteller, at least in terms of d10 dice pools.
I'm gonna include the Ark of the Covenant as a plot device eventually in the game I'm directing (since the characters will visit Ethiopia). Considering the importance of abrahamic lore in Masquerade, is there any mention of the Ark in oWoD lore?
Actually, if it's mentioned in CoD I can adapt and use it too. If there's not a single mention I guess that Indiana Jones and my own imagination will have to suffice.
I can't tell if you're a deluded Changeling whore or a false-flagging Mage faggot
>he likes playing monster mash
No thanks, not for me. I don't see the appeal. Also, a ghost and a ghost-hunter, really? How do you spin that one?
I meant that Harry is more impulsive (which is usually bad for Wisdom) while John is more cunning (which is usually good for Wisdom). They often switch around, though.
>playable pedophile
People still think this?
Amelina is definitely monstrous, but not a pedophile. She was embraced at 40 and is now pushing 120 - obsessed with youth she'll never regain and feeding from sleeping children to savor their dreams. That information can be found from the scenario itself. Her obsession with her childe, an adult man embraced at 30, is not stressed on her sheet as much as it is in his.
She still doesn't kiddy fiddle. She has killed multiple kids, but her sexual preferences are not related to them.
Anyone who argues otherwise after the clarification from WWP is a reactionary twat and should go back to
The character still sucks either way, no pub intended.
Does Elizabeth Báthory exist in WoD? She'd be a good vampiress.
I want to include Werewolf!Hulk Hogan in a Forsaken game. Not a Werewolf who is like him, but straight up Hulk Hogan suffering the First Change and fighting monsters while cracking jokes.
Nobody cares what you think, pedo apologist.
You do realize they're owned by a game publisher right?
Are the Strix comparable to Idigam and True Fae?
No they're more like Pure but meant to be spooky to the splat.
How are owls spooky?
These are shadow owls that possess corpses. Essentially they're a body snatching threat who specifically hates vampires, and vampires being corpses are open to Strix possession. And because they know about vampires (and hate them) even if they are stealing a mortal corpse before it decays they can cause problems.
They have some cool potential but the book doesn't really use them all that well. A few of the example Strix characters are cool though and with a bit of imagination you can use them as terror birds too!
They can fly (almost) silently, can see you better than you see them, and happily vomit.
If you need to make it supernaturally spooky, exaggerate the above. Make them fast and silent, even when walking. Have them stare at seeming nothing, as though they can observe that which we cannot. And when they return to their nests, have them vomit up a person, still alive and conscious, to be eaten by it's young.
Ever heard of them turning their heads 160 degrees? If it dies, have the owl's body twist endlessly and unnaturally in in torturous rigor mortis!.
Off the top of my head, Apocalypse World, Monsterhearts, Urban Shadows, The Sprawl, Night Witches, Monster of the Week, Blades in the Dark, and Maskd are all good, while a friend swears by Legacy, and both SCUP and Bluebeard's Bride look promising.
The Erzsébet of requiem are the closest thing, they’re a Daeva bloodline that ages normally (they don't die of old age, but their bodies just keep on ageing until they go into Torpor)
Double(s) fag
The Stryx are pretty cool. In the theme of 2nd edition where every splat has a worse creature that is similar to the splat characters, the Stryx are shadow birds that feed on blood & possess any corpse. Vampires, being corpses themselves are terrified by this, especially since the Stryx can borrow memories. This makes them terrible enemies that can hide in the population, using the vampires own normal paranoia work against them, like the movie The Thing. The only sign of a Stryx possession is an occasional yellow flash of the eyes.
I really like them & borrowed one for a Hunter game of mine
Get a Moros to exercise that spoopy owl out of your friend!
>i'd complain about it being shit but VtM was already garbage
V:tM was so much "garbage," as just very, very dated. It was groundbreaking in many ways and certainly fun for a time. However, particularly as the WOD grew, the weaknesses in the mechanics became obvious, the metaplot bloated and unwieldy, and most importantly, V:tM became a virtual caricature of the 1990's.
It was a design choice in V20 to just institut small tweaks and streamline the game. It never played completed on nostalgia, and wasn't really intended as a true new edition.
In V5, most expected nuWW (it's not an OPP project) to keep the essence of V:tm, but truly update for contemporary rpg audiences and fix what was broken. Instead, it appears that nuWW wants to double-down on everything wrong with the old editions. It wants to be so "edgy" that I expect to ultimately see more angst, katanas, trench coats and mirrorshades than Shadowrun 1e.
>Netflix series
>If we're lucky, and WW is even luckier, any Vampire television show will be a comedy based off of Kindred: The Embraced.
>It's so 1990's, it burns...
What are Mage and Demon's nastier splats?
>Atamajakki just get a Twitter, the social media never ceases there.
These new-fangled interwebs are just amazing.
>Get off my lawn
>Get a haircut
>Turn down that rock music
>Get a Moros to exercise that spoopy owl out of your friend!
And his Obrimos buddy to destroy with sunlight and fire.
Exorcise and shape shadow to make them goofy shapes. Birds of Dis no more, instead you get the Mr. Potato Head of Dis, the floppy dick of Dis, and the wide eyed puppy of Dis
Not sure about minor splits like Prometheans or Giests. I haven't read them
Changelings also have the Gentry
You could argue the Centimanni are the nastier Prometheans.
So do the communists. Russian Revolution Changeling chronicle when
Dark Eras 3?
If the Gentry were gods you wouldn't be able to kill one with an antique fire-poker.
An Archmage could turn a Gentry into an antique fire-poker.
How does fetish making work in Awakening? Do you make a deal with a spirit? Do you capture it and force it? If you make a fetish out of an intelligent spirit, is it a kind of familiar? To keep it happy do you just have to feed it essence?
We have Russian Revolution Demon, but I'm sure every other splat was involved in that era. I wonder what being a vampire was like as the entire social order collapsed into war.
I bet the Carthians had a fucking field day, that actually sounds like a really fun chronicle idea. You're a coterie in St. Petersberg or Moscow in the waning days of the Czars and through the revolution.
Step 1: Reach Adepthood in Spirit
Step 2: Find a hibernating Spirit
Step 3: Find the thing you want to make into a Fetish
Step 4: Cast the Craft Fetish spell, with the duration and Potency you want
It's Withstood by Rank, and you need one point of Potency in excess of that for each level of Influence, and each Numina of the Spirit it's holding, that you want to access.
It has the Spirit's Essence pool, and can recharge Essence from Resonant locations just like the spirit can.
However if it's Essence ever reaches it's Corpus, the Spirit exits hibernation up, and the Fetish breaks. Also if you trigger the Ban, or the Fetish is hit by the Bane, then it also breaks.
So basically, you trap a hibernating Spirit in an item, and get to use it's powers.
>How does fetish making work in Awakening?
Ask these guys.
You care enough to comment, which warms my heart. Maybe learn basic reading comprehension instead of losing your shit in histrionic fits powered by emotional knee-jerk reactions.
>The Revolution brought slaughter to the changelings of Moscow. The Courts there had heretofore mimicked the Tsarist system; one changeling in the Court was a monarch-like leader, protected and served by a small motely of bogatyrs. When the Revolution came, new motleys arrived from other cities, proclaiming that the “Lost Tsar” was a loyalist, and that the bogatyrs were nothing but Huntsmen in disguise. Changelings from outside Moscow aren’t sure how this fight ended, and many are afraid to enter the city and find out.
Turns out shit sucked for Changelings this era.
Are there any good adventure books/modules/ whatever they are called I can use to introduce my payers to Hunter? Like their first supernatural encounter???
Craft Fetish - Spirit 4
Whatever you say, kid diddler.
You are both completely autistic.
Wait, so they just turn into vaguely human shaped raisins as they age? I don't see the appeal.
supernatural seasons 1-3
but what if some of my players have watched supernatural? and I haven't?
Don't know the bloodline myself, so this is supposition, but if they go back to their Embrace state after torpor they could get out of the whole why don't you agree questioning that can catch up other vamps. Then they go into torpor and come out looking like someone nobody recognizes.
then watch supernatural, it's on netflix
Season 1 and 2 have 22eps each, plus 16 eps on Season 3. That's a total of 2640 minutes for every 44 minute episode, don't have that time + it doesn't help the fact that one of my players loves the series and will catch me taking shit from it.
Looking it up, they do indeed return to the form they had after Torpor. If a vampire plays the long con right, they could be real cozy in a small town that would usually ask why the local heiress looks exactly the same for years on end.
you're not taking shti from it, you're getting hunter inspiration from it becuase the first three seasons are LITERALLY hunter in TV show format.
don't be a bitch
ok ):
>If a vampire plays the long con right, they could be real cozy in a small town that would usually ask why the local heiress looks exactly the same for years on end.
I always feel like this kind of stuff is neat to think about. Different perspectives, that is. As players/consumers, we have the privilege of an insider's perspective. We know the ins and outs of all this supernatural stuff, how every splat works, their powers, their structures, all of it. Meanwhile, if you put yourself in the shoes of somebody in the setting, like a regular human or even a member of one splat dealing with another, and just go off what they see, it makes stuff a lot more supernatural and spooky, if not outright horrific.
I didn't mean to be mean I just think you'd really like it
watch the first two episodes tonight, I know you ahve time for that because you're on Veeky Forums
I will!
Have you ever done romance in your games? How did it work out?
Not super well! My character got shot down hard, but it was something I knew OOC going in. A lot of what he likes as a person was represented in another PC, so we managed to turn bottling that up into a whole thing for a while before he finally admitted things at the worst possible moment and got essentially an 'ewww gross'.
OOC it was actually a lot of fun, IC he's not doing so hot since mismanagement of personal emotional states is always something of a hallmark
Anyone have a PDF of that old Nosferatu comic?
>V:tM became a virtual caricature of the 1990's.
>became a virtual caricature of the 1990's
>a virtual caricature of the 1990's
So... you just described Swede Dracula to a "T."
None of that is getting fixed. The horrifying truth is, the game is being rebuild with just a few gimmicky, buzzwordy new mechanics, to give it some nice marketing keywords, for the end goal of putting it on store shelves. But while those little things are being done, the writers are all virtually without editorial oversite, and free to just spew their liberal arts freshman and sophomore year indoctrination social justice garbage to their hearts content.
It's a fucking disaster.
Whoever made this clearly had a vampire superiority complex.
So during Gehenna / End Times, where were all the other supernaturals?
Did they all just suddenly not exist?
This is what the 90's were, and what the 20's can be! We can reclaim the glories of the past!!! FOREVER!