What are some things a character could do during one and half year in a medieval prison? What could he learn? Which kind of skills would improve/suffer due to his treatment there? Maybe Ideas for positve/negative traits?
What are some things a character could do during one and half year in a medieval prison? What could he learn...
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>Connection with criminals goes up tremendously. When that character gets out, they should know who's who in the criminal world.
>Maverick/Makeshift skills rising. Can make a shiv or other such tool if need be with very minimal resources.
>Mental fortitude would rise, assuming they're not completely broken by the system, training themselves to resist intimidation and remain cool under pressure.
>Due to torture and beatings, body may not heal right, getting some stat debuffs in the physical areas.
>Charisma will probably be hindered outside of intimidation, due to life on the inside being different than life on the outside
>Maybe a few obvious physical changes to the character
>Maybe a few obvious physical changes to the character
Rerolling anal circumference with a sizeable bonus modifier?
Prisons weren't really a thing in the medieval age. The state wasn't keen on wasting money feeding riff-raff and the likes.
People were detained in cells while they awaited trial or punishment.
Prison sentences were a rare thing and usually reserved for people that were too politically important to straight-up execute.
A criminal could expect to be fined, flogged, pilloried, exiled, have his assets seized or be executed.
Some of the wealthiest coyld sometimes be sentenced to house arrest.
I completely forgot about the rapes. So maybe.
Nah man. He could be that crazy old man in every movie that's been in the dungeon for like 50 years
>in a medieval prison?
as says, doesn't exist
If you want idea's though, read The Count of Monte Christo
I maybe should have said, that the character is a noble and was lured into a trap and accused of a murder of other noble that he had investigated with his party. But because he is a high noble, he put his head out of the sling, but got a jailtime. Basicly because the familys dont want to start a war between their countries.
He would learn to barter. Prison inmates learn to barter for shit like toothpaste (usually for sucking dick), toilet paper (costs about 1 dick sucking) and sometimes even alcohol (Definitely at the very least a single cock vacuuming).
In a medieval prison i bet he'd learn to protect his sweet little boipussi by filing down wooden chips/spoons whatever. If he is always isolated, he'd definitely start to go insane. Probably start talking to himself etc. Learn to pace his 'meals' and possibly learn to make the most of the clothes he had on (converting a shirt into a blindfold so he wouldn't have pubes in his face when he sucked dick for better food from the guards)
I don't feel like you're talking about anything medieval here
Oh, then he will probably spend time on a dungeon, discovering the joys of tuberculosis and eating bland sea crustaceans and modly bread all the while, with any luck having someone besides the jailers to speak.
So, gains trait: lung disease and sanity loss, mostly. Maybe some muscle atrophy.
The Knowledge of the Underworld sounds interesting.
Depends on the time period. Either he's locked in a shithole and eventually dies, or under house arrest with a high ranking noble gaoler.
Unless he's really low-ranking he'd probably just be under house arrest. Comfortable but bored out of his mind.
Rape a dude and get raped by a dude. It's 100% going both ways.
While not exactly prison, he could be shipped off to a penal colony in some remote area (Think Siberia).
Or be put into military action, either guarding like the watch in GoT or as a a suicidal vanguard (en.wikipedia.org
>What are some things a character could do during one and half year in a medieval prison?
-wait to die
>People were detained in cells while they awaited trial or punishment.
You also had to pay for you cell.
You put some negatives that aren't neccesary in effect but forgot to most important one. You will probably be social outcast. People will know that you were in prison (most probably because you have some mark on you, but power of oral surrender is stronk too) and they will treat you differently (most probably worse).
A sharp increase in strenght and dexterity.
Go full Monte Cristo and have your character come out a complete alpha in swordsmanship, politics, economics, philosophy and science.
Medieval prison wasn't something you sat in for punishment, it was merely a place to keep you while awaiting trial and punishment.
Conditions would most likely be awful. Don't expect any exercise, food will hopefully be enough to keep you alive, and if you've been shackled you might suffer abrasion wounds from that, with a considerable risk of infection. The common conditions of cold, damp and fleas make for a number of other disease opportunities, or for that matter scorching heat, little air and fleas.
So his health will suffer, both physical and mental. If any skills improve I guess it'd be social skills, as he does what he can not to be brutalized by the guards and any other prisoners. If he's really well treated he might also learn some scrimshawing or similar craft.
Then comes the punishment. If he's lucky he can just pay his fines and leave. If not, there will be scars, possibly lost body parts. His body won't be in condition to heal any time soon afterwards, due to the very lengthy imprisonment.
If he's too important to die he'd usually just pay a fine and walk.
If he did somethign too politically touchy for that, he's going to be locked up "until further notice", ie when the political landscape changes so he cna be let out (his side won) or he can be quietly murdered and dumped out the back (his side lost).
Get an oath and genuinely build his body up and fanatically start going on a goal.
>A criminal could expect to be fined, flogged, pilloried, exiled, have his assets seized or be executed.
Or be sentenced to galley slavery. That said, while prison as punishment wasn't all that common in the Middle Ages, IIRC some earlier civilizations of antiquity did have prisons. They're not a modern invention, and a medieval-esque setting could have them without it being hugely anachronistic or against the tone and themes of the setting.
>What are some things a character could do during one and half year in a medieval prison?
Pick locks.
>What could he learn?
How to pick locks
>Which kind of skills would improve
Lock-picking skills
Skills unrelated to the picking of locks.
>Maybe Ideas for positve/negative traits?
If your character didn't have the ability to pick locks before, he or she does now.
This, prisons were made as a rehabilitation tool. In Medieval age that wasn't really a thing.
> Connection to criminals
> Ability to digest inedible shit like rats and prison food
> Low light vision
> Hiding stuff
> Improvised weapons and/or unarmed fighting
> Improved anal circumference or bonus on catching slippery things like soap
> Contract rabies from the rats
> Have a debilitating allergic reaction to breathing in all the nasty ass mould down there
> Develop hideous oozing sores from minor wounds that get infected
> Die