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What kind of Goblin QT3.14 are you planning to build for your first Starfinder character?

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Path of War was a mistake.

Page fucking 7, shitlord.

P A G E 7
A G E 7 P
G E 7 P A
E 7 P A G
7 P A G E

I don't like goblins, I think they're trite.

Oh hey look it's a big tittied shortstack that loves inventing things and shoving my dick down its throat, wowzers! So desirable! /s

Nobody fucking cares.

>OP said as he tried to convince himself yet again that fapping to traps did not make him a faggot

If you were to write an archetype that added full-initiator to a class, how much of a sacrifice would be a fair trade? If the class had a whole bunch of bonus feats, how many would they have to give up?

>how much of a sacrifice would be a fair trade?

Everything that does not explicitly define the class.

For example, if I was to full-initiate a Paladin I would keep Smite, keep LoH and MAYBE keep the immunity effects, but everything else goes.

I do want to do that, maybe I'll test-drive my clown race in the next adventure so they can get used to their weirdness before introducing the were-clown

There's this infamous character from one piece named Kaku who fans latched onto because of his goofy traits (a long square-shaped nose, his habit of talking like an old man, and his godlike parkour skills) People thought he might join the crew because he was a really friendly and strong guy, and filled the missing role on the crew

then it turned out he was a traitor who framed the crew for attempted murder, shot the guy fixing their ship, kidnapped a crewmate to be executed and then for good measure destroyed their ship, all while still acting incredibly friendly.

His reward for the mission was gaining a random superpower. Since many of his crewmates had lycanthropy superpowers, he had a habit of scaling buildings and the superpower was gained by eating a banana-shaped fruit people guessed he was going to be a weremonkey. However, when he finally tried out his power for the first time, his new form collapsed the floor under him. The first thing we saw was a minecraft-style giraffe falling through the ceiling.

Over the course of the fight he's basically figuring out his powers as he goes along while also trying to figure out the names for his attacks as he's using them. Despite that he picks it up quickly, performing amazing feats like exploiting his shapeshifter maleability to tactically exaggerate certain features while minimizing others, giving himself the mass distribution he needs to kick a steel-reinforced tower in half from the inside

Is that... a space Sadida?

Don't be silly, user. Sadidas have dark skin and green hair. And on top of that, her hips aren't wide enough.

I'm gonna build a character I hate because I'm shit at roleplaying, I wind up playing myself without meaning to, and I hate myself.

Or I can try and play a smooth sexy character and repeatedly slam my face into the fact that I'm so far from smooth that I can't even pretend, because I'm missing whatever basic human social ability enables all other people to do so.

No wait haha I'll play a comically dumb, inept and cowardly character for laughs and have a riot, until it starts to feel like I just put my worst thoughts about myself onto a sheet of paper and condemned myself to act them out for hours.

I feel trapped and like I can't roleplay anymore help

Waifus are trash and only people who couldn't get a real woman to fuck them would have one.

Just make a wizard. Be a nerd on his first adventure with dreams of heroism.

I need art, stat. For research.

All you gots to do is highlight the name, right-click, and hit "search google for Sadidas!"

So what's the status on Iron Waifus?

What good 3pp products are there not made by DDS or DSP?

successful cute girls.

>because I'm missing whatever basic human social ability enables all other people to do so.

I'm going to let you in on a secret, user.

90% of the "smooth moves" a sexy character puts out are entirely situational and impossible to replicate, it's just a spur-of-the-moment thing. Most of the time, a sexy character is just a normal character, and you just need to say one or two flirty or sexy things to maintain your image.


Depends, who are the best apps?

So I'm running a game on Tuesday and the party is a dual cursed halfings oracle with clouded vision and deaf, a kobold psychic with the psychedelia discipline, an orc druid that's some kinda weird vermin based archetype that gets a familiar, and a human ranger.

6 person party with PoW allowed and a level 3 start means that it will be a shit show. Why do people want six PC's? Especially for a text only online game



Cynn and Anka

I don't know why you think there's only 3 types of characters to make. Social, Brainless, and... you? Maybe your third category was Smart. It sounds like playing the others was an attempt to diversify but not something you actually enjoy. And now you know? So play the smarties you love and just stop hating yourself for it I guess. And there are lots of ways to go at that.

>Chanting Spells (SSDK Materials)
Did someone say Megumin builds, spells with attack callouts, Curved Lasers and GODSLAYING?

Because that's what you're fucking getting.


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Is it true that boobplate is only ever used this way?

Both Gunslingers and Kineticists of Porphyria by N.Jolly and Purple Duck Games

Masquerade Reveler by Mark Seifer

is it true that you're going to post this every day because you're an uncreative hack

What should I make for Carnal Crown?

Boobplate is for one of two things; exceptionally large breasts (in which case it would be a bit more concave than modeled tits) or showing off.

Courtesan for the well-to-do who develops a mighty thirst for knowledge on the occult after spending a few nights in the study when her clients fall asleep.

Are you actually asking or just hoping people will tell you to make a pirate lady?

>anons ask for a Godslaying campaign
>GM of a listed campaign post homebrew Godslaying spells

>mfw JJ used the large breasts defense for Seelah's boobplate

A gunslinger, so you can shoot yourself.

Oh please, you say that like it's a bad thing. If someone is prepping us a little before presenting their high level Godslayer campaign, I'm all for it.

I feel like boobplate is less egregious than... y'know.

Not wearing a damn helmet.

Actually asking, the pirate image is unrelated.

Occult Courtesan. Not bad.

>By taking damage to any one physical ability score (burn), he may create a number of effects; increase the radius of the spell by 5ft per point of burn, increase the spell's pure damage by 1d8 for every 1d8 of burn, or apply the effects of metamagic feats you know to the spell by taking burn equal to 4*their spell level adjustment (8 points of burn for Empower Spell).

Two characters does not a party make.

What does this mean? Is Intrigue GM going to run a high level Godslayer campaign as well? Is Intrigue going to BE the Godslayer campaign?

you asked who the best apps were

Best, not most self-shilled.

But those are the best

Friendly reminder that godslaying is for chumps, danava pillar slaying is where it's really at! >Does anyone realize that Paizo had retconned into their multiverse the concept of powerful creatures that uphold the underpinnings of reality?


>>Certain danavas have, over the eons, merged with the cruxes of the universe they oversee. These danava pillars are more powerful than normal, and destroying one would be a step toward unraveling reality itself, so they are targets for creatures like the hundun, who wish to destroy entire dimensions. Danava pillars are always 10th mythic rank, and they vary from CR 25 to 30.

>If anything, these are more important than deities. Killing, say, Sarenrae will not spell doom for Golarion's sun, let alone all suns in the Material Plane.

>Killing the danava titan connected to the Dimension of Time, on the other hand, will unravel time all over the multiverse.

>It is rather ridiculous that Paizo introduced such an important facet of their cosmology in a single bestiary entry.

>Is Intrigue GM going to run a high level Godslayer campaign as well?

I hope!

>Is Intrigue going to BE the Godslayer campaign?

I doubt it, Godslayer should be advertised as a high-level campaign right from the start. Making a level 11 character in CharGen is different from making a level 3, and more importantly the backstories would be all wrong! I want a high-level character to write a high-level backstory!

>Occult Courtesan. Not bad.

And it's more likely than you think. Courtesans are not your common back-alley trollops, they were typically very well-learned and charismatic people. She was expected to fuck you, sure, but not until you take her out on a date so everyone could envy you.

>Kitsune shrine maiden that moonlights as a bartender to help pay the bills for the family shrine
Retarded idea or retarded idea?


Titans, gods, dragons, I don't really mind what the context of the campaign may be, as long as we're fighting the CR 20+ beasties with a dash of Mythic.

Damn, I knew it.

I guess she'll never have to fend off the advances of the native Ulfen population that really likes her Tian heritage

Why not just make her a bartender? Considering the habits of Kitsune, I think she'd quite like the bawdy atmosphere and access to booze.

I liked the idea of her wanting to transition out of bartending and into adventuring, or maybe wanting to get away from the family obligations that she'd have.

>Kitsune shitposting
>Land of the Linnorm Kings campaign
And we've officially come full circle to last year.

Maybe she transitions into adventure by aggressively joining into the party conversation while she's serving them drinks or she convinces one of the sweeter party members through pillow talk after sharing the night.

That'd work if it were a character joining a pre-established party, but most GMs seem to want to do the initial party meet-ups all at once. Cute idea though.

I know it may not be the same, but what about a few that starts off at around Level 5, then gets tougher and eventually gives you Mythic Ranks and stuff as you gradually keep killing the withering remains of ancient Gods and heroes ala Dark Souls, until eventually you have a sick final battle atop some giant God Pillar and slay a horrible Entropy god-monster similar to Neo-Exdeath from FFV

What rings you got, bitch?

I want to be in a group with Luna "beating niggers with a can of tuna" R!