Warhammer 40k General (40kg)

Forge World is overpriced, not overpowered Edition


>FW FAQ (Part 1 and Part 2)


>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:

>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>other MEGAs

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Doing the Emperor's work)

Nice Beakie

I'm erect

Black Templar chapter focus soon! What do you guys think your chapter specific stratagem will be?

That new chaplain looks great and so do the big guys in front.
I'm actually hype for this

Advice for finding a new army to replace my Renegades? After so many losses at my store I really feel like I got cheated for buying into a new army for the new edition. Problem I'm having is I don't want to do Marines, but if I'm not it'll be at least another year before I get a codex of any sort.
Thinking Necrons or Thousand Sons.

Something i don't get is if Primaris are so kitted out how are other factions suppose to stand a chance?
Logically we are going to have to see more powerful units for the other factions.


Fuck you faggot if you didn't buy Renegades because you loved the army you deserve to be swindled out of your money, and I hope nobody gives you advice and I hope the army you do eventually bandwagon hop to also gets nerfed to shit.


The way I figure it is pure primaris armies are a very elite with a tiny modelcount in an edition that seems to favor mass bodies so it sort of balances out.

Having obsec on marine troops will really help primaris and justify intercessors.

Plastic Overlord when ??

Can you paint? Because if you suck at painting TS is not a good choice. No shame in necrons yes there is shame you talentless little bitch. Git gud at painting or GTFO

well painted ceramic looking necrons are my biggest love

Am I reading this correctly, that Bob can't hitchhike in any vehicle?

How do you supposed to deliver him? Walk?

what loadouts are working for death company?

Im doing axes and a hammer with jump packs and then chainswords in a razorback


Yes? He cant be targeted if there are other units around him and he moves more than 6'' per turn, he can walk just fine.

Bobby G walks, yes,because GW made him a Monster while FW makes him Infantry

Am I the only one who doesn't like those Primaris knee pads? Other than that they look fantastic IMO.

Can the Yncarne charge on the turn it arrived using Soulburst?

Considering how lackluster the primaris rules are it is them that need more of an advantage against other armies. Maybe that is also why the marine codex is coming out so fast, if we see some blatant powercreep we'll know why.

So are there any scans/leaks of this Space Marine codex that people keep talking about? Or is it all just ass-talking?

You guys work on anything today?

working on this, need to tone the edges down, a bit too stark at the moment

Probably just shit talk, there would be like 3 threads for it if they were real and someone had posted them here. Codex will probably be on preorder this week so expect stores to recieve a copy during the weekend or next week, a leak may come out then.

Another user did say some bloggers got an early copy of it but who knows how true that is.

When the galactic Republic turns out to be an old tributary of the Eldar.

Transition your army to Chaos. Renegades are still pretty good as assistants to Chaos. You can budget something like 450 points for a Vindicator+12 characters and summon an entire 1500 point army on t1.

Been working on my girl all day. I wish I could do the "raised edges" type thing she's got going on on her knee/raised parts of pants and right boob.

StarWars is much superior to 40k in every way.. except autism.

Unrelated question, but how long does it usually takes for vines and vegetation to take over broken vehicle/ruin like that?

In tabletop they're only average ish. In lore it's not a problem in the same way that the king tiger tank and me262 didn't mean Hitler won the war. They were superior machines but real wars are won also by logistics, production numbers, maintenance, fuel supplies, mobility, etc. All of these factors mean the vehicles had little effect.

I finished this old geezer this morning. Its not the greatest paint job in the world but Ive only been in the hobby since March and always improving.

Depends on the region. In the PNW less then a decade, less wet areas longer. In a desert probably never.

I love you Mr. Monolith. Fuck the haters!

Depends on the location. If you're in a tropical environment with plants like kudzu, only a couple years. In other climates maybe a decade. Not very long at all.

I want one of those guys. they're thye best era of 'Cron IMO.

Carnac says nice things to me and im only slightly perturbed. Beggars cant be choosers though. What have you done with my favorite shitposter?

A worker can only be as good as it's tools

Man I miss my original release pewter necrons. The models were so huge and intimidating. Fucking loved it, but my parents threw them out when I left for college a decade ago. Mother fuckers.

Somewhat related to this; Do metals rust on deserts? What kind of weathering effect can I put on ruined-in-desert model beside yellow/red sand?

hitpointhobbies on ebay has one for sale on the cheap right now.

I've seen kudzu cover a Volkswagen beetle (one of the old) in Mississippi, and it only took a few weeks.

How do restrictions interact? Special rule says Yncarne can't charge the turn it deep strikes, faction rule says it can with soulburst?

Yes. There is still moisture in the atmosphere that rusts. Oxidation of elemental iron into rust is one of the most exothermic and low activation energy (and therefore favored) reactions in chemistry.

However the wrecks are basically preserved albeit rusty. Look at photos of the valley of tears in Golan Heights, the Sinai wrecks from the Yom Kippur and six day war and even stuff in El alamein. There are also some notable aircraft wrecks in North Africa from the second world War.

So Played 40k today ? Using a weirdboy with 2 30 squad boys and one 20 squad boys with shootas

Thing is i played this guy who always list builds exactly to counter you.

so he feilds two whirlwinds and a flying landraider , Im like what ever im going to just play it.

i da jump one squad of third, and fail the charge role and reroll to assult the whirlwind, the squad gets deleted off the map but uses up both whirlwinds and flying landraider thingys shooting

Next turn i da jump nobs, 3 pks and one big choppa, the whrilwinds over watch takes out the choopa and wounds one pk, my pks bring it down to one wound left.

Other squad of thirty gets massivly hurt like 2 guys left

next trun i da jump my allys squad of plauge marines (it was a 2v2 casual deal) (astartis and IG vs orks and death gaurd)

because screw the rules we are losing
they actually stick around for awhile cause super toughness.

but his artlierly dosent care that my shootaboys are in a building and cant be seen, they bomb them and take out half, then i lose 3 more to moral.

next i da jump them in but they fail to get the charge off on the weakened whirlwind, and get deleted.

What should i have done. How do ya play DA jump lists.

Does the soulburst rule specify that it allows the Yncarne to charge despite being deployed via deep strike that turn ?

Well one of them is.

I'm almost finished my very first model. It looks like absolute dogshit but at least it's nearly over and I can then never speak of it again.

Looking for general DEldar tips.

How do you guys equip your Scourges? Your Trueborn? (Blasters on everything?) Are Heat Lances ever worth it or should I just say that my Heat Lances are all counts-as Blasters now? lel

Is it just me or are Hellions and Mandrakes finally good? I'm at least buying some Mandrakes either way since they look cool as fuck (the only reason I didn't pick them up before just to paint is that I'm poor).

Raiders with shock prows double as arrows. Has anyone tried this?

Are the Court of the Archon units any good in practice? How are the Talos and Chronos these days?


No, it just says you can charge. Why wouldn't it override yncarne's rule?

Imagine if they did Primaris Sisters and the side effect was they all became like Jinx.
So kewl.

If a rule doesnt say that it explicitly overrides a limitation then it doesnt.

I could be wrong in this case but thats how the majority of the rules work.

Didn't head of weirdboy bang while you are using da jump 4 times?

You used da jump in the worst way possible lol. It is terrible if you just use it to feed one of your units to your opponent each turn, because most or an entire army will always win against any single unit of Orks.
What you should have done is advance all your Orks foward and use Da Jump to get a unit on a flank or even behind the enemy when most of your units can charge. It should be used to more effectively overwhelm the enemy, not chuck units at them one at a time.

>Jynx is cool
>Primaris Sisters
I hope to fuck your post isn't sincere fag

So Dark Reapers always hit on a 3, flyers are -1 to hit. How do you decide which rule overrides the other?

I dont get it can deldar just open portals in any old door?

I see you got a hammer ready for when it's done.

>You shall dishonour me no longer
>*brings down hammer*

Come on itd be cool itd highlight that Primaris tech might not be that perfect.
The Primaris Sisters could turn into shrieking lul random heavy weapon nuts that are so extreme they scare Orks.

>Playing with painted army

Its painted WHITE, and CLEAN WHITE at that. Consider yourself as having a job well done.

you said that like the spray can was hard or something

The Dark Reapers rule says they always hit on a 3+ "regardless of modifiers" so take a guess how that works.

Faith and Flame purge Orks better than undisciplined manic pixie dreamgirls with access to heavy ordnance

Portable webway portals suggest yes

Don't forget drug addict.

How are Emperor's Children so far? I know all we have is the index, but I haven't played yet. How are raptors, noise marines, bikes, princes, Lucius, etc?

Thinking of getting some Forgeworld shit, what units would a DA force primarily consisting of Deathwing and Ravenwing benefit from!

end yourself

If you had to guess, will we eventually see Primaris versions of tactical squads and assault squads, or will we just see Primaris in their new, ultra specialized units?\

For instance, we don't see any melee jump pack Primaris. We have only seen shooty jump packers.

he really does. he also looks like my favourite overwatch character so i will definitely be buying a couple of chaplans.

Primaris are gonna remain different to old marines, otherwise marine fags won't replace their entire collections.


Accidental exclamation mark because phoneposting I guess
I normally deepstrike my Deathwing, is the Spartan much better? Seems rather expensive pointswise

Convert one to have two shotguns, run him in SWA.

>I normally deepstrike my Deathwing, is the Spartan much better? Seems rather expensive pointswise
It is.

What does a typical list look like for you?

The hammer was used along with a drill bit to fix a slight error involving a snapped flying stand stem.

I swear it just looks meh in person. It's just a corax white primer and then over that with ulthuan grey. I honestly don't have the precision for highlighting it, I tried and it went quite badly.

I saw Robute Guiliman at a Library on Terra yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my reading, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to checkout for my books up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Codex Astartes in his hands without registering.
The Soritas at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the books and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any heretical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each book and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

- Anonymous Astartes

you just know he wouldn't have done it if there was a qt eldar behind the counter.

I know this is poorly rethemed copypasta.

Lots of deepstriking terminators, Belial with a Knight squad and an Apothecary, Sammael with Champion and Apothecary, some Ravenwing Bikers and Attack Bikes and then a Black Knight squad. Currently trying to fit a Darkshroud in there too.

>"to prevent any heretical Intercessors"


>Lots of deepstriking terminators
Like how many abouts?
Spartan is stupid pricey

I chose Age of Sigmar because I liked the narrative aspect to it. Battleplans were my favorite thing; it wasnt always just "fight your dudes."

Did 40k add this in 8th Ed.? Or is it still just skirmish focused?

>is it still just skirmish focused
>40k 3rd-current

AoS itself didnt do this, the 5 (FiVE) Campaign books after the release did this.
wait a year

Was that female prisoner sculpted by the diorama's maker?

Two standard squads, one Knight squad, Belial and an Apothecary.

Looks like a brother vinni mini

>Spartan is stupid pricey

In dollars? Its about the same price as a knight in $$.

Its fucking god tier in game though.

That reminds me, someone have that eldar surrounded by guardsmen taking their pants off diorama pic?

Will do, thanks.

I am not sure there would be much if anything with your current play style from FW that would even benefit you. Maybe a Contemptor, maybe?

Could be useful for your choppy boys, not to mention the absurd amount of dakka the Spartan itself has.
>>Spartan is stupid pricey
In points.

Dorito, sorry.

My only concern with the Dorito is once his guys get in melee he won't have much to shoot at. Was thinking of something that could shoot and dive into combat.

Is that for 30k or 40k?

If the latter how is the typhon? Still need a lord of war for my army and I don't think a knight would mesh that well with my army aesthetically

>In points.

You get what you pay for, its two land raiders strapped together with a discount.

he looks edgy as all he'll.

Now thats a good idea!


T''''au'''''' fag detected.