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What does your character do to relax?
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Paizo Games General /pgg/
What does your character do to relax?
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Eh, it's fine. I still have yet to even make it, and even then I have no idea how to run a game.
As for the level thing though, the idea I had for it was basically give everyone a level after X amount of trials/encounters, and a mythic rank and BOSS WEAPONS after each major boss. Said bosses will probably be able to create adds, and use MMO style area/shape effects as well
Also, either free or mandatory Divine Source, for story reasons I'm working on.
>Heavenly PROMOTIONS.jpg
I can get behind this.
Current listings:
fucking mods stop killing threads at 70 posts
>Free or Mandatory Divine Source
Sir, I see where you are going with this and I like it!
Apparently it is my fate to repost everything.
>Chanting Spells (SSDK Materials)
May or may not contain godslaying.
>What does your character do to relax?
Attempts to encounter every sensory experience this strange new world has to offer.
My character is a master craftsman by trade, and pretty autistic, so his relaxation usually involves sitting alone making things. His latest fascination is firearms. And anyone who makes the mistake of hanging out with him while he's on a crafting kick just gets an earful of half-coherent streams of consciousness as he works.
>Character A: Reads, talks with people and tells stories at his favorite tavern.
>Character B: Drinks, wrestles, finds someone attractive to bed down with.
>Character C: Drinks somewhat less, enjoys the outdoors, pets his horse, watches the stars.
/pfg/ I need some ridiculous small-to-large sized monsters of any type to make lycanthropes out of
Sadly, I only have one in mind, and really only 2 bosses planned. It's a rapier that, when flourished, can release a cloud of rose petals to fly around the user. With an action, they can either be launched as razor projectiles, turn only a protective blinding flurry, or be absorbed by the rapier to turn it into a long and thorny vine
The boss will be called "The Rozen Sentinel", and will be about in the mid to late game. In terms of similarity to other bosses, she'd fulfill much the same role as Garl Vinland, Spear of the Church, O+S or Velstadt
So, it's a mix between Byakuya Kuchiki's Senbonzakura and the Flower Knight?
Don't know who the Flower Knight is. To be honest, I was actually taking inspiration for the boss and weapon from a mix of Gundam Rose from G Gundam, and Biolante from Godzilla for the 2nd phase of the fight. Yes, bosses will of course have multiple phases and tactics
>Also, either free or mandatory Divine Source, for story reasons I'm working on.
Are we talking Kingdom Death Flower Knight, or some other Flower Knight?
And I actually also wanted to have rose-themed knights at some point. But made from corpses that had magic roses planted in their skulls.
Tomo-chan please, contain yourself, people are watching.
Well too bad! That's what happens when your frozen in stone for millennia, then discovered during the end of days as a small cult is built around your stone forms and worshipped as forgotten God's by a High Priestess who's the descendant of the wizard who froze you in the first place.
Those would be common enemy types of that area. Along with living rose bushes that shoot lasers and stuff
Is there anyway I can make a dark elementalist kineticist good?
There's a pair of feats from Jolly's body of work.
You can also dip Harbinger 1 to add your Intelligence to damage if your GM is okay with Path of War stuff.
From what I see, not really. Your better off just using a different archetype to be honest, or maybe a different class. Or just playing a Legendary Kineticist
Harbigners Don't get Int to damage at 1anymore, just half Int to attack at 1 and Int to Damage at 10 or something.
Because Wis do Attack and Damage at 1 is fine, but the same for Int as absolutely Haram.
>There's a pair of feats from Jolly's body of work.
They seem helpful, but I'm not sure if they make them good.
I wanted an Int based Kineticist for RP reasons but both it and the Cerbral Kineticist seem lack luster compared to other archetypes.
I get my terms mixed up, I meant Int to Attack.
Still Half-int
Not a bad deal if you're a Dex/Int race. Makes you REALLY accurate as a kineticist. Stack it with a stance that gives more bonuses to-hit and you'll be sitting pretty accuracy-wise for a while
>Because Wis do Attack and Damage at 1 is fine, but the same for Int as absolutely Haram.
Anything that gives Wis to atk/damage replaces your STR or DEX. Harbinger gives INT in addition to your physical stat.
Why'd the other thread get nuked?
>Avowed will never see a final release anytime soon
>Avowed 2 will likewise need even longer to finish
>Avowed 3 is likely literal years away
>PoW Discipline Errata never
>What does your character do to relax?
Drinks, eats, and is merry
He's got to take care of his kids now that he has to face the music and can't keep sailing away, never taking responsibility.
Combine them. Play a character who reads, wrestles, and pets his horse.
Honestly, there wasn't much going on there besides "hurr durr wanna fuck a goblin"
He could always end it all
Could probably do that on any one of them with just a little more money and some time to develop character.
Except A. He's a Dexfag so no wrestling for him.
Yes but his girlfriend is hot so it all works out in the end
So, he'll be a good, caring daddy?
Oh, okay. I was just curious. I'm all for early threads getting nuked, I just thought maybe something specific was posted to trigger this particular nuke.
The goodest and most caring-est of daddies, user. Those kids will be taken care of!
Better idea: watches stars, tells stories, and drinks
No effort required.
Good shit.
Hercules had a cute family and he still murdered them.
He already murdered his first family when he was a teenager, he's not gonna do that again!
That's pretty awful, user. How does he go on?
At least he has a family. My character doesn't even have a last name.
Ain't so bad. My character can't remember his first name, and from his last name he's always guessed his parents sold him.
By understanding that he was completely mad at the time. Mad as in "mentally /gone/", not angry. He was HORRIFIED that he did it, thrown out of his community and branded a murderer, and then sailed all down the Inner Sea until he found a place where no one understood the brand he had on his back!
>when games are still recruiting but you don't have time anymore
World Tendency on Iron Gods apps?
If he could, would he bring them back?
Yes, yes he would.
Though he would have a LOT of explaining to do, because he didn't follow the tenets of EITHER of his parents. He didn't join the church, disrespected his Gorumite mother by being a tricky bastard, refusing to wear GLORIOUS IRON ARMOR, disrespected his Shelynite father by being a sailor rather than a priest, not really CREATING anything original despite participating in more than a few one-night stands and often being vain and adversarial.
But they're still family, and if he could, he would bring them back.
Avowed is it paizio or third party shit?
It's third party
>three new races in Bloodforge
>six alternate races
>all of them are suspiciously anthropomorphic
>one new race and two of its alternate races have 10 foot space and 10 foot reach
>one alternate race has +4 Intelligence and flight
What was Ssalarn thinking?
Thinking of making a Dwarf or Wood Elf Shammy. How does the class play?
He wasn't.
No clue, but are you getting usage out of that DSP wiki?
probably "PF needs more overpowered bullshit" or something like that
Do you have a link to the one with the blood forge stuff. I can only find the one with the Psionics and Godmind stuff.
Akashic Mysteries, not Bloodforge.
Remember this question when he does have the power, user. When he or his companions have a wish or a miracle.
Never forget.
C1: watch plays, craft trinkets and simple tools, exercise
C2: drink, watch the stars, write in her diary, arm wrestle, listen to people talk
C3: drink heavily, depending on the season he has different oral fixations like smoking or hard candy, reading
Here's the link to the homepage. It looks like its under heavy construction
Here's the main Bloodforge Directory, though. It's 75% done, guy just needs to add in the feats and templates from the book it seems.
That furfags have more money than brains, [spoilers]and that they're power-gamers too, I guess?[/spoilers]
>seasonal fixations
That's...odd. Why the change?
How do I make a male (female) without anyone thinking I'm trying to magical realm?
Copy Guilty Gear and give them abnormal motivation to adventure, like collecting Gryphons
He's tied to a spirit of the seasons. Each season is connected to different concepts and an element, but the essence is change. Basically, when the season changes, he gets a different craving associated with the dominant element, and avoids things associated with the opposed element, as they become unpleasant.
More likely "we need to write more overpowered bullshit to sell books"
Where the hell are all the drugs and their effects listed? One of my players took the psychic discipline where they do a bunch of drugs
Honey badger
Archives of Nethys, look it up under Equipment, then the "Black Market" category.
Okay, that's pretty neat.
Thanks! He's been fun so far. Dunno if the campaign will continue, sadly. We're down to 3 players, and one has been busy with other things 3 weeks running. If he drops, the game is dead.
Find some new ones! Recruit some folks!
I'm trying to figure out where to recruit currently, but I'm also talking to the GM, since he might have some connections. I'm nervous, but we'll see what happens. Both of my weekend games have been pretty rocky, which feeds into my depression.
Post up a recruitment ad on /pfg/
I know if a Paladin falls in PF, they can become an antipaladin... but what if they fall to a LE alignment/patron? What is their option then?
Tyrant Antipaladin.
Antipaladin, Tyrant archetype.
Thanks guys, didn't know this was a thing.
What if they fall to
E V I L?
Do they have to become an insinuator?
How should a bunch of Italian Dwarves behave?
Keep in mind falling into an antipaladin isn't an immediate thing. You don't just become one because you were a paladin. Being an antipaladin means being as dedicated to chaos and destruction as a paladin is to law and benevolence. It has to be a fundamental part of your being, and gods don't hand that shit out for free.
Constantly searching for a princess, but they always end up in the wrong castle.
Are you insinuating that I'm falling for that Kitsune? Because I am.
In this case it's a supernatural curse/fucked up destiny. Kind of like a mirror of opposition.
Understandable. Neutral Evil is best waifu alignment.
I took a quick break from the DSP SRD in order to teach myself how to make maps in DOOM for my campaigns. It's not a bad idea. Feats are now 100% uploaded, which means that all that's left are the few templates that came with the book and the tables for height, age, and weight
A fellow man of taste
Assuming the Fey are still a thing in Starfinder, how do you suppose the Gap would have affected them? I'm of the opinion that, in spite of not being able to remember vital bits of information about the past (such as the way the elves freaked out about it) the ones who are inclined to do so wouldn't skip a beat and still peddle that they know shit even when they don't and probably wouldn't be as put off as others would be.
More so estastic because now the fun of being mysterious can be a thing again
Well, I'm not sure we know enough about the Gap to even say whether it did affect them or not. Fey rather pointedly play by a different set of rules, after all. Would they even still deal with people when their favorite planet to hang out on up and vanished? Would they actually tell people if they knew what happened? There's just too many unknown variables.
My money's on the Pathfinder Society destroying Golarion after fucking around with the wrong artifact, and then using an even more powerful one to wipe everyone's memory so no one knows they did it.
I'm on board with the PFS Space-Illuminati
>Hey guys, I found a way to kill Rovagug forever
>.....Looks like we accidentally the entire planet...
>This artifact will make sure no one remembers are fuck-ups, not even ourselves!
Given that the end of the Gap and Triune giving everyone the Drift happened at roughly the same time, my money is on Triune doing the mass mind-wipe to hide something from other gods.
Or they volunteered to forget and agreed to give Triune the leeway she has in exchange for making Absalom station and the Drift
>in exchange for making Absalom station and the Drift
The Drift explicitly aggressively cannibalises all the planes, tearing off large chunks of them.
Literally every deity other than Triune is interested in seeing it gone as their own planes are getting hurt by it.
There is that fact isn't it.
For my own purposes I plan on downgrading the severity some.
1. The Drift would be similar to sigil in that it's another way into the multi-verse as it where
2. Things and individuals from these planes arn't actively being canabalized but can wind up in the drift under extreme circumstances (i.e. demons/devils fucking up their teleports or summons going horribly wrong)
This is mainly for the direction I want my interpretation of the setting to go though.
This is easily my favorite piece of Pathfinder art. The antipaladin's look of retarded, brain dead, idiot glee as he kicks a fucking pig for no reason is so perfect and describes the class so well.
What makes a paladin that happy?