Let's discuss ASOIAF setting and roleplaying in it.
Let's discuss ASOIAF setting and roleplaying in it
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I find it hilarious Kingslayer Lannister is only 1 point of Fighting above the average waterdancer. I understand there's more to the system than battle, but fuck.
I'm somewhat tempted to learn the ASOIAF system, but I know it's a waste of time, since it's absolutely broken
Right? There's something to be said when a system's demo and sample characters have Fighting levels that are top tier in-setting.
Do we have too?
Were you to run an alternate history game in the setting, what would you change and when would the game start?
That greatly depends on what you actually want to play. Civil wars? With dragons, or without them? Courtly intrigue? Wildlings and Night Watch duking it out?
Shit, you can even set the campaign in the book period, and you can still make it interesting. The video game (no, not the Telltale one) has shown us that, notably barely using book characters at all.
Get rid of magic, then focus on the clash of cultures happening all over the place. Like the North bringing back prima nocta, or the Iron Men realizing raiding is not sustainable but have to do it anyway because Euron's back. Lots of interpersonal drama to be had, no need for ice zombies.
I'm asking you. Myself, I'd probably start at that damn tourney where Rhaegar met Lyanna and everything went to shit
AFFC-ADwD period. It's a time when everything went to shit, everywhere, and magic finally started making a full comeback.
>actually playing in a setting written by le fat pink mast shitting brown water fat man
>things I don't like are reddit
>fat pink mast shitting brown water
Scenes meant to be unappealing are unappealing, who would have thought.
I've always thought the War of the Ninepenny Kings would be a fun setting. Colourful, larger-than-life villains in the form of the Nine, Westerosi knights and Essosi sellswords and pirates all swirled together on the Stepstones; younger versions of characters we know from the books running around.
You could spin some fun divergent histories out of that maelstrom of chaos and it facilitates a wide variety of PCs.
Are we talking the Green Ronin one?
What was your favourite moment from today's episode? Mine was when Dany ripped down the banner of daughter burner Satannis
Yaass slay queen!
Has anyone ever gone over the series and statted things in terms used in Birthright?
Explain the image.
In the last episode Dany FINALLY landed on Westeros, and we spent the entire 5 minutes of her screen time on Daenerys reclaiming the completely empty Dragonstone and it's throne. The scene did not have any dialogue and was full of awkwardness.
>banner of daughter burner Satannis
Last night I finally noticed how God awful the cinematography was.
>four people awkwardly standing on a boat
>OOOOOH dergens!
>OOOOOH 1000 cgi ships! look at our budget!
And they had a great scene with the Hound but they kept cutting away from the wide angle with the two of them standing there and digging and instead went for closeups.
>Were you to run an alternate history game in the setting, what would you change and when would the game start?
King Aerys Targaryen dies during the Defiance of Duskendale, whether or not this was due to the actions of Sir Barristan Selmy is open to interpretation, but Rhaegar Targaryen becomes King of the Seven Kingdoms.
It's difficult to say how history might have changed had Rhaegar become king during Duskendale - of course, you could say he would have still fallen in love with Lyanna, but his first meetings with her were a result of him still being a mere Prince, discussing matters of his by-then profoundly insane father, Aerys II. I doubt they would've met until after she was married and well-settled with Bobby B.
It's a shame Rhaegar would have likely still been married to Elia Martell in this AU, I think he would've gotten along very well with Cersei. Though a woman of many problems up to and including psychopathy and incestuous lust, I distinctly recall she was genuinely infatuated with him, and if the two were married you might actually, dare I say it, see a well-adjusted and very happily married Cersei Lannister.
Dumb and Dumber can't write a scene to save their life, the quality of Seasons 1-4 were entirely due to them copy+pasting scenes from the books.
As for Dany? That's easy; Emilia Clarke can't act. She can't act. She was bad in Season 1, she was bad in Season 2, she was bad in Season 3, she was bad in Season 4, she was bad in Season 5 and she somehow got into a different kind of horrible in Season 6. There's a reason they stopped casting her in movies after her popularity grew, and it's because she's not a good actress.
I'm sure this thread will be productive and not at all shitty.
I miss this guy.
And not because I was originally a Stannis supporter, although his acting sold me on the character. Stephen Dillane just seems to be a down to earth guy who did his best with the writing he was given.
Hilarious but actually justified.
Is this after he gets his hand cut off?
Before, I'm going to bet.
But it's worth noting that one pip above the typical waterdancer (an advanced form of bravo swordsmanship) is still a significant swordsman.
Personally, I'm more interested in Barristan Selmy's stats.
That would've been funny if you had a better grasp on grammar.
What're wrong with there grammar!
I didn't get an answer.
I need the answer. I crave it. Please...please give me the answer.
Has anyone tried the ASOIAF system? Is it good or not?
>people talk about the fucking television show like it's a shift in geo-political power that threatens nuclear war
>nobody has read the books
>the books wander on endlessly with no intention to ever resolve any semblance of plot
>characters are introduced and slain in an endless mill
>the sex and violence appeal with a little dark mysticism appeals to harry-potter-raised kine
It's not great.
GRRM gave up on the books when people turned out to only show interest in the show.
We share that sentiment.
Care to explain this one?
I mean, assuming we're talking Green Ronin. The system looked pretty solid to me, albeit it has some ah...nuances to it that need to be learned in order for a player of a GM to get the most out of it.
(Specifically, specialties and the like. Kind of my answer to )
I've yet to actually *play* it, so I might be talking out of my arse, or it could be one of those systems that looks good but doesn't function well when actually applied.
I'm sure nobody would dream of roleplaying without first finding out the kingdom's tax policy
What's westeros Tax Policy anyway? The only I remember about the economics was that the Houses have a Blank Cheque with Not!-Venice and that they somehow rise army after army even if they do not even have food for today. Also Lannister's mines are dry.
>Also Lannister's mines are dry.
That only happened in the show. I still don't quite understand the reasoning beyond this addition, but that goes for most of D&D's "Creative innovations"
So what's bad about the system?
seconded. i want to know
So if you have a group of 4, if ypur players take a low score on most things, but concentrate in one area they at point of creation can out politic a king, out combat anyone short of a dragon, and out what ever as the badest of the bad asses in any field of the book presented npc's are just better than average.
So min maxing breaks the game . Not like ohh shit i need to make my baddies a bit tougher, but like ohhh better rewrite all npcs and find some stats for shit behind the black wall.
The house/clan creation part was super fun when we played by the way. That kept us busy for two nights of happy good times...... 10/10 would pregame play again.
This, the character play is kind of tiresome, but making a family is fun as FUCK. Do the latter before the former for a hella good time.
It has rules for simulating tax policy, right?
Dabid and his crayons have been the bane of this show.
That seems like an entirely subjective thing that doesn't tell me anything about the system. I'm not part of the "players should never be good at what they do" crowd, so that doesn't sound like a problem to me.
I like the part where the important person dies!
>character play
Are we talking, like...just normal RPing/dicerolling?
I feel similar, but man, when I looked at the stats for some of the big bastards of the setting, I was shocked to see that they weren't as beefy as I thought they should be.
Like, i'm not sure if that is an oversight in game development, or if it's meant to be that way, cuz y'know...script immunity is suppose to be a thing for that franchise
Is he /ourguy/?
This. If I had to GM the game I'll probably never allow the players to improve their abilities rating above 4.
Problem is the system is very flawed so a min-maxed character in this game can easily be broken. Take a fighter, max his fighting abilities, pick the good armor and the good advantages (water dancer talents are especially OP iirc) and he can be almost untouchable in a fight.
Then as a DM you'll have to buff the fuck up the opponents but then they become too strong for the other players. Which can be fustrating for them, considering this is supposed to be a fairly realistic setting.
>Problem is the system is very flawed
So how is it flawed? You're providing some stupid reasoning. The players being potentially capable =/= the system being bad.
Its not never be good type thing, but you can be a newly minted knight one night 1 of playing an drop any named char in the game. Socialy or combat wise. Its like pcs arent just good they are untouchable.
Basicly the power curve goes unskilled to journeyman to lord on high badass with no middle ground
Here's a question- how hard is it to get that rank 5? How hard is it to get experience?
I have a feeling that if you houserule one or both of these, then that can solve your problem
Imma gonna wait until grrm finishes the series.
Nah, she knows she landed on Dragonstone and she knows that the Iron Throne is in King's Landing. She's been taught that at least by her various teachers or by Vyseris at least.
Is he /ourlord/
The tax policy is that peasants produce nothing or almost nothing. Food and gold appears or disappears in the larders of peasants and nobles randomly.
How else are you supposed to prepare for a 3 year winter?
I remember someone saying they tested his stats against the other five kingsguard and him pretty much cuts through them like cake.
>Yaass slay queen!
You really are the worst sort of faggot.
>There's a reason they stopped casting her in movies after her popularity grew, and it's because she's not a good actress.
You sure it's not because she's busy with GoT.
Not that faggot, but as bad as the show is, at least it's better than the books. Dreary and fucking dull with a million and a half plot lines going absolutely fucking nowhere. There's less than 400 pages worth of story in the entirety of ASOIAF and the fat fuck pads that out and out and out with drivel.
Is this supposed to be lil baby Arryn, because if so, no, he's /r9k/ tendies material.
>tfw you actually like the bits where random characters go on about their history even though you know it's pointless
It's a good feel.
It could also have been a side-novel all on its own, focusing on one or a few characters in a structured and focused fashion. Rather than a meaningless chapter thrown here and there.
They took that quote from the show to heart when designing him, didn't they.
This was while she was still busy with GoT, she was in a few movies as was Jon.
Martin did that when he first published Game of Thrones, he took out the Dany chapters and used them in a short story.
Read the books. He still lives, confirmed by the author.
We don't know that for certain, we just know he lives through the first few chapters of tWoW.
Yes and no, you can build truly broken characters if you know how to spec and from a rpg perspective Barristan is one hell of a npc since he started exping in his teen, so he must have gained a few freebies Destiny points along the way.
>Stannis has lower status that Petyr "Lord of a few rocks and sheepshit" Baelish
>“In my books? Alive, beyond a doubt,” Martin wrote
Can you explain how it is broken? Having demo/lore characters stated incorrectly is not broken, it is an oversight. People bitch about it, but they have yet to provide any reason why the system is broken, beyond it's broken because it is broken.
You mean gently tugged since it was apparently only attached by wedging the middle under a rock or something?
Stannis is technically a lord of a few rocks and sheepshit too, Dragonstone isn't exactly a wealthy place.
Petyr also has his fingers in every pie, and has a seat on the Small Council.
Can't find the page in his blog, but if you accept this. It was originally a question posed to him via his blog.
You'll be waiting forever, user.
I haven't tried the system myself, but people sure as hell have given reasons for why they consider it broken in this thread. Ease and effects of minmaxing are a pretty damn clear reason, though, as I said, I haven't tried the system myself and don't know how big a problem it in practice.
What is the Lannister's tax policy?
Stannis is the second son of House Baratheon and has 1 lower status than Robert by default.Having Stormend given to Renly instead of him must have lowered his status as well.
Littlefinger as the master of coins had his status jumped much higher than it should. Stannis should as well...but Baratheon's 2nd son status kills his growth.
It's not an answer he likes, therefore no answer was given, therefore it's not broken.
Same story as 3.5
Stannis also used to be a Master of ships but bailed on his job since Jon Arryn's death
The ability to min-max is present in every system, a competent GM can prevent it as well good players will also self police.
I am aware that people will often take down a stat, typically thievery in order to boost others. This is not broken but willful ignorance of rules as a 1 in stat indicates sever (not complete) inability to do something not personal choice, such a Hodor being only able to speak his name, Tyrion's athletic ability to name a few.
If you lower thievery, you are meant to remove the ability to sneak, such as shouting constantly like a retard at all points making subterfuge impossible by your actions, you are not physically incapable of stealing.
Also the least popular of all the Kings during the Clash.
I think most people would rather have him over Balon.
Most people were not even aware he was doing his thing, just little island fags.
Euron did nothing wrong
The North and the Westerlands found out real quick though.
>sent victarion "me biting my tongue in my sleep is a sign from the drowned god" greyjoy to woo dragon woman for him
Euron has a plan, he's got to have a plan. Moqorro is the gamechanger and I assume Euron thought Victarion would blow the horn himself.
I want a book entirely about Victarion and Moqorro, god are their chapters the best.
>Euron has a plan
I like to imagine Euron's basically just going with the flow and has no idea what's going to happen next.
>the players have the option to sacrifice something to get good in their area of expertise
>this means the system is broken
So do you have any actual reasons or are you just stupid?
That is not an option, 1 in a stat represents mental or physical retardation. People willingly ignore this.
does the system have mechanical support for that (other than having a low stat)?
Just watch victarion is going to pull some magic out his ass and summon a giant ass wave resulting in dany converting to the drowned god
Or dany gets pissed, goes out to fuck up the iron fleet, victarion uses dragonbinder, steals her dragons, and goes on the greatest reaving in ironborvictarion
Countless of epics will be written about him, he will retrun home with 3 dragons and countless salt wives
He will overthrow euron
The system is literally just a cash in. GRRM actually plays tabletop RPGs and uses and recommends GURPS for games with themes like ASOIAF.
Yes it does. With both handicaps being offered as a quality and plenty of opportunities to roleplay such, but people do not, they ignore a key aspect of the rules in order to boost their water dancer.
Can you explain how it is not a decent ttrpg? It works, it has good support and a few splats.