Chaos is real.
Chaos is real
I gotta start worshipping Slaneesh
is Mattis too strategic for Khorne?
So, Veeky Forums, your Acolytes have finally managed to track down the leadership of the cult of Tzeentch worshippers who have been manipulating a planet's government for hundreds of years.
Kicking open the door, you are faced with a hook nosed man. "Oy vey, what are you doing in here, goyim?"
What do?
I sage when responding to obvious bait threads.
The nurgle one looks more like a mutation, and thus suited to tzeentch.
But its very unhygenic
"You will pay for your filthy deeds, heretic!"
I don't recognize the weird manner of speech he uses.
"Fuck you, Nazi" then beat the shit out of the GM.
I immediately start arguing with the GM about how much of a meme-loving cuck he is and set off the pipe bomb I have hidden under the table.
Hmm... a premise is at least set up that makes for an interesting scenario, but then is obviously switched out for a /pol/ meme. Posts like these are usually done not because /pol/ is invading, but because impotent /pol/lacks who happen to play traditional games are no longer able to make a dent in the board after the election, and thus are forced to try for a new audience... This is, I believe, the reason for /pol/'s obsession with the overuse of the word cuck. They're simply transposing their own helplessness and impotence in their own lives, even on their favorite image board, and trying to push it on other people... and still trying to justify why they're here. I find this very sad. You have my condolences.
2/10, more sad than anything else, really.
It's not a nose, it's a beak.
It's not a beak, it's a literal hook.
Intel was wrong, you're dealing with Slaaneshi!
Don't try so hard next time friend.
I love you, bait reviewer.
Poster ID's need to be put into effect on all boards.
I suspect this thread is an autistic argument between two samefags.
Check that squad has rebreathers on, then try out that gas grenade.
t. Autistic manlet who has never actually been in a fight
Can you imagine being so mad about a shitpost that you write a whole paragraph about how not mad you are while adopting some meme-y Internet-Critic-Persona?
Without being the 41M, the logical one to win in today's Earth is she.
slap my gm for indulging in /pol/ shit and find a better group
Disappointed that they aren't reptiles that add flourides in the water.
Not supportive of /pol/ leaking on teegee either, but this post reeks of reddit mediocrity
Nailed it.
>/pol/tards rush to defend the honor of their shitty board
My jaw hit the floor reading this.
>Slaanesh is generic EDM
for fucks sake kiddo, you need to get out more
The cuck meme is about "welfare queens" (black people) and all of the "good tax payers" (white people) being tricked into taking care of others' (black) children.
your iq must be in the 70s then
Slaanesh really is the best God.
The head of the lower left side has one eye open.
Use a flammer and roast this big nosed schemer. Don't know why he said oy Vey though or what it means.
Spot on my dude.
>getting this out of shape over obvious /pol/bait
Oh glorious summer
>hehe I roleplay as a character on an online forum
Take that name off, this isn't reddit
>replying to a post that's eleven hours old
Lets be real here: the Emperor exterminated the jews just as much as he tried exterminating christian, muslim, buddhist and even hindu churches on Terra.. He was an edgelord atheist-type (despite being as close to a God as humans ever had) meaning that, given how Jewish culture is so tied to their religion, odds are he had whatever remained on Terra purged by Thunder Warriors. The Emperor did not tolerate superstition and would certainly not have tolerated ethno-religious cabals within the Imperium.
As for any he might have missed because ((they))) left before the Age of Strife, one has to assume they got assimilated into later religious tradition of the Imperium of Man since nowhere in the fluff is it ever really hinted that the jews still exist, outside of the christian undertone of the whole God-Emperor worship.
I should have known the Joozian abhumans were behind this!
fun review to read
do you review bait only on Veeky Forums or on other boards too?
Mind = Blown
I've never seen such a succinct takedown of Pol. The impotence of Bait Reviewer is truly a sight to behold.
>samefagging this hard
Mattis is about controlled chaos, about the appropriate amount of force. No more, no less. Not just wild violence in every direction.
Two of the saddest posts I've read on Veeky Forums in a while. Up there with people who put emotes in imageless Veeky Forums posts.
Force feed them the chemicals they used to turn the frogs gay of course.
The sad part is that a well rounded set of religions like Christianity or Hinduism or Buddhism would have done us so many favors in the long run, but why didn't any of that form anything in the warp?
>believing in spooks
When the Old ones weapons zed the warp it made it lean towards negative elements of the emotional spectrum, starting the garbage in garbage out loop thay grindarked the galaxy, all because they didn't want to cure a species with chronic cancers
What? I though spook was a word for spies
Figuring out that you pronounce Tzeentch as Tzeentch took me way longer than it should have
Not to mention a substantial chunk of the GOP/conservative constituency is reliant on welfare systems too, which is why they have never gutted it. They just can't quite find a way to make it "whites only" without actually making it "whites only" but when they do, they'll go for it.
I don't think there's actually a wrong way to pronounce it. I mean he's the Lord of Change; why would his name stay the same? Lead or Lead, and all that.
Peel off his mask like a Scooby-Doo villain to reveal the lizard person underneath.
Poster IDs ruin the point of anonymity. And if a samefag can derail a thread at one post per minute the thread clearly wasn't very good.
It's also a word for ghosts, niggers, and basic human decency.
Trump is a puppet of the Jews and you know it.
You are retarded. I am not joking.
>Mutated humans
>Not Tzeentch
Clearly Christianity didn't get wiped. There was enough to steal the aesthetic and rhetoric if nothing else.
Close, but no cigar
He's no more a Khorne-worshiper than is the Lord-Commander who approves an order of Exterminatus
Still fine
I'm closet trans anyway
Namefag and reddit tier post.
4/10. Better luck next time
no u
Upvoted, my good sir.
I ask why my girl friend never told me she secretly rules the world
I bet if that kid gets scared, he just bends over and runs backwards really fast.
What about Malal?
Sorry, Malice?
Can he move those legs? Does he have a brother living inside him? Is he worshiped as a minor hindu deity?
Not living, no.
>hates everything
>self defeating
>may or may not have had some impact but nobody really cares
That's us
If you're asking seriously, it's probably a case of parasitic twins. So basically he has a siamese twin, but his twin doesn't have a brain.
So you'd join the bad guy's side for a power boost?
His Callsign was literally Chaos.
'A heretic might find absolution in death but your kind is forever doomed. There are no shekels waiting for you where I will send you.
By the way, Saturday Night Live sucks.' *exterminatus*
But Islam is a religion of peace, you bigot
Is that a Dwarf Giant Mech or am I misinterpreting it's size?
There is finally a start collecting for Slaanesh on GW. FINALLY!
>belt sander roller skates
It's like they never even watched Jackass.
Though the lower center of gravity on a squat as opposed to a human night make balancing on them a lot eas
This Person gets it.
The same thing I do every time my character kicks open a door: pull the trigger on my flamethrower.
>/pol/'s obsession with the overuse of the word cuck
Actual /pol/ browser here, it's rare to see the word 'cuck' used outside of memeing and actual cuckoldry these days.
I'm going to check your math on this one right now.
>goes to /pol/ and ctrl+f's the word "cuck" for the first ten most-replied to threads.
Thread 1: 8 results (trump related thread)
Thread 2: Five. (trump related thread)
Thread 3: Three results. (trump related thread)
Thread 4: Four Results. (trump related thread)
Thread 5: one result (islam related thread)
Thread 6: fifteen results (The_Donald related thread)
Thread 7: None! Grats. (not trump related)
Thread 8: None! Grats. (not trump related)
Thread 9: None! Grats. (not trump related)
Thread 10: ten results. (trump related)
That's the ten most active threads on /pol/ right now.
So you're right, "cuck" is not really a /pol/ thing. It seems to be more in use by trump supporters. The single mention in the islam thread was a posted with a picture of a donald trump meme, so it's safe to assume that if you're a trump supporter on /pol/ "cuck" is likely your go-to insult.
As an aside, I took a peek at the_donald because of this and uses of the word "cuck" and "based" are used several dozen times in every thread in the "hot" tab of the front page, barring buried/hidden comments.
Wouldn't Nurgle be an Anti-Vaxxer?
And Slaneesh some sports star?
what was even the reasoning for the old ones not wanting to cure the necrons anyway?
was it just pure up there own arse like eldar are at times?