Would your character ever wear magical boobplate if they found it as treasure?
What if your character is flat/male?
Would your character ever wear magical boobplate if they found it as treasure?
What if your character is flat/male?
Other urls found in this thread:
How magical is the armor?
Is this a magical realm thread?
Anyway no.
Scenario A: A little magical.
Scenario B: Very magical.
Haha beat you too it.
Git gud son.
A friend played a flat chested elf paladin with boob plate. Used the space for extra storage.
What's it do?
Give your flatchested knight loli an illusion of having big boobs
A probably not unless it's situationally useful, don't want every hit vaguely to my front feeling like a gauntlet punch to the ribs. B probably yes then.
Is that it? That's not even remotely magical.
He's a wizard, so he'd just hand it to our party barbarian who would probably deck him for implying that he's womanly.
>Putting it on transforms your character into a busty woman
There's nothing more magical than self-esteem.
But it is. It's just a standard breastplate. The illusion magic made it look like a boobplate.
...so the secret here is clearly that it's a cursed breastplate that steals the bust size of its wearer.
>mfw right in the fetish
The magic item adapts to its wearer during attunement. Problem solved.
Fuck off
This is an exceedingly shitty topic for a thread
>The magic item adapts its wearer to the armor during attunement
even better!
that's the most autistic thing I've read today
If it would offer more protection?
Without much thought.
Aren't there tons of pictures like this?
Where was that pic with the elven princess armor?
>magic leather girdle
>cant identify it
>uhh yeah ill put it on
>tfw dm plays into my fetish
Welcome to Veeky Forums
You should not call me a slut for what I'm taking on.
It's really more about what I'm taking in.
>It's a subtle thing, taking a while to happen.
>You start just becoming slimmer.
>Then your bosom starts to grow.
Reminds me of the pink dragon
My current character would wear it though she's flat as a board. She'd probably shove a asston of wadding in the cups to soften upper body blows. Mace hits fucking hurt and they leave a bitch of a bruise
Assuming it doesn't curse him or some such fuckery, my guy would give it a shot.
>no bevor
she's basically naked
Pink dragon?
Basically a thread that devolved into dragons with fetish breath weapons
Pink genderswapped there was one that expanded and one that aged up or aged down
Tiamat was a fujoshi.
>Lawful Evil vs. Chaotic Good
It's the most kk-kklk! armor in the entire continent
Once gave out piece of armor that was shaped as similar; backstory below:
>one of my players would NOT shut up about finding magical plate mail.
>for weeks continued to rant that everyone else have magic items, but the flaming sword he had found at the begining of the campain wasn't enough obviously...
>finally had enough and gave him a suit of pic related
>at first complained that it wasn't magical ignoring the fact it was obviously made for women.
>The bard tried to discern its magical properties three times but failed all the rolls.
>Last roll was a 1 so he determined that it was not in fact magical.
>Said annoying player squealed with glee thinking that a "1" would tell the bard the exact opposite of the truth so his character suited up in the "magical" plate mail armor.
>Truth be told, it was a suit of permanent sex change armor,
>his body "flowed like wax to fill each part of the armor to its fullest"...
>He ripped the armor off in disgust to find that his body, below the neck had been transformed into a beautiful woman's body complete with matching genetalia, but his head and face had be left unchanged.
>to the delight of all, he quit then and there on the spot and never rejoined our group again.
>The rest of your party just finds your plight amusing, and are disinterested in helping you return to normal
Man, I hate my fetishism sometimes. Often I wish I were just normal.
Ooh, pretty neat. I like the idea of fujoshi Tiamat, although she'd also be fun for /ss/ and /ll/ with kobolds. Ti-ara-ara-mat
>Man, I hate my fetishism sometimes. Often I wish I were just normal.
I have to agree with you here, it's basically awful to have this one, especially since it is physically impossible. Even if it was possible, it's not like the stories where at least there's a chance you could turn back to normal. Although I guess it explains why I play female characters in videogames when given the option to.
Warning: Boobies
That's cute
So are you :3c
See you in three days.
The backstory for the Dragonborn in my setting were that they were golems until Tiamat gave them freewill to vex Bahamut and Sex to make them fuck for her amusement
unfortunately giving them dicks and tits was the last straw for Bahamut and he killed her,
That wouldn't be bad at all if you're fighting human enemies. It's distracting and confusing, particularly if you move it around a bit.
If you turned it around, could you use it to look through walls?
Must be equipped, i.e. strapped to the arm. Only reduces opacity of wielder's equipment.
>not carefully defining what your magic items do
Fastest way to ruin a game when some fuck tries to use a vampiric dagger and a pig farm to make infinite health potions.
Hide your sword behind it until you are ready to attack
What about illusions?
Or just try and hide details about your equipment in general I suppose. Worth showing your jibbly bits? Probably not.
The joke is that this is a really good magical item as well as fetish fuel.
Imagine how hard you could feint an opponent with that thing.
What did he mean by this?
t.someone ashamed of their body
Get to lifting, son!
If we think of the shield enchantment like an Xray (we're stepping into dangerous territory treating spells like technology, mind), the Xray will still just pass through the illusion.
They'd only conflict if the illusion has some specific property where it resists magical attempts to see through it. Some anti-scrying materials would likely cause this issue.
At that point, just compare caster levels, or flip a coin if it's a tie.
And of the fighter takes ranks in performance (dance)
I was thinking more like cock and balls being on show, its a faux pas in some circles.
>cock and balls being on show
Unless you're saving orphans from a burning building, who cares?
Him, as he does not want anyone to see how small his dick is.
Bollocks, I've been rumbled
You butt was rumbled.
I know it's supposed to show the stupidity of bikini armor, but all it does is make the practical armorfag look like a petty psychopath.
Your mom was rumbled
It's like a physical form of butt hurt.
Maybe she's just defending her home from bikini-clad raiders?
My mom rumbled your mom
Yeah well my mom's Bruce Lee
So you mom is dead?
Yes, I miss her bitterly.
Sorry to hear that my dude
Real life logic doesn't apply to fantasy.
She died of Type II Rumbling, the kind they never found a cure for.
If your GM ever describes boobplate, just walk away from the table. They shouldn't be in charge of anything.
Aren't there stories about Joan of Arc's squires catching a sneak peek of her boobs while changing but her armor.
Imagine those boobies
No, I'm not really the armor type. Just nice robes for me.
It sounds like it would be a nice gift for one of my more ostentatious party members though.
Nooo user, it's part of what makes you you. It's added spice in life. It's not a bad thing, even if it seems like a hurdle at times.
Killing people for how they dress is pretty mean. Seems like the armored people were aggressors.
>Nooo user, it's part of what makes you you. It's added spice in life. It's not a bad thing, even if it seems like a hurdle at times.
The positive experiences I've had in the fetish community were the best times of my life. At the same time though, I often feel alienated from my friends. I think I only hate myself currently because I'm in an environment where I can't go to munches or anything for the time being and it's making me feel isolated.
I accept its part of what makes me me, I just think I would be a better person without it.
Really doesn't help that the armored person has a crazed smile on her face
>it's part of what makes you you
If that sick fetish within me is part of what makes me, then it's a bad part of me that should be removed. It's what makes me "me" in the same way that a tumor makes a cancer patient a cancer patient.
You shouldn't be ashamed user. Nothing between aware and consenting adults is bad, I don't even need to know any other details to tell you that.
Mine are frightening to me too and the idea of sharing them with someone irl makes me scared and nervous but that doesn't mean I'm ashamed of them.
Don't be so hard on yourself. It's not something you signed up for and not something that is bad. and it's not like a tumor, because a tumor is a sign of potential cancer. A fetish, even an outlandish one, is something humans have all the time, basically everyone has one or more to some degree.
No, because the big metal boobs would restrict movement.
assuming they aren't magically squishy of course.
I'm just getting into the scene, and I can't wait until my social anxiety dies down enough that I can actually enjoy going to munches.
> tfw remember that thread
Well I guess there's no point stopping it. Full on magical realm curse items discussion? How would you run a game that uses them? What's the best cursed item/creature/spell/trap that plays into your fetish?
My social anxiety never really went away, I just got lucky enough that some people wanted to talk to me. All you really need to do is not be a creep and it'll probably work out.
>It's not a bad thing, even if it seems like a hurdle at times.
Slightly out of context to apply this quote here, but
>The truth is something that burns. It burns off dead wood, and people don't like having their dead wood burnt off, often because they are like 95% dead wood.
Is the fetish deadwood or everything else?
>What's the best cursed item/creature/spell/trap that plays into your fetish?
This is similar to the stuff that has already been proposed, but I imagine the most powerful and effective cursed item that would play into a fetish of mine would be some kind minor item or apparel that reverses the player character's gender. The person that made the item made it for purely female use, so the item would use its abilities to change any male wearing it into a female for the time being. The longer the user uses the item, the more the item buffs one of their stats at random. The changed stat would also change their personality somewhat as well (increasing their INT might make them more bookish, for instance)
Unfortunately, as the time worn wearing the item increases, the time required for the user to "pop" back to normal increases as well. Even if they took it off, they might have to wait for days if they used it even for a few hours, or weeks if they used it for even a day. Rather than changing back gradually to their original gender, the user reverts nearly instantly after the needed wait period is finished.
Is this magical realm enough?
Definitely a cursed item that silences me and restricts my movement. I read about a cursed armor that gets super tight and basically acts like a straightjacket one time and I literally blushed at the table.
If we're going full on unrealistic and unable to be passed off as a non-magical realm innocent item, it would twist my arms up behind me
I don't understand. I'm merely advocating people be comfortable and happy with themselves.
The most important part of growing is excising the parts of yourself that drag you down.