Last thread:
>What do you think about digital versions of boardgames?
>Do you have some apps to recommend?
I'm just waiting for Friday to get at 1$ to buy it since the Onirim app feel smoother than the card version
Last thread:
>What do you think about digital versions of boardgames?
>Do you have some apps to recommend?
I'm just waiting for Friday to get at 1$ to buy it since the Onirim app feel smoother than the card version
Let's get it out of the way
Is the Game of Thrones board game good?
Not really.
Kingdomino wins 2017 Spiel des Jahres. A worthy winner?
>plastic pusher
>tacked on flavour of the month theme
gonna guess no, try a real game like Santorini or Jaipur
Which popular game do you really hate?
Widespread is not the same as popular.
>plastic pusher
Literal retard detected.
All hyped cooperatives, flavour of the month "solitaire le engine builders", all legacy games (literally zero good stuff with such interesting concept), all shit that uses the apps (if i want to play fucking videogame, i`m gonna play fucking videogame).
On the topic of apps, has anyone tried the Terra Mystica app? Is it worth the $10 price tag?
Here's my opinion
I don't think I've ever played a game I hate. Most likely because I'm the only person in my group that actually buys games, and I don't buy anything I'm not reasonably sure I'll enjoy. That being said I'm toeing the line for hating Fury of Dracula. Like a 5/10. It's okay, it works, but I don't like it.
Despite each turn being a small choice of where to go there's a lot of downtime between phases as the hunters have to discuss, decide, and re-think every step they've made in order to corner Dracula, which can be extremely easy or difficult to depending on the assist cards you/BIG D draw. Dr. D can spend a LONG time just staring at the other players as they argue about where and when.
The combat in intriguing, but only happens two, maybe three times a game, and lasts for all of a hot minute each time as Double Ds is typically trying to escape ASAP.
Additionally the first four or five turns are practically wrote if you want a good chance of succeeding. Mina Jovavich and a tag-a-long have to spend their first hunk of the game just popping across borders to get that bat-dar to ping, while the others would patrol further out chokepoints until Mina-bo-bina calls for the Avengers to assemble. I would much rather have Smackula just set up four or so spots on his trail and then announce which section he's in and give the hunters a few cards each, just to skip that painfully boring, repetitious beginning.
And speaking of the hunter cards, I think there should be a progression as opposed to just the whole fat stack being randomized. The 'make durkadur reveal the (4th/5th I forget) spot in his trail' should come out early while the 'pick X city, Dubs has to reveal that card' should be a late game card, because A is useless in the late game and B is all but useless in the early game. (And guess what? NO SAVING THEM FOR LATER, GOTTA USE THEM NOW FUCKBOI) As well as some of the negative hunter cards are massively debilitating early game.
You have a lot of hate my friend. Yet I'll agree with you on most of it.
>"Hyped" cooperatives
This is where we disagree. I'm not sure which co-ops you count as hyped but I've got nothing against the genre, so...
>FotM Engine Builders
Some engine builders are OK, even ones that are fairly solitaire-y, but there is a serious glut, like they've been coming out via kickstarter in droves for the last year+ and from major publishers, and most of them are pointless. I feel like we need a Solitaire Engine Builder Hunger Games, so we can cull each pack of 24 of the fuckers down to 1.
I keep hoping something good will come out of this genre because I love campaign play, and I've heard decent things about Gloomhaven in that regard, but then I realized that basically any game with a good campaign mode has the draw of Legacy without the downsides.
Fuck that shit. I have less animosity towards experimental ARG shit like World of Yo Ho, I won't play it but I won't hate it, and to games that add an app as an option but keep analog mode available like I've heard they've done with Descent, but whoever decided to make Mansions of Madness App *required* to play with no option for a human keeper needs to have rusty tetsubos shoved into random orifices until they repent.
Most of the aGoT games are not that great. "A Game of Thrones: The Board Game" is the best of them, and certainly not bad, but too long for it's virtues. Strictly inferior to Dune/Rex in my book.
>trying to get some work done in the morning for once
>forget to bake, 2 threads
I will follow my co-op hating dopplegamer, even if he is wrong on the genre.
Well it's not really supposed to compare to Dune/not-Dune, it's supposed to compare to Diplomacy, and there I'd say it's a wash (better for some, worse for others)
>First Martians: How To Play
I'm hyped, but I'll be honest... I had trouble following after 20-25 minutes. It all looks so cool but there's a lot to chew and after a while my eyes just started to kinda glaze over.
Yeah, but I've never actually PLAYED diplomacy, so I hesitate to use that as a point of reference. Seems a lot more dry than aGoT though.
Has anyone ever played board games in thematic sequence, stringing them together in a 'campaign' of sorts, even if the mechanics are disconnected?
I picked up Planetarium and Sol: Last Days of a Star on Kickstarter, and I thought playing the two together could be an interesting double feature, one game about the formation of a solar system, one about fleeing it's inevitable demise.
Have you paired any games like that, or created longer sequences? Any games you'd recommend as in theme with Planetarium and Sol, since there's a pretty large gap between them? Could you tell some sort of complete history of life on earth and the solar system as a whole in board game form, and if so what games would you use for each stage?
It is which is why aGoT is better for most, Diplomacy is wonderful for classrooms studying WWI history though (though you'd want good pieces like that user who bought 3d printed plastic, and a board that isn't ugly)
if you can conjure up 3-4 actual players and the requisite amount of warm bodies, it's pretty enjoyable. It's like a non shitty evolution of diplomacy
My group has started a Seafall game.
Is fun I guess, but I wish we didn't drop dnd for it. We're going to be playing a full campaign of it, so I get to look forward to 15-20 weeks of this
My copy of Camel up just arrived in the mail, I'm pretty pumped about it!
Uhm is that camel on the cover being raped?
Literally? No. Figuratively? Perhaps. In Camel (C)up it's a camel race and when a camel lands on a square occupied by another camel, they jump on its back, and if that lower camel moves, they carry anyone on top of it.
Kickstarter campaign launches tomorrow.
Review by marcowargamer:
>New thread
>New shameless shill posts
>KS that didn't have shitloads of exclusives
>sold out every time a store got a few copies
>Renegade picked it up
>won Kennerspiel
Anyone played this yet? It's been on my radar for a while but not going to get an up close look til Gencon. Wondering if it's good enough to grab without playtesting
Isn't it only shilling if you're getting paid to do it? I'm just a fanboy.
So is this game still considered good? I played it for the first time yesterday and thought it was fun
It's in the category of 'not a bad game but not one you'll likely stick with forever'.
A lot of people deride it for relying on so much randomness, but it's really just as random as MANY other games. But it does lack depth in many areas and if your group isn't into in trading aspect then the game can fall flat.
I enjoy it enough and keep a copy on my shelf.
It's good but a bit dated, and as user said, you'll likely outgrow it at some point. Has been Mayfair's biggest earner and they sold it off to Asmodee so that should say something.
It's a great game for getting non-gamers into the hobby. As you progress it should creep ever towards the back of the shelf, gathering dust, but when someone's starting out it kind of holds up
Also, I feel like critiquing the pictured start
Centrally positioned but has only 3 resources at all, two pips on a third, and nothing on the most common rolls. Doesn't have wood+clay, Stone/Wheat/Sheep, or a harbor. Greedy, gonna hit hard times.
Clearly trying to be the road king yet sits on the 2:1 sheep harbor with no path to sheep at all.
Missing wheat at the start but has a clear path to wheat on 8 and a lot of pips overall
Only missing clay, but one solitary pip on wheat, his opening is clearly to build on 12 sheep/9 wheat/5 clay and if he gets it could challenge white pretty well. Also, does all the things on 6, which is theoretically great but if I'm playing that seat 6 will never come up.
Cards Against Humanity
Settlers of Catan
Coup; there's no meat on the bones and if I wanted a bare bluffing game I'd just play poker. It's a good example of overproducing justifying the MSRP, before it spread to the extent of stuff like Santorini
Coup's all of ten bucks, I don't think that counts as overproduced for an inflated MSRP. You'd have trouble getting a decent deck of cards and poker chips for that much.
Skull is a way bigger offender for price/content.
$15 and devoid of content, anons keep telling me I should try the expansion so then you're talking $25 to get a complete game, which is similar to Skull. You're right though it's a worse deal, Asmodee jacking the price up another $10 when they finally got around to reprinting, when it's literally pretty beer coasters. You're better off grabbing some nice ones from bars as you travel, skulls/roses on the back, and hitting em with matte clear.
Are there any games in that genre that you think are good deals?
Bluffing in general or social deduction? I really try not to buy pure bluffing games, because they don't have much to them that can't be gotten with more traditional card games. I'm going to get more satisfaction from something with less bluffing but more overall game than something bare like Skull.
Bluffing in general Ca$h n Gun$ is amazing and well worth the money (assuming we're talking internet prices not full MSRP).
Social deduction? I feel like The Resistance was well worth the $10 I got it for, but I also got the 2nd edition which imo has vastly superior art to the newer one they replaced it with. Deception is probably worth the money.
Twilight Struggle. It dresses it self up as a really deep game but it's ludicrously imbalanced and primarily about knowing what cards are in the deck. Aint got shit on a proper wargame.
Decrying Coup based on MSRP and then extoling CnG based on internet discounts is a little disingenuous. And I don't think The Resistance has much more content than coup, but yeah, otherwise agree with you.
Is Cthulhu Wars any good? Tempted to pull the trigger on the new kickstarter, since the plastic being pushed looks pretty good.
It's pretty close to on-par with Chaos in the Old World, which is held in pretty high regard around here. The only real criticism CW gets is being 5+ times as expensive as comparable games, and using a theme that's been approaching zombie-tier overuse recently.
I would recommend folks to play it at some point if just for the historical perspective. It's still a fine game after twenty years, but just that - for an entry level euro there are way better options around these days.
What similar games would you recommend?
Dome other popular dudes-fightan-on-map games around here are:
Chaos in the Old World
Forbidden Stars
Rex: Final Days of an Empire
Tyrants of the Underdark
Blood Rage
just to list some popular examples with a variety of mechanics
Scythe feels like an odd man out there, presumably the reason for the (ish). While there's fighting in Scythe, it's never felt like the point of the game, even if the marketing focuses on it too much.
I agree with you saying that it isn't a proper war game, and you are right that without significant experience the game is very imbalanced.
That being said if you can find a partner or a group willing to invest the dozen or so play-through's required to start seeing really great games, there is a reason it has been rated so highly for so long.
The problem is a lot of people classify it as a wargame, and so many go in thinking that just good strategic thinking and tactics will win the day, when it is mostly about knowing the cards.
>thoughs on apps for boardgames?
I really have no idea if apps or good or bad for boardgames.
If the app does too little for the boardgame, why the fuck even have an app? It's more of a hassle really.
If the app does too much for the boardgame, why the fuck even have a boardgame? Just play the videogame version.
What exactly is the "sweet spot" for apps for boardgames?
Should an app do all the boring number crunching? Random generator? Deck drawing? Enemy AI?
I honestly feel like the whole point of boardgames is so that people enjoying physically touching and interacting with stuff.
BUT! I think apps could for for dexterity games like Crokinole or Flick 'em up.
My issue is if I have to play a game that's basically a mix of Yahtzee and hand management I would just play labyrinth, especially with the new expansion. The good thing about TS is it helped me get my non-war gaming friend into PoG.
I think there's a role for digitally assisted boardgames. I really like how XCOM did it, to give the automation and 'AI' of the cooperative game more flexibility and complexity than you could easily manage. But the fact it was a board game, with components and a social dynamic, was still key to the experience.
Totally agree, but for some (weird, likely communist) people, the low conflict primarily present as a threat is exactly as much fightan as they want.
I quite like Scythe for what it is, but what it is is weird. Not quite a wargame, not a conventional eurogame. An odd mix of both.
Still, I'm looking forward to seeing how airships shake up the formula.
It's breddy gud, but loooong. I've had some good moments playing it. Worth a play
Fair enough, I wouldn't buy Coup at internet pricing, I probably would buy CnG (assuming there was a LGS nearby that I wanted to support). user asked what I considered a good deal though, and Yeah there's not a lot of "good" deals at full MSRP, if any, in board gaming. At least not if you're a stingy bastard like I am
I honestly like the ability of an app to GM a game, a la Mansions of Madness. I've seen some people posting about how they hate it, but I really think it's good for board games. If a GM is register for a board game you might as well play a tabletop RPG. Any more outside involvement and you might as well play a video game.
Not a fan of AI decks, I take it?
It's quite good, IMO. Got a chance to play it at a con, and ultimately got it for myself and haven't been disappointed.
Imagine if there was an app for Gloomhaven.
Goodbye to all those stacks of cards.
So I want to get Gloomhaven. It's currently a $140 on amazon. It's that the lowest it has been? Should I wait? And my missing much for not backing it on kickstarter? I was going to and completely forgot about it.
You're not missing anything besides maybe the solo missions that were in the latest kickstarter. Not sure if those are going to be sold separately.
Actually no. They're always a necessary evil of painful setup. The original MoM had an ai deck. It was one of the man things that made it too cumbersome to consider pulling out most nights.
Roll or Race for the Galaxy?
Jump Drive, because I've only got 15 minutes
Well do you want cards or dice? They both play similarly enough and are balanced enough, I dont think either of them have glaring flaws, or one inherently better than the other because of cards vs dice.
You could play a game of Evolution and then Civilization the board game or something similar to fill up that space.
I like Roll, and I find it very easy to teach players who have a basic familiarity with board games and strategy.
Well, after you play 'Sol: Last Days of a Star' you could play Exodus (Space 4x) to determine how the survivors colonize a new home far from the crispy remains of Earth.
My condolences user.
>the crispy remains of Earth.
>he doesn't know the lore
Settlers of Catan. It bores the hell out of me and thankfully my group has found several other games that have since replaced it
Descent 2E can use this method too, though I haven't tried yet.
People have been buzzing about Gloomhaven recently and I've not played it, but I like the idea of a campaign game and it has me intrigued. What has me worried are the legacy elements. Do you really have to do stuff like use stickers, destroy pieces, etc.? I am absolutely not interested in a game that is can't play over and over without replacing parts of it.
Race if you have a brain.
Nah, there's nothing you have to permanently destroy. A while back the designer even shilled for some reusable vinyl stickers for the campaign map.
>the race fag is back
Oh boy, can't wait for you to shit up the thread again with your weapons grade autism.
Race is the better game underneath.
By all means please argue how Roll isn't for babbies who want a braindead time of it.
Settlers of Catan. Unfortunately, the rest of my group always wants to play at least one game of it and ALWAYS Cities and Knights.
Race has a stronger meta game but that in addition to it's steeper learning curve in all the symbology makes it a harder sell to many people and takes a pretty devoted crowd to get past the first couple games of destroying everyone. Roll keeps the same general skill set but makes it easier to play and understand.
Roll is the one people want me to keep bringing to the table but they're both good to me. Any distance between them in any department is going to be greatly exaggerated around here, so watch out for your typical /v/ hyperboles. Go with what you think your group will like more.
Dominion. It's just so damn solitaire. Holy shit.
No it isn't, it a fine racing game.
user, some of us just don't need an autistic crutch in the form of a boardgame to actually talk to people. We can enjoy an impressive and interesting game mechanic without worrying about if the game provides enough ersatz """interaction""" or not.
Try it, it's liberating not being so autistic.
>steeper learning curve in all the symbology
That's wrong. The symbology is dead simple and certainly easier than 7 Wonders symbology. (And 7 Wonders is considered a gateway game.)
The real difficulty in Race is wrapping your head around the simultaneous phase selection mechanism. That goes very much against the grain of all our boardgame intuition.
If anyone is interested in getting into COIN, Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection is on CSI for $48.
A racing game without a method to pull back a runaway leader (i.e. interactive mechanics) is an abject failure imho desu.
Any kind of coop game. Turning a competitive experience where you do some effort to win into a circlejeck where everything has to be done by committee in a 5 hour long session is worse than working. Worse of all, most of the time decisions don't matter, as the victory is determined by random dice rolling.
By that metric all of track and field, all of motorsports racing and all swimming disciplines are 'abject failures' at sports.
You're entitled to your own (stupid) opinion, of course, but the rest of the world objectively disagrees with you.
false analogy
sports and card games are not comparable in any way
>I don't like your analogy so it's false
What manga is this?
Nevermind. I forgot that reverse image search exists and actually works sometimes
>all of motorsports racing and all swimming disciplines are 'abject failures' at sports.
They are, they're activities, not sports.
Wait, are you seriously claiming that track and field (the oldest and most classical of all sports) isn't really a sport? Is this an elaborate troll or did you forget to take your pills?
>impressive and interesting game mechanic
Dominion and Race/Roll dont have any. Time to let go of your holy cow, sheeple.
>Dominion and Race/Roll dont have any.
Says who? You? The guy who still plays with plastic soldiers and doesn't have a gf?
We could race to solve rubics cubes. I wouldn't call it fun or interactive in any way. I don't play boardgames to solve a solitaire puzzle better than my friends.
> I don't play boardgames to solve a solitaire puzzle better than my friends.
Good for you. Autism is tough, and you're welcome to whatever kind of therapy suits you best.
However, when you're going online and sperging about Dominion "doing it wrong" or whatever, you're objectively going against 4000 years of neurotypical human experience.
The neurotypical human being agrees that Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt are great sportsmen and that Dominion is a fun boardgame.
Tone it down and don't be the crazy piss-stained yelling dude in this online community.
> We could race to solve rubics cubes.
Not quite the same, there's a shared resource in Dominion.
Track and field is grandfathered in because Greeks.
Isn't Dominion a bad example anyway because everyone says that it's only really good with the Intrigue expac?
>Multiplayer game
>Interaction is irrelevant, only autists care about it
U wot m8