ITT: cards that make you smile
ITT: cards that make you smile
>OP a pleb confirmed
I see it as a more fair way to mess with your opponent than Winter Orb. I love Winter Orb but man is it so fucking lame.
OK you're just a bad person there
My main casual endgame. Utvara my man.
Ban 8th and 9th edition.
Blood Artist
I played an EDH Deck with Erebos at the helm with that card as a centerpiece. I had to take it apart within a week because people absolutely hated playing against it.
It was a blast to play, though.
Magic pleb here, can someone explain how exactly this is OP? I mean, I can definitely see how it would be, but could somebody break down exactly how all the different elements work together and are undercosted and overpowered to be broken as hell?
>look at the top card of target player's library
>put card at top or bottom of library
In other words, control what your opponent draws, more or less.
>oh you have three lands on board and your top deck is a land?
>you can have it
>oh there's something worthwhile you could spend that mana on?
>to the bottom it goes
Basically, force your opponent into topdeck mode, then ensure they don't top deck anything you don't want them to.
Not so fast, nerd
Repeatable Brainstorm in a format with fetchlands basically means repeatable Ancestral Recall.
post the rest of the picture
Or hey, combine these two. Don't like the shit you brainstormed up? No problem! Just use jace to put one of the cards on the bottom of your deck and never see it again.
Not only that but the damn thing can bounce creatures so it protects itself too
>draw three cards, put two cards from your hand on top of library in any order
>no cost
i ran lux cannons in a proliferate deck to deal with specifically this motherfucker.
The only reliable thing to deal with him is a hasty creature that can kill him in one turn. That's why slash panther used to see legacy play. And why it didn't really become a huge issue until BBE rotated out
+2 is a fast uptick on a 4 mana walker, which helps keep Jace alive, the effect also locks out your opponent's topdecks, which is what you want to be doing if you're going for a win with his ultimate
The +0 is the main selling point of the card, combined with fetchlands (which will shuffle away the unwanted cards you put back on top), Brainstorm on a stick allows an insane level of deck masturbation and card advantage, which will grind your opponent down to the point where you can start working to the Ult
The -1 is a less used mode, but it's still very strong because it can make it very difficult for large non-hasted creatures to kill Jace, and remove troublesome creatures like Thalia, Gaddock Teeg, or Lodestone Golem. The fact you can do it twice for every +2 is very broken.
And of course the Ult takes a little while to reach but it basically reads "you win the game" which is always nice to see on a card that's main job is to draw you cards
Slash panther was Vintage because of Workshops, no?
I didn't think legacy played him.
with all the Eldrazi Tron in Modern and the reliable T3 Reality Smasher, the argument for unbanning JtMS has increasing weight, although I don't like the thought of another hundred dollar bill in the format
also fuck blue. I enjoy them not allowing to be good
All of this is exactly why planeswalkers are gamebreaking bullshit that needs to be banned.
Magic has become planes-to-win
modern meta
>death's shadow
>eldrazi tron
>naya burn
>Gx tron
>UW control
>gifts storm
>lantern control
5 out of 13 archetypes have planeswalkers
legacy meta
>grixis delver
>4c leovold
>ANT and other storm lists
>predict miracles
>sultai delver
>WB control
>grixis control
4 out of 11 decks have planeswalkers and even then it's almost always just a 2 or 3 of JTMS
I don't quite know what about it does it, but I love this card.
I dunno, I always preferred this version.
Have you tried reading it?
...not the card's effect. Just something about the combination of the flavor, the art, and the effect hits the perfect spot for me in terms of coolness.
best I can do
Lorwyn/Shadowmoor had some of the coolest cards in terms of flavor, art, and fun effects.
Pic related is one of my favorites.
I was bouncing around on the random card selector and found this little gem.
Yeah, well those numbers should be 0. 1 planeswalker in a deck is 1 too fucking many
How many layers are you on?
Adding this to my list of "Cards I want to just to have a copy" collection
Always a favorite.
In super casual games, i also love to name
Our Market Research Shows That Players Like Really Long Card Names So We Made this Card to Have the Absolute Longest Card Name Ever Elemental on cards that let me name things.
Mind sharing it? My friends hate fun.
everything about the art style of that block owned and then shadowmoor made it a hundred times better