Order of the Stick 1083

You Bet

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This adds literally nothing to the story. Goddammit, I want to like this comic, but why does it have its head so far up its ass?


Because the comic's forums are filled with turbo-autists that screech whenever everything isn't meticulously explained in great detail. That's all, really.


I don't mind this kind of strip now thathe's back to updating on the regular.

I wouldn't mind one every now and then, but this is four strips of Hel where we haven't learned anything new about her or even Durkula

Well, it doesn't move the plot along, but it provides context to the story. If Rich was updating once a month with stuff like this, I would agree, but at the pace he is currently going, there is nothing wrong with providing lore about the world.

Oh god this. I don't actually follow them in the normal course of events, but I once took a peek because of a thread on Veeky Forums, and remember the part where Roy stops holding back against Durkula, that he "finally realizes" he's not Durkon at all?

To me, a relatively normal non-autist, the implication was obvious; Durkon would never ask a question so sadistically pointless.

Over on the GiTP forums, there was a heated debate over whether or not you could use this to "prove" that the accident that killed the little kid involved an explosion or not.

Remember that guy who insisted Belkar wasn't learning Empathy?
Imagine that, every day.

Well, it does tell us that Loki screwed Hel over to Benefit Thor, and that he's consistently been an oppositional force to her.

Lol, it's still going? I read it 10 years ago.

The thing you're currently screeching over is an important villain developing their character and history. This is the opposite of a problem. You're probably one of the people who has a screeching pity party every time anything is explained.

Of course there's something wrong with it! It caters to those evil, evil, EVIL people on Other Forums who (gasp) like to DISCUSS things! It's because of THOSE monsters that we're forced to endure a story with character development and backstory in it!

You mean they're discussing things not directly related to the plot? My word, I had no idea they were so horrible! Thanks for the warning, I'll make sure never to look at the sites you hate and trust you to tell me where to go and what to think.

If you wanted to have the Giantip forums mocked even further, you could have just asked.

>You mean they're discussing things not directly related to the plot? My word, I had no idea they were so horrible! Thanks for the warning, I'll make sure never to look at the sites you hate and trust you to tell me where to go and what to think.
Were your mother and father brother and sister? I have no idea how you could come to that conclusion from what I've written without colossal retardation being listed as a factor.

Well, there's the fact that it was exactly what you wrote. You treated the fact that one discussion went off on a tangent as some sort of horrible crime which condemns everyone around it.

It's not that one discussion, it happens with every single detail Rich puts in the comic. That was just one example.

>the other honor

Fucking Baader-Meinhof. I caught up on a year of archives yesterday and after lurking Veeky Forums for months this is the first time I see this discussed.

I'm out of the loop, what's the current schedule?

>You treated the fact that one discussion went off on a tangent as some sort of horrible crime which condemns everyone around it.
Nope. Try going back to the third grade and pick up reading comprehension, because that is not what I stated at all.

What I treated as a "horrible crime" was the fact that these people were too autistic to realize that people say things that reveal characterization, rather than as being subtle references to events that happen off panel.

And as the other user says, it is not the first or last time this happened. You have the comment that child-Haley saying that her mommy is in heaven after she died as "proof" that she's half-celestial.

It's not that it's non-plot, that's fine. It's that the logic used to arrive at the conclusions is blitheringly retarded.

cool puns

>why does it have its head so far up its ass?
>for giving the current villain so panel time and context

Half the GITP forums are too autistic to understand anything that hasn't been explicitly spelled out, and the other half are too autistic to understand anything AFTER it's been explicitly spelled out

It doesn't have a set schedule but it's been updating at least once a week lately. Looks like Rich finally finished most of his side projects so he can focus on the comic fully.

I remember one dude writing a 2000+ word post arguing that Tarquin was 1) not evil and 2) a good father who loved his children, RIGHT AFTER HE FUCKING STABBED NALE TO DEATH

I can vaguely see the second one, given the context, but the first is completely ridiculous. The comic went out of its way to show his knack for needless cruelty.

I'll give him the "loved his children" part. It just didn't beat the "do what I say or get fucked" part

Have you done this for other ones?

>Tarquin was 1) not evil
The man practically owns a "Lawful Evil and Proud" coffee mug.

It adds that Hel is Legally Moron,and that most likely she is getting screwed again


>This nigga don't know Though edits
You're in for a treat.


>giant in the playground autismos post here
>probably spam the comic after every update too

Can I find a collection somewhere?

Order of the wall of text

Found the autist

>the other honor

Appreciate the reference.

We really should set up a site for that.
I'll post a few of mine.

Also, you could search for Thog on desuarchive, it will mostly be edits.



This is right up there next to Garfield without Garfield comics

At least for me, that's high praise, user.

An oldie, but a goodie.

You are the hero Veeky Forums needs, but probably doesn't deserve. Your legend will outlive this website.


that's gold user, thank you for posting that