What boards do you frequent aside from Veeky Forums?
/an/ and /pol/ here.
Anyone manage to incorporate any /po/ stuff into TTRPG? Considering seeing if I can make some cute little papercraft animals to use as miniatures.
What boards do you frequent aside from Veeky Forums?
/po/ or /pol? I assume po from context. Paper craft minis are a thing you could do.
Veeky Forums and /trash/ here.
wait, is it /pol/ or /po/?
For me it is Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums.
Veeky Forums, /m/, /k/, /an/, and /u/. Naturally, I like hard-ish military sci-fi games, but I really want to play MAID sometime. I might even combine the two for extra fun.
/a/, /v/, and /g/. occasionally /pol/. /a/ is my main board though. i usually like fantasy/hard sci fi games but i would love to play L5R or a Cyberpunk 2020 game at some point
Here mainly, but also /x/, /k/, and /trash/. /pol/ if there are happenings about, but most of the time it's garbage with all the forced edgy racism. To be honest, so are all the other boards. Veeky Forums is the only board that will almost always have at least one quality thread.
My fellow trashman
/v/ and /pol/ for schadenfreude, Veeky Forums and /mu/ for discussion, /co/ when Im desperate.
None of it really makes it into my games.
My bad, I do visit /pol/ but I wondered if it was worth taking a trip over to /po/ to mix it up with Veeky Forums stuff. I should have specified that they were two different questions.
Also yes /trash/ is good.
You sound like a horrible person
>/co/ when I'm desperate
/aco/ when I'm desperate
I'll follow my current vidya obsession on Veeky Forums if it's got a thread, and I poke my head in /a/ and /co/ infrequently, but it's mostly Veeky Forums.
I imagine the hardest part with paper minis would be making sure the scaling works when you're setting them up, and potentially very minute work, unless you do something more paper and less papercraft, like simple cutouts on bases or something.
/x/ if I'm in the mood for something spoopy, but there is never really much good on there.
/co/, /m/, and occasionally/a/. Mutants & Masterminds is my shit, and have used the rules for giant characters in Savage Worlds for a Pacific Rim game.
Veeky Forums is the only other board I actually browse, but I occasionally lurk on /pol/ to check /sg/ and to see if there are any happenings.
>visit all 3 boards
I bet you and I get into fights all the time.
/pol/ /b/ and thats about it
/a/ and /pol/ with small trips to /v/ to stay current with new vidya releases. /pol/ is a recent thing for me, though it's mostly just lurking for entertainment.
I don't bring either of them here or into my games other than occasionally using /a/ reaction images. I've never been a fan of Veeky Forums's reputation as an everything board since it just brings in shitposters and outside of other chans it's hard to find someplace else to discuss games like I can here.
/co/ and /toy/
One of my favorite things about playing D&D is using a random little toy as my character piece.
"Why is there a pikachu on the board?"
"Oh, that's my rogue."
Kek, we could've argued multiple times then. Good times, eh?
/toy/ is pretty rad the few times I've been there. Bought a Baselard FAG from an user for hella cheap.
Other sites Generally? Chan is kinda trash over all. Even here.
Maybe /Toy/ and very specific stuff in vg when I'm bored.
Yeah for more non-D&D stuff I guess I do end up using several of my figures. Used those Kreeos for my transformers RPG.
somehow I feel like there's a lot of crossover between tg and trash
Veeky Forums
Sometimes /co/
Generally /co/ or Veeky Forums, sometimes Veeky Forums. I used to visit /r9k/ pretty regularly, but it went from /b/ with a poorly implemented muting feature to /ree/ and I got tired of wallowing in other peoples' shit.
Veeky Forums is only slightly less closet furry than /k/
>Anyone manage to incorporate any /po/ stuff into TTRPG? Considering seeing if I can make some cute little papercraft animals to use as miniatures.
Check out Fat Dragon Games, they've been making print-and-play terrain (dungeons, houses, etc.) for over a decade.
For minis, check out Printable Heroes (free, but worth the Patreonbux for double-sided/variations) or Trash Mob Minis (really cute).
In no particular order:
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
>/v/ and /pol/ for schadenfreude, Veeky Forums and /mu/ for discussion
i bet you're the on who posts "do amerifats really eat this? xd"
/r9k/ and /k/
> I swear I'm not a school shooter kek
/k/, /co/, /pol/ and /trash/. I used to visit /m/ as well, but left when I realized that /a/ of all places had better discussion than they did.
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
I mostly just come to Veeky Forums. I fucking g hate Veeky Forums, but Veeky Forums is the only board I've found with decent tabletop discussion.
I float on Veeky Forums and /x/ a bit when I'm bored, though. I should stop going to the latter though because the idiots there just make me angry.
/co/ /mu/ and Veeky Forums. I enjoy feeling smuggly superior to others based on irrelevant media taste
This too
>all these /pol/
>that spoiler
Why do you hurt yourself, user?
/v/, Veeky Forums, /trv/, occasionally /co/ and /vp/ when new stuff is releasing.
>tfw i don't even like /mlp/ yet still i check in daily
I visit /an/ on the side. I might make a thread about making monsters out of less known animals. (For a given value of "less known".)
Well, luckily none of it bleeds over into real life.
Na, mostly talk about beer and stuff. I like to curate enjoyable food, and occasionally Veeky Forums will recommend something thats worth keeping around.
I only visit Veeky Forums frequently, but I do occasionally visit /co/, /tv/, and /v/ if bored enough. I go to /vp/ for /vpmd/, but otherwise stay away from that place.
I honestly don't know what the good boards are. On /pol/, I'm on lurk-only mode to check on the outrage and conspiracy theories because I'm fascinated by madness, but /tv/ easily provides that, too.
So far I like /co/. /v/ is not as bad as I hear it is, but I haven't been there in a while since I was trying to avoid spoilers. I definitely see outrage and cynicism, but it doesn't seem as bad as /tv/, though I don't visit /v/ frequently, so I might be visiting on their "good" days. What good shit is there on Veeky Forums?
Do people even watch it? I had the excuse that I was a socially awkward middle schooler who latched onto a fad, but do grown men still follow it unironically?
Mostly /out/ and /a/. Sometimes /m/, /e/, /d/, /h/, /u/. The games I run are definitely /out/ influenced, but I try to avoid weebshit.
/out/, /int/, /co/ and to a lesser extent /vr/ and /an/
Nobody admitting the porn boards yet then?
>people who were in middle school when MLP:FIM got big are now old enough to post on Veeky Forums
Because everyone is frequenting porn boards.
>What boards do you frequent aside from Veeky Forums?
/qst/. Veeky Forums and /qst/ are pretty much the only boards I frequent on Veeky Forums.
>Anyone manage to incorporate any /po/ stuff into TTRPG? Considering seeing if I can make some cute little papercraft animals to use as miniatures.
As an intentional part of the design in a TTRPG or a replacement for miniatures? If the former I don't think so, possibly might've been for the really old-school or obscure RPGs. Latter I would imagine has been done before.
/v/, /pol/, Veeky Forums, and /aco/(robot and warframe threads only). I'll pop onto /tv/ every now and then for shitposting when a real turd drops
I figured they went without saying. Besides, it's not like most of them have any good discussions.
I go to the porn boards when I want to look at porn, but I never post. I only stay there until I've got what I want and then I'm gone. I honestly wouldn't call that frequenting a board.
Also, a few people have mentioned them anyway. /trash/ stands out from the rest, it seems.
Mostly /co/ but I started out here. Also /v/, /wsg/, /a/, and /x/.
Quest is a nice board.
And yeah, the latter. I was just wondering if people here had done it themselves.
I visit trash for the lesbian space rocks.
Kids born in 1999 are 18.
In two years, there will be people shitposting on /pol/ who were born after 9/11.
Do you feel old yet?
There are a lot of pony fuckers in this thread
Not the 3DPD ones, I'm too far gone.
/a/ and Veeky Forums. I go to /v/ sometimes if I hate myself. I used to frequent /k/ a lot as well.
Mostly just Veeky Forums, its the one board i'm on daily really. Otherwise I visit Veeky Forums, /a/ and /vp/ about once a week probably. Although I visit /co/ daily during active RWBY seasons.
>/aco/(robot and warframe threads only)
>robot and warframe threads
What the hell is going on on /aco/?
I go to /h/ and /e/ sometimes, /gif/ less frequently. I just prefer going to the boorus or sadpanda most of the time, the only appeal I get from /h/ are the Honey Select threads
Veeky Forums very often (even if it has gone to shit recently) I'm always well received as a Veeky Forums dweller who's looking for historical info for settings.
Almost all porn boards especially /s/
Sometimes /b/ and /r9k/ when I'm depressed or really really bored.
I lurk /g/ and /vr/, and shit post on /a/
It's amazing how angry people on /a/ get when you ask them what the last anime they watched with their SO was. I should go make another thread. Last time it was drowned in Loli porn by some butt hurt kid who can't get laid.
Veeky Forums /co/ /a/ and Veeky Forums
Gotta say I can't understand you folks who mainboard /pol/
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting user.
absolutely disgusting
it's like you're not even an autistic grognard with obscure fetishes
Yeah I know it's pretty terrible.
When the permavirgin losers fail to keep their butthurt contained to /r9k/ where it belongs, I'll sometimes go over there to do a little triggering.
I mean, they're already shitposting on /pol/. They'll just be old enough to not lie about it.
No shit Sherlock. That's why I shitpost on /a/.
Sometimes you want to jack off to a sexy robot ass.
/b/, /d/, /gif/, /y/, /aco/, /an/, /hc/, /trash/, /v/.
I only feel shame about /v/.
Once every few months I pick a random thread on /a/ and post like 50 pictures of doves and pigeons in in. Not sure why but I do
/v/ and Veeky Forums mostly. On Veeky Forums mostly league, overwatch, fallout, paragon, and of course the bloodborn generals.
Occasionally Veeky Forums because I want to be a better cook and they're really funny and enjoyable to read.
Haven't posted on /b/ in literally years but I occasionally browse just to see what it's like there now. And reflect on the past.
After a convention like dragon con I go to /cgl/ and see if I'm in the background of anyone's pictures in the photo dump threads. It's happened more often than you might expect.
Ironically browse /pol/ every once in a while because they're funny sometimes.
But my true love will always be Veeky Forums.
Veeky Forums, /k/, /trv/, /out/, Veeky Forums
I sometimes go to Veeky Forums when I get into one game or another but I usually get out quick
This is definitely my primary though, since /pol/ started leaking everywhere the others have started a quick decend into garbagedom
/a/ is the toilet of Veeky Forums. Has been since '06
Keep doing gods work son.
>implying you don't have a raging stiffy talking about it right now
Seems my brain has taken leave of me today
>/an/ and /pol/ here.
Oh good hunter... God do I wish Bloodborne had a proper rpg. After all this time its still my #1 reason to use my ps4.
Newfag on the board and mainly go there to read their stickies and read their shitposts.
>Veeky Forums
Again reading the sticky and gaypost.
Because non-porn webm files and laugter are always good.
That's how i got to know Veeky Forums and i still enjoy the shitstorms it can brew up.
Cause i live in the countryside and going for a walk is always nice.
I used to love this aspect of Veeky Forums but now that it got contained it has slowed down to a crawl.
Really a shame tho since the good quests that were running on Veeky Forums stopped after /qst/ was made with its snail pace posting speed.
I used to browse the martial arts threads on /asp/ before Moot decided to turn it into the containment board for the show-Wrestling manwhores.
No, I have a raging stiffie for unrelated reasons. I do have other fetishes, you know.
I frequent Veeky Forums 50% of the time I spend on Veeky Forums, the rest of the time I browse /k/, /bant/, /out/, Veeky Forums, /e/, more rarely /h/, and once in a while, /pol/ because I'm a Lolbertarian.
Can confirm, caught my sixteen year old nephew Nazi /pol/posting on mobile. It's a strange experience, to say the least. He still doesn't know I saw him, and I don't plan to bring it up.
Well do tell don't leave me hanging I'm trying to jack off here
/v/, /pol/, /g/, /a/, Veeky Forums, /vr/, /an/, Veeky Forums
Reminder to fellow /pol/acks to please leave your politics at the door during sessiona to not make us look bad.
>several threads of nintendo fotm, overwatch and steven universe
>but latex space ninjas and mechanical waifus are somehow bad
/v/ for flavour of the month game, and Baiting nintendies.
/g/ for shitposting, and witnessing actual, low functioning autists in the wild.
Veeky Forums for serious discussion and as a mine of ideas and art.
/d/ for cyoa before they banned them..
The only other boards I really frequent are Veeky Forums, /adv/, and /gif/ when I'm in that kind of mood.
I spend most of my time on Veeky Forums honestly. I like Veeky Forums and /adv/, but they're too slow to really have a good discussion
/v/, Veeky Forums and /k/
Racism is fun in TTRPG though
>fucking dwarves with nasty beards need to gtfo
I have seen /po/ minis. In fact during one of the winter balls we made like a guide, and had links to some printouts.
I /co/ and /vp/. Both of those already have stuff for ttrpg-ing, and it's fairly easy to make your own.
I've kicked six people just like you out of my group because anyone who cracks a fantasy racist joke in an RPG session is pretty much inevitably That Guy.
Last I heard, four of them had formed their own group and one had asked if there were any rules for rape in D&D 5E
So you know. Exactly what you expect from /pol/
As much as /d/, and plenty who do all 3.
In order of most to least browsed
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
/mlp/ havnt even watched the show since season 2. I just believe every diet needs more greens
/co/ and Veeky Forums, no other boards really hold my interest. I'm really into vidya, but /v/ has such a shitty reputation that I avoid it.
You don't have to be alt-right to hate current corperate/political behavior, plus happenings are like every other week but if you go to /news/ you can't meme about them.
I don't even like the place and I visit on occasion.
You must be a fun DM. No jokes allowed!
But no, I can't say I've ever tried to rape anyone in D&D or considered doing so. Saying "just like you" is probably an unfair assumption.
Define "grown"
That said, if you like, say, Little Witch Academia, there's a pretty similar draw to it. Magical fantasy setting action/slice of life starring cute females with sappy, hackneyed lessons about friendship and believing in yourself. If you can get past the fact that they're cartoon horses, or if that's a positive for you, if you like one you'll probably like the other.
People still use s4s?
I'll admit /f/ if you count that. It's about the only board that allows porn that isn't exclusively that, thus still has discussion.
Unfortunately, since content is harder to make it's also mostly (quality) reposts.