Share stories of betraying the party

Share stories of betraying the party.

I don't have much. Once I sold a guy health potions while he was dying.

Then there was the time I turned the party into team rocket members and got a bunch of children killed.

I think that's it.

>Playing cleric
>DM throws clockwork Angels at us
>points in religion and history
>roll high for knowledge on creatures
>through some VERY thin threads of connection, come to the conclusion it would be against my faith to fight them.
>i bow out of fight
>whole party bows out of fight because no heals and im 1 of 2 tanks
>clockwork angels execute rouge party member who stole something or other from a temple before I joined the group.

DM did not see us backing out of the fight by sacrificing our friend and had to come up with another way for us to get info and better gear.

Rouge was a dick to me in and out of game. Fuck her.

>forgotten realms 5e
>on quest to kill the Big Bad or w/e
>party transported into some post-apocalyptic future where almost everything is desert and water is scarce
>come across mountain with door in the side of it
>eventually manage to get in
>it's a dwarf colony
>i'm playing a dwarf
>the dwarves eat humans since meat is scarce or something
>eventually party has reason to fight the dwarves or w/e
>side with the dwarves since i'm a dwarf and pledged to marry the lord's daughter and DM describes the dwarves as numerous and all wearing plate armor/badass
>combat begins and i'm shooting at my party members (was playing PHB ranger [before the revised ranger UA ever came out])
>suddenly the dwarves all have like 5 hit points and go down retardedly fast
>realize dm changed the stats on these badass dwarven warriors and made them all weak because i betrayed the party
>betray the dwarves mid-combat by shooting at them
>party forgived me because lol PC
>got into a spat with the DM about it and he said the dwarves were malnourished and emaciated or something and we just didnt notice it (despite the lord's daughter being described as healthy/muscular)

It made sense at the time, since the DM wasn't really giving us any clues as to how we were supposed to go back to "our timeline."

It was my first real campaign and mistakes were definitely made, though.

>be paladin
>do good deeds since the beginning
>DM only gives him crap, keep trying to push my character into darkness
>fail, my paladin stays convict in every situation
>suddenly pull the 'your god which gave you light powers, told you to protect the weak and help others was actually evil the whole time crap'
>make the party ally with a bunch of not-pagans to assault the church
>pissed off internally
>in the middle of the battle suddenly hack the wizard
>DM asks what the hell I'm doing
>tell him that I'm a paladin of the god, so I'm gonna strive for him
>wizard is squish and dies fast
>DM tries to pull other paladins from battle, but I point out how out of place that would be
>I charge the other PCs
>DM suddenly pulls a very high LV pagan king to support the party
>I point out that he has to walk near before threatening me
>I already killed other two party members while they are busy fighting
>I ignore the DMPC and go kill the last one
>DMPC cannot stop me from killing him
>suddenly makes the god himself descend and instantly kill all NPCs
>he tells me that I did well but he was going to kill me for it
>I point off game it's retarded to kill someone who is completely loyal to you
>gets salty in real life and says that I ruined his 'campaign'
>end game without giving an epilogue

I've told this story a couple of times before:

>Testing out a homebrew system one of the guys in the group wrote up, I'm the GM.
>Had originally planned to run a 1-2shot, but the little plot ran longer than I thought, and the players got attached to the characters, so I was cobbling a campaign together as we went.
>But characters get rather powerful, and I start dropping hints of a larger, bigger plot, and an eventual BBEG to confront, whose agents they start stumbling across and interfering with their plans.
>As a siding to that, they go beat up a dragon and steal a very powerful staff the giant lizard has in his possession.
>Dragon is bloodied, but manages to escape, and hits one of the characters, a mage with a really nasty wasting curse as a bit of vengeance for being robbed before flying away to become a villain in a later campaign set in the world. (Another round of stories entirely)
>Curse hits the mage Celene.
>She starts dying, slowly, and in great pain.
>Rest of group is looking for a cure, and because I'm a sadistic bastard of a ref, run into some very good leads about the main villain right around that time.
>Go after the villain leads.
>Celene is really dying now, even a cure would probably be too late.
>Her player comes up with a way out which I hadn't considered; namely turning into a liche.
>However, in character she doesn't know the appropriate rituals to do so.
>Contacts the BBEG's men for the lore she needs.
>BBEG is willing to offer her the spells and help with some of the components if she would turn down the wards on the PC's fortified manor on a specific date.
>Dude shows up personally and wipes out 3 of the 5 remaining loyalist memebers, and the campaign ends on that note; the next one would feature the same world but different characters, and the two survivors were retired into NPCs.

Surprisingly, it didn't go down that badly OOC. It was more emotional and tragic among the group mood than "holy shit Erin, you killed us all".

>betraying her companions to save her own skin
I hope she became a villain in the next adventure.

Well, character became another NPC villain, which got killed in a campaign about 4 years after the betrayal. Erin herself would go on to play an archer type in the next campaign whose worst transgression against the party was to run off alone to defend a village when the group had decided they needed to defend a temple that was under attack in the same general area.

>Once I sold a guy health potions while he was dying.
This is my favorite, and the exact reason I enjoy running games in WFRP or others that include detailed body systems damage.

You can always get one of your players with it. Some dumb boatman wanders away from his mates, gets clubbed twice and a knife stuck in his gut, except the assailant isn't interested in killing him, but merely selling him a Cure-All Salve of Wonderous Properties.
>the Salve is actually just feces, ground beef, frog slime, or some blend of otherwise useless parts
>the assailant just wants to get his rocks off fucking with the guy
>sometimes I'll have the same party member get ambushed two or three times because his assailant gained an obsession with tormenting him

Gut wounds are a magical thing.

should have told dm that you were just doing wheat he wanted
he wanted you to become evil right? killing your ally is a pretty good example

>pay for pizza
>ask them to send money
>I earn like 5 bucks/week off them

Fuck off, frogposter.

>Playing Delta Green
>My investigator had his family disappeared by a cult as a backstory
>Over the course of the game pull facts together, find the group responsable, lead the team toward them
>While leading the attack, I get confronted by the inner circle
>A brief monolog later, "you can be with then again"
>SAN check failed
>Turns and executes the other investigator with him, locks the others out
>Doomed most of northern and eastern Europe
>Got a short epilogue of my character and his family living "happily" in a noneucledian Outside realm.

Hey, I got a happy ending out of it. For a given value of happy.


>friends ask me to bring food
>"hey Taco Bell is going to cost us like, 8 bucks for six tacos each"
>"hey cool man, do it"
>go to Taco Bell
>order a water cup and take a punch of the hot sauce packets
>roll over to a local mexican place (El Paso, whatup)
>order tacos for 0.63/per
>make a solid $25 that day
>group complains about their poops a few days later and we never eat "Taco Bell" again

>group complains about their poops
Must've been the water.

not me, DM's wife
>princes of the apocalypse
>character got turned into an ochre jelly, so she rolls an half-drow rogue
>joins the party saving us from a aboleth
>continue mowing through waves of bad guys
>fast forward to final battle
>my paladin is messing around trying to distract Ogremoch while the party deals with the chod and seals him up
>fight starts going bad
>traitorous drow tendicies surface
>casts darkness on the battle field, and shoots crossbow bolts at us
>havoc ensues
>manage to seal up Ogremoch
>carry party on my horse
>epilogue has me hunting down the drow
luckily there were no causalities but holy shit, the fight was really touch and go, before she even betrayed us.

That's pretty cool, especially the fact you survived it.

Seeing the thread, it's interesting to see so many good characters being pushed into betrayal and
no 'rogue betray' for shit and giggles.


We laughed about it later, but I was fuming at the time. The fact that I went down twice was not helping my stress levels either.

Here's one by one of my players when I was a DM of a D&D 4e campaign. I enjoyed this guys' plays a lot.
>character is a half-elf warlock
>His characters personality is mostly based around being adventerous but also a coward
>He's usually the first to jump right into the cation but also the first to turn tails when things go wrong
>Party has to find a rare flower in a supposedly extremly dangerous forest to cure a princess' disease
>party spends a lot of time thinking about how to approach this and preparing
>one night the warlock decides shit is too boring and walks into the forest alone to get all the credit for himself
>Be pretty damn sure he was going to die because this was supposed to be difficult even for the whole party
>Rolls one one 20 on stealth, nature, perception etc. after the other and magically finds the flower
>Meanwhile party found out he went into the forest alone
>Follow him
>They meet him on his way back and start arguing
>Get attacked by trolls and giant mosquitos
>Get easily overpowered, close to a party wipe
>Try to flee but things look grim
>They manage to reach a nearby roadside where they tied their horses
>Trolls attack and kill/cut lose most of the horses, though
>Warlock-guy has 1hp left
>He attempts to teleport on a running horse
>"uhm, I'll need an acrobatics check on that, and it'd better be a good one"
>rolls 20
>Teleports on the horse leaving the other party members behind delivering the flower by himself
I think some of the other party members managed to survive, though.

Ran a game with similar premise myself, even storytimed it a couple of times here.

>Be NE human rogue
>I'm a fucking edgy motherfucker
>Pic related is character inspiration
>I snipe bitches with my heavy crossbow for money
>Get caught up with a group of adventurers because they seem to get half-drowned in coin wherever they go
>There's an uppity dwarf cleric in the party
>Man, fuck that guy, he worships a """good""" god like a fucking pussy
>I can work with him for now though, the coin is worth it
>Start following some reports of undead and demons in this one kingdom
>Seems the king turned out to be some kind of demon-worshiper and opened a gate to the Abyss
>Shits getting fucked
>Sounds like a good opportunity to get gold
>We start heading into the kingdom
>We get attacked by vampires at the border
>I get bitten
>Fucking hell
>I'm a vampire now
>Whatever I'll deal with it
>Man that cleric is annoying, he keeps trying to heal me even though I've told him over and over that it hurts me now
>Get approached by a representative of the demons in a tavern later
>Offers me a whole pile of gold to off the dwarf cleric
>Hell yes I'll do it
>Cue montage of various attempts on the dwarf's life that all fail cartoonishly badly, and yet are never traced back to me
>Party eventually gets captured by demons and forced to fight in gladiator battles for their entertainment
>I get paired with the dwarf cleric in a battle to the death
>This is probably my last chance
>Make a move to stab the shit out of him
>He uses metamagic to cast Create Water over my head and then Bless Water on the newly created water before it hits me
>Get showered in 10 gallons of holy water
>Die instantly
>Fucking dwarf clerics

A tale of true betrayal, for the greater good.
>hanging out with dwarf barbarian bro in the city after slaying some pit lord
>start figuring out that I'm being possessed by a demon
>doesn't have full control over me just yet
>head to the religious mega sect
>fail check to resist
>starts making me want to not go there
>walking back
>asks me to close my eyes
>DM asks me what I want to do
>I trust bro with heart body and soul, would believe my own brother was a traitor over him
>close eyes
>knocks me out
>DM says that the dwarf never has felt this guilty in his whole life
>slips the priests 2000 gold and mumbles for them to modify my memory to have a drow knocking me over the head as my bro intends to clean his clock

this one I did last Wednesday
>Playing Out of your Mom's Abyssal Vagina
>be a drow warlock, LE
>in Blindenstone, city of deep gnomes
>city is under siege from oozes
>led by some chap named the pudding king
>three pronged attack is planned to take him out
>our party gets into position, just a tunnel away
>takes a long rest in order to prepare for the attack
>IC the party doesn't know that my patron is the god of oozes
>patron tells me to delay the party which will cause massive casualties for the deep gnomes
>during the break i tell the DM that while the party is sleeping i go into the tunnel and cast shatter to collapse it blocking our only path
>sneak my way back, party doesn't suspect me
>Druid was able to turn into a dire badger
>still takes an hour and a half to get through
>come across a chamber filled with gnome bodies
session ended there nobody suspects that it was me IC or OOC so far
can't wait to see how it plays out especially with the Deep gnome PC

lol, well played user

Top kek. That was pretty cool.

You bastard

Game set in whfb universe (2nd ed) with the game of thrones rpg ruleset.

I came in as a squire to an NPC knight along another's party member.

I began to ingratiate myself by assisting them how and whenever I could. I was very good in a battlefield, but one on one Albrecht was very good.

He ended up convincing a baron he was a undercover witch hunter through a great deal of luck, as well as being in the right place at the right time.

Albrecht fended off a platoon of bat riders singlehandedly after attempting a difficult shadow school spell and being possessed by a demon. Just prior to this he heroically shoved the barons favourite daughter back into the keep with instructions to lock the door behind her.

So I think might be more fair to say the demon fended off a platoon of bat riders. The possession wore off after a few minutes and aside from some brimstone and being on a bat 150 feet above the raging battle down below he was "fine"

He showed his true colours by selling them out, and taking the runefang he had recovered back to his patron, a noble lady seeking to claim the province with a ruenfang reinforcing her claim.

The party actually fought over my characters integrity, one half saying we had done nothing wrong, and the other claiming I was a heretic and worse.

I was actually the enforcer of a thieves guild and making a HUGE power play to go legit as the spy master of this noble lady.

I betrayed a) my old thief guild members, murdering them in cold blood b) the party, leaving them to die and later on orchestrating an ambush that led to a players death, and c) betraying the players who believed I was legit a witch hunter and on the trail of apostates they had encountered.

I worked with the DM and created an NPC the party and associates loved, and when it was too good to pass up I sold them out and made them HATE Albrecht. One of the players still says he was the best villain he ever encountered.


So he was a special snowflake but I had created him alongside the DM to make a special breed of bastard for the party to love, and hate, and feel a surge of triumph when their suspicions were found to be correct.

He had such a strong emotive response to the party.

He was also incredibly fragile, with 2 stamina (or 6 wounds)

He was a powerful shadow mage, who had seduced and converted a trained shadowmage to become his tutor within the thieves guild many fronts.

I think the DM was building up to a chaos taint of some kind in his birth but we never got there.

He was fun to play, shucking outfits and personalities all the time.

He has a powerful rep in the underworld but because we played with such upstanding knights they had no idea who he was, so he'd let the illusion slip now and again when dealing with slippery folks.

Ahh he was fun.

His replacement ended up being stronger than a giant and winning the title of emperor via arena battles.

Was a silly game, but enjoyable.

Does this count as a betrayal?

> DND 4e
> Be Avenger of Pelor
> Everyone gets ambushed in the tavern, everyone gets knocked out except me as I escape via jumping out the window and running away
> Track the kidnappers and find out tracks lead to the sewers where we have some previous experience in
> Go to church, round up about 30~ acolytes and clerics
> Jump into the sewers with my new posse
> Because I'm a retard I take the wrong turn in the sewers
> Find ourselves in a giant chamber with shit-hives everywhere
> Everyone casts light or some shit
> Insects, billions of them
> I nope right the fuck out
> Take off running down the sewers, the sounds of dying clerics chasing me
> I got 97% of my church killed
> Rescue the party through DM fiat, never speak of why the city is missing all its clerics and diseases start to appear in the city

More like you and the driver of Franz Ferdinand have something in common.

Not really betrayal. You would probably die if you attempted to stay.

>playing pacific rim fidge
>the world is almost destroyed, we're the last of the jagers.
>playing a french jager pilot.
>decide to go with 20th century existentialist drunken french steryotype.
>get in constant arguments about france being the best of the radioactive waste piles.
>last humans blasting into space to get to safety.
>throw control tower and kaihu.
>control tower makes rocket crash.
>decide fuck it, Humanity gone.
>pull out giant french flag , wave it and sing national anthem as humanity becomes extinct.
>detonate self and kill party.

And all with the worst french accent you've ever heard.
It was a good day.

treachery done subtle
treachery done right

I wish I could say it was made up.

Campaign: the School of Mysteries.Set in modern-day London. System was GURPS with each of us having some sort of 20 or 30 point supernatural power.

I played a lanky eurotrash-looking pharmaceutical research worker. My supernatural ability was fairly tame: predict the future with some small degree of accuracy.

But I also had bought a good amount of money in character generation. The other characters were poor, so we used my apartment as our headquarters. The place was, naturally, bugged from head to toe. Hidden cameras were also installed. GeneSys Corp knew everything. Whenever the party came back from a quest with a new "artifact," in the next 24 hours it would either be replaced with a clone or stolen somehow.

I was also working to collect the DNA of the party members. One of them (who believed he was a reincarnated knight from the middle ages) was wounded in combat and hospitalized. He had no idea how to read or write, so I was complicit in signing his medical forms, including consent in having a retrovirus containing magical snake DNA from a beast we fought injected into him.

Sir Bedwyr slowly began to grow scales. His eyes became slits. His voice gradually got raspier and hissing. Throughout this, he trusted me implicitly and shouted down anyone who doubted my loyalty to the party.

Eventually, the DM PC used his "astral vision" to catch me typing a status report to my superiors at GeneSys. Since my time with the group was ending, the DM let my character have a final "redemption mission" where he basically double crossed GeneSys and managed to escape their BioBorg construct and get on a train to safety. This was apparently the happiest ending of any PC that ever played in that campaign. He was brought back as an NPC at some point in the future to give the party a hint before disappearing again.

>Playing 3.5 Thrallherd with Illithid blood, fluffed as to be like Psychic Vampirism
>Party relies on me to be the “Face” because of my absurdly high Charisma and my mental
abilities making playing politics a breeze
>in this setting there are few very psions and no other Thrallherds so she’s the first of her kind
>Slowly start using mental abilities to put together a vast underground conspiracy in one of the
major trading nations
>Use party face abilities to influence and win support of world-wide government officials just by
having the party handle the dirty work but soaking up all of the praise and influence by being the
only one allowed to attend parties and meetings
>political capital continues to build, only grows even faster when my “quick thinking” and
“exceptional combat skills” save the life of the King and his ministers in a faux-coup initiated by
a few thralls implanted into a terror cell
>meanwhile Leadership and the Thrallherd abilities have developed me an enormous following
of fanatical chaff to use, and they’ve been steadily building an array of commercial and criminal
networks to feed my political and literal hunger
>Sell party a bullshit mission that sends them to the setting’s likely antagonist - a mageocracy
rumored to be building an armada of ironclads and clockwork golems to conquer a few of its
>Party fumbles diplomacy, gets one of the High Mages killed

>this starts an international incident that quickly spirals into a war between the merchant
kingdom and said mageocracy
>Pull strings so several nations come to the defense of the merchants
>Mageocracy calls its allies
>World War I begins
>Use my now enormous criminal underground to sell weapons to all sides and prolonging the
war through terrorism and assassinations of peace advocates and installation of
thralls/dominated people as government officials until the war has dragged out for nearly a
>Eventually the war escalates to the use of superweapons, as the “Entente” launches several
Locate City nukes after the spell combination was discovered in a temple uncovered by a
mysterious force (revealed later to be the party working under my orders, who did not know
what it was for)
>Sell the same spell combinations to the “Mage Powers” through intermediaries, who promptly
>Both sides have utterly exhausted themselves in little more than a month afterward
>Task my thralls to construct Dimensional Locks that can can shut down a large area
>Give the party a mission that will end the war as I have now thoroughly highjacked the game
>We go deep into a Temple to some devil said to be influencing the war to make it continue
>Party takes the fight to his domain directly, devil is super confused
>Ditch the party in his Domain and apply the dimensional locks so they can’t come back
>Get the disparate powers to sign a peace agreement, but my thrall influence is enormous and
I’m able to found a One-World Government in the aftermath
>Rule the world with a mental fist

Wew was the party salty by the end. Thankfully the GM just kept rolling with all of it.

Make a storytime thread once you get an update bro, I'm running OotA and I'd love to hear how this plays out

sure thing but it may not be for a while

You did good.
Fuck rogues who want the party to save them when the people they stole from come to get them.

It's ROGUE. How do you keep mixing that up?

Nah man, Screw those rosey red bastards.
Walking around, giving cheeks a healthy glow...

Rouges, Fuck em.

I didn't really betray the party or anything, these guys were just kinda dumb

>Join new group, they urge me to play a Cleric or Paladin because they need heals
>Rest of the party is a bunch of glass cannon multi-classing warlocks or rogues or something, but they all assure me they're good-aligned and a LG Pally is fine in the party
>join up, the first thing they do is decide to contact the criminal underground and get a job to make some money
>I'm a LG Oath of the Crown Paladin who hails from the city they are in, worked in the city watch for almost twenty five years
>I'm really just perplexed and silent IC and OOC as they plan out a heist on the city's biggest bank right in front of my character
>they go to bed for the night, heist tomorrow morning
>tell the GM in private that I want to slip out and contact my old friends in the city watch to come arrest these assclowns
>GM won't let me, that would derail the session
>GM tells the group, group gets mad at me for trying to rat on them (despite none of them knowing I was doing that, this is all pure metagaming)
>I'm really just stupefied that my cop paladin is getting in trouble for calling the cops, offer to re-roll to a treachery paladin or an oathbreaker or a trickery cleric or fucking whatever
>"No evil or chaotic characters allowed user"
>mfw this entire session

Take them in yourself. if they are as frail as they say you are you can pry take them make sure to have plenty of rope.

>not purposeful screwing their plan at the right moment
>not tripping, capturing and giving them to the authorities
>not getting a promotion for jailing such criminals
But I bet your GM would also jail you, because 'muh party needs to always be together'.

betray them for they betrayed you

>trying to destroy insane AI
>getaway driver sells out the party
>lures the hacker into an ambush, AI minions kill him
>tries to get the rest of us killed
>starts to disagree with the basic fiction of the campaign, claiming that we can't do anything to stop him
>quickly approaching "you can't kill me because i have a forceshield" leves
>sharpshooter shoots him while he's trying to drive away
>getaway driver's head is now splatter
>player gets upset and leaves the campaign
It was better without him.

why did he betray you in the first place?

>Surprisingly, it didn't go down that badly OOC
How thirsty are you betas?

Dude decided to set fire to a holy tree
so we retaliated and attacked his city stronghold.
In venegence he left open his portal to the southern continent the other end of which is connected to a kingdom down there which he overthrew in the name of the armies of darkness.
now said armies are threatening to spill out into our homeland and let our kingdom get conquered and possibly jeopardize our religion and allies in doing so.

how would they not have noticed no taco bell branding on the wrappers and shit? I call bs

>didn't kill the party or the demon
There WILL be a Reckoning you schlomo ass motherfucker.

got mind controlled by the big bad and shot another PC in the back of head execution style.
they survived because it was ruled to resolve like an normal attack instead of an execution (He put a Makarov up to the back of the unsuspecting character's head and pulled the trigger.)

The rest of the party felt the BBEG trying to claw his way into the their heads too so they let him live.

>DMing my first game
>5e, pirate campaign, playing it fast and loose
>the PCs for this sessions were a barbarian raised by apes, an escaped slave rogue cannibal, and an exiled commodore fighter all band together in last week's session (two of our players were working and couldn't make it)
>they're all glorified murderhobos and CONSTANTLY backstab and fuck with each other
>this comes to a head in the first cavern they're spelunking when I introduce a wench NPC that's a trap
>the commodore falls for it head first and rushes to slay her "captors" and bless him, gets a nat 20 to his charisma check to seduce her
>unfortunately he ruined his chances when he crushed in the head of her closest companions right in front of her and showered the whole party in blood and gore
>she pretends to be seduced to get just close enough to shank him and run for her life
>into the arms of our hulking barbarian
>he breaks her wrist in half wrestling her knife away and in his bloodlust, snaps her neck before stomping along on his merry way
>the cannibal hears all of this while he steals all the loot and goes to feast on her flesh, unable to control himself
>the commodore sees all of this and in a blind rage only a delusional whiteknight can have, tries to castrate the rogue
>they grapple for a few minutes until the cannibal whips out his ancestral brass knuckles and hits the commodore so hard he's left unconscious, bleeding on the floor, with 1 HP remaining
>we all agree to end the session there

They've been plotting all week on how to get back at each other. I'm honestly delighted that our pirate themed campaign has been nothing but fighting, bloodshed, wenches, drinking and looting. Not sure how I want to handle things if the rogue decides to kill the fighter though (which is incredibly likely).

>9mm Mak
There's a reason the Russians use the Grach these days. You did this to yourself.

Closest thing I've ever done to a betrayal is this:

>Playing in the DM's homebrewed Zombie setting (clearly it was heavily inspired by The Walking Dead.)
>(For context.) Not a whole lot of rules to the system he ran, since he wasn't interested in getting bogged down by game-mechanics at the time. This meant a large no. of PC deaths just sort of happened when he felt it was appropriate to kill them off based off die rolls and context.
>Other major rule was that if you died in any of the campaigns in the setting you couldn't roll up a new character until the next campaign began.
>I had managed to keep my character alive to the final session of the first campaign. The group has been reduced to three men: My Character, a One-armed PC and another PC who got bitten and was slowly turning
>We were stuck in a town that was built alongside a large river, as a huge horde of Zombies slowly begins to march into the town and completely surround us.
>Desparately start looking for a boat to ride the fuck out of dodge with.
>Eventually find one and push it over to the river
>Turns out it's got no fuel; we're going to have to make a run for a storehouse we've got good reason to believe may have fuel canisters in.
>There's one major issue: the horde has now started to fill the town and is blocking the street that we need to cross.
>My character has proven to be an absolute coward throughout the entire campaign.
>Whilst one-armed bro and the infected dude are setting up a plan of attack to get across the street, my PC is paralyzed with fear and considers trying to ford a horde of zombies is essentially suicide.
>I declare I'm going to 'defend' the boat whist one-armed bro goes across the street to the warehouse and the infected guy causes a distraction to draw the attention of the vast majority of the zombies.
>Somehow both me and the one-armed guy still got out of the town alive.

I'd give you an inspiration for that even if ass hurt.

opinion discarded

>campaign starts
>I create a LG paladin
>one person makes a CE psychic(I forgot the class)
>the other 3 make "LG" characters using overpowered homebrew classes
>it starts in a tavern during a celebration, and a royal tiefling family from a neighboring country is visiting
>a dragon comes in and burns down the tavern we were in
>some royal guards come by the next day and said that a prophecy told us we were coming and we would need to meet the king in about a month and the ship to where he lives takes two weeks
>CE character suggests to the visiting royal family that the king might have planned this
>we have two weeks to do sidequests as normal
>throughout the sidequests the LG players kept on doing pretty dark stuff, accusing people of being demons, getting poisons, attacking innocents, etc.
>one even killed an undead child
>the only voices of reason were myself and ironically the CE psychic
>one of the "LG" players accused the psychic of being a demon, and I stepped in to stop him
>the "LG" players attack me solely for suggesting that she might not be a demon
>3 overpowered homebrew classes vs 2 regular classes
>the DM conveniently brings in royal guards to order us to get on the ship
>we travel to the king
>I do a knowledge check and find out that he is from a extinct race, and he tells us to go kill the dragon, but to train first
>the CE character buys an airship because they got lucky
>first thing the party discusses is how they want to betray the king
>I stay silent after what happened last time
>We find out that the tiefling country from earlier, declared war on "attempted assassination"
>so the party wants that war to break out and for that country to win
>go there and formally meet the royal family
>party convinces them to go all out
>as soon as the session is over I pm the dm that I am not on the party's side

>become a spy
>party goes on sidequests as wanted criminals
>I keep quiet for a while
>one of them frees a suspicious angel and I was warning him against it
>lots of more sidequests
>party checks in on the war effort
>the war isnt going anywhere, about 20000 dead and 100 killed in a month
>the party self appoints themselves as generals and gives new invasion plans
>they have absolutely no idea that im a spy
>party hears about plans for a new generation of airships designed for warfare
>they get the plans and make an escape
>I sabotage the ship so it will break down and give me a chance to destroy the plans
>ship crashlands in desert
>the party spends most of the session questioning all the NPCs that they brought along about who could have done it
>about 5 of them give hints
>party dismisses them all for being drunk
>they narrowed it down to one npc
>the npc says that I was walking away from the engine room
>make my escape using a dimensional gem thing the king gave me as a gift for my kindness
>after walking in the desert alone for a day a wizard finds me
>its the kings best friend
>he brings me to the king
>I get crowned champion
>princess falls in love with me
>party continues and I make a 2nd character
>party kills a giant queen
>party comes to emergency request of the tiefling family
>they only lost more troops and will formally surrender
>right as that happens an army of angels and an army of giants invade the country
>95% of their population is dead after a few days
>an airship shows up to help recover the country
>mfw its from my king
>mfw the party killed an entire nation because of their lust for conquest
>mfw all of the people in the airship tell of my heroic deeds
this is only about half way through the campaign
but the rest of it isnt really interesting

Fucking christ this sounds like a DM I had.
>whole point of campaign is to resurrect shrines to a god that my inquisitor was aligned with
>we resurrect like 3 shrines
>"lol you aren't resurrecting those to your god, thats just satan pretending to be him"


>playing MAID RPG with some fa/tg/uys over Roll20 - text only
>roll up a cool and sexy vampire maid who summons a demon as a weapon
>high as fuck cunning, good athletics and shit affection
>pic related, basically
>hit it off great with the master and the loli, sexy maid of the group
>the first few days, we all have jolly cooperation in which we get as much favor from the master as we can
>the master is a lolicon shota because of course he is
>lots of "Hey boy, want to /ss/ ensue"
>lots of attempted seductions on rule 63 Dio who blueballs everyone but the master
>at this point everyone has successfully seduced the master, favor is pouring like rain in the start of a Noir movie
>robocop maid and the heroine team up to stomp loli, sexy housemaid into the ground
>right at the end, she manages to seduce the Stand user, who seduces her back
>plan is made
>me and robocop cleaning the attic
>suddently, loli maid appears and jumps her: with her and ZA WARUDO we manage to defeat robocop
>pack her in a crate and ship her off to Timbuctu
>spike Heroine's alcohol reserve and tease her into stress explosion
>she goes to drink
>passes out
>off to Orapa she goes
>at the end, decide to duke it out with loli to see who will be head wife and who will be mistress
>thanks to blind luck, ZA WARUDO manages to beat her and they all lived happily ever after!

...that was fun. Now I'm sad.

You fought the good fight. Rest, now, sir knight.

If I was that GM, I would have told those asshole players that their alignment was now Evil. Be it neutral or chaotic, it doesn't matter, they are certainly not good.

DM here, I'm thinking of trying to deliberately kill off one of my players because he let me know he was going to betray the parry at one point. Not to mention his entire character is painfully edgy.

Go through with it?


personally, I think that it's a dick move.

Just go with what the dice say and do not fudge rolls in order to keep him alive. Without plot armor and with decent challenges to the party, he should die eventually to an unlucky save-or-suck. I assume you are playing D&D since you refer to yourself as "DM"...

That can't really be called a betrayal to be completely honest.

What said. That Guys are usually destined to die once you remove the plot armor.

>he tells me that I did well but he was going to kill me for it
Your DM must be a real genius

Fucking frogposter doesn't even start with a story of his own.

This is why Veeky Forums is going to shit

The thought of a party teaming up with of a pissed of demon dose sound pretty cool.

>example on how a player working with the GM to betray the party ruins the game that was supposed to be cooperative

>(For context.) Not a whole lot of rules to the system he ran, since he wasn't interested in getting bogged down by game-mechanics at the time. This meant a large no. of PC deaths just sort of happened when he felt it was appropriate to kill them off based off die rolls and context.
>Other major rule was that if you died in any of the campaigns in the setting you couldn't roll up a new character until the next campaign began.

That sounds dumb as shit.

>"I feel like declaring your character dead. Don't bother showing up the rest of the year, you're out. See you in a few months!"

>successful thread
>people are sharing fun stories
>people getting shit off their heart

>reee he posted the green amphibian and didn't even procure his own tall tale!
>truly these are the end times!

>oh fug these wrappers don't have taco bell written on them, better serve them on a plate like a normal person before everyone arrives


>playing DCC module
>literally every single PC gets visited by a chaos god and told to fuck the party over
>except me
>get to the thing each god wants
>immediately slaughter my PCs because we were playing ACKS, hello cleave rules
>whole party: "what the fuck"
>look at them all badass. "dumbasses, this is desired by the lords of CHAOS. I serve the Forces of LAW"
>swing hammer as hard as I can into the object
>turns out the thing was a fucking egg of the universe
>as I wind up every god of law screams OH MY FUCKING GOD DON'T DO IT YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT
>universe ends
>chaos wins because the entire universe is swallowed up in entropy
>chaos god of entropy: dude. Nice.
>high fives me
>dm glaring at me
>"okay, reroll."


Sorry, what?

>posts on mandelorian basket-weaving wallpaper
>acts confused

The DM likes DCC modules, and doesn't even slightly enjoy the DCC system. To be fair, the modules are -fucking excellent- if you like "hippie van art" fantasy with robots riding unicorns and fighting demons and shit. He uses ACKS(Adventurer conqueror king system) because he hates, hates and hates some more the constant rolling on tables. From what he told me, he ran DCC for two years(2012-2013) when it came out and ran into "rolling on tables" fatigue. Having to flip through a book to roll on tables for every single crit, fumble and spell casting can get -very- tiresome, apparently.

>The Archduke's last words were to implore his wife to live for the sake of their children and peace

God bless you and your GM

I don't have any because I'm not that guy.

As long as you are not a douche when winning, I don't see a problem with betraying the party when the game has rules for interparty conflict.

Again, I'm not that guy. I'm not concerned with "winning" games that are supposed to be cooperative in nature.

God I hate people like you, you are the reason why I never let Paladins in my group.

You could have just kept your mouth shut and not sperged out and play the game like a normal adult. But no you gotta be a sour faggot.

No, the group and the DM are in the wrong. They broke consistency and went against their own advice and alignment, and from the sound of it, the paladin did everything right.

Maybe I was not clear enough, so I am going to have to spell it out for you.

There are some games in which PvP is okay and encouraged, yes even in RPGs! Here are some examples
>Everyone is John

So now you can get off your perceived high horse and stop acting holier-than-thou in a norman mosaic-making pictureglass site.

summer is upon us

>living party
>with a devil

Your char is going to die screaming

I don't even fucking know. The AI promised him power and money, but he never actually got paid.

As far as I'm aware, it's mainly because he insisted that his character was a "bad dude", though that usually just meant doing petty crime.

>do this
>gm lets me have my moment
>start the 8th part
>gm annoyed as the official 7 part version is already on the long side of anthems
>continue on my way to the 15th part increasing volume
>gm says i get interrupted by kaijus
>use french sign language to say i kick the kaijus over while singing even louder
>gm tells me ooc to stop singing
>begin additional vendéens couplets as I supplex him
> I'm yelling at this point and gm's gf is crying

Shit son, he didn't bitch when the gm told him not to do it for understandable ooc reasons but when (after not doing it) the party gets back at him for knowing he wanted to.
He even offered in good faith to make the same character in a compatible alignment but got turned down by the gm.
That's not him playing lawful stupid that's the gm being a cunt

Top 10 Anime Betrayals.

>Get betrayed
>Don't get mad because the person doing it has a hole between her legs.
>Not being betas