Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1617: Another Inevitable Bread Metaphor Edition

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Well I need to calm down; what does your Jumper do to relax? Anything from eating favorite foods to deploying that spa resort you have (do we have a spa property purchasable? There should be.)

So, what did you guys do in Counter-Strike anyway? How did you make sure you'd get the rank requirement to move on?
Post builds.

Webmage has a resort mansion on a hawaiin island complete with a house spirit that tries to make you happy.

So, how dangerous is the Traveler’s Gate setting?

>Do imported Companions get access to the Armor and Relic sections too, or no?
Nope, companions can't buy items. I asked Red about this back when it was still a WIP.

I go work at the bar, or let the watresses work it while I relax upstairs watching the bar and drinking myself.

Instant death.
Kidding, I don't have a clue.

The onsen from Tenchi was bought specifically for that purpose

I like going to the spa an getting a massage

The only spa property we have is in Tenchi

So, why did we reject this again? Looks pretty solid to me.

what are tenchi waifus like?

Write novels, orgies, play video games by actually living them I play a lot of H-games that way.

Uh, we also have some pretty fancy baths in Otoyomegatari and Kairos.

>Looks pretty solid to me.
That's your opinion, and the thread didn't share your opinion. If you want to use SB jumps go over to SB.

It gets weird but all you need to know is that counter guardians protect humanity and they have a similar function to heroic spirits and thus its possible to summon a counter guardian as well when you summon a heroic spirit.

SB racism.

>Looks pretty solid to me.
I think otherwise.

Fucking or whacking off. This is rarely an issue though.

I just realized that I wasn't checking if companions could get items or freebies in my jumps. Already had to change a couple builds. Fuck.

Stop trying to speak for the thread, Timmy. You keep doing this, and it's almost adorable every time, but then I remember how sad and pathetic it is.

We sure this isn't one of those people just forgot to upload? It's not terrible, but it seems alright.

Fucking. Meant to say "terrific".

Dunno. Put it on the drive if you want.

Because its unbalance and full of wankery. Jump SB jumps on SB.

The biggest bads are up to city level threats, everyone else is street level.

Did we even? I'm not sure if it was ever posted here in the first place.

False, I said companions get access for this.

Previous Jump: Jump 5: Big O
Starting Point: 1000
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Location: Underground
Background: Negotiator (900)
Drawbacks: -A bird whose wings have been plucked (1500)
-R.D. (1700)
Perks: - Style
- Negotiable (1550)
- Action! (1250)
- Shaken to their bones (950)
- Mysterious Appearance (350)
Items: - Suit
- Film Noir (Film Noir version of the Power Rangers and Megas XLR? Now THAT I wanna see) (300)
- Comrades (Coop) (100)
- Big Ear (0)

Coop's Build:
Background: Android
Starting CP: 400
Perk: -Man of Steel
- Logic (100)
- Memories (0)
Items: - Suit

With the Death Army, the Zoids, and all the Power Rangers villain running around, it's like a mini-SRW in here! I planned to spend most of my time here driving them off and investigate what the fuck is happening here. But things got kinda out of control. I'll spare you the details, but it involved the Devil Gundam assimilating pretty much anything that moved and ended with me and Roger miraculously suceeding to convince it to leave humanity and to rebuild the outside world, wich is pretty much a blank state (his negotation skills are no joke, man). After that, I discovered my statut as the overseer and reset back the city to its state before all that bullshit happened. As a side-note, Coop absolutely loved his new robot buddy, but he found using his Logic perk too weird and he outright refused to wear the suit.

>Well I need to calm down; what does your Jumper do to relax?

the wife gives great full body massages.

Prove it.

Then put it into the drive and accept it if that's what you're trying to push. Might as well do that for the rest of the SB jumps as well

Presumably, if they have their own equipment to run through it. They do have a CP budget after all.

>Nope, companions can't buy items.
Even if so, the first thing run through the customization/relic sections are free. So if they have an pre existing armor/power armor/magic item, they should be able to run it through.

No you didn't.

Not OP, and I don't care about the jump. Just stop acting like you speak for the thread.

I just did. Also, .
>Even if so, the first thing run through the customization/relic sections are free.

>Doesn't give a shit about answering the question
>Doesn't give a shit about jumps
>Just wants to argue with people online

Because it's not a Crusade jump, it's a back door B5 replacement jump. The whole thing is full of shit from B5 and doesn't really go into Crusade. That's probably because Crusade died a few episodes in and wasn't ever fleshed out as its own thing. If it focused on Crusade that'd be a different story, but it's just generic B5 stuff.

I get that SB is into replacement jumps, but we don't do that here.

Well, me and coop mainly play video games or thinker with our machines. Tough recently, we began watching Film Noir versions of our adventures. Wich is hysterical, I tell you. Sometime, we invite the local versions of Bulk and Skull because it's nice seeing some familliar faces, even if it's those two doofus.

>So, why did we reject this again?
No read reason at all. Everyone hates that annoying Anti-SB fag, so I could see it getting on the drive just to spite him.

Probably because the jumpmaker never came over here with it in a long time?

I always wondered why, if it was in the SB folder, why not make it an actual Babylon-5 (not crusade) jump? Go all in. Because the one Babylon 5 made was always absolute rubbish, what with the place being about interspecies cooperation limiting you to human only, as if the B5 user was a xenophobe.

>I always wondered why, if it was in the SB folder, why not make it an actual Babylon-5 (not crusade) jump?
The most vocal people on SB don't like to recognize jumps that aren't considered official jumps here on Veeky Forums.

Have you actually read Babylon anons jump? We don't actually have a comprehensive Babylon 5 jump. We have a Human faction jump for B5

We have several WH40k jumps now, even though Babylon made that jump first also. If Sister of Battle and tyrannids got on the drive, this should be able to also.

Okay, I just re-read your old comment. You previously said that companions get background freebies. IMO this was a bit misleading, since I don't consider background freebies to include generic freebies. I would've just said that they still get their freebies.

It's cool though. My companions get more stuff now. I actually need to re-think my chain a bit.

The pictures are from B5, the perk names are direct quotes from B5, the perk texts reference events that happen in B5. . . I have yet to hear a justification for how this is a Crusade jump

>even though Babylon made that jump first also.
No, that was Kanons, and the 40k jumps were made with permission. Babylon made Dogs of War, a Fantasea thing.



SB isn't known for being very inventive when it comes to making jumps. It's not much of a surprise that they took what they could and slapped a different label on it.

Yes I've read it, I read it when it first dropped and wasn't a huge fan of it then nor am I now. However, rules are rules and he was the one that made it. It's a B5 jump. It's the B5 jump. You don't get to replace it because you don't like it.

The comparison to 40k is incorrect. 40k is a game that actually has separate faction books and the like. Additionally, as referenced Kanons made the first 40k jump and said he didn't have issue with other jumps in that verse. So not only does B5 not break down by factions the way you're suggesting, Babs did not okay remaking or replacing his jump.

The SB Crusade jump doesn't fly here.

Are there any jumps that allow to fuse ships?
Preferably via import, although perks that would help would also be acceptable.

Your hair is ridiculous and your wife is an ugly fatty.

>Babs did not okay remaking or replacing his jump.
Don't pretend like giving the ok means that you'd accept a replacement. Even when jumpmakers have given the ok people still screamed at anyone who tried to make a replacement.

All the other jumpers show off pics of their Cute wives. Why can't I?

>Your hair is ridiculous

and just like that I know your opinion is crap and everything you say will be disregarded

True. The laziness is galling though. What they've done is comparable to making a jump all about being a viper pilot and calling it a Caprica jump. I get it, you don't like the BSG jump, but that doesn't mean you get to replace it and slap a Caprica label on the replacement to slide by on a half assed technicality.

inb4 we wuznt taalking about BSG, stop derailing / moving goalposts / SB memeing

Arpeggio of Blue Steel has a perk that lets you fuse vehicles together and you can make it permanent if you wish.

>All the other jumpers show off pics of their Cute wives. Why can't I?
Because like the SBers, you're the thread's butt monkey. You don't get namefag privileges.

>and just like that I know your opinion is crap and everything you say will be disregarded
It looks so stupid and that's from someone with magical glowing rainbow hair

I don't give two shits about your paranoia and shit stirring. Here, have a neat cap and have a nice day.

I thought Babylon user made that Railroading door stopper, The W40k jump Light of Terra?

You are saying he got permission for that (where you are also human even though we have an W40k Imperium jump), and then denied permission for anyone else to play in his B5 sandbox? That sounds like BS.

SB wants replacement jumps even less than we do actually. It would undermine their argument that their jumps need to go on the drive here if people actually started making replacement jumps over on their drive.

SB is like some kind of new age videogame villain who tries to copy and understand humanity, but doesn't really fully get it, and so ends up going off on some extremist tangent while ignoring all the greater nuance.
> "It's about gaining power! So we'll create monuments to power!"
> "These petty restrictions only get in the way! Let's be rid of them!"
> "Why isn't this working? I know! It's because the true power all comes from the source! If we can control that, then all the power will be ours! It's better for everyone, this is the true meaning of jumpchain!"
> "What is a 'waifu'? I do not understand these petty concerns."


Look, I'm not going to judge if you are into fat-anthropomorphic whatever, but you won't convince anyone that whatever your Jumper is holding can be considered cute.

Import them as Shipgirls in Kantai Collection, and give them a fusion power?

Dragon Ball has the Potara Earrings, which are good if you want it to be permanent.

Might not be what you're looking for tho.

The lack of waifufagging over there is probably the one saving grace they have. They have no good jumpmakers no real discussion outside of powerwanking and they spend their time trying to figure out how to break jumps over their knee but they've done a better job at not becoming gen then us.

You're trying too hard, and you're telegraphing your intent too much. Let it go and try again later with a different topic.

>Not realizing that absolute power is the only correct path for getting waifus.

>anthropomorphic whatever,

Bitch did you just call my wife a furry!

>not waifuing absolute power

>Posts a furry image and calls it his wife
>Gets offended by someone calling him a furry

Why aren't you an AI remotely operating trillions of bodies to help all the worlds that you visit?

Too easy.

Because an ass worth pounding is an ass worth paying attention too, user. Simultasking is for plebs.

seriously though, what furry? it's Tick themed lingerie and headpiece

That's a lot of work and I'd rather just smoke weed and watch Netflix.

Ric, on Log Horizon. There's mention of a Samurai class. What's that?

Whats this/
I think I heard a prayer.
No wait it is....


Here the main jump is done.
Technically jumpable, but I am not sure if I wish for extra pdf to put the Scenarios and Vestige powers or not.
(DAmn you Vestiges! DAMN YOU)

For now if you /really/ need to scratch that itch, you can use this.
Mostly stuck on how to describe Vestiges in-depth or have you buy powers and what you get from them (Or rather the custom powers I have planned)

Ugh, so much work.

But yeah its finally done, if you wish to jump, it is jumpable (Unless if I was a fuckup again and fucked the shit out of it by writing something stupid and failing to proof-read yet again).

Telling you now I wiil be adding at least +2 Drawbacks +1 or two Cult options and two general perks in the future, one beauty upgrade and dunno what else).
Yeah at least 4 more items as well (Though I might re-write the tomes)
For now have the pdf because I did promise it..

Because there are infinite worlds, which means infinite degrees of suffering, meaning no matter what I do shit is still really bad somewhere. I'll do the easy shit like curing cancer and providing better agricultural technology, but anything else is too much work, unless it was already part of my plan.

I'm both a naturally occuring intelligence and I don't feel like being that busy.

Noice. Good to see you back, dude. I've been looking forward to this one. So what are Vestiges and should I wait for them to build?

I've done that,and my Habitat from eclipse phase is nearing Venus brain right now thanks to long jumps,bigger on the inside storage from RWBY, Supreme Commander technology,my degree in modular mega engineering from portal and another one from eclipse phase with skill plus and exponents, so it will eventually be an option but, Actually doing it is boring as hell, reaction times are Dulled by signal delay,my senses by signal fidelity And without the risk it's boring to me and risks boring Ms. Producer if there is no risk for me so I don't do that, can't risk the Chain you know?

awesome. I was really looking forward to this jump When you started on it and now it's Jumpable,thanks for keeping up on this. .

Does the A human I remain drawback actually force you to be human and enjoy it?

Feels kind of bare sempai.

Too busy playing the petty and selfish (Demi)God King.
Also finishing the jump as a perfectionist.

Supernatural powers all Leviathans have, ussually cost Ichor (Which you also regain with resting and from your cult).

More or less powers based on the concept (You can have outside the main one, kinda like how Solars have charms outside the caste).

Your build will shift, well not too much as you can learn them in-jump (And taking a companion would aid you greatly at learning from another vestige).
No problem Bancho, its been a long ride.

It only makes sure that you are not a Leviathan and after the jump will not count as one (Aka you get no powers, only perks and items).

What did I forgot or are you talking about pictures?
Or perhaps my wonky pdf converting that made it long and with stretches of empty space?

That said I apologize in advance to everyone if I go afk at some point, its late here and stuff.
But I will try to see any comments and utilize them.

Is there, like, a pdf or something where the source material is compiled? Because all I can find is a few scattered posts that barely tell me anything and some empty wiki articles.

Because I dun wanna and that's why!

Anyone know what's going on with the It's Always Sunny jump?

Last time I saw it it was mostly finished although could use more drawbacks and I said I'd image it once it's done. Haven't seen anything since although I haven't been following the threads that closely recently.

>1 – San Diego and Tijuana– Theme: Separation and Duality
>On the beaches of Sand Diego a cohort of Leviathans
Should be San.

I'm not sure CEO should get that much CP for the Cult section. They already have more freebies and discounts than the other backgrounds. Unless the other backgrounds would get more in the theoretical Vestife pdf?

The Latest Bioshock Infinite doesn't seem to be on the drive, could you post in again?

The author reposted it again as a pastebin and said it was finished barring maybe a few more changes, some of the drawbacks were weird and there were some repeat perks, though, which might've been good for discussing, but... after posting that they dropped off the thread again. There hasn't been a pdf or even a comment from the author since then.
So I guess it's technically finished but kindof not?

Because it's more satisfying doing my work in person.

>On this city Myriam Bales is trying to become a hetsman for both cities as she cuts honest deals with her fellow Leviathans asking them to serve bellow her
>Is it here Tia Ramona
It is.

This might actually be the worst thing I've ever seen.

And that's saying something.

You're getting memed. The kind of bare thing is a meme that people were throwing against other jumpmakers.

>Tick themed lingerie a

...is she wearing lingerie made out of crab shells?

swiggety swooty I'm coming for that lyme disease

No pdf.
Only a wiki for it, though the Wiki does have quite some material last I checked?
Like it was not the posts, but had quite a bit of in-depth information about most things and the strains.
Then again even that info is enough for me.
Where did you look?

Ah good catch.
Can't believe I missed such an old typo, good work user.

Oooooooh, thanks user, I did not know that and was mostly confused.

They do indeed get more, but I will remove some from there.
It is a bit too much, though they are supposed to be the Cult masters so to speak.
Perhaps I will make it so the other backgrounds bar drop in get 300, after all they do get freebies which lets them retain the cultist leader position.

well yeah see she went flea shape changer in League of legends so that's her outfit from league of legends since that's what shape changers in league of legends Clothes themselves with.

No it's flea themed,so it it's supposed to look like the shell of a flea.