What's a good system for satisfying, fun martial arts? I'm already looking at GURPS Martial Art, but I'm sure there's more.
What's a good system for satisfying, fun martial arts? I'm already looking at GURPS Martial Art...
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>roblox pic
Stop violating global rule 2
>Roblox Chad Jojo
What in the fuck happened to that game?
It used to be so comfy.
Roblox started in 2006, dude. That means if you were 7 when it came out, you would be old enough to post on Veeky Forums now.
Focus on cosmetic items, marketing towards kids, desperate cash grabs, awful updates that broke about half of all classic games, etc.
Take your pick.
To address the actual topic, Legends of the Wulin is supposed to be really good, though the book is really poorly laid out.
Did a quick google, so you might want do more research on these yourself:
Street Fighter from White Wolf is apparently quite good, but out of print.
Final Stand, it has issues with the lay out of the book, and apparently isn't too detailed.
Thrash, based off of the Street Fighter system, so I guess second verse same as the first.
Fireborn, apparently has a fantasy bent to it
Look no further, GURPS is the best.
>best at anything besides autism
I will second this. It's got a lot of really interesting ideas, and a strong narrative focus to its combat (not rules-light, though).
You also get to say that your Blossom Harvest Kung Fu laughs at your enemies Red Silk Kung Fu. Or something to that effect.
How realistic are you looking to go, OP?
Gurps is a solid option if you're wanting to go realistic or relatively grounded with a few crazier elements due to being balanced across multiple genres, but it doesn't do higher powered or more esoteric/abstract things well.
Legends of the Wulin is great if you want to do a Wuxia/Wuxia inspired game. The combat system is interesting in that you generally aren't doing "damage" per se so much as inflicting status conditions , which can range from crippled limb to humilliated to angry that you're fucking their wife. It also has a robust combat system.
Exalted is pretty decent if you want to do a crazy DBZ/Xianxia game, but it's harder to divorce from it's setting. It does have some cool mechanics and some really fun crazy magic martial arts
HERO is another good, solid choice. Similar to gurps but with slightly less support and a much higher power level (It's a generic version of a supers game, so it does capeshit tier powers well).
You know I really do need to check Exalted out, don't suppose you could tell me where to start?
I'd recommend starting with the third edition corebook. Every edition of Exalted has its problems, but the third seems to be the most solid. At the very least, it dropped a lot of the old WoD-based combat system, finally acknowledging that a system designed for desperately fending off a starving vampire with a pipe wrench wasn't really suited for game where you can literally fight a mountain and expect to win.
3e if you want better balance/game design, 2e if you want options.
If you go 2e, you'll probably want to pick up the core book and either the manual for Lunars or the one for Dragonbloods. They're IMHO the simplest of the exalted to understand mechanics wise. Avoid sidereals, because they get kind of wacky and run on pure bullshit
Another recommendation for Legends of the Wulin. Once you get past the godawful editing, it's fucking phenomenal, although there are a few balance issues to deal with.
Alternatively, pdf related for a fun beer and pretzels martial arts game
Cheers, I'll get looking into it.
Third Edition, aka Ex3. There's a general thread every so often, there just isn't one now.
That was going to be my suggestion if he was already thinking Gurps
If GURPS has your interest then might I suggest that you try the Hero System? Its martial maneuver system builds off of basic combat maneuvers available to all characters. Furthermore character sheets are formatted in such a way that all essential information is easily presented for ease of reference rather than relying on memorization or book reference. What's more Hero's Power creation system lets you create any martial arts ability or technique that you could want - Qi Gung, Wire Fu, Dim Mak, etc.
Here's a trove of the latest edition. Look for the following books:
> Volume 1: Character Creation
> Volume 2: Combat & Adventuring
> Hero System Martial Arts
If you want to give pic related a look them check out this trove of the previous edition:
Look for Ninja Hero as well as Ultimate Martial Artist.
I hope Hero piques your interest and that you end up liking it. It is underrated as a universal RPG these days.
Doing god's work man
Street Fighter.
You can find the pdf thru googlin and definitely check out Vampiro penguins house rules, ignore some of them like elementals and vampire BS and you got a more versatile game
Street Fighter got successor games in the form of Thrash and Fight!. They are both mechanically better, from what I can tell.
I'd also throw in a recommendation for Strike!... not martial arts focused, but it can handle the "shout your attacks" type of fights pretty well, and the combat is rather fun in general.