Barbarian/stone age art thread
Barbarian/stone age art thread
I feel that for fantasy settings, the less accurate the dinosaurs the more fantastic it feels. Accurate dinosaurs are really cool as animals of the past, but there is a certain charm to the hazy, timeless, savage atmosphere of older dinosaur art. Where foggy jungles and volcanic craters dominated the landscape, when colossal lizards with gore caked jaws hunted the immense serpents of fetid swamps.
Sounds good.
What the hell is happening there? Why is this woman being carried? Why are they chased by pterodactyls? Are the people in the back trying to apprehend the three in the front or are they all fleeing together?
I like the fact the T-Rexs in the background are just hanging out while all of this is going on.
A tribe of Apemen is trying to capture themselves some Amazon brides. Living in the pulp prehistory, of course this attracts a number of predators. At least that is my interpretation.
i know the one on the right is probably roaring, but i like to think he's laughing
The one on the left has this expression that kinda just says "dumbasses"
Not really stone age but here