Why does tg hate them?
Dragonborn are nonsensical race of marysues, and by far the worst itteration of both dragon races and lizardmen.
Why exactly. Cause if it's just because of forgotten realms lore you can just change it.
Most of us don't care about them one way or another, but there's always going to be a few fanatical haters who will rage about them in every thread, claim (falsely) to represent the majority, and make it look like there's more hate than there really is, when mostly it's total indifference.
I guess though, if you average out the five fans, the 6 or 7 haters, and the 9001 "who really cares"-ers, it does balance against, but that's true for nearly anything anyone talks about here, right down to backgammon and checkers.
Draconics are cool
Lizardmen are cool
Naga are cool.
They all share one overarching trait - being part of a larger, mundane race.
The way that Dragonborn are anomalies by default just turns them into snowflake-bait, since their main character trait is "I'm speshul".
>hate them.
Where did you hear this? Veeky Forums is near /k/ levels of closeted furries.
Ps. The name Dragonborn just sounds dumb in my head, not sure why, but I would probably attribute it to Skyrim's extreme popularity (though that is a completely different kind of Dragonborn.)
tg plays far too much dnd and they are fanfic tier in that setting
I don't understand this, aren't those all their own races?
Yeah, should have worded it better.
A Lizardman is part of the Lizardmen race, which in most settings consists of, you guessed it, Lizardmen.
Dragonborn on the other hand are spawned from constellations and miracles and whatnot, and you are extremely to ever stumble upon a "Dragonborn Village" or anything of the sort, due to how anomalous they are.
"Extremely unlikely", even. I need to do more grammar checking.
I don't hate them, I'm at dislike.
>look is redundant with several forms of Lizardmen
>Dragon connection is redundant with Kobolds
>artwork of them tends to not quite work stylistically in my opinion
>supposed to be rare and special
>very unaesthetic name
It is kind of weird when a race defines itself through another race in their name.
Also I never thought -born was cool as a title component, birth isn't really an achievement and newborns aren't in a position of strength.
I see now. So it's not so much the concept of dragonborns that bothers them it's the execution.
Yes, that is actually a very correct way to put it. In a similar vein I have no issue with things like Lamia and Yuan-Ti.
Honestly I am a very big fan of aquatic races and therefore reptile races have a special place in my heart. It then pains me to see such a poor execution of a race with very good potential.
>Dragonborn are anomalies by default
They haven't been for 9 goddamn years.
According to what?
Should be mentioned that I have never played D&D nor Pathfinder, so I've got no idea how those settings do em.
On the plus side, their existence helps weed out Those Guys during character creation.
I skip the whole Dragonborn thing and just make kobolds 'dragonborn', in that they exist because they're an ancient failed experiment to weaponize dragons into a race of fast-breeding super soldiers.
Instead, they got kobs.
Then why the fuck are you discussing a D&D race?
Because I have seen it in multiple other settings besides D&D. Much like similar races exist in multiple settings and multiple iterations.
Naga from Descent for example are almost completely opposite of Naga from Warcraft. (Both are cool tho).
You can only really discuss a race in the context of a specific setting, unless the race is so samey that they're pretty much the same regardless of setting
I guess that's a very valid point, it also avoid the whole "depends on the setting" shebang.
Well yes they are, according to their own lore. Each one is some other race transmuted into a dragonborn by blah blah dragon magic blah miracles shit. They don't breed true to my knowledge, so each is a one off. It seems more like a class of some kind than a race IMHO, and by default makes you special and chosen and whatever else.
Yeah. I also kind of dislike the aesthetic. They're a pretty boring take on a dragon man race in both form and function IMHO.
Even in 5e dragonborn are listed as uncommon and they potentially do not exist in every world
PC's get to be all these weird races because PC's are generally uncommon as fuck as well, but as a DM you're well within your rights to say "No, dragonborn do not exist in my setting"
>They don't breed true to my knowledge
Read the PHB, man. Either of them.
Eh, my bad. I stopped playing D&D early into 3.5 and have sort of picked up what I know of them through osmosis. I still don't really care for them, but I suppose them being able to reproduce makes communities of them make sense.
Still don't really care for their design much, but that's just me.
>Not hating a filthy half-breed
Shit taste desu.
maybe we could define what it means to be a dragonborn across settings and then discuss that?
They don't have tails and it makes the design unbalanced, plus the art of them is usually ugly.
The ol' DB-chan drawings are the best Lizardmen ever got, with a good face and short tail to tweak the design just a little into being so much better.
>each one is some other race transmuted into a dragonborn by blah blah dragon magic blah miracles shit
In 3e, yeah. In 4e they're an ancient, true-breeding race with a fallen empire, except for in Dark Sun where they're true-breeding experiments done by the undead sorcerer king.
Dragonborn, had a brain fart there
Yeah but 4e is weird and every race like that is "some ancient race from some long dead kingdom of some far off land"
Because they ain't them :3c
That was their 3.5 fluff, and not even an accurate description of it at that. Starting with 4e, they're a race unto themselves and always have been.
My first encounter with them, or creatures like them was in Dragonlance novels where they're called Draconians and are basically just soldiers. Basically large and, strong and competent kobolds
Well yeah, but I never really did D&D past the early half of 3.5. Plus, isn't their new fluff basically just a race of kind of ugly dogooder draconians?
I like the draconians more than dragonborn. With the lack of tails, plantigrade posture and oversized heads 4e-5e dragonborn look like they were designed to be easily portrayed on TV rather than designed for an RPG.
25 year d and d campaignfag. Adapted 3.75 (pathfinder) to 5.0 I use them but only for Paladins or anti paladin of bahamut or Tiamat who achieve epic level. My 2c
So, this is faggot power... not bad
Dragonborn in 5e are also a truebreeding race that spun off from dragons a long time ago.
It's pretty much only 3.5 where theyre a weird thing that crops up at random, which is more akin to Dragon Sorcerers now
There's something about your typing style that makes me hate you
It's like distilled middle-agefag writing.
Now. Scaly thread up on /trash/.
I feel like I've seen you before, traveller.
Oh no, scale enthusiasts in two threads about scaly things what a surprise.
The more Veeky Forums we get in there the better, imo.
absolutely disgusting, fucking degenerate scalies, I mean god damn you just go around flaunting and acting like there is anyone in Veeky Forums that isn't already a scalie
Right but not all of them know /trash/ exists.
We can keep discussion and sfw here and porn there.
nothing wrong with that, of course.
Had a better variety with the subraces also. Draconians are one of the few good things about Dragonlance
I can't remember anything about subrace draconians, except possibly one of them turns into acid when it dies instead of stone. Dragonlance had a hardon for needless genetic subdivisions, though, so I don't doubt they exist.
>In 4e they're an ancient, true-breeding race with a fallen empire
Which in my games always means they served as stand-ins for Jews, if they had gone into mercenary work instead of banking.