>Unearthed Arcana: Greyhawk Initiative
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What's the worst monster to get surprised by?
>Unearthed Arcana: Greyhawk Initiative
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What's the worst monster to get surprised by?
>What's the worst monster to get surprised by?
Basilisk or some other death-glare type
Worst? If you're a martial character probably a rust monster
>What's the worst monster to get surprised by?- 1 post shown.
Any kind of paralyzing mimic
Doppleganger \ changeling with powerful surprise round attacks
A squad of crossbowmen (assuming we can redo it as a single "mob" monster)
>Death Ray (Recharge 5-6). The catoblepas targets a creature that it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 36 (8d8) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more,the target instead takes 64 necrotic damage. The target dies if reduced to 0 hit points by this ray.
This seems in incredibly OP for a CR 5 creature
>something that dies in four hits from a fucking rock and doesn't wouldn't even destroy armor of any value at the level you can't blow it up immediately
Depends on how you play it I assume
A white dragon wyrmling can fairly reliably take down some parties assuming it's able to fly around and attack solely with breath weapon
What's an appropriate way to react in-game to a party member that's been a racist bitch to everyone? It's a homebrew race for witcher
>fighting a white dragon wyrmling in SKT
>run up a wall towards the ceiling
>shadowstep while in the darkness
>fall onto the wyrmling with an open bag of holding
Of course, it got its head blown off by an ancient blue dragon's breath weapon not half an hour later, but oh well.
On average it's only going to get to do that once per encounter
>What's the worst monster to get surprised by?
Assuming absolutely no meta knowledge, I'd imagine a Nilbog would be utter ass to fight.
>Horizon Walker: Planar Warrior
>At 3rd level, you learn to draw on the energy of the planes to augment your attacks.
>As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. Until the end of this turn, your attacks against that creature ignore its damage resistances, and the next time you hit it on this turn, it takes an additional 1d6 force damage.
what is the best way to use this? So far all I can think of is magic initiate poison spray.
Contrive a situation whereby they fail a task that the races they despise complete effortlessly and then rescue them, leading to a heartwarming moment where the racist learns that it's what's inside the heart that counts and the power of friendship blossoms.
Use her SHAMEFUL RACIAL WEAKNESSES and your INNATE RACIAL STRENGTHS to show that you're better
Sorry, have a bonus:
>level 11 fighter with PAM
>Make up to 5 attacks in a normal round
>8 attacks with action surge
>9 with haste on that
>1d10(average 6.3)+5(str)+3(magicalbonus)+8d6 per hit
>1d4(average3)+5+3+8d6 on bonus attack
>+12 to hit
>During this minute you heal to full every turn
>You can do 8d10+1d4+72+72d6 in a round with only basic buffs and simple requirements and resources that refresh on short and long rests
>3+6.3*8+72+3.5*72 damage
>average 377 damage using attacks that have +12 to hit
>When not using your resources, you do perhaps about half this damage every turn
And again, while you put your life in danger due to massive damage, just stop being a pussy and heal yourself 1 HP every time you go down.
Assassins, Doppelganger, and of course Ropers...
ALSO, reposting from last thread.
Alright, I feel instead of a giant wall of text a card might make this easier to digest.
What do you guys think about these? They are gems designed to give the player a little more customization for their items.
Should the slotted items require attunement? What would you change about them?
RPGMaker + GIMP makes for some pretty easy map-making.
You'll be losing the d6 of Force damage tho.
However, the Magic Initiate Druid for Guidance, Poison Spray, and maybe Healing Word on a WIS-focused Ranger build might be worthwhile.
Anyone tried playing a sorcadin (pal2/sorcX) ? Looks like it could be a quite cool combination.
Kinda videogamey but I'm not too booty bothered by it. The effects seem reasonably balanced.
go full retard and make different effects and interactions based on the kinds of gems you have slotted, like rune words from Diablo
i think black ooze are way worse
My dm seriously considered banning the chaotic neutral alignment for player characters to stop us from lolrandoms. Is this reasonable?
Just don't use alignments.
I'm really tempted to follow up on your your idea, user. How hard is stitching?
A horde of gibbering mouthers in a very cramped space. Good luck doing anything. At all.
>DC 10 strength per mouther to move
>DC 10 wisdom per mouther to even take an action
>Oh you failed the DC 10 wisdom against one? Best case you move randomly and get far enough away, worst case hit something random next to you
Are there any good modules out there that focus on the feywild? I wanna do some stuff with it, but I'm unoriginal and need a base.
After my current campaign, we're doing some one-shots. Anyone familiar with Tomb of Horrors? My DM really wants to do that.
>Different effects and interactions
No lie user, I have been thinking about this. But boy that's a ton of work and I feel like it would get far too complicated quickly. Plus they already work with magic items so...
The gems do stack though and I do have other gems with the same effect with a different element, spell, and explosion save.
>Ruby (Fire): Burning Hands, Dexterity
>Topaz (Radiant): Guiding Bolt, Wisdom
>Amethyst (Psychic): Dissonant Whispers, Wisdom
>Obsidian (Necrotic): Arms of Hadar, Constitution
>Opal (Ice): Ice Knife, Dexterity
>Amber (Lightning): Thunder Wave, Dexterity
>Emerald (Poison): Ray of Sickness, Constitution
Have some raceplay stuff with him, no homo tho.
I don't do any stitching. Here's my process:
First, I made a giant map in RPG Maker and put a bunch of 3x3 squares of the various tiles I want to use as textures. Cap that and put it in GIMP, then shave off 32 pixels from each side so you're left with just the 32x32 in the center that's the main texture. Copy that, then Edit -> Paste As Pattern.
Then I make an actual map in RPG Maker. Something real simple. For example, here's the original version of that map. It's just the dominant ground type and the walls. Cap that and put it in GIMP again.
Are you a witcher? If so it depends on your school and the individual witcher. Geralt and Regis talk about what usually happens if he did fail a contract
>Chased out if town by peasants
>Merchants demanding their down payment back
>Nobles sending hounds after them
>Royalty generally imprisonment and potentially execution depending on what he fucked up with
Now those textures come into play. On a separate layer, I use the Clone tool with the patterns I previously pasted in and some random brushes to make some more organic-looking variations in the terrain. Anything that goes over borders can just be deleted with the selection tool. Adjust the color of the layer or transparency options until it looks decent, and make new layers for each pattern you want to use.
After that, Dodge/Burn tool to darken or lighten areas for even more variation.
Then I'm going to take the completed image and upload it to Roll20 and populate it with little doodads and shit like trees, smaller rocks, and other area dressing in the form of tokens which I've cropped from the RPGMaker tilesets and saved as their own tiny images. This way they can be scaled to appropriate sizes and moved around or deleted as necessary, or I can reuse the same map for different areas by changing out the item/tokens on it.
Oh, forgot a step. After that image is made and saved, it's imported into RPGMaker as a Parallax Background. Copy the area I'm working on, delete everything on it so it's a transparent field, and set this area's parallax background as the image from GIMP. Then shadows and those half-elevation things can be added, since they are transparent autotiles that go on top of other shit but they don't really place nice with the other autotiles.
Sometimes I'll edit a few pixels to make more seamless borders between things. Like the little gully south of the road here was a ditch autotile that I actually drew over the taller cliff, but copy/pasted a non-ditch version of the cliff over it so that it appears that the ditch ends right at the border of the elevation.
>playing CoS
>Lawful good rogue
>Locking chests more securely so the party can't still from the good citizens of Barovia
She's the only witcher in the party and apparently their race is endangered to the point that the population of them in the current setting is in the single digits. I also haven't played the witcher so I don't know anything about them lore-wise
So uhh...do the good citizens of Barovia have the means to open their chests that now have upgraded security?
I'd probably remove the 64 damage on getting an 11
Use your sword
how's college of swords for a bard? I just want to play some kind of flashy charismatic swordsmen that also knows magic.
poison spray requires a save, not an attack roll, so it's not technically an "attack"
I like adding in some levels of Rogue Swashbuckler, adds a little more damage for my blade works.
I need some magical items for a Moon Druid Wildshaping furfag.
The only one I've found is Insignia of Claws from ToD, but I was looking for something a bit weaker.
It's more of a puzzle dungeon than it is straight-up combat. You'll probably want backup characters.
Oh ok
Witchers are heavily mutated humans taken as children to be turned into perfect monster hunters, at first they were considered alright and necessary but as humanity got better at building walls and had more organized soldiers to fight monsters they became more and more mistrusted and soon after hated
Typically they wander the world alone, looking for contracts to earn their pay, some turn to other lines of work like guards for royalty, fencing instructors, and in the case of cat school - hated even amongst other schools of witchers - hired assassins
They're immune to diseases, have superhuman senses and reactions, pretty damn safe from poison (though it does work in larger doses)
In general people are going to hate the PC, won't be outright trying to kill them but the PC won't be trusted and good luck talking to kids because people know witchers are created by witchers taking people's kids to be trained/mutated if they couldn't pay the bounty.
Witchers are super rare like you said, and all male. There's only a single known "witcher" that's a woman but even she isn't technically a witcher because she didn't undergo all the mutations but instead has some weird magic bloodline stuff. All the various schools of witchers have been attacked and destroyed at some point so the knowledge of how to make more is long gone, but most witchers wouldn't even want to put people through the process since it kills 90% of the people going through it
>gems do stack though
As in multiple uses or enhanced effects?
>list of other gems
I'd say swap obsidian for onyx, it's a (semi?)precious stone compared to obsidian, which a weapon could be made of.
Interesting method, not what I expected. I might give it a try myself and see what I can get away with. Thanks for the insight.
Lawful good doesn't mean intelligent, user.
>Gems do stack though.
Apologies for not being specific I meant effects. Example:
>My longsword has 2 slots
>"I put a Rare Ruby and Rare Amethyst in my weapon"
>I use my bonus action to activate my gems.
>Your longsword now deals an extra 1d6 Fire and 1d6 Psychic damage until the start of your next turn.
These are infinite use, they are destroyed when you take them out and break them.
Good call, I'll change it.
Rust monsters are harmless. Throw them just a few daggers and they'll leave you alone. They're explicitly happy to much on any kind of metal.
Wow, that sounds like a pretty sad existence. I'll just let her be then, knowing she isn't even a member of the dying race she's so proud of is good enough. Thanks user
How would you make mechs work in 5E? Just a buff to health and attack, with unhealable damage taken to it unless or until you can repair?
this would not work for a fighter in plate or chain mail
But the picture of a wizard throwing a iron ingot at a rust monster and walking past it to the crypt it was staying in is pretty sick
can someone in the 5eg discord can confirm that c0re is as thirsty for cammy as he was for lyn
Literally impossible in universe. They're like space marines in 40k, the shit that makes them witchers just outright doesn't work on girls. Hell it only just works on boys with a staggering mortality rate.
Campaign is probably going into extremely high powered places and somehow got my dm to let me play a oathbreaker/hexblade, I'm honestly all right with the damage but what else could I get from here?
Right now oathbreaker 7/ hexblade 1, not sure what spells to take from the warlock's list nor how to proceed from here. Probably 8th pally level to max CHA and then go lock 2 or 3 for invocations/2nd level spellslots?
how viable is it to DM an impromptu campaign with random people and have nothing prepared
Depends on how good of a DM you are.
If everybody is creative enough it's pretty easy.
Players familiar enough could in theory throw characters together very quickly, but even then I'd say it depends heavily on the type of player
You could do that, or you could give it vehicle rules with the damage threshold or something.
With normal HP rules
>Mech takes a hit from an orc with a magic missile launcher
>Loses HP, can't recover
Damage thresholds
>Orc with a magic missile launcher
>It either hits and is shrugged off ("Armor") or hits and deals enough to chip through the armor
Works well if you know the PHB off by heart as you can just say 'Okay, yeah, everyone's starting at level 3, choose a class and what sort of a thing you want to be in your class and I'll point out your class abilities, I'll show you how to allocate your stats and we'll get started'.
You can go quite a while just by letting players ask what they want to do 'I want to restrain this guy's leg' and then you can just rather than explaining the full grappling rules just say 'okay, roll athletics'.
Of course, if your players are experienced, it's even easier.
How do Goblin names work in D&D do they have a single name like "Krug"? Or do they have tribe names like "Krug Headsplitter"?
Judging by the way Chris Perkins picks names its stuff like
>they don't know that the sincere wishes of a waifu in another giant death robot can repair the damage of your giant death robot
Niggas gotta play some SRW.
So my group is taking a break from our campagin for one or two sessions. One of the players wanted to run a 1/2 shot. We are a pretty lax group, and generally play slowly and mess about, with roleplay and the like. These are the rules he gave us:
> Point buy, no starting equipment at all.
> Build your characters up to level 10 (as in make your choices as to what you want to get now), but everyone will start at level 1.
> No clerics or sorcerers in this game.
> You will level pretty quick, but you can't get your class/archetype bonuses until you train for them/pay for them at a trainer.
> The above rule also includes spells and cantrips. Copying spells from scrolls/books, or learning from trainers, is instant. The various Savant features for wizards lower the cost of spells from that school as per normal, and have the following effect: Spells from your school always count as prepared.
> Short rests are 5 minutes long. You may not take more than 2 short rests between a long rest.
> This will be pretty hack-and-slash, but your actions have consequences.
> Levels are milestone based
> Because this is combat heavy, I'm Implementing a strict 30 second rule to declaring combat actions. If you haven't decided what you want to do in combat, your turn will be passed.
> You are all members of the local militia.
Now two sessions gives us about 6 hours, if I'm being generous. Needless to say I have reservations. I like combat, but I play for story. Has anyone experienced a game like this before? What character should I play?
i think they have personality/feature based names like said
but if they are a tribe or its a goblin city with multiple clans/tribes i think its somthing akin to
Rot-Tooth Moonkin
Pretty much describe them and their tribe in a name is the best way to make a name for a goblin
>run a 1/2 shot where you'll gain nine levels
>5 minute short rests
>play a fighter or warlock and rejoice
>even better play a Fighter 2/Warlock 8 and let the good times roll with Agonizing meme with Action Surge.
Now I'm picturing a Goblin balance druid.
when i made that name i was picturing a cross between druids and rogues
>Base the Feywild off of Wuxia, with eladrin being the dominant species
Good or Bad idea?
Could be fun. Would the players also have the ability to do Wuxia shit or would they basically be the "normies" in movies that watch the acrobatics as they happen?
Can a warforged consciousness be transferred to a new body?
Can a warforged be afflicted by lycanthropy or vampirism?
Can a warforged become a lich?
Tell me about your warforged character.
A noose
>start new campaign at level 1
>last finished at level 15
Its hilarious seeing my players still act like level 15s. One rushed, solo, two worgs which were unaware of them. Went down instantly and was only 1 point of damage off an instant death
>party are CR fans
>constantly have to ignore whatever injoke they're making about it
>zero interest in watching it
>thinking of DMing after this current campaign is done
>they want me to run off the CR book
>one of them will even send me a copy of the PDF
All I know is something about some dumb goldfish incident and no one actually stays dead. At least if I run it off that book they'll stay interested I guess?
Fuck that. All of the homo
Anyone have the Tal'Dorei pdf yet? Got it on pre-order at Amazon for a friend but might switch over to the official store if no one has the pdf yet.
what are some classes for elves
Critical Role
And is the book even out yet?
>US$50 int shipping
Jesus Christ, I take it back, sorry if that got anyone's hopes up.
Players would probably get some short rest abilities to balance it out, but wouldn't be masters like the natives.
Disclose it to your players, but if you like improv, it should work just fine.
As others mentioned, if you have good players, it might go better than a "prepared" campaign. Just remember "Yes, and"
The worst thing you could do is DM something you don't know about.
>DM: keyleth looks at you and says "My party members died long ago, I and Vax'ildan are the only survivors"
>Player X: "Wait, Vax can't be alive, he have to die because the Raven Queen said"
It sucks.
It seems that by RAW, a Raven Queen patron Warlock can cast Invisibility, and then use Soul of the Raven without breaking it. Invisibility specifies it ends when a target "attacks or casts a spell," and Soul of the Raven isn't explicitly a spell, so in theory a player would be able to cast Invisibility, merge with their raven, and then fly away if they wanted to badly enough. It seems like some pretty strong utility, even if it's a little costly for someone with as few spell slots as a Warlock, but Invisibility lasts up to a full hour so they could always be ready for a short rest afterwards. Would you let this fly at your table?
Why is no one talking about the new books coming out?
no I meant like what should an elf be
Because we've been talking about them almost every thread for a month. What did you want to talk about in particular?
Would I be able to cast poison spray if one of my hands is covering an enemy's mouth/ nose
Generally an elf should have a class, especially if they're a PC.
Yep. I'll confirm it.
When they come out people will start talking about them, well, Xanathar's Guide to Everything will be UA stuff and we know people talk about that already.
Ha nah fuck that, it wouldn't be near the continuity of the show. I assume the book is more about the world, the history, how to participate in your own version of that setting instead of retreading the show itself. It could be fun to see their reactions as someone who only has the setting information but no idea how it was treated by the original cast runs the world.
At the same time I'm already tired of 'omg yor character is just like Scanlan!' remarks that getting 'wow this is just like episode blahblah!' could be shitty.
Xanathar's Guide isn't just going to be UA, you know. It'll have much more than that ;)