Traditional methods of keeping mortals righteous are failing due to the proliferation of succubi. In desperation, Heaven approves a radical new proposal: slut angels. What happens?
Traditional methods of keeping mortals righteous are failing due to the proliferation of succubi. In desperation...
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Good mortals declare holy war on the gods for hypocrisy, mortal sluts go extinct
Whoever made the proposal should be thrown out, to the circle of lust. As for the rest of us, we tread the narrow path. We will fight the source of the succubi, and with righteous fury cast them down into the pits as a mercy to the mortals.
/r9k/ finally realizes they were wrong all along, and women really don't want to date them because of their hideous personalities.
Literally elves.
Is this not already covered by a chaotic good something-or-other? I know there are chaos-aligned bard-angels at least, might be close enough if the memes are right.
>What happens?
Me praying as hard a fucking possible all day, and partying it up all night. You win god.
Any futa slut angels? Because that's my fetish.
It works by fucking get out and kill yourself, you retarded shitweasel. I don't know if it's you or some other thumbmuncher remaking the same thread over and over, but i want all of you to go and stay go.
Lotta mortals end up with blue balls, because they'll tease and titillate, but they won't engage in immoral sexual acts.
>a radical new proposal: slut angels. What happens?
The initiative goes sour in early development... well, by heavenly standards in as much as the result does not seem to conform to the mission statement as written. Still the "Slut" angels (more pure guiding guardian waifu angels and heavenly sacred heart-mending courtesans, along with gender-flipped variants) successfully curb the influence of Succubus-based corruption (most corruption, actually) in the areas they are able to exert influence over.
Starting about 15 years from the initiative's implementation, however, Nephilim become something of a problem...
What an interesting scenario.
Hang on, I have this covered. Scroll down to "philotes".
I hear aloe vera works pretty good on devastated ass pain, you should give it some thought.
What happens if a philotes pretending to be a cubus fucks a cubus pretending to be a philotes?
Well, the philotes can tank one of the succubus' kisses (the philotes has more HP), then presumably the philotes, realize s/he's been had, drops his/her disguise and breaks out the whip, at which point it's a somewhat-superior combatant, and is immune to the cubus' Charm (as the cubus is immune to the philotes').
So the cubus probably tries to flee once s/he realizes s/he just fucked up royally (likely having no idea that s/he had just bedded a philotes). The cubus is going to be perfectly willing to charm a bystander to buy him/her time to escape.
Do they put out, or just look sexy?
>Do they put out
Only after marriage, only in the missionary position, only with the lights off, and especially only while holding hands.
They're extremely dirty-minded, you see. You could say that the plan worked too well.
>only with the lights off
Are they able to turn their halos off? Do those not count?
>Only after marriage
Succubi put out right away though. That's why they're so much more popular.
Slut angels fall short on account of the rampant nature of the succubi problem and mortal inability to tell the difference between divine and diabolic or demonic seduction in terms of supernatural powers related to them.
In place of this failed solution, good-aligned entities look at other evil methods of temptation and begin offering super-powers with caveats, moral limitations and stacking boons/growth related to how well those powers and other mortal means available to the contractors are used to benefit their communities and social groups, with greater results for greater suffering diminished or potential merit created.
Good Aligned Warlocks, termed Contractors quickly begin to proliferate successfully as the entities involved genuinely seek to benefit their lives and are a much better benefactor option than most faustian devil or demonic deals for power.
We see a relatively new Contractor here enchanting her brewing tea to provide health-restoring magic to those who drink it; one of several varieties of which she will learn as both a Contractor and a business owner at the local tavern.
You don't force someone out of a market by trying to do the same thing; they've already done it and have learned how to do it better.
If you can literally remove all risk associated with a previously appealing but dangerous venture, and likewise remove the stigma related to it due to your services coming from a different, more trustworthy source? Now you're in business. Why go to the shady brothel downtown when the new one slaps your ass with a Remove Disease invocation just to be safe?
I want to marry a Lillend!
I could really, really use the help of a philotes right now.
>Only after marriage, only in the missionary position, only with the lights off, and especially only while holding hands.
Then they're not *slut* angels, are they?
This Desu senpai, I want to see Celestial pact Warlocks
Clerics exist but there's so many strings attached to being a cleric.
Why don't we just get the mortals enter into a holy union with free angels and put a magical ring on them that binds them from ever doing anything unrighteous again and makes the angel their eternal partner in life and death?
You mean marriage?
That sounds lewd. Marriage is lewd. It's like, a licence to do all of the naughty stuff with one person forever.
Because if we do that it breaks the deal that keeps the Inferno from just sending slaver parties to the prime material and running their operation that way instead of tempting mortal souls into their blenders to power their devices.
The true goal of this initiative is to breed a shitload of half-celestials and Aasimar
All of whom are biologically more predisposed towards being good. Variance exists of course because of free will, but the urge is there.
After a few generations the celestials can breed inherent goodness into huge swaths of humanity.
Of course, the Infernals can't allow this, so they step up their own game. The great breeder war begins.
No its not marriage. Its a holy union between partners of the opposite sex forever and doing righteous things.
It doesn't break the deal. Its not slavery, its a co-partnership requiring the mortals to work with the angel who they contracted with it.
Them sending slavers is a big no.
The celestials will win that war. Slut angels offer all the same lewdness of succubi, but with kindness, love, and compassion on top of that. There is literally nothing better. The infernals simply can't win.
Court of the Stars Fey Pact, deal with CG folks and you can Technically do that already. LG would just be a bit more meticulous about it, and essentially put together a Warlock that could "fall" from eldritch power by either having such acts diminish or even deplete the Contractor's powers entirely until they've atoned.
At the same time, you can already call up celestial entities with Planar Ally spells and the like, nevermind other settings where you can call on high to get backup of summoned angels and the like.
"Hello, Aluvan, protector of the dead? I'm in a bad spot right now; there's a necromancer calling up the ghosts of our ancestors who're upset about all the engines and how the city's changed and are wrecking the place. Any chance you could put them to rest?"
>Light shines from on high.
>Transluscent text scrawl with a check-box for accepting or declining contract granting Gentle Repose, Calm Ghostly Emotions and the Ghost Hand feat at-will as long as certain morale conduct is applied and regular prayers are made to any good-aligned deity, not just Aluvan himself.
"...well okay I guess I can fix it now instead. legit, can we change this around once the ghosts are-"
>Supplementary text scrawl, contract subject to renegotiation upon success of initial practical testing and probationary period, with options for expanding contract terms for later benevolence.
"You are the most active deity I've ever prayed to."
>Text scrawls "Aluvan is the Patron of Ghosts You Dunderfuck, I'm the priest haunting the church you're in have your parents tought you nothing?!"
>Thinking hard, objective evidence will convince 49ers
Nah, it'll just be that the angel sluts don't put out for fedora tippers or some such excuse
> slut angels. What happens?
This thread again.
At least it's better than redeeming demons threads or elf threads
The slut angels will know how to get through to anyone. They understand that people are born good and only get to low points because of a lack of love in their lives.
They now exist in 5e
>What happens?
The approval is swiftly overturned and its agents cast down into the fiery pits in which they belong.
The "Slut Angles Handbook" by F. Rogers
While commonly imagined to be humans, the supposed "72 virgins" are in fact divine beings. They might make a suitable source for your angelic sluts.
That's dumb OP. You are telling me that divine beings couldn't figure out how to deal with bald apes and weren't always doing it?
I suppose these could be the "Do not be afraid" incomprehensible eldritch angels, and it turned out we were equally unimaginable to them.
This idea is unbelievably stupid but it's such good fetishbait I'm honestly interested.
This guy has the right idea.
But they will never be as depraved or forbidden as succubi. That's a hard niche to force someone out of.
Finally, a cultured being on Veeky Forums.
>But they will never be as depraved or forbidden as succubi.
They can be depraved, at least in terms of what sex acts they're willing to do. As for forbidden? I imagine they could shapeshift, so if you like the demon look, they can do that. And I have no doubt that they'd be willing to role-play any kind of attitude or fantasy you want them to. So they could probably recreate the thrill of the forbidden fruit if that's what you're into. The only thing they wouldn't do is hurt or degrade someone, unless that's the person's fetish and they want it.
what hole does penis go
What is /r9k/?
The plan works initially, with many preferring the wholesome, waifuish, selfless love of a celestial to the greedy and manipulative lust of a succubus (which is only trying to drag you into hell, anyhow). All but the most fringe fetishists stop giving in to that particular temptation in the world improves in the short-term.
Then it backfires massively. Flawed mortals are suddenly competing with nearly perfect celestials in romance. No a woman can be a completely devoted wife with 10/10 looks on the level of an angel, and no man can be the celestrial Chad Thundercock who you really can't even help but like because he's actually a good guy.
Either these celestials are sterile, in which case populations start to die off Japan style, or they can reproduce with mortals and start creating a shitload of aasimar. Either way, the pure mortal races start to get more and more rare until they just die off. Depending on the setting, maybe mortals are there for an important reason and now the cosmic order is fucked. If not, then an idealistic civilization full of aasimar take their place, and in a couple hundred years down the road everyone will agree that pure morals were a mistake.
You can mitigate this by dialing back the number of succubi and celestials in play, but then the answer to what happens is nothing interesting. A miniscule percentage of the population gets laid by Celestial instead of a demon, but nothing important really changes. The succubi will even keep doing brisk business, because there's always enough loneliness to go around.
> (OP)
>Lotta mortals end up with blue balls, because they'll tease and titillate, but they won't engage in immoral sexual acts.
Then good falls because fuck teasers, I wanna fuck.
My guess is the Celestials of Love help you find the one you're meant to be with, helping you find love and nurturing it. (a bit like Eros)
The succubi and incubi fell through envy and jealousy, not wanting others to feel and have what they couldn't.
Another thread here had some info on Joan of Arc
Except for that rare occasion where they are a mortal's destined lover. In which case they'll love them in both this world and the next.
Not how heaven flies. They'd produce romantic, monogamous waifu angels.
> but they won't engage in immoral sexual acts.
Sexual acts aren't necessarily immoral.
Pfft. Not how your stuck up heaven flies. Why not have Ishtar have qedeshot angels?
Bitch is a demon goddess if I ever saw one. Forced prostitution of all girls among your worshipers? Blood and murder whenever you feel like it? Actively promoting wars just to bathe in the bloodshed? Cursing random men for not wanting to fuck you because you have a habit of ripping your lovers to shreds on a whim? Screw Babylon, this is hardly a positive goddess.
I like this. Goes well with Christian religion in that demons are fallen angels. Double points because succubus are being of envy (to be loved) instead of lust (what they use to corrupt and end up being).
They are if you do it right.
It's genuinely sad how many threads there are about redeeming a succubus with your dick or angels who want your dick. It all clearly represents the desperate need for neckbeards to feel that their sexual desire is ok.
user, it's only okay if she likes you back. And she will never like you back because you are physically ugly, you have no social skills, and you are neither willing nor able to hold up your end of a relationship and make someone else happy instead of just yourself.
For these reasons, your sexual desire is bad and always will be.
Belly button.
Heaven stop being heaven and becomes hell.
You know, fornication/lust are sins
Back of the kne- wait, fuck!
What about threads about redeeming elf sluts?
What's to redeem?
Well, demons, apparently. So the elf sluts go around redeeming demons.
Angels cannot compete with one thing that most mortals value more than sex, and that is Power. The devil will deliver, and empowered mortals are the greatest bastards in any setting
As far down the throat as you can get it.
I dunno, priests seem to get a lot of power, both social and supernatural. Sure, you have to pay for it with devotion and vows and so on, but demons sure as Hell have ways of making you pay, too.
What if women being frigid/unreasonably hypergamist was a satanic plot all along?
God say go forth and multiply after all.