how would you fix the Primaris with out straight up removing them
How would you fix the Primaris with out straight up removing them
Make them Space Marines, but bigger. Rip the bandage off, now. It's not the first time scale creep has doubled the size of a miniature.
If they just said "we're switching to our proprietary true scale for space marines" then not only would most people be fine with it, but I feel like they'd make more money because more folks would be rushing to replace.
the regular ones are OK, GW should have just said "HEY check out our new Tactical Marines!" and not even mentioned that they are bigger just like "that's how we resculpted them bro". Spess Muhreen fags would leap at the opportunity to shit more money into GW's lap for the exact same fucking thing they already have (re: WH30k). Resculpts are not unprecedented, and if a whole crop of suckers has grown up without anything being resculpted, that's GW's fault for using the same goddamn sets for 10+ years like lazy shits.
Also for God's sake stop treating your sculptors and artists like hindu slave laborers, it results in absolute shit like everything released for Age of Smegmar and all the other Primaris variants (brickwall terminators, hovering retards, big dumb gorilla man, etc.)
They need to sell all those old marine though.
They are just old marines in new gear.
LMAO I didn't think of that those crafty kikes, probably 60% of their stock is manletmarines
But Marines already are quite accurate. Comparing, say, DW to Genestealer cultists, the marines are way taller.
Primarines go way beyond that. They're not "truscael muhreenz" they're the Stormcast Eternals of 40k. If they just wanted to make big marines, why a whole new armour mark available only to them? Why not make them in the existing MkII-VIII suits?
I heard there are quitters from as far back as 5E to 3E coming back to try 8E. Although if you quit 3E why the fuck would you come to play 3E 2.0
Because people who enjoyed 2E quit because 3E wasn't 2E, but 8E is closer to 2E than 3E. Christ, it has movement, damage, save modifiers...
They marginally redesigned the armour, just like they did when the manletmarines were released 20 years ago. In the past, resculpts could often accompany a dramatic aesthetic shift, such as the different between 2e Orks, Gorkamorka Orks, and Brian Nelson 3e+ Orks, which established the look every new release has mostly stuck with.
Deathwatch marines have longer legs than the normal marine sets. Also Space marines are 7 or 8ft depending on the lore which compared to a normal human is pretty fucking big.
Power armour marks were established in Rogue Trader days. MkVI, for example, has always had no knee pads, Y-shaped cabling and a pointy helmet.
MkX is specifically designed and fluffed to be a whole new suit of armour with the primaris in mind. It's not just "a new sculpt" of existing marks.
Did they go all the way up to 7 in RT or was that added in 2E?
5 foot person compared to a 6 foot one is about a head shorter. So a 7 foot marine compared to, say, a 6 foot human would be the same.
Yeah, except 7 foot humans are significantly more intimidating due to sheer size, especially when they're wearing tank armor and built like The Rock.
Space Marine Armour, written by Rick Priestley, was published in WD 129 in 1990 (2e came in 1993), and it featured the history of SM power armour from MkI to MkVII, and has pretty much stayed the same to this day. The armour cards that came with the 7e special edition Codex: Space Marines contained pretty much the same fluff.
So what you're saying is that the only way to
>A) design a suit of power armour that did not bear a strong resemblance to one of Jes Goodwin's 40-year-old doodles
>B) not upset sperglords such as yourself
was to make up an entirely new type of "super spess marine" instead of just doing a resculpt and calling it what it was?
Most of the fluff leans towards 8ft, but a 1ft difference can be a lot, also you're not taking the added height from the power armor into consideration. [spoiler[Also let's be honest here, most people are shorter than 6 ft[/spoiler]
I quit late in 3rd because I started doing other things for fun. That's basically the answer mate. 40k looked like fun to me again so I'm back.
I started playing with 3E and it's nothing like 8th.
>Cover actually mattered in 3E. The hull down rule for example.
>Vehicles could be killed by a glancing hit, ergo weren't indestructible
>Vehicles had different AV values so positioning mattered in hitting them
>Units had arcs of fire so positioning mattered further
>Templates existed, though a lot rarer
>Combat was a lot more brutal, you could sweeping advance and consolidate into other units
>Morale actually mattered
So is a 6 foot human in power armour, if everyone is 5 foot.
Well yeah, what's your point?
Just treat them as one particular line of units. Instead of being "Marines 2.0" where they become the new norm, they're a one time batch of experiments Cawl shit out shortly before he got branded a lunatic and shut down.
Really I don't mind them inherently for what they are so much as I hate that they mean all GW and FW are gonna release for the next 8 years are Primaris'ified remakes of old units and factions/sub factions.
>Most of the fluff leans towards 8ft
Yet GW has remained adamant about the 7' in their material. From Jess' life size sketch (present at GW HQ with "are you as tall as a Space Marine" written over it) to a Christmas raffle ad a few years back.
Let me get this straight. Andre, with his hellish disease, is still shorter than Wilt who retains proportion and doesn't have horrible whale teeth?
I'm not following.
Extremely aggressive/deadly marine variants, but they have a biological breakdown within a short time span. Like Eversor/hot plasma gun breakdown.
>Tech priest goes up to friends with primaris marine in tow
>'Machines are better at everything than flesh, they can even make flesh better than flesh.'
>'Machines can even outperform that false flesh corpses works!'
>*primaris marine screams and turns into a pile of slag in front of them*
>'The flesh is weak!'
>'All hail the void dragon!'
>+++end of transmission+++
Make 8th last only 12 months.
They are phased out and illegal in all armies in 9th.
Will Chaos will get their own Primaris renagedes, or is there something that Fabius Bile has cooked for the ocassion?
Fuck, I don't know, every time I check it changes again. Whatever.
Thunder Warriors go away
Aparently, Andre is also shorter than Yao Ming.
Not answering the question, but I'd just like to mention that I'm interested in starting 40k and the Primaris stuff is the only thing keeping me from starting tomorrow. This shit is expensive and I don't want to shell out hundreds on marines that are gonna be phased out/completely outclassed in the long run.
Tangentially, should I go Blood Angels or Dark Angels?
>tfw they'd have to replace all those Blood Angel, Dark Angel, Space Wolf, and Gay Knight models in nu-scale.
Its a procedure which is performed on existing marines with only a 10% success rate
So the first batch is made and thats it as its too expensive. So like 100 primaris doomed to slowly die out
Do you like super secretive gay warrior monks, or space vampires?
Do you prefer shooty or choppy?
>8E is closer to 2E than 3E
Not really. It uses some old rules but 2e was a smaller slower game than 3e or 8th with loads of tables, strange rules, crazy war gear, much more options, more restrictive army composition, etc. 2e definitely influenced 8e, and they took some good influences from it, but 8e doesn't have the character or zaniness that is 2e's hallmark.
The codexes would have to return a /lot/ to make 8e closer to 2e than 3e was.
If anything 7ths bloated tables, etc. is closer to 2e (except 2e had a lot going for it and 7e was garbage) and 8e is the streamlining change that 3e was.
Isn't there a chapter to have both?
Black Templars?
Black Templars are neither secretive monks, nor space vampires. They are Space Crusaders
If you want to live with regret, Dark Angels.
Come now, user, they just put out the damn thing with holding pattern army rules. Give it some time. Look what they managed to do with 3e rules by the time 7e rolled out. They'll be slapping special rules and shit on that thing before you get your new minis painted.
"All marines are primaris now. You can use your old models but there's only one set of rules."
Reduce their numbers, production costs and limit Crawls special brand of hyperactive science bullshit, then the Emperor's sons attack and make it look like Fullgay ordered it, but it was Fabious Bile who wants dem sweet genes, and he and Crawl Doctor Octopus VS Profesor Gangrene from Action man fight and Bile gets some of Crawls SCIENCE to use against him, and we have these fuckass Chaos equivalent Primaris running around, more unreliable and unstable than the real thing but also more dangerous, because Bile just received comissions from all the Traitor legions for some of that snass.
I wouldn't mind that but how would they fit things like lascannon devastators and assault marines?
> they just put out the damn thing with holding pattern army rules.
Just like 3e.
But the core game is very slimmed down, even special rules everywhere couldn't make 8 feel like 2. I'm hoping 8 follows 3e's trajectory though; get some codexes out, do a rules revision around combat and vehicles and then put out some more interesting codexes.
Just play Iron Hands like a real man. BA/DA//SW are for plebs.
I would, best first founding, but I don't play any of them
To be fair I'm pretty cool with them as is. They got fleshed out a bit in that dark imperium book and they've got an interesting angle since many of them were recruited back in M30 and remember when the emperor wasn't a god and the imperium had no state sanctioned religion. I also liked that it mentions they had really high casualty rates at the start of the crusade due to lack of combat experience.
My only complaint is the majority of marine chapters accept them wholeheartedly (supposedly 94%) That's bullshit. You mean to tell me the best of the best 100% TESTOSTERONE manly men are just going to whole heartedly accept some new pups who are supposed to be superior to them in every way, yet lack any combat experience? And on top of THAT, they didn't go through the same initiation rights that their original members went through, and come from a completely new and by all rights heretical process.
Yet 94% of chapters love them.
Yeah bullshit. All they needed to do was say most marine chapters are not happy about it but accept them because they need to and I'd be cool with it.
I think they're fine except I wish that they'd cause more conflict within the different chapters and also be a bit volatile. Like they break down a bit too easily.
Make them customizeable. Wargear options and options are what make this game fun.
Also give us a couple dedicated melee units. Why the fuck would you make your troops bigger and stronger and then keep them all OUT of the fight?
I used to lose almost every game as guard versus my friend's Eldar. He'd get some striking scorpions into melee with my guardsmen bubble wrapping my tanks and murder 50 in one long continous melee! Never figured out a good solution even though I used lots of other units like ogryns, ratlings, stormtroopers, etc.
But user they had to update the manlets. It was time and they were looking real old and small. The leg proportions were so fucked! I've been collecting since 2nd edition and each new iteration has made the old marines look goofy but I've liked each step. The primaris are much better looking and fit the marine lore role far far better. Some people hate the cawl lore tie in but I think its fine and ultimately we need an excuse for the models to roll out chapter by chapter. There's no way Gw has enough employees to update all chapters to primaris simultaneously. They will roll each out over time probably with their codex. I'm expecting primaris Dante, lemartes, etc.
Wilt and Yao are just genetic freaks, straight up.
Thousand sons and death guard are both substantially larger than regular chaos marines, so it sort of already happened. They might get an official release though as well, like some chaos guys broke into Mars and stole the plans or something. Also there was the experiments by that one primarch I forget right now.
If we played 2E and 3E but not 4-7, why would 3E 2.0 be bad for us?
That's mostly meta material. In the actual art and fluff they're always portrayed as gigantic.
Blood angels are Greco-Roman and Catholic aesthetic. Dark angels are late medieval period knight aesthetic. Both are cool, go with which one you like more. Maybe read a few chapters from a book about each chapter and see which culture you dig.
Tfw I sent that along with a few other 40k things. I also sent the Emperor of Mankind to Venus on that Japanese probe.
Just doing my duty for the Emperor.
If 3E was good why did you stop before 4E.
So because some dude draws marines as 18' foot giants, that's more accurate than the developers and designers themselves?
Well you know how retcons work, last come first serve.
None of this matters anymore. Primaris are gonna be the new normal soon and they are, for fucking sure, taller than 7ft. The manlets will simply have to learn to live with the shame.
>None of this matters anymore
>tfw xeno player and could give two shits about the SM line.
All men are manlets to the machine, anons.
>primaris upgrades and the various technological innovations have been introduced slowly during the 10 thousands years after the heresy; at the end of the 41st millennium we're simply seeing the greatest wave of these additions
>space marines vary in size from normal human to superhuman to primaris size even without the primaris upgrades, which merely maximise the potential
>versions of old marines gear is available to primaris and versions of primaris gear is available to old marines, comprising old pieces of armours integrated into the purposefully modular mkX
>introduce conversions sprues for the extra gear and truescale bodyparts to upgrade the marinelets until their kit gets redone in the style of the deathwatch
You forgot transsexual after vampire.
Don't buy primaris marines, they suck balls compared to the normal models and get slaughtered when they fight each other.
New beefier armor mark. There, done.
Yes. If they want 7 foot tall marines they should put 7 foot tall marines in the book. Instead they put giant marines in there. I'm not accepting this "dumbledore is gay and hermione is black because of this tweet from the author" tier nonsense.
Do you prefer to paint red or green?
if primarines sell they will have terminators.
They have Terminators. They're called Aggressors and they're shit. Deathwing meanwhile is fearless, is 2+/5++, and can carry whatever weapons they want.
>But Marines already are quite accurate. Comparing, say, DW to Genestealer cultists, the marines are way taller.
wrong. they are at best 1.90m, they should be 240+
I always wondered, where the fuck is the bait? It's a fucking empty hook, goddamit!
Like the guy in other thread said, there's possibility chosen will get another wound and get bigger, especially that there's no box of them.
Let's say regular Marines got "squatted" in an editions time. I can't imagine any more releases for them now either.
Does that mean that Chapters would go from 1000 Marines (with "normal" companies being 60 Tactical Marines, 20 Assault Jump packs/Bikes and 20 Devestators, roughly) to just the specialised units with ridiculous trademarkable names that GW shits out? Or would they start calling Intercessors (?) Tactical marines. I doubt it somehow.
It's the same kind of "doesn't matter anymorelol, instead of background fluff here's a kids'-show narrative written by the dregs that still work for us" that makes AoS such an awful product overall.
>but they have a biological breakdown within a short time span
Comes from them being a Geneseed smoothie.
I mean there are, what, 3 Legions I can name off the top of my head that have unstable genetics that resulted physical mutations.
And that's before you take into account the environment-altered skin and eyes of some legions, the fact that big chunk of the Raven Guard were clones and that Imperial fists straight up lack the Betchers Gland.
And they are Absolute Lunatics.
Also they don't have a Sus-An Membrane for some reason.
Not sure how that affects the Chapter as a whole, but there you go.
GW simply aren't bothered about the fluff anymore, except selling $50 campaign books. The bosses just tell the sculptors that they need X new models to make Y amount of money. No more "pet projects" that turn into factions or games.
>GW simply aren't bothered about the fluff anymore, except selling $50 campaign books. The bosses just tell the sculptors that they need X new models to make Y amount of money. No more "pet projects" that turn into factions or games.
Also there's the fact they do no market research, at all.
They clearly do market research because they keep shitting out marines.
>have an official sale drawing where a marine is 7 foot tall
>GW HQ public are with the same drawing with "are you as tall as a space marine" written over it
>same drawing on their Christmas promo a few years back
>totally just GW claiming it way after the fact
You do realize you're basically saying "if it ain't like in the movie, it ain't correct" right?
Instead of implying that some fucker on mars has out engineered THE GOD EMPEROR OF MANKIND with primaris marines, just say they improved apon the armor made the mk10 and the reason the miniatures are bigger is because it represents power of the astartes
>out engineered the Emperor
>the Emperor already made Primarchs, Custodes, Raven Guard Raptors, and Thunder Warriors
Emperor probably could have made Primaris if he really wanted to.
The primaris upgrade to regular space marines which the emperor said was the pinacle of man kind. Now if the fucker on mars found some gold age tech its another story.
>regular space marines are the pinnacle of mankind
What are Custodes
What are Primarchs
What is the Emperor
Considering the Emperor is effectively god, the primarchs his sons and custodes rumored to also be created from his dna. For a normal male human a space marine is the pinacle.
I feel it's fine. I mean Cawls a heretek, it's alright if he's pushing the boundaries of sane science. As long as it backfires on him eventually.
I feel like chaos legions are getting screwed over.
yall niggas actin like cawl putting a turbo in a sports car is this amazing shit when the emperor built the sports car that cawl worked on to begin with
from scratch
in a cave
with a box of scraps
Don't be a pedant.
The Emperor and Primarchs were 21 people in a galaxy of trillions, the Custodes a few hundred restricted to the palaces of Terra (until nuGW decided it wanted to sell them so is now chucking them about to the galaxy where one or two will inevitably die to Fire Warriors or Hormagaunts). Meanwhile even at ~1 million Astartes they're rare, but they're the Imperium's best fighting force and could reasonably have an impact.
Not going to happen though is it, GW want to sell kits and have no longer have any concept of how unfair the galaxy is supposed to be.
The Astartes are 1 million people in a galaxy of trillions. All you did was knock 1 million off a million millions.
Not really seeing your point, yes the Custodes and Primarchs are more powerful individuals, but they are basically non-existent on a galactic scale, no matter how much GW wants to sell them. Same way you could argue a hyper-elite Assassin is more of a "pinnacle of humanity" than a regular joe Astartes.
Meanwhile a million Astartes isn't a lot, but with their fleets and planets and all, they do have an affect on the galaxy, so it's reasonable to see them as the true "pinnacle" and not some secretive or dead uber-elites.
>Assassins don't have an effect on the galaxy
>Primarchs don't have an effect on the galaxy