>See online game you want to join
>Game room is Voice Only
See online game you want to join
Jump in and test them out, if they sound like assholes or retards, then bail.
If you have problems talking to people, I can't help you, stop being such a lame ass.
I know right? My mic is a bitch to work out and finding a better one is kinda hard in my neck of the woods.
Just join the game, you'll never get better at dealing with people if you keep avoiding people
>See in person game you want to join
>It's voice only
Stop pretending to be a girl online and just let them know you're a guy, faggot.
>See online game you want to join
>Having to interact with strangers in any way whatsoever
>See in person game you want to join
>It's text only
>Game says text-only
>DM still wants you to join his fucking Discord
Yes, and?
>see online game you want to join
>game room is text only
I wish I wasn't so lazy.
I am an actual goblin so I feel you OP. I avoid voice chat as it would blow my cover.
>ERP game you want to join
>Game room is voice only
>The DM sounds like a gril despite being a guy
Well if he's cute then it's not gay.
yes and?
>Playing RPGs online with strangers
I wish this slut would do porn already.
I avoid that because as an ausfag I just can't spare the bandwith
>Voice Only
>"What did you say, user?"
>[inaudiable whisper]
>"Sorry, can you repeat that?"
>[rustling of the Cheetos bags]
>"I didn't quite hear that."
>[incessant coughing]
>"Didn't quite catch that, sorry."
>[Mom barges into someone's room]
>"Could you repeat that, please?"
>[masturbation noises]
>"I'm sorry, you're too quiet, could you please speak up?"
>[broken up monotonous ESL sentences intersperced with umms and eehs]
>"Could you repeat that?"
>[whirring of the cooling fan]
>"I couldn't hear you, user."
>[shitty mic noises]
How the fuck do you subject yourself to the horror that is Voice Only?
>see online erp game I want to join
>I get in and it actually works out great.
By not playing with spergs.
What's the fuck is the point of playing online if you are going to do it with friends anyway?
I do that - I need some way to get all 10 people in one place with messeges
You don't have Amazon poorman?
that sounds good. You can tell much quicker if that kind of group is for you.
Erm.. being able to play without having to travel 500 miles to meet each other?
>what is that sweaty pedobear looking at?
>Spot a potential player
>Text only
>not having a reliable group of friends with which you can play tabletop and not have to deal with strangers
>playing roleplaying games at all
I feel nothing but envy.
I feel nothing but jealousy
>not having a reliable group of friends with which you can play lewd tabletop games and not have to typefuck with strangers.