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Vilderavn Edition
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Paizo Games General /pgg/
Vilderavn Edition
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Page fucking 7, shitlord.
How was your weekend, /pgg/? Do anything fun or exciting, game-related or otherwise?
P A G E 7
A G E 7 P
G E 7 P A
E 7 P A G
7 P A G E
>Well, because the last time I played CotCT I really liked my PC but we only got through like three sessions before the DM cancelled.
Oh, okay. Yeah it's no big deal if you only got a few sessions in.
>It's not boring at all if the character isn't boring. Besides, what matters if whether or not I have fun playing the character, not whether other people think it's boring.
I meant that it would be boring to me to play through the same AP with the same character, regardless of whether he was boring. Adapting a character from a different campaign/adventure? Sure. Re-running a char that only made it a few sessions into the AP? Great! But running through the AP again with the same character just sounds boring to me.
I hate my life and want to die
same to be honest
If, after leakanon gets to dumping the Starfinder book in the thread in a few weeks, someone were to organize a sort of... Starfinder test run, where lots of players can run characters through small dungeon crawls and combat encounters, would people be interested in that? The idea isn't like a living campaign or even a campaign at all, but more like if we have a bunch of different builds run through the same challenges it would probably help us all get the hang of Starfinder and learn more about how to make good builds for it.
So do all who live to see such dark times.
One game was slow and mostly just setup, the other got canceled at the last minute.
How about I ask a big sweeping question to? Did anyone of you guys ever forget a big, MAJOR ability for several sessions in a row, only for you and the GM to realize "wait, wow, this would have trivialized everything"? For me it was forgetting I could fly at early levels.
Started a new campaign on Friday. Not PF but it'll hold me over until the right memegame comes along.
Oh, yeah, that's understandable. A friend who use to be part of the same Pathfinder group as me but now runs for a group of his own invited me to join his group as they started their first game because I'm currently gameless IRL, but I turned him down when I found out the rest of the group was DEAD SET on an AP I've already both played and run once. I already had a character in mind and everything too, such a shame.
Played a game of Rebels with my two friends, it went well even if they basically took the long way around when it came to dealing with the plot at hand.
My character got jumped by an assassin in the shower, and then had gay sex with him so my character could use his magic (touch required) power to view the assassin's memories. Not Pathfinder, though. That session kinda sucked, actually.
Aside from that I played a few board games with friends and got some work done. Overall I rate 6/10, as far as weekends go. Pleasant, but not memorable.
Sounds like a fun activity to do as /pfg/.
Just tell people to roll in the thread or present a character, then see what happens when you run them through a dungeon and a chase.
Leak when?
Anons, your lives are worth living and no matter how bad it is, there is a way out. Please reach out to a suicide hotline if you feel like self-harming and consider what you need to change in your lives to be happy.
When you:
Give us a character concept,
A cool campaign idea,
And run it
Killing myself sounds like it'd be a really big bother for everyone, so that's kind of unlikely.
I'll probably have people submit character sheets over Discord or on Roll20, and collect a few DMs to help me out since we would need to do a lot of runs to get any data that's worth a damn. Thinking it would be best to make a few different categories for different levels, like have a dungeon for level 1 PCs and a different one for level 5 and level 13 PCs, so we get a feel for play at different levels. But, that might be shooting too high- if there aren't enough players or enough DMs, it'd be impossible to get a worthwhile number of runs through several different dungeons and we'd be better off having only stuck to one dungeon at a specific level.
Well, in any case, it won't be happening for a while since the Starfinder leak isn't suppose to be for three weeks (I think?) and we'd need to give people at least a couple weeks more to read the book and make builds.
Three weeks (I think?)
>Starfinder Society
Please don't hurt yourself, but don't think of it that way either. You deserve to have a happy life.
Nobody deserves anything.
Saturday, our wizard failed to join us again and one of our talkers was out. It was slow and I was already depressed, and this didn't help. Sunday session was cancelled last minute. I expect the game will die. How was your weekend?
Cancelled because DM was out of town. Looking forward to the double session this coming weekend as a result though.
I had a rough time with a character sheet, and I forgot that I didn't actually HAVE an ability during a session because of how hectic things were.
I'd like to play a Caothic Evil character that insist in giving charity to orphanages all the while I smile to the GM without ever doing anything harmful to them but stressing the GM.
That'll be nice! Where are you in your adventures?
Do you mean Catholic Evil? I don't remember that alignment.
We'll, I'd like to participate. I'm most curious about the Envoy. I want to see how the Future!Bard works
Harvest festivals. Dancing. Cute smooching. You know, the usual.
I'll be honest. I don't know much of anything about Starfinder, so I only recognize Envoy as a class and know nothing about it! I haven't been paying any attention to it, so the only stuff I know is stuff I've picked up just from being around in the thread when other people talk about it.
But I got this idea earlier today and I think it could be useful, and I'm sure I can pick up Starfinder pretty quickly.
Anyway, as long as enough interest is out there to get a fairly large number of people participating, I think we can learn some useful stuff (hopefully about all the classes). If it ends up just producing a turnout of only four or five people- only enough for a single party- I'm not sure it would even be worth doing.
Seeing as how your campaign doesn't exactly need the rules to make a concept yet, you can probably get a fair number of applications. Put the quest start date as the official release date, with the expectation of a leak, and you should be fine
Shall we begin the review of the Iron Gods' apps?
1.Kromas Ironbrand
2. Conall Cernach
3. Elrana
4. Semzaya Baine
5. Erecura
6. Luthaya
7. Shadilay the Bloodblade
9. Sallet
10. Jaden Stillblade
11. Cynn
12. Kodrak aka "Meltdown"
13. Dragoslav Novak
14. Zed the Friendly
15. Anka The Burning Princess
16. Fenny, the Dwarf Orc
17. Abigail Petran
18. Aesi Dicee
19. Sir Pagone Veha
20. Layne Caeduin
Rolled 13 (1d20)
I think you forgot a die roll there.
Oh boy.
I tried to write an adventure about hiking through the plains around the not!Mediterannean while at work, but something came up and I had to focus on my job.
I still don't have any word on what the new PCs want to be.
Rolled 9 (1d20)
Thanks desu.
>13. Dragoslav Novak
Dragoslav is a short and straightforward sheet, which is pretty fucking convenient for a first review. He's the son of a barbarian chief who's tribe happened to be settled near a major cache of technology in Numeria, who ran afoul the Technic League and never really stood a chance. After dropping the pretense of cooperation they were all enslaved and used as cannon fodder, because apparently what Technic League archeology teams really lack are level 4+ NPCs with the Trapfinding class feature or masterwork thieves' tools.
But okay, minor gripe. They could have totally been dicks for completely arbitrary reasons.
After fucking over his overlords with traps (I guess they really didn't have any Rogues!) the tribe scattered and he's in Torch biding his time until he can get his revenge. Cool.
Personality sets up some interesting contrasts but doesn't explore them enough. He's big, he's scary and he has a bad temper, but he's also an urbane and regal hunk of man-beast when he isn't frothing at the mouth. He's violent when he's violent and not when he's not. Also cool.
I would LIKE to see more personality section and some expansion of the limited backstory that brings him to Torch.
I DISLIKE how the Technic League threat in his backstory is vague and depersonified.
I THINK he offers a meaty body and a rough personality to a party, but little else.
Hell yeah, sign me the fuck up. I've had a similar idea for a !setting to basically shake down the system because I want to try my hand at DMing but would certainly love to play as well.
We once had a game with a DM that couldn't say no to anyone, so our party became the entire lineup of Slipknot and the Wu Tang Clan. Naturally, this led to some tension between character, and their players. One new and particularly obnoxious player lasted only one session when his sorcerer friendly-fireballed our ranger. On the ranger's turn, he full-attacked the sorcerer in retaliation, unleashing a volley of arrows into him and reducing him to a bleeding out pincushion. He nearly died, but our bard's merciful hand stabilized him, and we restrained him for the remainder of the dungeon, setting him loose on our way out. To this day, our ranger laments that they forgot they had one extra attack. He really wanted that sorcerer dead.
>9. Sallet
What if a helmet became a girl? What if someone applied to a game they had no intention of joining? What if SwimmingEagle ran out of ideas?
Sallet is the answer to all of those questions. No idea what an Atstreidi is and I don't feel like downloading whatever version of Bloodforge is on, but hearsay on forums suggests they're slimes who inhabit used armor... which okay, is pretty cute.
Personality is barebones. Sheet is pretty solid for a regular fighter, not sure how it'll keep up with all of the DSP classes flying around though.
I LIKE the uh art, I guess.
I DISLIKE the childish tabula rasa character.
I THINK this is a joke.
Next on the list!
Damn, ya know what I really want? A proper Soulsborne campaign. Not in terms of difficulty, or even setting, but tone.
I want to be a tiny insignificant insect crawling about the ruins of a mighty civilization, that's fallen to the inevitable march of time and entropy. I want to be part of the last generation of a dying world, fighting tooth and nail for but a few more seconds of life. I want to feel the despair that comes from holding my lover close, while knowing our child will never grow old. I want to see the night descend upon me, yet still rage against the dying of the light.
Why hasn't someone done that yet, /pfg/?
Rolled 10 (1d20)
I sware...
I want to punch the wicked in the mouth
Speaking as a DM, the system just isn't built for such a thing. The magic and combat in Pathfinder is built for making you, the player, into a monstrous powerhouse that can overcome any obstacle by just throwing everything you have at the enemy until you either run out of spells or HP, though it's likely that the enemy will run out first.
It's an inherently positive-construction build mentality that you'd basically have to gut to foster the destructive mentality that you're looking for.
And you can!
So long as by "wicked" you mean "everyday individuals who have given into despair and baser instincts, regressing back to barbarism."
Nope. I want to punch whatever fallen god, ancient demon, or primordial abomination is responsible for this right in the mouth.
>Speaking as a DM, the system just isn't built for such a thing.
I'd disagree, no matter how powerful the PCs get, they're mortal; and more importantly, the world is mortal. Subject to the ravages of time or arbitrary whims of nature same as everyone else. Doesn't matter how much DPS the Warlord can do, or what the Warder's AC is, when the only real enemy is entropy itself.
But user, all things must come to an end in time. There is no one responsible for this.
>10. Jaden Stillblade
Like Ben Stiller's character in the film adaptation of Starsky and Hutch, Jaden is a man raised in the shadow of his mother who follows the same path as her. His mother is a implied to be a pretty impressive person who made her son a namesake of his father who died fighting ゴゴゴ vampires ゴゴゴ. At some point his mother vanishes, and he's taken under the wing of a magical cat and informed he's kind of a big deal.
Time for adventure!
Personality could use some work. "Being a paladin" is maybe the weakest personality section opener I've ever read, although I'm only three reviews deep on my streak so who knows what horrors the future holds for me. He's a nice boy. He's insecure. He depends on others and is a bit of a pushover.
I almost wish he was a bit bolder, more up his own ass- since in my experience insecure and needy characters aren't fun to play with, guy or girl.
I LIKE the fact he's a Paladin classic, no frills or subversions. Very monomythical.
I DISLIKE the fact his personality doesn't really illustrate any of his charm or strong points. He's a bit too much of a loser.
I THINK he could be a reasonable tank or support in a party, and probably won't be too annoying to play with.
Anyone got that buildfag damage spreadsheet?
Someone is always responsible. If it is a man, then I will punch him in the mouth.
Rolled 17 (1d20)
What are the popular 3pp products other than DSP and DDS stuff?
Legendary Games stuff is all good in my books.
Gonzo stuff sees use, I think they're Little Red Goblin games though.
Stuff written by Forrest or N. Jolly, legendary games, gunslingers/kineticists of porphyra
There's Purple Duck, the house that Jolly built with kineticist stuff.
You hear Jolly's doing a new gunslinger book?
Is there an AP that deals with caravans: routes, trading posts, guarding, or booking passage?
only like half of them
Specifically one that goes into caravan details in the same way the skulls and shackles player's guide does about sailing and ship to ship combat.
Sunday Sunday Sunday can't wait to play on sunday
Jade Regent but the caravan rules are shit
Jade Regent does, but they're kinda shit
thank you anons, this is surprisingly perfect. I just need to cannibalize the plot hooks, mechanics won't come into it.
I have a KoP(Kineticists of Pophyra) question concerning hell fire blast.
What the fuck is the "improved burning infusion". I controlled F the books and it's only mentioned. I can't find it on Nethys either.
Check the Spheres of Power Wiki
So did you ever wish to literally worship (or be worshipped by) your party members?
>"You may either gain the ability to consume 2 souls when igniting Font of Power to grant all valid domain powers and domain spells as spell-like abilities to your allies as if they were Clerics of your level -5 (treating yourself as a cleric of your level for the first power); or you may gain the ability to permanently forge a bond between yourself and an ally willing to devote themselves to you as their divine patron (abandoning any faith they may previously have had) permanently reducing the souls generated by your Soulpyre by 1, but granting them and yourself the domain powers and domain-spells-as-SLA as clerics of your level -5 (except the first level abilities which work as if you were clerics of your level), and counting as having the Domain class feature and the granted Domains for prerequisites."
>17. Abigail Petran
An orphaned rhino-folk, adopted and raised by Baine. Shy and introverted, and became enamored with the stories of knights and heroes and decided to become one herself. Cute.
I'd bungle that jungle if you know what I mean.
Her personality is, forgive the pun, a lot bigger. She's shy and meek because of her size and worries about hurting people with her strength (which is pretty fucking big given her sheet) and size. An unarguably nice girl, who could play a cute foil to Baine's daughter Val and a smoller and more bloodthirsty party member. Unfortunately I'm vaguely tired of "I have different masks and become more confident in X uniform" shy chracters as a trope, so the second half of her personality isn't that exciting to me.
But that's just like, my opinion man.
I LIKE big girls. She's the biggest so far.
I DISLIKE incomplete backstory sections and overly stereotypical shy fighter girls.
I THINK she would probably buckle and distort any fights she actually got into, and be an amazing tank for a party.
Does any user here know if theres a Druid, Sorcerer or Bard ACF or Archetype with bonus feat for craft wondrous items?
The Impossible Bloodline for sorcerer might be what you're looking for.
Rolled 7 (1d16)
Couldn't you roll with each new post? Also, you should be reducing your pool each time so you don't get duplicates.
Rolled 13 (1d20)
Here you go.
I prefer to just go down (looping back around to the start) one if the result already came up.
But no, I forgot the last few times yes.
Can androids have the sex?
I need a location- or culture- or race-specific specific magic item, preferably an article of clothing or re-usable, or non-exotic weapon (though ranged exotic weapons would be considered if cool) and it needs to cost less than 3200. Only thing I can think of so far is Cloak of Elvenkind.
I will have to decide whether being crossblooded is worth of it or not
Looking at Spheres of Power casting traditions right now, and I'm a little unclear on how Focus Casting is meant to work exactly. It gives a few different examples of possible focus items (wand, holy symbol, ring, staff), and states that you must use this item when you cast. Am I to assume that you must have a free hand to hold the casting focus in order to use it?
What would not constitute as an item for the purposes of Focus Casting, aside from the obvious (air, concepts). Or put another way that might be a bit more fun, what's the weirdest valid casting focus you can think of?
What about the drow slinky armor?
Can any user tell me what the heck is Impossible bloodline supposed to originate from?
Being a mad scientist type, I guess?
Except it's kind of nebulous as to how that actually works out.
Your ancestors fucked robot girls.
If I could, it would be called the Possible Bloodline, wouldn't it?
>14. Zed the Friendly
Sometimes android reincarnation (transmigration, I'm not sure what the correct term is here) goes wrong. Sometimes the soul that incarnates into the body has a hitchhiker, who's got an agenda of their own.
Backstory is basically fine, kind of barebones but if Zed is unattached to any kind of society so it works.
Personality is kind of a whatever thing. It's interesting to see a character with cognition unlike a typical mortal race explored to this degree but that's basically the meat of the whole section. If your character doesn't have much in the way of emotions, you should probably try to expand other aspects of their characterization such as personal values and ambitions. The last section ties it together with his hobbies and general attitude to adventuring, making it basically tolerable overall.
Mechanically the dude is pretty interesting but very specialized, having striker power wedded to a librarian suite. Should work fine in most parties.
I LIKE the concept and mechanics.
I DISLIKE some of the character's presentation and think Zed is a dumb name.
I THINK the character would fit well into most groups, and has a natural inclination towards exploring that would be fun to see in play.
Give me game list.
Rather, theres little reference to constructs except in the arcana and stuff. The bloodline description only goes "You can see beyond reality, etc"
I guess thats why its "impossible", its also impossible to explain
Had my first session 1 PC death just a few days ago. Half-elf rogue decided he wanted to slip off and slit a dwarf's throat. He failed, got hunted down by said Dwarf's friends, and beaten to death in the street.
Players, am I right?
Rolled 1 (1d14)
After that, please use this table:
1. Kromas Ironbrand
2. Conall Cernach
3. Elrana
4. Erecura
5. Luthaya
6. Shadilay the Bloodblade
7. Jaden Stillblade
8. Cynn
9. Kodrak aka "Meltdown"
10. Anka The Burning Princess
11. Fenny, the Dwarf Orc
12. Aesi Dicee
13. Sir Pagone Veha
14. Layne Caeduin
>4. Semzaya Baine
ONCE UPON A TIME, a crossover to Wrath of the Righteous gave a wee bab of extraordinary power and potential into the hands of a wizard and said that her dad had died. Her mom was pretty busy fighting for the survival of all the world and also some kind of celestial, so Baine wasn't exactly going to say no. He raised her like a wizard would, teaching her to embrace knowledge, magic and skimpy outfits.
She was going to become a knight but didn't because she was butts at actually fighting.
Instead she summoned some kind of brightly-furred magic monkey, who became her protector, and decided to become a merchant. Her life's mission is to throw down the statist autocracy of the Technic League and enshrine a new business-friendly ancap society based on the sacred NAP in Numeria, although she's realistic about how possible that is.
But enough bullying. Backstory was competently written, didn't really leave me asking for any other details.
Personality is cute, touches on some important elements. Her relationship to Baine, to others, to her own powers and to her ancestry. Her goals are laid out well, as well how she might slot into a party. Overall I give it a COOL out of YES.
I LIKE a lot of things about this app.
I DISLIKE the player's prose style in a few points. Honestly, this is praise by faint damnation, since I honestly couldn't think of anything else I found objectionable.
I THINK this character is interesting and fun, and doesn't exploit the worst (best) summoner archetype so that's good. I worry about how she slots into the themes, with the very strong connection to another module.
I'll do it. For you.
A level 1 rogue can't pick a pocket without being beaten to death in the street.
>playing rogue
>splitting the party
>killing npc like a sneaky little murder hobo
>Not using a coup de grace/sneakattack to ensure death
You're right, Players.
>doesn't even have a nodachi
I dunno. It's worked at least once.
Have you done it, /pgg/?
Have you _______?
No, I don't have a crush, for fuck's sake.
I want to make something for Dominions of Vice because Crab seems great but all the apps lately have totally burned me out. Apps were a mistake.
Rolled 11 (1d14)
>1. Kromas Ironbrand
WHAT IF the first post in the Iron Gods applications page was a WIP? Was time the problem? Is time real? Are we really human beings, or disgusting neotenous expressions of an ape that domesticated itself? Is beauty a fiction that we tell ourselves because sexual selection created a deformity in the human race and brought our once powerfully dimorphic sexes closer than the male and female of the gorilla, the tiger or the anglerfish?
What secrets does this wretched flesh of ours conceal?
...anyway paladin dude does as a paladin does. Sheet looks okay.
I LIKE the art?
I DISLIKE that I don't have anything to respond to!
I THINK I should have trimmed this one from the list.