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>JumpChain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>JumpChain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
I got sniped. And you didn't even rename it to Jumpchain PDF - The Movie - The PDF.pdf.
I was going to, but then I got distracted and forgot.
Jumpers, what the best prank you've pulled?
Jumpers, would you ever sacrifice yourself for your lover if you knew they would continue the chain in your place?
But the moon is your friend, user!
If they would continue in my place? Yes, if I had to.
If nothing else, they can probably bring me back somehow once they're done.
Yes, and I'd insist on staying dead.
How do you think this chain's going to end.
Except it's not just a sacrifice for her, but for so much more...
Snowfall is potentially either a chain ender depending on how literal the 10 foot snowfall is, or it's an atmospheric drawback that doesn't have any real impact. 10 feet of snow carries enough physical force to kill a person even if it only falls a couple meters.
On the other hand the Book drawback is literally just "you like to talk about a book a lot and you annoy people." For some people this isn't even anything out of the norm,
Quiche is literally the same drawback as the book drawback except you obsess over something different.
Nobody likes a poet is again the same obsession drawback, except now it's poetry you're obsessed over.
Gullible isn't even a drawback if you're not the type of person to lead in the first place.
Pillar of Moral Strength is again not a drawback unless you're of a specific mindset to begin with.
Never a Penny is only a drawback if material wealth is important in the setting, and there's no real indication that that's the case.
Too Many Secrets and Traitors both effectively do the same thing (wreck relationships) and just come from different sources.
The Great Cow Race either turns the jump into a potentially infinite duration jump that gives CP, or it's basically a harmless extra objective.
Love's Labour Lost is again, not a drawback except under very specific conditions. People lose loved ones all the time, you're basically just giving people a lover and CP, then taking the lover away eventually.
Compared against the other drawbacks Far From Home and Distant Dream are in their own sections completely.
The Locust related drawbacks seem like they should just be one drawback combined. The threat is essentially the same, just that one affects a much larger area than the other.
No clue what the Dragon Council means in Dragon Storm. Same thing with Ghost Circles and eternal darkness in Eternal Nightmare.
CP gating is putting a price tag on backgrounds. Your background descriptions don't explain the cost really.
So Jumpers what jump do you usually use as a starter for your chains?
I'm afraid I would have to say... no, I would not. If it were me or her, I'm sorry but it would be me.
Shit, that's a sobering thought.
That's a weird question. Like, am I saving them from something or is it just a slow Tuesday so the Benefactor is making me an offer to try to get a better Jumper or what?
Yeah, definitely would.
I think I answered this question pretty adequately in the last write-up.
Spoilers: Yes. Very yes.
Hell, I probably wouldn't have made it anyways.
Probably not.
Currently, the intended, Pokemon Trainer.
If I ever psyche myself up enough to ignore it's "Take it first or don't take it at all" rule, probably Hero BBC, or Gamer, or some other jump like that, like Overlord.
What happened to Yuki there?
How can bad things happen to the benefactor, and how could others take over the chain from Decade? Why would they want to, or he allow it?
I can't think of any circumstances whatsoever in which that would be the superior choice, so probably not. Qualify the scenario and maybe. In any vanilla chain, definitely not.
You make some good points.
Some of the drawbacks like Quiche! and Nobody Likes a Poet are kind of similar, I admit; they were just kind of endearing, so I wanted to include them individually. I might lower some of them to +50 CP.
Given that a lot of the lesser trouble in the jump stems from people getting conned by Phone Bone's latest scheme (anything from getting tied to a kite to betting all your savings on a worthless cow), I felt that Gullible was pretty dangerous. I'll try to make it clearer.
Similarly, Pillar's in-setting example constantly gets himself into trouble due to his greed. I'll try to clarify that.
Too Many Secrets and Traitors are kind of similar, I admit. I'll have to think about that.
Great Cow Race- What I meant to say is that you fail the jump if you don't win a race within the 10 years.
I'll try to clarify on the threats posed by the ghost circles, Locust, and dragons.
So that's what CP gating is... Is it generally frowned upon? I saw that a number of jumps have different prices for different backgrounds, so I thought that I should do the same.
>How can bad things happen to the benefactor, and how could others take over the chain from Decade? Why would they want to, or he allow it?
Not everybody has things work-out hunky-dory 100% happiness user. Beauty of JumpChain - everybody's shit works differently.
Toku/Toku Inspired jumps in general (Kamen Rider, Chroma Squad, I'd totally do W101)
Usually Pokemon.
Pic (un)related(?)
Nah. If we die we get to go home and enjoy the easy life and that sounds really nice. You know, settle down, make a comfy house, have some kids that aren't gonna get uprooted every decade and thrown into life-threatening situations, The whole clan of companions is more or less going forwards on a mix of inertia and ignorance at this point.
From what I recall: Yuki is too weak to be a proper Benefactor. Decade gains perks and travel worlds unconsciously, with his own power. They call each other Jumper and Benefactor out of sentimentality, since Chains are a relatively common phenomenon in his cosmology. At the end of the day, Yuki is a very powerful and divergent Eldrazi-shadow, but no more than that, which means something like Captain SNES' Despair juice and Hyde after his feasts were well within the level of power needed to merc her.
Alright, it's time for my favorite part of writing: QnA! Because unlike jump questions, I don't have to consult an encyclopedia or half-forgotten WoG notes every few seconds, or make something up that I'll forget about later and then get questioned on once I have.
To start with, an important fact that was established early on was that both the Jumper and the Benefactor were not infallible. Yuki was an imperfect entity from the get-go - she was scatter-brained and hyperactive early on, melancholy and anxious later in the chain, and her human form didn't have any of her benefactor abilities or even the ability to be imported. Outside of her 'box' (pocket universe), she was effectively powerless, and having to use Decade as a proxy because trying to fully 'fit' herself into a universe made it go boom. Decade's perks likewise fluctuated in how effective they could be - in short 'fiat' as we normally know is both fallible and unreliable in this chain. This is coupled with Decade's cynicism and annoyance with magic, which is easily his strongest asset in the chain.
Since early on in the chain, Hyde (that is, the serial killer Smile after he ate a mad scientist) made it clear he had some kind of connection to the Sovereign of Sorrow, local angst goddess of death who infects people with angst cancer via existential crises and a hatred of video game developers. Not only that, but Decade constantly fell prey to time loops - the loss of his connection to home, the creation of Hyde, and various other fate shenanigans. Combine these two together, and Hyde basically confronted Yuki with the damage the chain had done to basically everyone and use that moment of weakness to basically 'mantle' her, Elder Scrolls style, into the Sovereign of Sorrow with Eldrazi powers.
If you need to ask 'how is that possible', the answer is 'because destiny in this chain is active, malicious, and kind of a cunt.' More details in my next post.
>I saw that a number of jumps have different prices for different backgrounds, so I thought that I should do the same.
Copying things just because other people do them isn't a good way to actually improve, if you aren't thinking about what it does. By throwing on a price tag you're basically trying to say that the background either comes with something that sets it above everything else, or it has stipulations with large scale ramifications. This doesn't mix well with how you say that >Whatever you choose, I can assure you that it will let you make the difference in this world’s future.
Having the same structure for the perks in spite of the CP gate doesn't help this either, not when many of your perks are rather niche and don't have much in terms of thematic coherence.
Not a chance. They've yet to pick up good enough Post-Spark rewards to justify that.
Speaking of which, how op has Seras become in your chain?
Also it's nice to see you using your name again.
They can't be resurrected and your saving them from something or someone you know would kill them and the benefactor decides to not be a dick and lets them take your place.
I always go with Pokemon because I still enjoy the games and I'm guaranteed to leave with six really powerful companions.
>with his own power
Where does that power come from? He wss the Benefactor this whole time?
Also this user is completely correct and explained it much more tactly than I did, though the slight correction that Decade was Yuki's 'proxy' and the jumping method was an imperfect mechanism she imitated from 'real' Benefactors. As for the ending, I think the rest really explains itself, though I'll answer any specifics for the curious?
>mantle TES style
Oh shit, I haven't read it, but was there also an enantiomorph going on there with Yuki, Decade, and Hyde?
Pokemon because its classic or Hero BBS because its so fitting.
Two Eldrazi died.
We only see one.
Where do you think the second is?
Ah, I see what you mean. Thanks for bringing it up!
Uh. Wow. Really?
Ciel Nosurge. Jumper is pretty much stuck in a small room with only the Terminal as a connection to talk to any one, with the robot later, and doesn't know how he got there.
That was actually unintentional, but yeah, I can kinda see it now.
That was an idea I was toying with but ultimately decided against, since it would otherwise directly run contrast to the theme of 'humanity/imperfection' I was going with, and it would turn YET ANOTHER chain of mine into a cosmic horror story.
We never really see where the second Eldrazi shadow went. Maybe it was Smile. Maybe it was Diend all along - it would explain how she pulled that many Jumper powers out without actual genetic ties. Who knows? I never came up with an answer for it.
Either way, Decade is exactly what one sees him as - a moron who is drastically in over his head, for better or worse. Whether he's successful as a Jumper or a person is really up to the reader.
>Speaking of which, how op has Seras become in your chain?
Let's just say, recent developments include Witch of Death in Umineko.
Thanks, man.
>They can't be resurrected
Why and how? If it's even a Post-Spark thing, then it doesn't matter who dies, because either way one of a pair of lovers dies and nothing can be done about it and everything is completely pointless because there are malevolent beings gunning for you that are literally stronger than Omnipotent. If it doesn't persist Post-Spark, then it doesn't matter who dies, because they can be resurrected. In any case, I'm currently more powerful than them, so I have a higher chance of completing the Chain successfully and gaining guaranteed (Post-Spark) rewards to help fix things.
>the benefactor decides not to be a dick
How is that "not being a dick"? Forcing someone to participate in an unwinnable scenario and making them fully responsible for the outcome, and thus the guilt? If anything it's the opposite.
Damn, why the fuck do filenames matter so much to you?
So not very strong given most of Umineko's power levels are locked off?
I hope the next thread uses "Jumpchian.pdf"
You ever decide what to do with Blademasters? They seem to be like combination of monk + warrior, they wear little to no armor. In WC3 they even had an invisibility & ability to duplicate themselves.
when's jungchang
It's just random scenario I wanted to ask about. Sorry for thinking everything through.
Pokemon. Because I want to go to the Pokemon universe and rub a Drowzee's tummy.
Oh, then totally. Most of my chains have ended in some sort of sacrifice, because I get to go home when I die, so my death counts less than someone who disappears.
They're in a bubble off to the side right now, but admittedly they are being given some thought. I won't forget them, don't worry.
I don't think you'd go home in this scenario, mang. It's some fiat thing that trumps benefactor-powered companion resurrection and any defenses. Don't know if that affects your decision any, but it just seems like you're choosing permadeath for either you or them.
Sorry to ask but will there be an option to just be a straight up dragon?
No but there will be an option to be an asexual depressed dragon
I'm fond of using Persona or The World Ends With You. They're both focused on personal development and understanding, and so I think they make great starting points for developing personalities and stuff.
Say one was looking to genetically modify an entire species and turn them into a hive mind with a hierarchical caste structure possessing varying levels of sapience subservient to his will, what perks would you recommend to accomplish this?
I used to use pokemon but now I go for Infamous or PS238 since you can pick up some impressive abilities for little risk compared to other jumps
What does your JUMPER look like?
Pic related
Anyone have a list of perks that help you enjoy things / not get bored/jaded? New chain soon and I wouldn't mind grabbing one of those early
Undead freebie/100 in generic Universal Monsters
Will Path of DARKNESS have a perk for being a magnificent chessmastering dick like Kil'jaeden? Maybe discounted if you take Fist of the Legion?
Something like Pic Related.
There's nowhere the effect on the jumper is stated. But then, probably.
I idealize. It's my nature. I love wholeheartedly. It's fucking retarded.
Is someone still working on Pathfinder?
Wouldn't be so sure about that - just because the upper-level Voyager shit is blocked off doesn't mean there isn't still a degree of bullshit capable using the system.
But fair enough. If it's feats you're looking for, it's safe to say... everybody that didn't get made into a familiar in The God of High School became very, very afraid.
Diplomacy was very difficult, especially when she'd jumped into the goddamn time chamber IMMEDIATELY on getting Wisdom of the Sage.
Also speaking of GoHS, how's the plot for that going? It's way too far back on my backlog of shit to watch.
It'd fuck up how I have the Race section set-up right now, however there'll be a Scenario involving Nefarian's experiments and a bit of delving through Blackrock Mountain to fully grow into one.
Didn't have a plan for that at the time, however I could look into adding it in somewhere, possibly. Would kinda like some more examples besides Kil'jaeden, honestly.
There's a jump based on Pathfinder mechanics on the SB drive, but the only lore it carries over is the races.
Shit's fucked, yo. We're two decades after the gods invaded earth and it's even weirder now.
Speaking of, hey Val, got any plans for it yet? Just a time extension or are you thinking a part two?
Don't forget Gul'dank convincing everyone to buy Mountain Dew Game Fel off him somehow.
Pretty sure someone here started making one.
> "One must die and one must live. No victory, no defeat. The survivor will carry on the journey. It is our destiny... The one who survives will inherit the title of Jumper. And the one who inherits the title of Jumper will face an existence of endless wandering."
Best image I've got really, even though the details aren't quite the same. (Purple hair, green eyes, hair horns, no tattoo, wings are a bit different, but the concept is mostly there.)
It was Lycoris, got chased off months ago by PrincessAnon
Old Main Chain was this.
Zephie's JUMPER got the grail mud poured all over them (Long ass story) so red lines everywhere and pale yellow eyes, plus a full on Medea-esque outfit too. Now I want to draw it.
They did. I'm not sure who started it (Merchant?) but when the first person dropped it, some user beat Wakfu to picking it up by a couple of minutes.
I haven't heard anything since.
Mmm, we'll see. Depends on how long it goes, since it is the final part. Long enough, which would be a long ways off anyway, and it'll be it's own thing.
Eventually going to do an update for GoHS and I'll add a time extender as a placeholder though.
Various bits of glass overlain over a skinless body, painted in tones that evoke human flesh. Pits of darkness stared at me through a familiar face...
Sorry for the edge, preceding and following. Basically, I imagine JUMPER was somehow driven insane through countless decades of Nasu bullshit. So, naturally, they started to tear at their skin and eyes, which were constant reminders of the decision that brought them to that point: Entering the Chain. I didn't have Toggle when I jumped Fate. They plastered themselves in an advanced porcelain-like material, shaped and colored to resemble my face before I began my journey, retaining one last fragment of hope... and furthering their hate. Unfortunately, I couldn't quite fulfill their wishes (for various reasons); but as they faded away, they seemed... relieved? Who knows, maybe it was for the better?
You draw?
Can I commission something from you?
That's a doll maker.
Crawl out through the fallout, baby
When they drop that bomb
Crawl out through the fallout
With the greatest of aplomb
When your white count's getting higher
Hurry, don't delay
I'll hold you close and kiss those
Radiation burns away
I use dollmakers for shit because I'm terrible at drawing. But dollmakers don't have the specific stuff I want usually.
Do you see my problem?
Mannoroth corrupting the orcs, turning them into his weapons and killing Cenarius. Illidan being subverted with the promise of power.
>Try to find an image
>Booru is trying to force people to turn off their adblockers again
Cenarius is a cunt anyway.
Pokemon or SAO
Aw come on, he can't be that bad.
Why did you let your wife eat everybody.
I mean that had to do a number for indigestion. Culling the God number DID help but still.
Ah, I see.
I know 40k has a few jumps for the various factions already but are Chaos, 'Nids, and Tau in the works
Nids are done, Chaos is kinda in the form of Black Crusade, and Tau... no idea.
Tyranids has happened, Chaos is in progress, and we're missing Tau, Orks, and Necrons.
Someone was working on a Space Hulk jump a while back, but I don't think we've hear anything from that in months.
I'm going full tilt into the Biological stuff for my chain right now after having pumped tech for a few jumps
After this, Zerg, EVO, HiveQueen and a few others I'll start looking into merging Bio and Tech into a seamless whole
Starro-tech Notes from Young Justice can help with that. It lets you merge tech, biology, and magic.
Cenarius' response to people doing things he doesn't like is basically "Execute them."
I'll keep that one in mind, thanks
What's the changelog on the Peter Pan and MPPP jumps you reuploaded to the drive?