Stand Still Stay Silent: Storytime Webcomic

Stand Still Stay Silent is a Post-Post Apocalypse Webcomic set after a plague has wiped out most of humanity and most other mammals. A few turned into horrible Cronenberg-esque monstrosities rather than merely dying. The comic takes place 90 years after the infection first hit, with the Scandinavian survivors launching their first research-exploration mission into the unknown.

I will be posting the prologue here on Veeky Forums, then switch over to /co/ to finish it up. The fourth chapter just landed, which means an end the regular hiatus. A pleasant thing about this webcomic is the fact it updates 4 days a week.

Other urls found in this thread:













I assumed that was a girl...

Trust me user, that phenomenon won't end with that character.













Fuck Captcha






































That's it for the prologue.

And here is the link to the continuation on /co/!


Any comments or thoughts from first time readers?

>Story timing a webcomic you can check out for free

Now i get you like this comic and so do i but doesn't this seem rather needles to you?

Well hell, i might as well drop the link for anyone who wishes to read further.

Mercy bump.

I for one never visit /co/ and so would've never found a pretty comic like this. I appreciate the effort OP. By the by, does anyone know any good music that'll fit the tone and atmosphere of a comic like this?

My guess is that it would have to switch between graceful yet haunting, comedic, intense (for few action moments) and then to spooky when ever they are exploring some pre-fall building.

Fun fact, Veeky Forums started brainstorming an rpg rule set for this setting.
But all we got now is a page full of half finished ideas on 1d4chan.

OP here, I did most of the work on that. I even contacted the author, she told us to wait because most of the information we'd need would only come in years later. Years later: She was right. But now she's making her own mobile turn based RPG game, so who knows what the legality of this is.

Dunno, that RPG seems to be set on another setting completely.
Besides, what you are doing is a piece of fan work.
So, as long as you wont take any money off of it, id imagine she would be cool with it.

Just a note, I continued the /co/ dump if anyone's interested in the continuation.