>no filename thread
c'mon guys
Other urls found in this thread:
Whose cro-magnon is that?
needs a better name
Failed Bluff Roll
>To be Continued.
Cato the Elder didnt need to be told shit. He hated Carthage because he had literally nothing better to do.
>just refluff it bro
Nikolai Valuyev is his name.
what's that gif from?
What anime?
Seraph of the End, its okay, but can be pretty game sometimes. Its by the guy who made Legend of the Legendary Heroes.
Now that's just plain wrong.
You're in MY magical realm now, son. There is no wrong anymore.
It baffles me that this image has been posted on this board for a solid decade and people still don't understand what it is.
Go to reddit if you want your stupid laughs
Laughed out loud.
I'm gonna need some sauce for this.
Its Chink Cupid's Chocolate.
He was druggie so I can understand the officer's concern for his safety, especially if the guy is acting like he's carrying a weapon.
I think 3 shots might've overkill at close range.
The cop already had his gun out and aimed and yet the idiot was making threatening moves at him. A three round burst is pretty deserved. Especially since he continued to resist and pretend like had a weapon, even when he was on the ground bleeding out.
I hate that I could tell by the thumbnail it was that golem.
We've been here too long.
>Fear of burning
That is the dead-est Uruk I have ever seen.
Typical new zealand
Good riddance
What is it then, if not a fire alarm?
Druggies aren't in the proper mind. He tried to rob a pharmacy unarmed. He deserved to get his ass beat, yes, but for his life to be taken overall, nah.
Don't play the game, but with all those immunities is he still possible to kill?
When you pretend to have a lethal weapon, you don't get to complain when you get treated like you have a lethal weapon.
He played a stupid game and won a stupid prize.
Maybe it's because the arm lock doesn't trap the puller, just puts on a cumbersome piece of wood that makes them easy to identify.
Seems like he'd still be weak to fire and explosives.
Agreed. If you're faking like you've got a gun, and an officer has, reasonably, drawn down on your ass, you're gonna get shot unless you carefully deescalate
Its okay. The story is a cynic guy helping girls out in their life situation.
Black Torch
The most annoying thing about that is comic sans
You're an idiot who doesn't know how guns work.
You don't shoot to wound, if you pull the trigger you do so with the intent to kill whatever you are aiming at, and people don't always just instantly die on the first hit like in the movies so you are instructed to shoot them multiple times until you are sure.
This goes double for people who might be hopped up on something that lets them ignore the pain and shock of bullet wounds for longer.
If you get all up in the face of a cop who is ordering you to stand-down while pretending to have a gun and then explicitly act like you are whipping it out while he has you covered you deserve everything you get.
Being a drug addict isn't a sympathetic reason.
Ï recognize that bulge.
It could be that being shot to death is what he wanted.
Thank you for being a voice of reason, user. Unfortunately, some people are still capable of somehow not getting it.
>You don't shoot to wound
But why not? What is the fatality rate for a single gunshot wound? Unless it's really high, I find a policy of "always shoot to kill" hard to justify.
>Theater of the Mind
I find it easy to justify. A wounded, armed suspect can easily shoot you back; and they may not be happy with stopping at one bullet.
You don't understand the thing of it was a druggie, any shot in the chest area (Where cops and every other person trained with firearm are trained to shoot) is fatal.
One shot is good enough to bring pretty much anyone down
You're an idiot.
There's no such thing as a "safe" place to shoot someone. You aim for the center of mass to bring them down as quickly and safely(to yourself) as possible.
You can't just 'wing' someone and hope for the best, even a shot to the leg or the arm can cause someone to rapidly bleed out... but not so rapidly that they can't get off a shot at you or other people around them.
If you have every reason to believe an aggressor is armed to the point you are shooting them you have to go all-in since your goal is to kill them before they kill you or others.
The time of "restraint" comes before you have pulled the trigger at all where you must use your best judgement.
It's not a policy, it's a fact. You can't pull punches with a firearm. If you are shooting at someone, you have a very significant chance of killing them. Teaching someone to shoot at a person they don't want dead is retarded.
OK, so there is grounds for an exception:
>"Shoot to kill if the target has a gun."
Again, why is that the general rule? Why aim to kill people with knives, or just their fists?
Give me statistics. Prove that there is no "safe" place to shoot. I already asked for the data.
>people defending the stupid moron that got killed for being a stupid moron
We need a new holocaust
Because knives are lethal weapons to, you fucking imbecile. Fists or any other weapon can knock you down, out or incapacitate you and the perp won't have any reason to stop after one stab or punch.
The officer has to protect themselves from anyone coming at them with hostile intent because if they don't, they will very likely end up dead themselves.
Just fuck off.
Cops are trained when opening fire on an armed suspect to make sure the target is dead to minimize risk to themselves and the public. That means following up the first shot to make sure the armed suspect is neutralized.
Its not like their health bar floating above their head vanishes to tell you they have died in real life.
The thread is being derailed by the fingergun webm again.
I must try to save it!
What the fuck is wrong with you? Watch your tone, asshole. Didn't your parents teach you manners?
It's high enough that a shoot-to-wound policy would create an unnecessary further risk to suspect's lives. Lowering the criteria for when firearms are acceptable from "I believe my life is in danger" to "I needed to disable the suspect without personal risk" means more people get shot in more situations. There is no such thing as a non-lethal gunshot wound. There are only shots that kill quickly or slowly. In some cases you can get the victim medical attention before the slow one kills them. That does not mean the injury was non-lethal in itself.
Why are you moving the goalposts?
In this case it was a person pretending to have a gun even as the cop backed up and repeatedly ordered him to stop, only opening fire when the idiot pretended to whip out the gun he had behind his back on the cop.
Nobody is defending the dumb ass for getting what he got you dumb ass nigger. One user simply said 3 consecutive shots to the body seemed overkill. He even agreed to the guy getting shot seemed fair:
And people have told him why he is ignorant when it comes to gun handling and police procedures, now its just shitposting.
>Cops are trained when opening fire on an armed suspect to make sure the target is dead to minimize risk to themselves and the public
That is a problem as there is situations in which the "armed" suspect, isn't armed and you gun downed a nobody holding anything. I'm talking about nobodies who actually don't pretend they have a dangerous weapon or alerted the authorities of them having firearms and get shot down.
There should be a confirmation policy in place.
Fun fact: the officer in that webm was reprimanded... For being too lenient. He was supposed to shoot the moment he hand went behind his back. By pausing to give him the opportunity to back down, the cop turned the situation in a contest of reflexes and unnecessarily endangered himself.
Fun fact: you are more likely to survive a non-instantly fatal gunshot than you are to survive a non-instantly fatal stabbing.
Holy shit, I knew roughly that those adverts were all done in one shot but seeing how exactly they do it is something else
In the time it takes to confirm someone has a gun, that person can shoot someone.
Not getting shot by a cop is frankly very simple. When they say "freeze", you don't take that as a SUGGESTION. You don't stop walking and try to argue. You don't try to pull out your phone to call somebody. You don't wave your arms and make a scene. You shut the fuck up and FUCKING FREEZE SOLID.
>There should be a confirmation policy in place.
You know what? You are right. There SHOULD be a confirmation policy in place. In an IDEAL world, we would have the time to do that.
Unfortunately, we're stuck in a less-than-ideal world, with less-than-ideal people, who have to make split second decisions under duress. Put in the same situation, you would either fare no better or would wind up dead pretty damn quickly.
Newsflash: life is pretty damn shitty. Your hopeless optimism and pedantic whinging about what should be accomplishes nothing, because what you hope for can never exist in a non-perfect world.
Suggestion: Look up that whole serenity prayer thing. It might actually do you some good.
A few days ago in Australia, a guy was shot by a cop at a swingers party.
>It was a costumed event at a sex-on-premises venue
>Guy and his partner came as Joker and Harley
>He had a toy gun that he made the staff aware of
>Someone anonymously called the cops (dodgy shit going on, not relevant to this)
>Cops rock up, liase with security on site
>security inform them there is no issue and tell them about the toy gun
>cops stay on site for an hour, watching from security room
>they never go in to talk or assess situation
>Call CIRT
>Within 30 seconds of rocking up, they've shot two people
>1 was the suspect with a toy gun, the other was the woman he was having sex with.
Cops claimed he reached for the gun, witnesses claim he was pulling up his pants. Video footage shows they shot him inside of 7 seconds of seeing him.
Who is at fault in this situation?
Protip:I was there
Because if you dont, they can get your gun and kill you. When a gun is in play, it can be used, and therefore it should unless things deescalate quickly.
So it was your fault.
Probably the cop. Just because cops are justified in shooting when somebody threatens them, doesnt mean they're justified in everything they do. Quit assuming everything is black and white.